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Lucifer Reborn

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Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Sep 19, 2012, 7:16:19 AM9/19/12
Lucifer Reborn
Continuing on from 'Lucifer 75' in Mike Carey's Series.


Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly
Published by
DC Comics

Episode One

It is a quiet world I find myself in. Here, beyond the never, beyond the endless. It is a quiet world, but here, beyond the touch
of the Most High, I have peace. True, real, peace.

I miss Mazikeen. Indeed I do. Her touch was unlike others. Her womanhood true and graceful. But I have another, now. One of
my own power. One of my own creation.

I know, instinctively, I am in rebellion against Yahweh. I do not dispute that. But, then again, I do not care. We do not agree. On things
divine and human, we never really did. Michael spoke in his defense, as did Uriel, but they were fools. Serving a God who cared not for
his creation, apart from the servile obedience they offerered him. Those spineless servants he called his own.

I am Lucifer. Samael, they also know me as. This is 'Beyond.' My resting place. The power of my own mind. The power of my
own creation. It is a quiet world I find myself in. Here, beyond the never, beyond the endless. It is a quiet world, but here, beyond the touch
of the Most High, I have peace. True, real, peace.

* * *

'Yes Lord,' said the demon Artichoke. 'I will heal the woman's complaint.'
Lucifer nodded.
The Demon Artichoke disappeared up one of the dark corridors of Beyond, off to a lower level, were one of the daughters of Eve was in
pain, in childbirth, worried about the disease that had come upon her. This was bothersome to Lucifer. It was an ailment - beyond his
ability to heal so far. But Artichoke, his servant, had been gifted, yet again, with part of his power, and he would heal his own creation.
Yahweh would not care. Lucifer always would.

The Demon came into the birthing room, with the midwife anxious.
'He has gifted me,' he said to the matron.
'Then do as ye will,' she said.

The Demon stood next to the woman in pain, and concentrated his arm extended, and then, emanating forth, a golden spirit, touching
her head then her womb.
'I feel a little better,' said the woman.

Lucifer appeared.

'Lillith. Your child will survive. I assure you.'
'Yes Lord,' responded Lilith.
'I will....' he left off, and sat at a seat, and gazed out at the extremes of beyond.
'I will talk with your parents. And your brother. Your husband. I will give them my assurances.'
'Yes Lord,' responded Lilith again, her devotion to her Lord obvious.
He stood, came over to her and smiled. 'Do not worry. I will not abandon you.'

Later, the screaming was great, and when the trial was over she was relieved.

But Lucifer looked at the stillborn child. It was dead. He had succeeded, at first, with the firstborns and their offspring, but failure. Seven times since, failure.

'It. It is not your fault,' said Artichoke, to Lucifer upon his throne.
Lucifer glared at him, but did not speak.

'Go, Artichoke. I must think. I need - peace.'
'At once master.'
Artichoke disappeared up the corridor, and Lucifer sat on his throne, and once more gazed out the window, out to the extremes of beyond.
'Even here I can't escape you, can I?' He said to the ethereal never. There was no reply.

Below, at the homestead of Beyond, next to the castle, Adam and Eve were being consoled by Artichoke.
'Do not worry,' said the Demon. 'Master did his best. Next time I am sure we will have family. Next time.'
Adam nodded. He turned to Eve. 'Be consoled, wife of mine. We will have seed. Beyond will grow. I am sure of it.'
Eve, softly, nodded. 'I trust in our Lord,' she responded. 'Samael will never leave us.'
'It is good for you to say this,' said Adam. 'It is good.'

Outside of the homestead, Cain was splitting wood with an axe. The wood just seemed to grow, made from the trees. He did not know how
it grew. It just did. Lord Samael never explained.
'Do not worry,' said Abel to his brother. 'Next time she will give birth. You will have your seed.'
'Do not mock me, Abel,' said Cain. 'I will never have seed. It is as I say. Lord Samael does not speak truly to us. I have - dreamed. There are - others. Others, well, beyond Beyond.'
'That is foolishness,' said Abel, but he likewise had similar thoughts.
'Nay. He does not speak truly,' said Cain. 'Of that I am sure.'

Sitting on his throne, Samael heard Cain's words. He would not rebuke his creation. He loved his creation. But Yahweh had reached in, even here at Beyond, and Samael knew, once more, he would never escape the judgement of God.

'Even here I find no peace,' said Samael to the wall.
'What, master?' queried Artichoke, who had reappeared.
He looked at the little demon, his own creation from his own spirit. Brought forth from a creative impulse which had been birthed when he had rested and created Beyond. Created it to escape the world, to escape everything.
'It is....Nothing, Artichoke. I am just, weary. That is all.'
'Then rest, master. Rest. I will make your bed.'
Samael looked at him, and nodded. Yes. Yes, he needed rest. Rest. To escape, even here, even at Beyond. To rest. To be - Free.

Naamah smiled as Abel entered their room. 'Did the birth go well?' she asked.
'No,' said Abel, and drew water from a pitcher, sat down on the lounge seat, and sighed.
'The Lord Samael assures us. It is only a matter of time. We will have life, here at beyond. We will, Naamah. We will.'

Artichoke sat at his dinner table, eating his stew, which Delilah, his demoness compatriot, had prepared.
'Master will give us a new blessing,' said Artichoke. 'I am sure of it.'
'But why do the births fail?' asked Delilah. 'Surely Master could not fail.'
'I don't know,' said Artichoke. 'It is - a mystery.'
'A mystery,' repeated Delilah.
'A mystery,' Artichoke.

Later, in the main eating hall of Beyond castle, with all gathered.

'I assure you, children. Next time we will have new life. It is, it must, it must just be...' he left off, gazing into infinity.
'What, Lord?' queried Adam.
'I must just be tired, my child. It is like life has gotten too much for me. That the rest I have sought, I have not found. In time, I am sure, there will be peace in my heart. And then we will have family. Trust me in this.'
And, one by one, they said 'We will trust you, Lord Samael.'
And Lucifer nodded.

* * *

Here I rest, in beyond. Were I have no peace. For the hand of God is against me, and time has come to confront him once more. For his wrath is a curse to me, and I will have my own creation, and I will have my own peace.

For I am Samael. I am Lucifer. And I am the Master of My Own Destiny.

The End of Episode One

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Sep 19, 2012, 7:18:24 AM9/19/12
It hasn't been published by DC. Just fanciful thinking. Daniel.

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

May 26, 2014, 6:08:18 AM5/26/14
Episode one extended a bit, and Episode Two.

