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Letter to DC Comics Regarding Aquaman

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Aug 20, 2017, 7:06:08 PM8/20/17
Dear DC

I apologize for how bluntly honest this may sound. I will say, no, I am not racist.
Ok. Now, the Justice League movie with Jason as Aquaman looks great.
But we do know, don't we, that it is a token for inclusiveness to make
Aquaman an oceanic islander sort of individufal. Aquaman in the comics is
clearly a white guy when it comes down to it. I don't agree with racism, but
it really just doesn't present the comic version of Aquaman fairly enough.
Now, I am really 100% looking forward to seeing the movie, and I accept it
as an official DC movie. It would be appreciated if you could consider the
possibility of introducing an Aquaman from one of the other of the 52 universes
of the Multiverse who looks exactly like Jason Mamoa. Putting the Jason version
of Aquaman into the comics in a mini series or something, well, that would justify
the movie in my own opinion, and I think it is a good idea also for inclusiveness
and satisfying some people who are not necessarily racist at all, but like consistency
with the comic on which it is based. Now, I have been collecting DC comics since 1987
and have bought from comic stores many thousands of DC Comics over the years.
I am currently subscribed at Impact Comics in Canberra to 25 of the top tier enduring
DC Titles. So this opinion comes from a long term devoted DC fan. The Justice League
movie looks great, Jason is sure to do a splendid job as Aquaman, so making this
version of Aquaman true to the comics in one of the other Multiverses, quite frankly
and honestly dear sirs and madams, it would make me a lot happier.
I hope you consider this idea seriously.

Yours sincerely and faithfully
Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly
Canberra, Australia

Tim Skirvin

Aug 20, 2017, 7:33:30 PM8/20/17
to writes:

> I don't agree with racism, but


- Tim Skirvin (
-- Skirv's Games
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