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Noahide Videos Bible

Nov 7, 2019, 6:00:00 PM11/7/19


Volume 8




The Sands of Infinite Progression

Krystabel and the Clock of Eternity V

The Devil of Eternya

Callodyn's Mother

Daniel's Mother

Wolfgang's Mother

The Tranquil Swans of Dovedale Manor

Morning Stars 1400141



The Sands of Infinite Progression

Saruviel stood on the sea shore. There were sands – countless. Theoretically, if he took all the sand, well to a certain level of deepness anyway, and put them in a big warehouse, he could count the grains eventually. Like life, and the years that went by, they weren't technically endless, even after trillions of years – they could be counted. Saruviel didn't normally pander to technicalities though, but that idea struck him. Souls, though, was the main issue. Souls which came into the world – countless souls – like sands on the seashore – born each and every day – and a destiny was necessary for each and every one of them. And that is when Saruviel knew he could craft destiny, and be their god. It was not Messiah Ministries – rather the autobiography of his time in the Realm of Eternity when he was overseer. It was already in publication, and had an online fanbase, and numerous social media website groups. And that is where he would begin his new agenda. He would show up online, announce the formation of the official study club for his memoires, and influence them to accept him as president of the club, and gain their adulation that way. He had workers in Kalphon – people he was responsible for – but they didn't necessarily adulate him. They just did their job in the end. But, for once, he would indulge and enjoy simply being popular with his legal copyright,a and build up a fanbase, and call it a community – church had been taken long ago – and simply enjoy being King Saruviel of the worldwide 'My Life as Overseer of the Realm' study club. And through that he would count souls, and ask them questions, and enjoy something as simple as infinite interactivity. Well, technically countable, but who was he to split hairs.

'Still got a ministry of concern?' Saruviel asked Kantriel in his office in Kalphon Keep.

Kantriel was playing with Saruviel's handheld game 'Trip Over Traps' from Tomy, and looked up. 'Every now and again bro. Probably my angelic duties.'

Saruviel nodded. 'Angelic duties are overrated. Every man for himself as far as I am concerned. Me? I plan on being King soon.'

'Still on the current agenda, huh?' asked Kantriel, playing the game.

Saruviel lit a cigarette and sat down behind his desk. 'Michael is in the overseer's office at the moment, so the fabric of organised life is progressing fine in the Realm. He does know what he's doing to maintain order.'

'I think you did that ok as well, quite frankly, when you were in the job,' replied Kantriel.

'Which is why I will be King,' replied Saruviel.

Kantril put down the game and looked at his older brother. 'Ok. Shoot. What's the gameplan?'

'Memoirs. I'm pushing the official club, and will do that for a while. But its a building block in the agenda. I'll continue to emphasize they have no real zest left, and that I shall provide. But more than that. I've thought it over, and one of the motivations of adversariralism is that, technically, I do give a damn. The zeal for freedom was supposed to be motiavated by a better system of life.'

'True,' replied Kantriel. 'Why I followed you.'

'So Kingship is the goal, for a season and a time, to have a bit of influence, and shake things up. Get them going again. Back on track with a bit of spirit for eternal life, and not so average about it all.'

'Make em shine, huh,' replied Kantriel, picking up his game again.

Saruviel puffed on his ciggie. 'Dirty job. But someone's gotta do it. I sort of think that, with the new souls born into our realm, they need a spirit which challenges them and gets them to perform well.'

'I think I've probably signed up for that job as well,' replied Kantriel. 'The philosophy I've learned here at Kalphon.'

'Our mission is probably even holy,' said Kantriel, and turned to look at the picture of his father Alexander Darvanius on the wall. 'I guess even Saruviel the Dread Lord of Darkness has angelic duties.'

Kantriel nodded, and returned to the game.

After a while. 'I do care I suppose,' said Saruviel.

'What Krystabel always says,' said Kantriel.

The room went quiet and Saruviel smoked silently. Then he put on some relaxation music by Aeoliah, and enjoyed the quiet time with his brother Kantriel and thinking carefully about being King, and pushing the realm to find some life again and that souls, on their infinite progression throughout life, those countelss souls, would touch base with their effort in life, and carry on with the point of it all.

The End

Krystabel and the Clock of Eternity V

Krystabel walked up the steps of Zaphon and made her way to the library. 'Brindabel. Do you have a watch?'

Brindabel nodded.

'Ok. Note the time. I'll be back in an hour. I'm going to the throneroom to contemplate the clock of eternity, but I want to come and borrow a book on the history of clocks, so you have an hour to find me an appropriate tome.'

'I'll find the perfect one for you Krissie,' replied Brindabel.