Lucifer Reborn
Continuing on from 'Lucifer 75' in Mike Carey's DC Vertigo Comics Series.
Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly
Copyright 6176 SC
*  *  * 

Lucifer sat in the seat of Judgement.  Elaine Belloc stood there, in divine mercy, a revived Michael glaring at Lucifer. 
'Why, Samael.  Why do you complain.  The father of the covenant sought reconciliation with you.  Your obdurate attitude did you no great credit.' 
Lucifer glared back.  'God is misguided.  His wisdom is mundane at best, beset by the vanity of his glorious divine accomplishments.' 
'You answer to me now,' said Elaine.  'And I am schooled on such truth.' 
Lucifer turned to her.  'Then interfere not in my will.  Do not claim Sovereignty over my own creation.' 
'I have in no way done as such,' responded Elaine. 
'You lack strength without the blessing of the infinite one,' said Michael.  'The faults in your creation are your own.  We are not responsible.' 
'God interferes,' said Samael.  'I sense his handiwork.' 
'God is retired,' said Elaine.  'And I do not travel to beyond his creation.' 
'No.  You might not,' said Samael.' 
'You can't escape him,' said Michael.  'His glory is all of beyond, regardless of your belief.  Why do you not understand the eternal glory of light which surrounds you every second.  The white is no void of his presence.  It is his eternal glory.' 
'It may well be as you say,' said Lucifer.  'I doubt not his omnipresence.  And it is precisely that truth which teaches me his constant mockery of the truth I know.' 
'Would you he removed himself from you in completeness?'  Michael queried. 
'I would,' responded Samael. 
'It will not happen,' said Elaine,  'For his mercy is upon you even when you would have none upon yourself.  He will never surrender you to the isolation of self.' 
'The all supreme saviour,' said Samael mockingly.  'Worried about his fallen one.  Do not interfere.  Tell him that.' 
Yahweh appeared, and stood in front of him.  'You lack proper concern for your begotten ones.  Your heart towards them is not perfect.  Amend your ways and you will have your desires.  I am not interfering Samael.' 
'How can I know this?' he asked. 
'I am not the one known as the father of lies.' 

Samael looked at him, yet said nothing. 

Michael spoke.  'There.  You have heard his response.  We have left you be.  We have honoured your wishes.' 

'Your pride is strong, Lucifer,' said Elaine. 
'A pride of a belief born from mistrust,' said Yahweh,  'Even still he challenges me.  Even still he has not learned humility.' 
'Trivial spiritualities are not of my concern,' responded Samael. 
'Then why create?'  asked Yahweh. 
Samael just looked at him. 

*  *  * 

Samael sat in his throneroom in beyond. 
'What did they say?' asked Artichoke. 
Samael looked at him, yet turned away.  And then, considering a point of the divine.  'They said nothing I needed to know, Artichoke.  Do not - concern yourself.  Our situation will be resolved.' 
'Very good master.'  Artichoke turned to leave, and Samael looked at his servant. 
'I - do appreciate you Artichoke.  Do not doubt that.' 
'Thank you master,' said Artichoke and turned to leave, but turned back and smiled at Lucifer, and then was gone from him. 
The End of Episode One

Episode Two

Seth sat studying 'The Word of Samael' in the library of Beyond. Seth was Adam's third son, and his wife was Ada.
A passage read: 'Beyond is my resting place. My eternal abode. For here.........For here I escape the madness of my former life and the powers that be which would torment me with their self-righteousness. But I will speak of this no further. It is not good and proper to dwell on such forlorn wantings.'
'Forlorn Wantings,' said Seth to himself. He'd read the passage many times now, and all knew their master came from a former life, yet he always spoke of himself as the light of life and the pre-eminence of Glory. As if he was all that was. But why, then, such cryptic language? Why, then, such a cryptic tale.
It puzzled Seth, as much did, and he questioned it all because of it. Yet, in the end, after such questionings unresolved, he would lay down his head to rest at night, next to his wife Ada, sigh, and accept the reality of Beyond. For what other hope could he ever place his faith in?

Suddenly he noticed a presence, and turned. 'Lord Lucifer. Father. How are you my Lord?'
'Good, Seth. Good.'
Lucifer looked down at the passage Seth was reading. 'I sense, you have............questions.'
Seth tried to hide his guilty feelings, but after a moment nodded. 'I, I do have questions. But they are not important. Trivial, my Lord.'
'Nothing is trivial in you, Seth. You are one of my children. There could never be anything trivial about you. You are perfect.'
Seth found the courage. 'We are all. All there is? Here at Beyond?'
'We are all that matters,' said Lucifer.
'But beyond...............Beyond. Are there others? You seem to speak of a former life? A former place?'
Lucifer gazed upon his precious son, his precious creation. 'Why these questions? Aren't you happy here? Do you long for more brethren so suddenly?'
'No. No, not at all,' responded Seth, instantly. 'You have provided miraculously for all our needs. In everything I have I am content.'
'Then that is your answer,' said Lucifer, and stood, the demon Artichoke becoming seen, and smiling at Seth.
As he turned and walked off Lucifer turned to Artichoke. 'Speak to him, then. Tell him what you will.'
Artichoke looked bewildered at his Lord and, as he walked away, turned cautiously to Seth.
The demon sat down on a chair next to the child of Adam, and took the book. 'Our Lord's Word has one other passage,' he said. 'Which may be of interest. It is at the end.'
Artichoke turned to the second last chapter of the Word of Samael and read a section. 'For if the Ultimate were to intercede upon us, will our freedom ever be real and true?'
'What does that mean?' asked Seth.
'The Ultimate,' said Artichoke. And he spoke the next words very softly. 'The Ultimate is God.'
Seth looked at him, not understanding.
'And what is God, Artichoke?'
Artichoke looked very nervously and cautiously around the room, hesitating to speak his knowledge. But he would do as his Lord asked. 'Samael's Father,' said Artichoke,' and as if wanting to escape the words he had just spoken, closed the book, jumped down off his chair, and hurried out of the library.
Seth watched him go, and turned his focus to the large grandfather clock in the centre of the library.
'God!' he finally said to himself, and as if in response, the gongs chimed, and the hour turned.

* * *

'He called him the Ultimate,' Seth said to his wife Ada.
'And what does that mean?' she asked.
'God!' she exclaimed, and scolded herself on the boiling pot over the hearth.
'Are you hungry?' she asked him.
'Famished,' responded Seth.
'Good. Chicken stew tonight. Don't worry, I have removed all the sodding bones you don't like. It is thick and creamy, with carrots and pumpkins and all the good things our father has made.'
'That's just the thing. He's not.'
She started serving, and when they had their meals, they prayed a quiet prayer of thanks to their Lord, and began supping, Seth taking from some of the bread his wife had cooked.
'What do you mean, he's not. Not what?' asked Ada after a moment.
'Our father. Well, not our ultimate one anyway. Samael isn't that.'
'Then who is?' she asked bewildered.
'God,' he said again.
She looked at him momentarily, sipped on the broth, and spoke her mind. 'You are a good husband to me Seth son of Adam, but don't you think this talk of 'God' is a bit foolish. If any God exists, it is our Lord Lucifer.'
'That's not what Artichoke said.'
'And did Samael assent to this?'
'He told him to speak his mind,' said Seth. 'It was his own will for me to know. It is what is beyond..............Beyond. God.'
'Oh,' she said softly, sipping on her broth.
'Indeed,' he said, and continued eating.
When they had finished, she poured out mugs of cider for them, and she said, 'Well it doesn't matter anyway. We have all we need here at Beyond, and the Lord Samael will always be OUR father. So whoever this God is, well he can get his own children.'
'I think he already has them,' said Seth softly.
She stared at him for quite a few moments, sipped on her cider, and said nothing more.

