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DC Sales, August 2005

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Marc-Oliver Frisch

Oct 3, 2005, 1:29:17 PM10/3/05
DC Comics' best-selling direct market title in August was, somewhat
surprisingly, the Alex Ross title JUSTICE, which, perhaps even more
surprisingly, also topped the rest of the chart. Also from the publisher, the
latest SUPERGIRL relaunch made it into the Top Ten, Warren Ellis started JACK
CROSS, WildStorm made Comics for a Tilted Generation with WILDSIDERZ, the ABC
mini TOP TEN: BEYOND THE FARTHEST PRECINCT outsold most recent books actually
written by Alan Moore, and Vertigo's WINTER MEN debuted. All that, plus the
usual mix of crossovers, Big Special Events (henceforth referred to as BSE), a
little bit of SERENITY and a pinch of Rob Liefeld.

Many thanks to Milton Griepp and for allowing us to use their figures
for these calculations. An overview of's statistics can be found here:



The numbers below are estimates for actual comic book sales in the North
American Direct Market, as calculated by according to the chart and
index information provided by Diamond Distributors.'s estimates are traditionally known to be somewhat lower than the
"actual" actual numbers, but they're consistent from month to month, so the
trends we see should be accurate.

If additional copies of an issue appeared on the chart after the issue's initial
month of release, you can see the total number of copies sold in parenthesis
behind those issues (i.e. "[36,599]").

Should more than one issue have shipped in a month that's relevant for one of
the long-term comparisons, the average will be used.

The Johnny DC titles, Metal Hurlant and Mad Magazine mostly sell through
channels other than the Direct Market, so direct market sales don't tell us much
about the performance of those titles.


07/ 2005: All Star Batman & Robin, the Boy Wonder #1 -- 261,046 -- [268,854]
08/ 2005: --

The book didn't come out in August, but issue #1 sold another 7,808 copies.
Which, compared to its gigantic initial sales, is not very much, really. On the
one hand, this means that BATMAN #619 from September 2003 remains the
best-selling direct market title of the last few years with its estimated total
numbers of 308,945. Then again, this shouldn't really come as such a great
surprise; given that everyone knew in advance that ALL STAR BATMAN was going to
be a whopper, orders could be expected to be on the high side.

DC have just solicited a new special edition of the issue. Once it's out, it
might be interesting to compare the numbers with those of ASTONISHING X-MEN #1
and NEW AVENGERS #1, of which Marvel released similar "Director's Cut" editions.

08/ 2005: Justice #1 (of 12) -- 190,424

The new JLA maxi-series by Alex Ross, Jim Krueger and Doug Braithwaite is a bit
of an anomaly in the current market situation, because, between the promotion
for all the BSE and All-Star titles, it wasn't really on the radar. Of course a
JLA title with Alex Ross art could be expected to do very well in any case. But
that it's a chart-leader, in the current climate, shifting nearly 200K -- well,
unlike with ALL STAR BATMAN, HOUSE OF M or NEW AVENGERS, that's a bit of a
surprise. JUSTICE is the first genuinely unexpected title in the top slot in
quite a while. If the sellout and subsequent announcement of a reprint edition
is any indication, retailers seem to agree.

08/ 2005: Supergirl #1 -- 123,370

The new title by Jeph Loeb and Ian Churchell quite handsomely outsells its
father book, SUPERMAN/BATMAN. It should be mentioned that 25% of all copies
ordered were shipped with a Michael Turner variant cover, though, which is sure
to have motivated retailers to order more copies than they would otherwise have.
Still, these are great numbers. Which probably makes Marvel happy as well,
given that they just signed the writer to an exclusive contract.

SUPERGIRL #0 also shipped in August, charting at No. (67) and selling an
estimated 36,206 copies. That is not bad at all, either, since the issue was a
reprint of SUPERMAN/BATMAN #19. For those interested, this takes
SUPERMAN/BATMAN #19 to a total of 150,464 copies.

