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Noahide Videos Bible

Jul 28, 2018, 2:04:43 AM7/28/18

Dragon II

The Christ Child of God's Greater Glory awoke. Jesus surveyed the clouds above him, merrily dancing in a mild storm. He lifted himself up and Mary Magdalene beside him stirred and winged it was too early to get up. Jesus looked down at the valley below them. They were high up now, in this mountain climbing odyssey. 75 kilometres so far, and still 25 to go to get to 'Base Central' as it was called, Mt Bezladar's first port of call for those attempting the impossible, climbing of the 77,778th disc of Eternity's highest peak. Base Central did not have any ground access for replenishment of its supplies, Jesus had been told. He had seen them, early that week, choppers flying in and out of a place in the mountain above. They were supply choppers, feeding the necessary supplies for Base Central to continue business as usual.

The Dragon, as Jesus called himself currently, had taken on some challenges. Masuculinity challenges. He had prayed to God first for his ego to be kept in check by doing nothing stupid which would endanger his life or any other's, but then he had asked God to stretch him out a little and strengthen him. And here he was, taking on Mt Bezladar, one of the Realm's most famed mountain climbing challenges. 287 kilometeres of sheer hell to conquer. Very few ever achieved the result.

He looked down at the vast concourse of colours and sounds, all chirping around this South American based landscape, even filled with Anacondas of great length, some of whom had crawled past Jesus and hissed and gone on their way. He knew they were mostly harmless. So many prayers now had been prayed about such things for the animal life of eternity that there should not really be any serious issues, but still they were something to behold.

The mist all around the valley floated upwards against the mountain and while it wasn't cold, it was a really refreshing and earthly experience, especially when he had spent so much of his eternity in usual office positions heading the Church, doing this or that appearance, preaching this or that sermon. But he had taken a few centuries off with Mary recently, and they were living a new life. An action life. An adventure life. And his old 'Dragon' sarcasm had returned, and he was challenging himself to do some new things.

Mary rose after a while. ''Do you have some water?' she asked him.

'There's a stream nearby,' he responded. 'We should conserve what we have till we get to Base Central.'

'How long at Base?' she asked him.

'A year or so. I have booked the rooms. I want to do a lot of research with the various instructors and make sure we have the right provisions. Callodyn will also be joining us mid year with Kayella.'

'Yeh, I know.'

'And then we tackle the bitch,' he said looking upwards at the towering behemoth.'

'Then we tackle the bitch,' said Mary, and went back to sleep.

Jesus looked at her momentarily, and decided to fill some of the decanters with water for his beloved, and as he kneeled at the stream bed which wound its way down this mountain, he noticed another one of the giant Anaconda's sipping on water nearby. It turned its head, though, briefly, and looked at him. And it was as if it said 'Well done, Man, for having a go,' and then it turned its head, and slithered away.

And all the morning Jesus felt good, and as they climbed towards base central, he relished the chance to take on the impossible and make a new and exciting fresh name for himself, in the conquering of Mt Bezladar and, in some ways, his own self.

And he climbed, with Mary, and smiled, oblivious to the Anaconda's who carefully and cautiously watched the Dragon's steady and gradual Ascent.

The End

Love 2: Love Comes Walking In

Ambriel. David Rothchild. He was old, now. An old man. He had lived forever, and, he hoped, he had loved forever. But Meludiel had disappeared a century ago, and he was on his own, alone. Sad. So sad. So very sad.

The melancholy of an eternal life was upon him, and he sat, those afternoons, in that chair, in that rocking chair, out the back of Danielphon were he now lived, with his bestie Daniel, for he was a burning torturous glory in his life now, who got him up with his eternal sarcasm when he was down. Oh so down.

'Life is hard, God. I. I can't do it anymore?'

David Cried.

'I don't have the energy anymore. I'm. I'm just too fucking old. Ok. I said it. Sorry. It's just too much for my heart anymore.'

The spirit blew in the winds, and he rocked, and he wept.

'If only, Meludiel?' but the spirit blew in the wind and said 'Dream on,' to his heart.

And he slept there in the chair, and the night passed, and he dreamed.

In the morning it was there again, the melancholy of the soul.

He'd lived this forever. What was the point now? He'd done it all, seen it all, lived it all. And he'd lived for love forever. He'd loved everyone forever. But were was his own? He was the untouchable love angel, but nobody loved him. And his only friend was Daniel, because Michael was always busy. Always fucking busy. He was sad, each moment, practically. Every second. Just sadness. Infinite melancholy sadness. Like the eternal life of his put aside sorrows was now on his shoulders, and all he could do was take it. And weep.

And so he wept, deaing with all his sorrows. All his – minor – forgotten sins.

And then he had a minor heart attack, because he was a little bit fat at the moment, eating too many of Daniel's pizzas and drinking too much of Daniel's coca cola.

And he was in hospital.

'Your a silly bugger,' said Daniel.

David was drowsy. 'Any visitors?'

'Michael sent his best. Nobody else was worried. Ambriel will get through it, they all said.'

'Sure. Wonderful,' he replied.

Daniel sat down in the chair opposite him, and Callodyn walked in.

'Hey dude, wassup?'