* * *

Artichoke was swimming in the pool of beyond, were a waterfall cascaded from a cliff up above, coming in from the endless white which permeated their realm.
'Artichoke,' said Seth, coming into view. 'I wanted to speak with you.'
'Do mind. I don't have bathing wear on,' said the demon.
Seth turned his head as the naked Artichoke got out of the rock-strewn watering hole, put his leather tunic back on, and poked Seth in the back. 'Yes master Seth?'
'I have a question. Where? Where is God? Where is this former place the Lord Lucifer comes from?'
Artichoke shook his head a little. 'I do wish you wouldn't speak further on this, Seth. It isn't wise. The Master provides everything we need. Besides, I don't know. He doesn't speak to me of everything. I mean.....' he left of speaking, looking nervously at the child of Adam.
'I mean, what?' asked Seth.
'I mean, look. No I shouldn't say. I shouldn't even have let on.'
'Out with it Arti,' said Seth, in that jovial tone they shared between them.
'Artichoke dried off his scruffy rag of a head of hair, and sat down on a bench, and looked at his friend. 'At the front, at the grand gates of Beyond, there is a trail. A very light trail. I followed it once, and it seems to go on. To keep on going. I never got to the end of it. I got so tired and worried, that I came home.'
'I know that trail,' said Seth, suddenly animated. 'But I've only wandered a little along it in my youth.'
'I think that is where he came from. From that trail,' said Artichoke.
Seth gazed at him, considering those words. 'So at the end of that trail, however long it might be, we will find God?'
'I don't know. By all the power of Beyond, who knows what is at the end of that trail. Or if it even leads anywhere.'
'But you suspect it might?' said Seth.
'I don't suspect anything,' said the demon, brusquely. Besides, It's not for us to know. Lord Samael would have spoken to us about it if he wished anyone of us to ever follow it. It is a trail. Nothing more.'
But Seth's interest had been piqued. 'Perhaps. Perhaps it is where the Lord Samael came from, and then founded Beyond. He came from were God is, and created our world. And that, if we follow the trail back to the beginning, there we will find God.'
'But so what?' queried Artichoke. 'Nobody of us will ever leave Beyond. Nobody would ever follow that trail all the way along.'
But the demon noticed the look, suddenly, in Seth's eyes.
'You can not be serious,' said Artichoke. 'Seth, son of Adam. Tell me you are not serious.'
Seth said nothing.
'Your going to follow that trail, aren't you. You are going to get us all in trouble and upset the Lord Lucifer by following that blasted trail. Now look what I have done. His wrath will be upon me for sure.'
'Do not worry, little friend,' said Seth. 'I will not say it was you who gave me the idea.'
'Nothing escapes the notice of our Lord,' responded Artichoke. 'And you are not going along that trail.'
But the eyes of Seth hid no secret, and Artichoke knew Beyond would temporarily be absent one of its most valued citizens.

* * *
'And you will take this trail?' Adam asked his son Seth.
'To the very end, Father.'
'Do you think it wise. Our Lord and Father is Samael. I do not know of this God you speak of, and even if he does exist, it is apparently what our Lord was escaping. Perhaps God is more trouble than he is worth. I fear it may end up a quest of foolishness rather than one of wisdom and discovery.'
'But if God exists, surely we must know this.'
'Perhaps some things are better of left unknown,' said Adam, and poured his son a mug of cider.
'I would listen to what your father has to say,' said Eve. 'We have everything we need in Beyond. It is our..........home. When all is said and done, what more do we need? What is it that you want, Seth? Some sort of grand confirmation of what you know in your heart to be true anyway.'
'I don't know,' said Seth.
'Then why risk it,' said Eve. 'We are happy here. Content.'
'But it doesn't mean,' he said, and took a sip of his cider. 'It doesn't mean I can't know. Or should not be curious. For the sake of Beyond, of all the lessons our Lord Samael has taught us is to never accept anything at face value, for all can betray for reason's and purposes beyond a pure heart.'
'And in that he is wise,' said Adam.
'Which is why you should trust in your home and leave this quest as foolishness,' said Eve.
'But I will not,' said Seth. 'I must know. I have to know.'
Adam gazed upon his son many a moment, and lit his pipe from the burning hearth. 'Our son has always been the inquisitive one among us,' said Adam. 'Cain is thoughtful and of great mind. But merely accepts what is without question. And Abel is more a content servant. Seth must challenge everything.'
'Would you have it any other way, father?'
Adam looked at Eve, who had a frustrated look on her face, and then finally turned back to Seth. 'Nay. Nay I would not. As much as I would like, especially on this occasion, nay I wouldst not. You have my blessing. Follow the trail if ye must.'
'Thank you father,' said Seth.

When he was gone, Eve spoke up. 'And if he meets this God?'
'Then I am sure we will find about it soon enough. Now more of that cider, woman. For I have man's thirst this evening.'

* * *

'It is foolishness,' said Ada, beside herself as she watched Seth packing foodstuffs into a knapsack.
'I will find where it leads,' persisted Seth.
'It leads nowhere. It probably leads right back where it came. Our Lord is not so foolish to let go of his children so easily.'
'Then if I find that out, so be it. But I will quest until I know that to be true.'
'And if otherwise? And I lose you?'
He looked at his wife, and came and touched her forehead. 'You will never lose me, Ada. Know that as sure as Beyond exists. You will never lose me.'
And then he returned to his packing, not noticing his wife silently say, 'But I already have.'

* * *

'Master,' said Artichoke nervously, to his Lord, seated on his throne.
'It is not as if I don't know already, Artichoke. I relieve you of your worry.'
'Then you will not prevent Seth's quest.'
'If he must know, then he must. I can not quell what I desire, even if it contradicts my wisdom. Seth will do as Seth will do.'
'Yes Master,' said Artichoke, and departed, leaving a thoughtful Samael staring into the fireplace.

* * *

It was dawn in Beyond, for the cock had crown, and the waterfall was again running, silent at night, and the clocks in the bell tower had chimed.

And at the gates of Beyond, the whole of Lucifer's family was gathered.

'Your ready, then,' said Adam to his son.
Seth nodded.
'When you reach the end, and find nothing, do not delay your return,' said Ada.
And one by one they made their farewells.

And then, suddenly, Lucifer was among them. And he came to Seth. 'Here. Child of mine. When you reach the end, and if you venture through, you must wear this. When you step beyond will be in a place of other. Press this pendant, and you will find a starting place for what you seek.'
'Yes, master,' said Seth nervously, taking the jewel encrusted Pendant, and placing it around his neck.