08/ 2003: Green Lantern #168 -- 34,016
08/ 2004: Green Lantern #180 -- 36,425 (+ 2.4%)
09/ 2004: Green Lantern #181 -- 41,531 (+ 14.0%) -- [ 46,196]
10/ 2004: Green Lantern: Rebirth #1 (of 6) -- 95,092 (+128.9%) -- [178,414]
11/ 2004: Green Lantern: Rebirth #2 (of 6) -- 86,273 (- 9.3%) -- [138,252]
12/ 2004: Green Lantern: Rebirth #3 (of 6) -- 106,523 (+ 23.5%) -- [126,654]
01/ 2005: --
02/ 2005: Green Lantern: Rebirth #4 (of 6) -- 108,077 (+ 1.5%) -- [121,581]
03/ 2005: --
04/ 2005: Green Lantern: Rebirth #5 (of 6) -- 115,006 (+ 6.4%) -- [116,652]
05/ 2005: Green Lantern: Rebirth #6 (of 6) -- 114,354 (- 0.6%)
05/ 2005: Green Lantern #1 -- 168,353 (+ 47.2%) -- [180,483]
06/ 2005: Green Lantern #2 -- 117,816 (- 30.0%) -- [120,636]
07/ 2005: --
08/ 2005: Green Lantern #3 -- 108,511 (- 7.9%)
08/ 2005: Green Lantern #4 -- 96,932 (- 10.7%)
6 months: - 5.0%
1 year : +182.5%
2 years : +202.0%

This doesn't look too convincing. The book is still doing phenomenally well for
a GREEN LANTERN title, mind you, but this is a rather swift decline from the
early numbers; particularly since it's by DC, whose titles are usually more
stable than that. Another result of the renewed focus on BSE, perhaps, as GREEN
LANTERN doesn't take part in the INFINITE CRISIS brouhaha yet.

Issue #4 was the first issue without Carlos Pacheco on art, which seems to have
hurt sales further. It should be interesting to see where this one settles

04/ 2005: The Omac Project #1 (of 6) -- 65,337 -- [125,455]
05/ 2005: The Omac Project #2 (of 6) -- 88,285 (+35.1%) -- [108,221]
06/ 2005: The Omac Project #3 (of 6) -- 94,011 (+ 6.5%) -- [103,601]
07/ 2005: The Omac Project #4 (of 6) -- 93,598 (- 0.4%) -- [100,815]
08/ 2005: The Omac Project #5 (of 6) -- 94,010 (+ 0.4%)

This one's perfectly stable, and re-orders for the four previous issues keep
trickling in, ranging from 2,523 for issue #1 to 7,217 for #4. Perfectly good
numbers, which suggest that DC are succeeding in keeping the audience's interest
with this one.

(10) JLA
08/ 2003: JLA #84 -- 59,130
08/ 2003: JLA #85 -- 58,380
08/ 2004: JLA #103 -- 61,719 (- 2.4%)
08/ 2004: JLA #104 -- 60,750 (- 1.6%)
09/ 2004: JLA #105 -- 60,836 (+ 0.1%)
09/ 2004: JLA #106 -- 59,838 (- 1.6%) -- [60,943]
10/ 2004: JLA #107 -- 65,225 (+ 9.0%) -- [68,082]
11/ 2004: JLA #108 -- 63,355 (- 2.9%) -- [65,882]
12/ 2004: JLA #109 -- 63,791 (+ 0.7%) -- [64,747]
01/ 2005: JLA #110 -- 64,094 (+ 0.5%)
02/ 2005: JLA #111 -- 64,540 (+ 0.7%)
03/ 2005: JLA #112 -- 64,790 (+ 0.4%)
04/ 2005: JLA #113 -- 64,002 (- 1.2%)
05/ 2005: JLA #114 -- 63,934 (- 0.1%)
06/ 2005: JLA #115 -- 95,375 (+49.2%)
07/ 2005: JLA #116 -- 87,644 (- 8.1%) -- [91,030]
08/ 2005: JLA #117 -- 87,995 (+ 0.4%)
6 months: +36.3%
1 year : +43.7%
2 years : +49.8%

The arc by Johns, Heinberg and Batista -- an IDENTITY CRISIS tie-in -- turns out
to be another very stable performer. Issue #116 sold another estimated 3,386
copies in August.

05/ 2005: Villains United #1 (of 6) -- 96,735 -- [116,314]
06/ 2005: Villains United #2 (of 6) -- 94,387 (-2.4%) -- [102,017]
07/ 2005: Villains United #3 (of 6) -- 88,475 (-6.3%)
08/ 2005: Villains United #4 (of 6) -- 84,721 (-4.2%)

05/ 2005: Rann/Thanagar War #1 (of 6) -- 82,887 -- [96,213]
06/ 2005: Rann/Thanagar War #2 (of 6) -- 83,802 (+1.1%) -- [85,111]
07/ 2005: Rann/Thanagar War #3 (of 6) -- 79,026 (-5.7%)
08/ 2005: Rann/Thanagar War #4 (of 6) -- 75,101 (-5.0%)

No re-orders for these two, and the decline is the usual for limited series, at
this stage. Still, these are perfectly decent numbers.