Krystabel made her way to the throneroom, came up behind the throne, and sat next to the clock of eternity, sitting down on the seats. She sat there, gathering her thoughts. Shortly Ambriel came in and sat next to her.

'You knew I was here? How?' asked Brindabel.

'Small world,' replied Ambriel.

'Right,' nodded Krystabel, and took out her knitting, and gave the clock a glance, and began knitting.

'Knitting looks therapeutic. But not terribly masculine,' said Ambriel.

'Saruviel knits,' said Krystabel. 'He locks the office door so nobody can see him, and knits black jumpers, which he donates to charity.'

Ambriel smiled. 'Darth Vader knts? Fascinating,' said Ambriel.

'Maybe you could knit,' said Krystabel.

'Art is my therapy,' replied Ambriel. 'Pelnaphon or Pellersphon every now and again, a soothing watercolour, up on the wall for a century, and off to a member of Messiah Ministries.'

'Very good,' replied Krystabel. 'Noble of you to share you work.'

'You knit for charity?' asked Ambriel.

'The boys of Kalphon, and the girls,' replied Krystabel. 'Kantriel has an ongoing demand for sweaters, and Daraqel likes scarves of his football teams regularly. And Saruviel of course.'

'Of course,' agreed Ambriel.

'Takes time, of course,' said Krystabel. 'But we have plenty of that.'

Ambriel looked at the clock. 'Eternal time when it comes right down to it.'

'So we fill that eternal time with productive and useful enough things which benefit the world,' said Krystabel.

'Indeed we do,' said Ambriel.


'I'm going to the library, shortly. To borrow a book on clocks,' said Krystabel. 'To honour the clock of eernity which grants me eternal life.'

'I think God does that,' said Ambriel.

'But without elements of creation we would live in a vacuum. We need things in life to give it a point,' said Krystabel. 'And the clock is a good focus for me. Party of my life therapy to cope.'

'Let's go,' said Ambriel.

They came to the library.

'Your book,' smiled Brindabel, handing Krystabel a book on clocks.

'Do you have any books on knitting?' Ambriel asked Brindabel.

Krystabel smiled.

The End

The Devil of Eternya

Semyazen had rebelled. He'd effed off to Eternya, in the words of Satan, and was in a province called 'Estoria'. He had bought a house with Galctic credits and had settled down to read 'Harry Potter' fanfiction. He was an old fan of J K Rowling, and Harry Potter fanfiction jiffled his jaffle.

'Monday,' sighed Semyzen, getting up from his bed. He looked out the window at Estor City and sighed. Another day in Eternya. He got up, showered, went to the toilet, and got his breakfast cereal, muesli flakes, flicked on the TV and started watching. Same old shit in Eternya was what he had noticed. Soon enough he got dressed properly, and grabbed his wallet and headed off.

Sitting at the bust stop he noticed the blonde again. She was hot. He'd have to chat her up soon enough. The bus came, and he found his seat. Soon he got to 'Chapelle Station' got off, and walked steadily to the employment centre. He was on time, and got his appointment.

'Your qualifications?' asked Mrs Sanders.

'Asshole,' said Semyazen.

'We need professionals,' replied Mrs Sanders.

'Professional asshole,' replied Semyazen.

'We know who you are Semyazen,' replied the employment officer. 'Go to this addrss. They will employ you there.' She handed Semyazen a slip of paper, he nodded and left.

He took the bus to 'Martin Square', got off, and found the office. He came inside. 'Shit,' he said. The blonde was the receptionist.

'Oh, its you,' she said.

He handed her the slip. She looked at it.

'It's dull photocopying work,' she said.

'Fine,' he sighed. 'Show me where its at.'

The rest of the day he photocopied. He filled out the forms of employment at the end of the day, as they were satisfied with his work. He asked the blonde out. She replied that she would look at him for a few months before taking Semyazen of Infinity seriously. He didn't expect much different. He got home, ate his dinner, watched the news, then clicked on 'HPFanficArchive' and started reading. A few weeks later, the same old routine, but he wasn't bored for the moment. And the blonde was starting to look at him. Life wasn't that bad.

The End

Callodyn's Mother

Callodyn was with his father Cherubim Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly. Callodyn's mother was present.

'Now, Chelle. Can you cut Callodyn some slack. He wants to have a bit of family time.'

Chelle Bridges, daughter of Kerry Bridges, sighed.

'Why do you have to bother me here on New Terra. Isn't Televen enough for you Callodyn? I enjoy a quiet 6 Bradley Street life, and I have a system which works.'

'I need my mum for a bit,' said Callodyn.