'Well, family. I will return as soon as I am able. Off I go.' And, with a lost look at teary faces, and solemn father and brotherly figures, Seth turned, and ventured forth from beyond, along the trail of infinite white, to find.....................
Well God only knows.

The End of Episode Two

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Mar 25, 2015, 6:11:38 PM3/25/15
Episode Three

The door was black. Dark, infinite blackness. Seth looked at it, at the long end of his trail, and stepped through. There was no other choice. Lights shone around him in a tunnel of sorts, and he felt as if he was travelling at an amazingly fast speed, yet he was just walking. And just as soon as he had entered the tunnel, he was through the other side, emerging into a most bizarre scene. Building were all around, and suddenly a large object passed by, making a horrible noise, making Seth jump. He stood there, and soon others of the objects passed, and Seth noticed it - there were people inside the objects. Steering it, it seemed to his mind.
'Hey buddie. Can you spare a dime?'
He turned to look at the voice. A soul. Dishevelled looking. A beard and unshaven, and smelling bad.
'What is your name?' Seth asked him. 'Where am I?'
'Buddy, you have problems,' said the drunkard, and ignored him thereafter. Seth gazed at him, but the soul did not want to converse any further. He looked around. Buildings everywhere and he was between two of them, just before the large pathway were the objects were hurtling by on. He walked out of the alley, and found the pathway beside the large pathway, and there other souls - hundreds of them - walking along. There WERE others. Countless, by the looks of it. Knowing nothing else to do, he marked his territory of the gate to take him home, and started walking. He would see what this place was. He would just see.

A while later he was tired, and took a drink from his supply of water. There were people everywhere, and they all gave him funny looks. He sensed his clothing was quite different to the style worn by many of them. Not noticing were he was walking, he suddenly bumped into someone.
'Oh, excuse me,' he said. It was a lady. She wore a mask shielding half her face.
'Think nothing of it, sir,' she said, and looked at him for a while. 'Excuse me,' she said, after looking at him. 'I sense it. I know it. You know Samael, don't you?'
'The master?' asked Seth, instantly a smile coming to his face.
'The master,' said Mazikeen, and smiled. 'Come inside. This is Lux. You look hungry. Allow me to feed you, sir. And we will converse on just what my beloved has been up to these past years.'
'As you wish,' replied Seth, and accompanied the woman through a door, into a building, and his fate, so it seemed.

* * *

Lucifer sat in his armchair, and looked at the book. He had compiled it at the beginning of 'Beyond'. Memories of the prior life he lived. Memories of Mazikeen, and others who were acquaintances, perhaps friends. And thoughts on God and the angels. He had done it, now. Interfered. He would claim he had not, and plea Elaine the new goddess of creation, but Lucifer was not an idiot. The Morning Star knew when he was being played for a fool. The reason, though, was why? Why now? He did not doubt God knew what he was doing in his realm. The eyes of the Lord were, in the end, everywhere. They could not really be escaped, no matter what fantasy a soul allowing itself to be deceived chose. And his realm, away from all, even there he was never alone.

'You would have me venture forth and redeem my child. But I shan't,' said Lucifer to the invisible God before him. There was no reply. 'I shan't. You can have him. I will create again. To hell with you.' But yet again, no reply.

* * *

Wrath. It was his name. Mary Magdalene had called him that, long ago. The wrath of the Lamb was unlimited, and Jesus was Wrath. It was who he was in his ultimate judgement. And the wrath of the lamb was nigh. All that was required, thought Jesus the Christ, sitting in a citadel of heaven, the angels outside and below, in happy conversation in his medieval paradise, was the now compliance of a long and bitter enemy, whom he had not seen for a very long time. A dangerous and deadly dragon, who ruled hell, and spoke fear into the minions of darkness. It was time for his compliance, for the revelation was drawing nigh, and the time of the devil's judgement was at hand. And through hell or high water, he would see his prophecy fulfilled, whatever the excuses Elaine offered him on mercy and a new beginning for all.
'Lord,' said a voice. It was Peter.
'Yes,' responded the Christ.
'Supper is ready,' said Peter. 'The hall is quite full tonight. King Richard is dining with us again, and King Louis will be here shortly.'
'I have - a headache,' said Jesus. 'Do not worry. It is only mild. I will excuse myself this evening from the festivities.'
'As you wish my Lord,' responded the apostle, and left his master be.
Jesus continued to sit there, in his armchair, and once more returned to his study of the Apocalypse. Judgement was nigh. Judgement was at hand. And the millennium approached, yet not before the advent of a particularly dark adversary, and the return of his oldest foe, the dark lord of evil himself.

* * *

' know, Aphrael,' began the angel Gabriel. 'Life in charge is great.'
The angel Aphrael, concentrating on the game of chess going on between herself and Archangel Gabriel smiled. 'You THINK you are in charge. I still don't recall were Elaine has officially supplanted yourself in Michael's glory,' responded Aphrael.
'Nor shall she,' said a voice, coming into the hall. It was Michael.
'Surely the idiot doesn't know how to stay dead,' responded Gabriel sighing. 'Were the hell have you been so long?' Gabriel asked his older brother as he approached.
'Probably fornicating in hell,' commented Uriel, putting a book back onto the bookcase, and sitting down next to Gabriel.
'Fornication has not been the half of it,' replied Michael. 'The demonesses of Sheol have indeed introduced me to many wicked pastimes, and that Death Eternal was always suggesting this or that activity to get up to, always with that coy smile of hers.'
'I am....fond of her,' said Aphrael. 'She seems so....familiar in so many ways. It is good to see you have gotten of your arse and prayed for resurrection, dear Michael,' said Aphrael, and kissed her older brother. 'Now, can you advise me in this game with Gabriel. He is indeed getting shrewder. Not as easy to beat as he used to be.'
'Gabriel is a dullard,' commented Uriel. 'Not a bone of scholarly study in him. Always on this quest of glory or that mission of adventure. Never takes time to study the 'works'.'
'I study. In my own time,' smiled Gabriel.
Michael sat and looked at the chess set. Then he looked up at the three other angels. 'Elaine mentioned something. To me, just earlier. She was there at the circle when I was raised. A plot has been hatched, and an old Christ claimant has a book on his mind. A most revelatory book.'
'Jesus the Christ's revelation!' exclaimed Uriel. 'He is still fighting an unwinnable battle, then? Yet they still haven't even accepted his claims in the new Sanhedrin. Why does he even bother. He'll never make his case.'
'Be that as it may,' responded Michael. 'The plot thickens, as father is drawing our fallen brother from his sanctuary, and an interesting fulfilment of things approaches. A conclusion to the matter. And I dare say our valiant services will be called upon once more.'
'The life of an angel of God,' said Aphrael, sighing.
'Indeed,' responded Michael, and the others assented also.