08/ 2003: Teen Titans #2 -- 61,528
08/ 2004: Teen Titans #14 -- 63,894 (-2.7%)
09/ 2004: Teen Titans #15 -- 63,136 (-1.2%)
09/ 2004: Teen Titans #16 -- 64,177 (+1.7%) -- [66,695]
10/ 2004: Teen Titans #17 -- 63,154 (-1.6%) -- [67,926]
11/ 2004: Teen Titans #18 -- 61,537 (-2.6%) -- [65,142]
12/ 2004: Teen Titans #19 -- 62,585 (+1.7%) -- [66,290]
01/ 2005: Teen Titans #20 -- 65,953 (+5.4%) -- [67,781]
02/ 2005: Teen Titans #21 -- 66,861 (+1.4%) -- [68,751]
03/ 2005: Teen Titans #22 -- 67,780 (+1.4%)
04/ 2005: Teen Titans #23 -- 66,802 (-1.4%) -- [68,675]
05/ 2005: Teen Titans #24 -- 69,046 (+3.4%)
06/ 2005: Teen Titans #25 -- 70,542 (+2.2%) -- [72,721]
07/ 2005: Teen Titans #26 -- 68,353 (-3.1%)
08/ 2005: Teen Titans #27 -- 74,782 (+9.4%)
6 months: +11.9%
1 year : +17.0%
2 years : +21.5%

The fill-in storyline by Gail Simone and Rob Liefeld brings a nice little
increase, after all. Given that Liefeld's X-FORCE launched with estimated
numbers of 66,620 at Marvel last year and dropped rapidly from there, this is a
rather good showing.

04/ 2005: Day of Vengeance #1 (of 6) -- 64,856 -- [97,029]
05/ 2005: Day of Vengeance #2 (of 6) -- 64,468 (- 0.6%) -- [89,524]
06/ 2005: Day of Vengeance #3 (of 6) -- 78,445 (+21.7%)
07/ 2005: Day of Vengeance #4 (of 6) -- 75,505 (- 3.8%)
08/ 2005: Day of Vengeance #5 (of 6) -- 71,887 (- 4.8%)

No more re-orders on the chart, standard limited series decline. See VILLAINS

(28) & (29) BATMAN
08/ 2003: Batman #618 -- 147,126
08/ 2004: Batman #631 -- 72,287 (+ 4.7%) -- [ 74,830]
09/ 2004: Batman #632 -- 71,236 (- 1.5%) -- [ 72,859]
10/ 2004: Batman #633 -- 69,946 (- 1.8%)
11/ 2004: Batman #634 -- 63,769 (- 8.8%)
12/ 2004: Batman #635 -- 60,898 (- 4.5%) -- [ 63,067]
01/ 2005: Batman #636 -- 58,630 (- 3.7%) -- [ 60,528]
02/ 2005: Batman #637 -- 58,034 (- 1.0%) -- [ 60,246]
03/ 2005: Batman #638 -- 59,797 (+ 3.0%) -- [ 82,651]
04/ 2005: Batman #639 -- 62,344 (+ 4.3%)
05/ 2005: Batman #640 -- 66,640 (+ 6.9%) -- [ 71,120]
06/ 2005: Batman #641 -- 67,208 (+ 0.9%) -- [ 70,748]
07/ 2005: Batman #642 -- 65,435 (- 2.6%)
08/ 2005: Batman #643 -- 66,396 (+ 1.5%)
08/ 2005: Batman #644 -- 65,128 (- 1.9%)
6 months: +13.3%
1 year : - 9.0%
2 years : -55.3%

August's issues were parts two and four of a crossover with DETECTIVE COMICS,
which likely explains the slight increase for issue #643. The sales jump is
nothing to write home about, but at least it seems to prevent the book from
returning to the decline from prior to the "Red Hood" arc.