'Hey schmuck. Yeh. Daniel and fucking Daniel. That figures.' David turned his eyes to heaven. 'At the end of it all, Daniel and bloody Daniel.'

In the throne of heaven a certain blue flame burned bright purple for a moment, and there almost a sense of humour in the room. An angel praying in the room at the time noted the rare occurrence and wrote it down in his diary.

'Here's a crossword book, nobbeldy bot,' said Callodyn, and tossed David a crossword magazine he had bought from the hospital newsagent.

'Gee. Crosswords. Riveting,' said David.

'Enjoy,' said Callodyn.

Callodyn sat down next to Daniel, and they chatted, and David looked at them, expecting something more from his guests.

'I'm not well,' he said to them longingly for some love.

'Yep said Daniel the Seraphim,' and returned to his conversation with Callodyn.

'Won't you talk to me,' said David,' with longing looks in his eyes for some love.

'Yeh, get better schmuck,' said Callodyn, and returned to his conversation with Daniel.

David looked at them both and, frustrated, said out loud 'Nobody cares,' and started crying.

Daniel and Daniel looked at David in silence.

'Poor fella,' huh,' said Callodyn.

David was miserable.

David looked at them both. 'And you guys are all I have left at the end of my love?'

Callodyn smiled at him. Then he looked towards the doorway and nodded.

And Love came walking in.

Gemma Watkins, dressed in a 'Van Halen' t-shirt, looking absolutely ravishing, walked in, her blonde hair done up in glory, looking more majestic than she had ever done.

And then David noticed the spirit of his ex, who he hadn't seen in an eternity.

And he was blown away.

She came over to him, and kissed him on the forehead.

'Well, will you have me now, schmuck?' she asked him.

And David, an embarassing erection forming down below, softly nodded.

And Gemma grinned in triumph.

The End

Love 3: Love Goes Walking Out

'And another thing,' said Gemma, taking the ornate banana from the mantelpiece. 'You can take this idea of a joke. You can take it. AND SHOVE IT UP YOUR OWN ARSE, ROTHCHILD!!!!'

And Gemma Watkins was gone, off back to her own place, leaving a grinning David grinning not much more.

Callodyn walked in. 'What happened bro?'

David looked flabbergasted.

'Gem's left, bro,' said Callodyn, in a T-Shirt with the sleeves cut off. 'Fuck. You haven't fucked up already have you. Do you know how much fucking sweet talking it took to get the babe interested in you again?'

David looked at him – guiltily.

'Jesus Christ!' swore Daniel. 'No. No, I take that back. At least Jesus would have said 'Go to hell bitch,' but you? Fucking hell. You stood there, took it, and she left. Found out your a wishy washy love guru with no guts and no fucking glory.'

'Go to hell, Daniel,' said David, and sank down on the sofa.

Michael came in. Daniel looked at him. 'Ok. Mouse. Ok,' said Callodyn triumphantly. 'He's a bloody mouse.'

Meludiel, seated next to Daniel the Seraphim, smirked. 'Mouse have small balls, Callodyn.'

'Oh, fuck yeah,' said Callodyn. 'They do, don't they.'

'Shaddup,' said David Rothchild.

'Michael,' said Callodyn. 'What animal doesn't have testicles?'

'A Jellyfish I guess,' said Michael, looking forlornly at his young brother.

'They don't have a spine either,' said Meludiel.

Daniel spoke. 'A balless, spineless, Messiah. David Rothchild. Ambriel the wise. Genius Jehovah.'

Michael sat down next to Ambriel. 'I didn't think a banana vibrator was such a good idea myself, you know Ambriel.'

'Shaddup,' said David.

'She's not that sex mad,' said Meludiel.

'Israel has fallen,' said Callodyn.

'Will it ever rise again,' said Daniel.

'Maybe if we get the vibrator going,' said Callodyn,' and everyone smirked except David.

'You need some class,' said Callodyn. 'Not Clarse.'

'He's using way too much of that,' said Meludiel.

'He has – devolved,' said Daniel.

David looked up at the group,' but didn't even bother.

'Cheer up,' said Michael. 'Try ringing Justine.'

'She said an ape has more charisma now,' said David.

'I have some Dimoxinyl,' said Callodyn.

David looked at him.

'Simpson's brand. Top stuff. We can have you looking hairy in no time.'

'I think he does need a makeover,' said Meludiel.

'Then Dimoxinyl it is,' said Callodyn.

'I'm not taking any fucking Dimoxinyl,' said David, and stormed out. But he shortly came to the doorway. 'And you can shove that banana up your butt, Callodyn,' and he was off, in a huff.

They sat around, grinning at each other.

'He needs a specialist,' said Daniel.

'A major specialist,' said Meludiel.

'And therapy too,' said Callodyn, picking up the banana.

Michael spoke. 'I know our brother has fallen from grace somewhat in recent times, but that doesn't mean........... CALLODYN? What are you doing?'

Callodyn had taken the banana and was pushing it towards his back passage on his pants.

'Looks like it doesn't fit,' said Callodyn.

'Thank God for that,' said Meludiel.

'Your a fucking idiot,' Daniel whispered to Callodyn.

'The Ambriel complex,' said Michael. 'We need a solution.'

And the Children of Destiny got busy brainstorming.

The End

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