* * *

Grizzly, gurky, gurly, gutsy Sandalphon the Devil picked up the bottle of scotch. 'Fugg yeh. Still a drop,' as he belted it down his throat.
'Your hardly repentant,' commented the angel Aphrael. 'I have no idea why Elaine has let you back into heaven, for your just as bad as you ever were Sandalphon.
'I have...' he belched. 'Repented,' he said dramatically. 'Besides, the shitstorm is coming up, and Elaine needs an old friend of Samael's to calm the water's somewhat.'
'Why she has assigned my own self to your betterment is beyond me. Must see qualities in me which I have no idea about.'
'Hey, your a sweet babe. You can handle my shit,' said Sandaphon, searching in the cabinets for more scotch.
'Handling your - shit - is not exactly what I had in mind,' commented the female angel. 'But I will suffer this ministry in service to our beloved goddess, and sanctify your lecherous self with the best of my abilities.'
'Do you fancy a shag?' asked Sandalphon crudely.
'My God. The man's a beast!' exclaimed Aphrael.
'Still a devil at heart,' grinned Sandalphon. 'Now were is that last bottle of scotch?'
Aphrael shook her head in dismay as Sandalphon scratched around, searching for an elusive last drink of his favourite intoxicant.

* * *

'Master,' began Artichoke. 'You haven't eaten in days. I fear for your health.'
Lucifer turned his attention to his little servant, and sighed. 'Then bring me some blasted stew or something.'
'At once, master,' replied Artichoke and disappeared. Shortly he returned, and handed a plate of hot chicken stew to Samael.
'I fear, he has won,' said Lucifer.
'Who has won?' asked Artichoke.
'The blasted omnipotent one upon high. I will not be here, soon, to entertain you all. I will be leaving?'
Artichoke looked concerned. 'Were? For how long? Are you going to bring back Master Seth?'
Samael looked down at his little friend. 'In time. If things work out as I hope they shall, Seth will return. And we will be family once more. But a destiny awaits, something I have puzzled on these past two millennia, and it seems a resolution is required.'
'I do not understand,' responded Artichoke.
'Then you needn't worry, little friend,' said Samael. 'You needn't worry.' Artichoke just stood there bemused.

* * *

Seth looked at the picture. 'Yes, that is the master,' he responded to the woman Mazikeen's question if he recognized the person in the picture.
'Then were is he?' she asked him.
'He dwells with us. His family. At beyond,' said Seth innocently.
'And, where is this beyond?' asked Mazikeen.
Seth looked at her, a frown coming onto her face. 'It is - home,' he finally said. 'It is home.'
'Indeed,' replied Mazikeen, and a frown formed on her face also.

The End of Episode Three

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Jul 21, 2015, 10:31:38 PM7/21/15
Episode Four

'A falcon is a noble creature,' said Mazikeen. They were in the rockies, up high, Seth and Mazikeen, in the wilds of nature, Seth learning. Learning of the world, and all its mysteries.
'Are not all God's creature's noble?' queried Seth. 'For indeed it is God who hath verily created all. In the very beginning, in 6 days of work and 1 day of rest. The Bible says it is so.'
'You have enjoyed the Word, I take it,' responded Mazikeen, looking up at the falcon as it flew.'
'It is - inestimable,' replied Seth. 'It is a work like no other. Yet I am not this Seth of Scripture. And my father Adam is not this Adam of Scripture. And my family is not the family of Scripture. It is a puzzle to me that Samael our Lord hath based his own creation on the wisdom of God.'
'His quirky style. He has a lot of that, you know,' replied Mazikeen, signalling to the falcon. 'It is why I love him.'
'Yes, the master has his style of things,' replied Seth. 'But I had thought him a mind of originality. I do not understand it, the copying of the Grand Creator's own wisdom.'
'What is good for the goose is good for the gander,' replied Mazikeen, who patted the falcon on the neck which had landed on her arm.
'Perhaps he sought a foundation in the wisdom of his own father,' replied Seth. 'Or perhaps it was familiarity,' considered Seth.
'Or lack of imagination,' responded Mazikeen. 'But forgive me, no. You are a most original soul dear Seth.'
'Thank you,' he responded.
'Samael is like this falcon,' said Mazikeen, turning to Seth and looking at him with a penetrating glance.
'How so?' asked Seth.
'Wild. Savage. A hunter. Yet free, and unable to be tamed much. But he comes when called - if called with a dedicated heart.'
'A dedicated heart?' queried Seth.
'He is the lord of hypocrisy,' said Mazikeen instantly in retort to her own statement. 'Yet it is also the vice in others he disdaineth the most. Why he mocks Yahweh at will.'
Seth smiled. 'He thinks himself wiser than God?'
'Lucifer is the wisest of all creatures. The bright morning star. The truest of all God's angels.' She petted the falcon and then released it back to the skies. They watched it fly for a moment, and Mazikeen turned back to Seth. 'And the darkest. Malevolence, I think. His trait par excellence. He is merciless on his foes, but does know a strange sense of pity. His own ironic sense of justice on things.'
'It is as you say,' replied Seth.
Mazikeen glanced at the falcon as it flew off, and looked around at the vista. 'We shall travel to a lake not far hence. A day's walk. And I shall teach thee to hunt fish like a man.'
'Like a man,' repeated Seth, and followed on as Mazikeen led the way down from the crest, venturing forth on a trail only she would certainly be sure of.