08/ 2003: Superman #196 -- 33,648
08/ 2004: Superman #208 -- 129,256 (- 7.0%)
09/ 2004: Superman #209 -- 116,827 (- 9.6%) -- [118,289]
10/ 2004: Superman #210 -- 113,480 (- 2.9%) -- [114,272]
11/ 2004: Superman #211 -- 106,469 (- 6.2%) -- [110,683]
12/ 2004: Superman #212 -- 100,244 (- 5.9%) -- [103,545]
01/ 2005: --
02/ 2005: Superman #213 -- 101,258 (+ 1.0%)
03/ 2005: Superman #214 -- 100,943 (- 0.3%)
04/ 2005: Superman #215 -- 112,593 (+ 11.5%) -- [116,198]
05/ 2005: Superman #216 -- 70,205 (- 37.7%)
05/ 2005: Superman #217 -- 65,321 (- 7.0%)
06/ 2005: Superman #218 -- 61,515 (- 5.8%)
07/ 2005: Superman #219 -- 71,036 (+ 15.5%) -- [ 82,357]
08/ 2005: Superman #220 -- 61,264 (- 13.8%)
6 months: -39.5%
1 year : -52.6%
2 years : +82.1%

The crossover with THE OMAC PROJECT being over, the book falls right to back
where it was in June.

Speaking of which, issue #219 sold another estimated 11,321 copies in August,
which is probably related to the fact that they didn't announce the crossover

05/ 2005: DC Special: Return of Donna Troy #1 (of 4) -- 62,708 --
06/ 2005: --
07/ 2005: DC Special: Return of Donna Troy #2 (of 4) -- 62,988 (+0.5%)
08/ 2005: DC Special: Return of Donna Troy #3 (of 4) -- 58,256 (-7.5%)

A standard drop for a limited series.

(35) JSA
08/ 2003: JSA #51 -- 43,387
08/ 2004: JSA #64 -- 41,312 (- 0.7%)
09/ 2004: JSA #65 -- 41,459 (+ 0.4%)
10/ 2004: JSA #66 -- 41,023 (- 1.1%)
11/ 2004: JSA #67 -- 47,725 (+16.3%)
12/ 2004: JSA #68 -- 45,198 (- 5.3%)
01/ 2005: JSA #69 -- 43,650 (- 3.4%)
02/ 2005: JSA #70 -- 42,864 (- 1.8%)
03/ 2005: JSA #71 -- 42,874 (+ 0.0%)
04/ 2005: JSA #72 -- 43,472 (+ 1.4%)
05/ 2005: JSA #73 -- 51,326 (+18.1%)
06/ 2005: JSA #74 -- 51,609 (+ 0.6%)
07/ 2005: JSA #75 -- 55,410 (+ 7.4%)
08/ 2005: JSA #76 -- 51,928 (- 6.3%)
6 months: +21.2%
1 year : +25.7%
2 years : +19.7%

Issue #75 was an extra-sized so-called anniversary issue, as well as the
beginning of an arc tying in with DAY OF VENGEANCE. That the August issue shows
a drop-off from that isn't surprising, but I'd still have expected it to sell a
little more than this.

(39) FLASH
08/ 2003: Flash #201 -- 35,207
08/ 2004: Flash #213 -- 41,363 (+ 3.3%)
09/ 2004: Flash #214 -- 44,124 (+ 6.7%) -- [46,894]
10/ 2004: Flash #215 -- 44,024 (- 0.2%) -- [51,882]
11/ 2004: Flash #216 -- 43,618 (- 0.9%) -- [49,350]
12/ 2004: --
01/ 2005: Flash #217 -- 49,771 (+14.1%)
01/ 2005: Flash #218 -- 41,668 (-16.3%) -- [43,914]
02/ 2005: Flash #219 -- 44,071 (+ 5.8%) -- [46,188]
03/ 2005: Flash #220 -- 46,851 (+ 6.3%) -- [48,659]
04/ 2005: Flash #221 -- 46,471 (- 0.8%) -- [47,704]
05/ 2005: Flash #222 -- 47,528 (+ 2.3%)
06/ 2005: Flash #223 -- 48,013 (+ 1.0%) -- [49,583]
07/ 2005: Flash #224 -- 48,062 (+ 0.1%)
08/ 2005: Flash #225 -- 50,242 (+ 4.5%)
6 months: +14.0%
1 year : +21.5%
2 years : +42.7%

This is Geoff Johns' final issue and the conclusion of a major storyline.
Looking at the figure from 2003, it's obvious that Johns' run on THE FLASH has
been a tremendous financial success.

Next up are several fill-in issues, before a new creative team will presumably
show up.