Chelle held her boy. 'Come here baby boy,' she said.

The End

Daniel's Mother

Daniel the Seraphim was with his father Cherubim Callodyn. Daniel's mother was present.

'Now, Chiarda. Can you cut Daniel some slack. He wants to have a bit of family time.'

Chiarda Bridges, daughter of Kerry Bridges, sighed.

'Why do you have to bother me here on New Terra. Isn't the Realm of Eternity enough for you Daniel? I anjoy a quiet 6 Bradley Street life, and I have a system which works.'

'I need my mum for a bit,' said Daniel.

Chiarda held her boy. 'Come here baby boy,' she said.

The End

Wolfgang's Mother

Wolfgang Debear Daly was with his father Cherubim Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly. Wolfgang's mother was present.

'Now, Taylor. Can you cut Wolfgang some slack. He wants to have a bit of family time.'

Taylor Swift, daughter of Andrea Swift, sighed.

'Why do you have to bother me. I have a quiet life here in the Realm of Eternity following around Daniel. Your a bastard child Wolfgang. We put you out to adoption.'

'You two were married weren''t you?' queried Wolfgang.

'Shotgun wedding,' replied Daniel.

'Only techcnially,' replied Taylor. 'I went back to my career.'

'Mom,' said Wolfgang.

Taylor held her boy. 'Come here baby boy,' she said.

The End

The Tranquil Swans of Dovedale Manor

'Favourite artist?' asked Claudia.

'Kelly Clarkson,' replied Callodyn.

'Favourite Band?' asked Claudia.

'Boom Crash Opera,' replied Callodyn.

'Favourite person?' asked Claudia.

'Claudia Daly,' replied Callodyn.

'You get a pass,' said Claudia. She dipped her toes once more into the pond, and looked at the swans. 'Sedate,' she said.

'This place gives new meaning to that word,' said Daniel, looking up at Dovedale Manor were Cherubim Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly was sitting with Taylor Swift and Katy Perry. The French gentleman and his English Professor associate were also having breakfast. They seemed to be permanent guests of the Manor. They were on New Terra, in England somewhere, Spokingtane, a small village of New Terra he recalled, and it was a getaway. His father Daniel had invited Calloydn and Claudia along. It was a few weeks in a place he'd found out. Very strong animistic spirit. Probably well prayed over.

'Well,' said Claudia. 'Shall we go have some brekkie?'

Callodyn and Claudia strolled up the green lawn to the stairs and up on to the verandah of Dovedale Manor. They took their seats.

'Will Madame Claudia be dining with us?' asked Monsieur Perrot.

'I do hope so,' said Professor Chambers.

'They're taken with you,' said Callodyn.

'She's pretty enough,' commented Daniel. 'You nabbed a fair maiden. Nice to see you sticking with one of them at last.'

'I'm committed,' said Callodyn.

Taylor looked at Daniel. 'You can't commit,' she said.

'He doesn't want to commit,' said Katy. 'Not his style.'

'Hey, you've got an eternity ring,' said Cherubim Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly. 'What more do you want?'

'Have one of those from Seraphim Daniel as well,' said Taylor.

'Me too,' replied Katy.

'Mine are older,' said Daniel. 'He got the idea from me.'

'I keep Daniel's in the bottom of a trunk,' said Taylor. 'With some of his love letters.'

'I keep Daniel's in my jewellery box,' replied Katy. 'Never wear it, but I do get it out and look at it sometimes. Reminds me of him. I smile at that.'

'They're friendship rings,' said Cherubim Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly. 'Eternity is too long for commitments.'

'Not sure if lovers are the right way to go, though,' said Taylor.

'At the end of eternity, when the computations of life have been lived well enough, decisions can be made,' said Daniel. 'When people know where and who they fit with.'

'Not a bad policy,' said Professor Chambers. 'Give it time. See where the heart is.'

'Or maybe the lay of the land,' said Monsieur Perrot, sipping on his tea.

'What works. What feels right in the end,' said Taylor.

'Something like that,' replied Monsieur Perrot.

'In the end,' said Callodyn, looking at his wife. 'I think the tranquil swans of Dovedale Manor will watch life come and go. They will watch romances and strifes. Tiffs and apologies. Broken hearts and truest devotions. And they will see it all, and the greatest of mysteries is that they will still be more occupied which what lies at the bottom of the pond.'

Monsiuer Perrot smiled. 'True Mr Daly.'

'I say, anyone for a game of tennis?' asked professor Chambers.

And so the group of happy holidaymakers passed the morning on the courts of Dovedale Manor, and the swans occasionally glanced at them, but soon enough returned to their more swan focused devotions.

The End
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