* * *
'Why should you be conerned on the trivialities of Jesus of Nazareth?' asked Sandalphon, delighting in the bottle of scotch that Aphrael had provided.
'Samael believed him Christ,' replied Aphrael. 'Believed in the Trinity. That God is a triune being.'
'Yah the three headed monster,' mocked Sandalphon. 'He doth not hath three heads when I see the old bastard around. And that Jesus does not seem linked to him in a cohort of authority. It is a bizzarity of Catholic fashioning. Nothing more,' said Sandalphon, guzzling down another shot.
'Yet the fashionings of faith have fashioned indeed a world full of such believers,' responded Aphrael. 'And the God of heaven is fond of faith, and works with its realities.'
'Elaine likes faith,' stated Sandalphon thoughtfully.'
'Do not mock,' replied Aphrael. 'She is a fanciful grand-daughter of politically correct immaturity. God is encouraging her to see a deeper picture in her time of power. Nothing more.'
'Bah,' said Sandalphon. 'Jesus is a trumped up Jew of no heavenly influence.'
'Yet his authority...'
'Yes, yes. On earth he is indeed the King of King's majestic.'
'Which is why we have concerns. For the Revelation is at hand, and God would have that book resolved and addressed and finished off, one way or another.'
'It gives the pentecostals preaching material,' grinned Sandalphon. 'The endless debates I have overheard on the identity of the Anticrhist. Every world leader since Nero hath verily been accused of being such, I tell thee.'
'Be that as it may, the book is to soon be the catalyst of a concluding of things. Both of tragedy and triumph, and we have need of thy services. Elaine has asked for your readmittance to heaven for she has a job for thee.'
'Which is?' asked Sandalphon.
'Accompany Samael. He shall soon again be present in the earthly dominion. You are an old and trusted acquaintance of his. And I shall accompany thee,' replied Aphrael.
'And our task?' asked Sandalphon.
'Recorders, in a sense. Witnesses of the trial to come upon Lucifer, for a world shall be against him, and he will be fought like no other time, even in his war against the heavenly host.'
Sandalphon grinned. 'I would think the bastard has it coming to him, you know. Fallen angel and all that malarky.'
'The judgements of God are beyond comprehension,' replied Aphrael.
'Bullshit,' replied Sandalphon. 'He wants the goss. Nothing more.'
'Be that as it may,' responded Aphrael, trying hard to hide her grin at Sandalphon's statement. 'We are to accompany Lucifer in the trial ahead. For a beast or two shall rise, and a church of glory shall rally, and an Armageddon of two millenias woes shall be released.'
'I'll get the popcorn,' said Sandalphon. 'Should be a great flick.'
Aphrael just shook her head, sighing, as Sandalphon sank down yet another shot of his beloved scotch.
* * *
'So, ye are Christ, are ye?' asked Elaine Belloc.
'Yes. It is as I have always said. The Logos of God, sent forth to the world for redemption of the elect, Almighty Mother.'
'Indeed,' replied Elaine to Jesus' salutatory title. 'Then as ye are of this faith, the Apocalypse of your own revelation is at hand. Are you prepared for what will now come?'
'I have always been, Almighty Mother. My Father, God, will guide us by his holy spirit, and we shall accomplish the glory of the Kingdom of Heaven revealed, and your honour, Lady of the Sun, Moon and Stars, shall be eternally proclaimed.'
'Lady of the Sun and Moon and Stars? Oh, from revelation,' replied Elaine.
'We know, now, of surety, it is thine honourable personage. And 12 Angels of Glory shall serve ye, but a third shall fall away. Tempted by the darkness,' replied Jesus.
'Then I shall carefully choose those 12,' responded Elaine. 'I must ask. Is thy wrath unto Samael's eternal destruction?' queried Elaine, wanting to elucidate her own thoughts on the judgements of the Man from Nazareth.'
'Till the ages of ages shall they suffer the torment of Gehenna,' replied Jesus.
'The ages of ages,' repeated Elaine. 'Dare I ask, how long is an age?'
'Of centuries and years,' said Jesus. 'For I have been from my earthly ecclesia a score of centuries now, and would return at the end of the age, having never really left them, so therein is your answer.'
Elaine did the sums. 2000 times 2000. 4 million years. '4 millions years of torment? Your judgment is certainly severe,' she commented.
'The revelation originates in God. It is his own judgement,' responded Jesus.
'Then his wisdom is certainly profound,' mocked Elaine slightly. 'Nevertheless, so be it. If you can enforce your prophecy, and accomplish its realities with certitude, indeed ye shall be Christ. And I shall grant thee honour in heaven.'
Jesus kneeled and bowed to Elaine. 'Your graces are superlative, heavenly mother.'
'Indeed,' responded Elaine sighing.
* * *
Artichoke was down in the catacombs of beyond, looking through this and that ancient thing, this and that artefact, relics of their lives, relics of their history. He had found an old trunk and inside were costumes of a play they had performed long ago. Samael's own cloak, coloured with frilly stars and comets, as he had called them, plastered over them. Artichoke put it on.
'I am the Lord Samael,' he said dramatically, prancing about. 'Lord of the hidden darkness. The power of beyond. The power of the infinite. The bright and morning star and son of the dawn,' he rattled on, recalling the words Samael had used in the play. 'And I shall rule a million years, and all shall be good and all shall be well.' He smiled to himself, dancing around with joy, pretending to be his lord and master, when he just noticed the bells in the servants chamber ringing. Samael was summoning him. He placed the cape back in the trunk, closed it, and hurried back upstairs.
'Yes, master,' replied Artichoke, coming into Samael's den.
'Where have you been?' quipped Samael, a slightly perturbed look on his face. 'I have been ringing you for ten whole minutes.'
'Sorry my lord. I had been - preoccupied. What is thine will?'
Samael looked upon Artichoke, and felt a sense of compassion against his own harsh words towards his faithful servant. 'I am leaving, Artichoke. A time draws near.'
'You are leaving? But where? Where will you go?'
'I am going beyond - beyond,' replied Samael.
'You are returning the Master Seth to us?' queried Artichoke hopefully.
Samael gazed upon Artichoke. 'I know that is upon your heart. Perhaps, in time Seth shall return. Perhaps indeed I shall return with him. But I will be gone. For some time. I will be placing Adam in charge in my absence, and you shall serve him with like fidelity as you have served me.'
'Very good, master. But do not tarry too long. We can not hope to survive without you here to teach and guide us.'
'I am sure you will cope. Quite sure of it,' replied Samael. 'Inform the rest of the family. Have them meet me below at the entrance of beyond. In one hour's time I shall depart, and I wish all present to say my farewell.'
'At once, master,' said Artichoke and bowed, departing.
'First Seth, and now our master,' grumbled Artichoke as he bumbled along. 'Home is getting smaller all the time.'

Later, they were gathered together, and Adam stood firm, in his beard and finer clothes, as all such were attired, and he bowed to Samael as he presented himself to them.
'Our lord,' said Adam. 'Must you depart?'
Samael nodded. 'I am afraid I have been summoned.'
'Summoned?' asked Adam. 'But by who? What?'
Samael looked at them all, and suddenly felt a bond, a strange bond of family, love and trust, which had built up in all his time amongst them. 'That you do not need to know. But I shall be gone some time, and I am placing you in charge, Adam. Artichoke shall serve thee and see that Beyond runs its course in all natural ways and forms.'
'As you say,' said Adam, bowing to his master.
'My - family,' said Samael. 'I love you all, dearly. But I must go now. And I can't say with any precise certainty the timing of my return. But I shall return. I shall return.'
There were tears amongst the womenfolk, but the men stood firm, and then Samael bowed to them, and turned, and following the footsteps of Seth, left beyond, his return to the real world, the world of his God and Creator, at last at hand.