08/ 2003: Detective Comics #785 -- 37,988
08/ 2004: Detective Comics #797 -- 50,695 (+37.7%) -- [52,811]
09/ 2004: Detective Comics #798 -- 48,782 (- 3.8%)
10/ 2004: Detective Comics #799 -- 48,228 (- 1.1%)
11/ 2004: Detective Comics #800 -- 52,399 (+ 8.7%)
12/ 2004: Detective Comics #801 -- 42,775 (-18.3%)
01/ 2005: Detective Comics #802 -- 40,842 (- 4.5%)
02/ 2005: Detective Comics #803 -- 40,014 (- 2.0%)
03/ 2005: Detective Comics #804 -- 39,388 (- 1.6%)
04/ 2005: Detective Comics #805 -- 39,077 (- 0.8%)
05/ 2005: Detective Comics #806 -- 38,838 (- 0.6%)
06/ 2005: Detective Comics #807 -- 38,497 (- 0.9%)
07/ 2005: Detective Comics #808 -- 37,952 (- 1.4%)
08/ 2005: Detective Comics #809 -- 49,087 (+29.3%)
08/ 2005: Detective Comics #810 -- 48,270 (- 1.7%)
6 months: +21.7%
1 year : - 4.0%
2 years : +28.1%

This one makes a gigantic sales jump for the crossover with BATMAN, which
postpones the continuation of the David Lapham storyline to issue #811.

08/ 2003: Action Comics #806 -- 30,852
08/ 2004: Action Comics #818 -- 43,257 (- 4.3%)
09/ 2004: Action Comics #819 -- 42,385 (- 2.0%)
10/ 2004: Action Comics #820 -- 41,114 (- 3.0%)
11/ 2004: Action Comics #821 -- 38,880 (- 5.4%)
12/ 2004: Action Comics #822 -- 38,110 (- 2.0%)
01/ 2005: Action Comics #823 -- 36,638 (- 3.9%)
02/ 2005: Action Comics #824 -- 37,432 (+ 2.2%)
03/ 2005: Action Comics #825 -- 40,877 (+ 9.2%)
04/ 2005: Action Comics #826 -- 54,769 (+34.0%) -- [58,294]
05/ 2005: Action Comics #827 -- 44,009 (-19.7%)
06/ 2005: Action Comics #828 -- 43,000 (- 2.3%)
07/ 2005: Action Comics #829 -- 62,994 (+46.5%) -- [75,563]
08/ 2005: Action Comics #830 -- 48,469 (-23,1%)
6 months: +29.5%
1 year : + 0.4%
2 years : +57.1%

The OMAC PROJECT crossover issue sold another impressive 12,569 copies. Unlike
SUPERMAN, though, ACTION COMICS doesn't drop straight back to its previous sales
level, because ... ah, it's a VILLAINS UNITED tie-in. We knew that, didn't we?

08/ 2003: Adventures of Superman #619 -- 28,145
08/ 2004: Adventures of Superman #631 -- 38,847 (- 4.6%)
09/ 2004: Adventures of Superman #632 -- 38,111 (- 1.9%)
10/ 2004: Adventures of Superman #633 -- 36,505 (- 4.2%)
11/ 2004: Adventures of Superman #634 -- 35,118 (- 3.8%)
12/ 2004: Adventures of Superman #635 -- 34,438 (- 1.9%)
01/ 2005: Adventures of Superman #636 -- 39,253 (+14.0%) -- [41,487]
02/ 2005: Adventures of Superman #637 -- 33,265 (-15.3%)
03/ 2005: Adventures of Superman #638 -- 34,479 (+ 3.7%)
04/ 2005: Adventures of Superman #639 -- 49,295 (+43.0%) -- [53,427]
05/ 2005: Adventures of Superman #640 -- 37,045 (-24.9%)
06/ 2005: Adventures of Superman #641 -- 38,020 (+ 2.6%)
07/ 2005: Adventures of Superman #642 -- 58,774 (+54.6%) -- [74,178]
08/ 2005: Adventures of Superman #643 -- 46,537 (-20.8%)
6 months: +39.9%
1 year : +19.8%
2 years : +65.4%

This one's an aftermath to the July crossover, so ADVENTURES OF SUPERMAN doesn't
immediately return to its previous level, either. Issue #642 sees another
15,404 issues in re-orders, meanwhile.

07/ 2005: JSA: Classified #1 -- 58,296 -- [73,886]
08/ 2005: JSA: Classified #2 -- 46,039 (-21.0%)

Issue #1 gets re-orders of 15,590. Even without adding these to its initial
sales, that's a rather pesky drop-off, however. Either DC didn't print enough
copies to allow for a higher demand, or the high demand was strictly limited to
issue #1. Given that this seems to happen a lot with popular DC titles lately,
the former seems more likely to me, but we'll find out once issue #4 is out, at
the latest.