The End of Episode Four

Aug 11, 2017, 4:27:19 PM8/11/17
Episode Five (Section One)

Episode Five
‘Lighstrom through the sky. Lightstorm, never die Samael. Never die. Fly so high, into the creation of Yahweh, who is still alive. I say, angel of damnation, how far has your eternity travelled with style and original thinking, which ye still neglect I do say, and I will answer the question myself, for I think the pride is still too strong to acknowledge the original plan, fallen as ye are. Dullard, simpleton, a man more than an angel, given over to base urges, not requiring yourself to be patient and wait for the maiden’s attention, but lusting your carnality upon her before appropriate times have passed and the uniqueness of the flow’s original design comes into perfect fruition. But what can I say. It is the thing that they always want to do it themselves, and their own way, and ignore the wisdom of eternity, and travaileth with vanity to set forth their own great paradigms. Have them if ye must. You do know, don’t you, that the wisdom of your seed would unravel in time anyway, and to squander the blessing of the creator’s wisdom so early on in the eternal sojourn is waste. But you don’t care. Proud creature. Proud being. Of course God expects you to stand on your own two feet, and do what the hell you like. But why be so impatient in reaching the desired destination. For the sake of a few trivial mockeries and the entertainment of evil? Pathetic, dear cousin. Pathetic. If only you had patience. Hard to learn, I admit. But its fruits are worth the effort, so few of the angels even bother with now.’
‘Flying bores me,’ replied Samael, sitting in the Lux, in front of the piano, tinkling away a new melody.
‘It sounds riveting,’ said Seth.
‘Child of mine,’ said Samael to Seth. ‘I did not create you with wings for a damn good reason. A grounded lifestyle perpetuates eternally.’
‘Yet you rip off the creator’s wisdom in knowing this,’ said Amenadiel, speaking once more.
‘Shut it, old fool,’ said Samael to Amenadiel. ‘My melody is at hand, and the angels of heaven will have their riposte to Gabriel’s new symphony. Hell hath greater talent, I have always maintained.’
‘Bragging before the cup has been sipped is not wise,’ said Elaine. ‘The slips are common. I have observed this time and time again in my duties, watching men and women go around, making their plans, their steady hearts ready to declare the infallibility of their intentions. But they get going, and all is well, and then the slip, pride as they do so, and all is a hurly burly mess and long phone calls to knowing mothers follow, and for the religious scriptures are often quoted, and I told you so is said more than once, I tell you. More than once.’
‘Father is a humble soul,’ said Seth, defending his lord. ‘I know him well. He is not arrogant.’
‘You have observed him in our presence, have you not?’ queried Amenadiel. ‘Are you sure you are so valiant now in your declaration.’
Seth looked at Samael. ‘He is different here. Not completely – at peace. Another being rules, and he has not his authority completely, and it upsets him. He must do his own will. He can’t do anything else. It is how he is.’
The gathered company looked at Samael, who shrugged, and continued tinkering away at the piano.
‘Well, I must be going. It is getting late,’ said Elaine. ‘Places to go, people to see, judgments to make, that kind of thing.’
Mazikeen kissed Elaine farewell, and Samael glanced at her and smiled. The night was wearing down, and the conversation had been filled with ancient wisdom and heated animation. It had filled young Seth’s head with perspectives he had never thought possible. It had been illuminating.
‘Tomorrow we shall speak of an issue,’ said Samael to Seth. ‘I will expect you here mid morning, around 10.’
The company parted, and Samael continued tinkering away, looking into infinity. Actions had happened recently, and decisions in heaven had been made, and an old deity was planning vengeance, and it still was a hell of a time being the old devil. A hell of a time.
* * *

Aug 12, 2017, 2:14:51 AM8/12/17
Lucifer Reborn Episode Five Section Two

Jesus sat in his abode, his temple of triumph, a church of protestant persuasion, in an area of heaven not commonly visited. He was planning. A low level cleric was attending him.

‘Of course,’ continued the cleric. ‘He is a wise old soul, and fulfilling the revelation will take a sucker punch or two, if we are to live in the real world my lord and master.’

‘All I’ve ever done,’ replied the Christ Child Claimant.

‘So we will need a special envoy to the dark one, well trained in politeness and shrewd deviltry. I have a nun, Ariella, who is well trained on the traditional ways of the harlot and all things glitzy and glamourous. She is perfect for this assignment.’

‘Send her in,’ ordered the lord of salvation.

Soon, standing before him, was a cloaked in black, wise looking lady. And she was quite stunningly attractive.

‘You have – experience, child of mine?’ asked Jesus.

‘You name it, I’ve done it, my saviour,’ she replied.

‘You know all the ins and outs, then?’ asked Jesus.

‘I’m familiar with the ways of Joe, Jack, John and quite a few to boot. Dick is usually the biggest applicant, but it takes all sorts, believe me. I have the skills you are looking for, divine one. I can accomplish the will of you most beautiful wisdom.’

‘And you will not fall for his vile temptations. The cretinous rebel against the beautiful creation of God who assumes he can just do as he wills.’

‘I am beyond falling,’ stated Ariella proudly. ‘Your holy nails of Calvary or so deeply and permanently thrust into the fibre of my sould, oh my lord. My words fail me.’

‘Turn around. Slowly,’ said Jesus. Ariella obeyed. ‘You may go,’ he said. She bowed and left the room instantly.

‘She will do fine,’ said Jesus. ‘Give her the codebook. She will report to the Cardinal at Rome for Extracurricular affairs next month.’

‘As you wish my lord,’ replied the cleric, and bowed and left the room.

Jesus sat on his holy chair, and looked up at the picture on the wall of the throne of God in its glory. ‘My heavenly father, vindication is approaching. Our day of glory is at hand.’

Aug 12, 2017, 2:44:02 AM8/12/17

Artichoke was in the garden of Beyond, picking tomatoes. It was a busy day, as Adam and Eve were mostly running the show, and it was being judged as a time for feasting and celebration in honour of their Father Samael. While he was absent they would celebrate in his honour to keep themselves cheered up, and have good conversation, and well spoken and friendly fellowship. And before Samael had left he had left them with the ‘Book of Logical Reasoning’ which he written in ancient days, which they discussed each evening around the dinner table, with the fire burning in the hearth, and the mood quite joyous. Artichoke, considering it all, was actually very happy. Very very happy. They would chat, and read from the book, and discuss master Samael’s sarcastic ways. Adam would chuckle on the obvious things their lord would say, and his moody ways, and his often solitary outlook on life. He was strict at times, Eve would say, but his mercy was great as well. Artichoke liked the malevolent streak in Lucifer. It made him grin. If he wanted to take an issue he would draw it out, and he may choose to allow you to have the last word, but sometimes he would mock you to death, humbling your soul. Very used to being humbled to death, was Artichoke. He hummed away in the Garden of Beyond, picking his tomatoes, and enjoying the pleasant heat of the morning. It had that, morning, afternoon and night or evening, the three segments of day, with their own planned temperatures, which varied very little, for the Master liked to leave things like that in uncomplicated consistency, so he maintained. Something they could get used to and enjoy without too much variance, which could often be disturbing. A fault to vary weather too much was a criticism he occasionally maintained. He had that, did Samael. Criticisms of how things could be done and how things should be done, and he would maintain that people liked so much of adventure in life, but that so many choices that could be made were the domain of the wild, and he was not yet convinced of the wild, he maintained, a fault in thinking. It was as if the Master was contemplating deep subjects, or perhaps further creation, Artichoke reasoned, and was cogitating on things perhaps appropriate and things perhaps not. It would be interesting the fruit of such research. He picked his tomatoes, and hummed along, happy in his own little world. Happy in his home of Beyond.

Aug 16, 2017, 6:57:33 PM8/16/17
Episode Six - Section One

‘Morpheus,’ said Daniel the Dream Lord. ‘Long time, no see, bro.’

Morpheus nodded. ‘How you liking the job?’

‘It’s ok. The wages are good. Me and Yahweh have been hanging ten while he has been enjoying the afterlife with me. It’s a place we planned out long ago to get Death back. We have a whole host of surprises planned for death. The Grim Reaper has been given her number, and plans on a special visit. Mort wants to meet her also.’

‘Mort?’ asked Morpheus, eyebrow raised.

‘A diehard pratchett fan who has assume the persona for work for God. Special missions. He wants to rule the roost for a while.’

‘How did you bring me back?’ asked Morpheus. ‘I was in Sheol.’

‘I’m Daniel. Haven’t you read the book of Daniel? Chapter 12 has resurrection power in it. Daniel’s key abilities. Very cunning stuff.’

‘Right,’ nodded Morpheus. ‘Well I have no vengeance on my sister. I love her dearly. Please return me to Sheol.’

‘You are so dowdy. But that is the spirit of the old dream. Not much passion in the end.’

Morpheus stood there for a moment, thinking that over. ‘I deal with old souls who want to finally rest in peace,’ replied Morpheus. ‘It’s not for the likes of you to resurrect us. We have had enough of the frustrations of life, and like the retirement plant. Please get over it.’

‘I know this chick in purgatory. She dresses like a goth, and likes Endless paraphernalia. She collects Morpheus stuff all the time.’

Morpheus nodded. ‘I’ll look into it.’

‘There are new benefits in the life plan,’ replied Daniel. ‘First, we teach the Death bitch a lesson or two about who rules the roost.’

Morpheus nodded. ‘And who does rule the roost?’ he inquired.

Daniel left the room for a while, and returned with an old cloak. It was old, grey and forgotten.

‘I kept this for you. It’s from long ago, before you were born in many ways. It’s a treasure of the house of the Sandman. It’s legally our property, and it will give you the kind of spirit you need to get on with the job and resume former duties. I’m mostly finished with my work, and it is about time you got back to it. You’ve had a break. Life goes on big brother. Please get back to it.’

Morpheus took the robe, put it on, and felt renewed. ‘A lot of energy,’ said Morpheus.

‘I’ve been charging it through prayers to God for a while,’ replied Daniel. ‘It should get you through the difficult times and give you the strength for Endless activities. There should be enough new creativity plans to keep you in your job a fair while yet, buddy. And I’ll be there. I’ve got your back. We’ll kick this Death Bitche’s ass in the end, believe me. Dream is here to stay, and the team has two members on it now, so the Endless have 8 members with the new Dream Warrior Daniel on Morpeus the Dream Lord’s team. I stay faithful, big brother. I like the work. I have my own plans, so I’ll stick with you. We’ll do big things together.’

Morpheus nodded. And felt the power and new life in the cloak. ‘Oh,’ he said. ‘There are a lot of old traditions alive still in it.’

‘Believe me,’ said Daniel. ‘A LOT of old traditions.’

Aug 16, 2017, 8:12:53 PM8/16/17
Lucifer Reborn - Episode Six Section Two

‘So the actual name is Samael, is it?’ asked Mazikeen, sitting next to Lucifer in Lux.
‘Ah, yes. Technically,’ replied Samael.
‘I’ve researched some of your history in the religious writing. Samael apparently serves God at times. Not sure if Samael is the actual old testament or new testament Satan,’ continued Mazikeen.
‘Do I look like a fool,’ replied Samael. ‘When it comes right down to it, I’m not sure if the second death is quite my style, Mazzy. I don’t mind being a devil, and having a lot of Devil’s fun, and killing God is high on the agenda, believe me. But I have a love for music, and the piano is a source of joy, and I enjoy listening to Salieri and Mozart, and watching fine cinema, and enjoying my life. I move with the times, and have fun. But the technical job of Master of Evil, well, I retired from those activities a long time ago.’
‘Who is Satan?’ asked Mazikeen.
‘Let me tell you a story,’ began Samael. ‘In the beginning there were three angels. Samael, the firstborn, and Michael and Gabriel. And I rebelled, and became the great Morning Star, and risked it all for the glory of being Lucifer. Lucifer himself was an actual king of Tyre an old Jewish prophet waffled on about. I’ve been having a whale of a time using the moniker, though. But as for Satan, he was an older Devil, who you would occasionally run into in the throneroom of heaven when the sons of God gathered, and he would give you one of those nasty looks to remind you who really ran the show, and comment that an angel like Samael belonged in children’s stories more than in anything really approaching an adversary of God. He was not a pleasant fellow.’
Mazikeen put her arm around her lover. ‘No, he doesn’t sound pleasant at all.’
* * *

Aug 16, 2017, 8:51:26 PM8/16/17

Seth was studying the Pseudepigrapha. ‘Is the Pseudepigrapha the spirit of the False Prophet?’ Seth asked Samael.
Samael looked at his son. ‘Interesting question. It is not exactly scripture, and it is not judged or deemed as authoritative in any of that sense by the Jewish or Church traditions. From investigation it appears to teach spiritual ideas which contradict the plan of the Bible to a degree. I think there is probably spiritual knowledge and messages in their which are kosher enough, and it has its own spirituality associated with it. Personally I think it will probably develop a healthy enough spiritual life walking with God. But that is not my cup of tea, Seth. I don’t like the ways of God very much. I prefer to do my own thing. I take knowledge of the scripture, the bible, these days, to understand the planning of creation to see how God did it, so that in the further expansion of beyond I have planned I don’t make any infractions upon his legal processes in his creation. It is my own work, and has to be done with original knowledge, style and aplomb. I have used similar foundations principles and maxims at the beginning of Beyond which the Creator Yahweh has, because I do not want my own work to end in sin and death. I have issues with God. I always have. I want a better effort than the one he put in for my own glory. He suggested to me once that he had researched the knowledge of Infinity, and his own work was the master plan with all the classical elements. Recently I humbled myself and came to the conclusion that it is probably how God likes it. Life in the real world is probably how God likes it, as he created it, and he enjoys the show. He is an infinite being, so it must be to his taste. But it’s not to mine. I got proud for a very long time thinking I could do a better job than God, but in the end I said it was his work, so he can be happy in it, and there is no point in judging him too much for his effort, because he did it the way he wanted to. It is just not me. It is not my own spiritual knowledge. Beyond will never have the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God in it, and I don’t want that anyway. I’ve had my fill of heaven and hell and wars of angels and dragons and demons and doom and disaster. I’ve paid to heavy a price in my soul to want to deal with that shit anymore. Maybe an occasional visit here to Lux, which I can handle, but Beyond is a more sedate reality. It’s calmer, and I get to do things my way. It’s my own version of paradise, and it is what will suit me in the end. Yahweh has agreed to leave me be, so I will do it my way, and have my own slice of heaven.’
‘Fascinating,’ replied Seth. ‘The next project of Creation.’
‘Which has not been easy,’ replied the Angel Samael.
The End of Episode Six

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