(52) WILDSIDERZ (WildStorm)
06/ 2005: Wildsiderz #0 -- 44,364
07/ 2005: --
08/ 2005: Wildsiderz #1 (of 5) -- 44,326 (-0.1%)

This one seems to be holding up remarkably well at first glance, especially
since issue #0 came at a reduced price of $ 1.99.

As one is prone to suspect these days, it's not quite that simple, though. For
one thing, 50% of the issue's orders were filled with a variant cover. For
another, there was also a Sooper-Dooper Lenticular Cover Variant for every 20
copies ordered. For those who, like me, may have trouble remembering what on
St. Smithereens Day a lenticular cover is, the solicitation copy thankfully
explains. "A lenticular cover features multiple images of a scene that when
tilted gives the illusion of movement." So let's note down: "Lenticular Cover
<=> Illusion of Movement. (Tilt.)" Got it?

Also, for the historically minded, rough, unscientific estimates say that
WildStorm can pride themselves of being the first company to publish a
lenticular cover since 1995.

Remember: It is imperative that you tilt it if you wish to see the illusion of

08/ 2003: Outsiders #3 -- 45,079
08/ 2004: --
09/ 2004: Outsiders #15 -- 42,186 (+ 0.6%)
09/ 2004: Outsiders #16 -- 41,374 (- 1.9%)
10/ 2004: Outsiders #17 -- 41,814 (+ 1.1%)
11/ 2004: --
12/ 2004: Outsiders #18 -- 40,601 (- 2.8%)
01/ 2005: Outsiders #19 -- 39,528 (- 2.6%)
02/ 2005: Outsiders #20 -- 39,051 (- 1.2%)
02/ 2005: Outsiders #21 -- 40,032 (+ 2.5%) -- [42,077]
03/ 2005: Outsiders #22 -- 38,886 (- 2.9%) -- [41,716]
04/ 2005: --
05/ 2005: Outsiders #23 -- 40,617 (+ 4.5%)
05/ 2005: Outsiders #24 -- 51,313 (+26.3%) -- [54,734]
06/ 2005: Outsiders #25 -- 52,187 (+ 1.7%) -- [55,884]
07/ 2005: Outsiders #26 -- 43,226 (-17.2%)
08/ 2005: Outsiders #27 -- 44,021 (+ 1.8%)
6 months: +11.3%
1 year : n.a.
2 years : - 2.4%

Given that this is one is chapter two of a fill-in arc by guest creators, it's a
bit odd that it's going up.

11/ 2004: JLA: Classified #1 -- 88,747
12/ 2004: JLA: Classified #2 -- 66,147 (-25.5%) -- [68,310]
01/ 2005: JLA: Classified #3 -- 60,225 (- 9.0%) -- [62,158]
02/ 2005: JLA: Classified #4 -- 53,606 (-11.0%)
03/ 2005: JLA: Classified #5 -- 51,390 (- 4.1%)
04/ 2005: JLA: Classified #6 -- 48,086 (- 6.4%)
05/ 2005: JLA: Classified #7 -- 45,788 (- 4.8%)
06/ 2005: JLA: Classified #8 -- 43,504 (- 5.0%)
06/ 2005: JLA: Classified #9 -- 42,798 (- 1.6%)
07/ 2005: JLA: Classified #10 -- 45,039 (+ 5.2%) -- [47,814]
08/ 2005: JLA: Classified #11 -- 43,582 (- 3.2%)
6 months: -18.7%

The Ellis/Guice story continues with a respectable drop-off, which suggests that
the book may finally be finding its level.

08/ 2005: Batman: Journey Into Knight #1 (of 12) -- 39,565

This is a new maxi-series by Andrew Helfer and Tan Eng Huat, set in the
character's past. Pretty good sales for this sort of thing.

08/ 2003: Wonder Woman #195 -- 29,558
08/ 2004: Wonder Woman #207 -- 27,187 (- 3.0%)
09/ 2004: Wonder Woman #208 -- 26,628 (- 2.1%)
10/ 2004: Wonder Woman #209 -- 25,964 (- 2.5%)
11/ 2004: Wonder Woman #210 -- 25,699 (- 1.0%)
12/ 2004: Wonder Woman #211 -- 24,828 (- 3.4%)
01/ 2005: Wonder Woman #212 -- 25,610 (+ 3.2%)
02/ 2005: Wonder Woman #213 -- 24,728 (- 3.4%)
03/ 2005: Wonder Woman #214 -- 30,473 (+23.2%)
04/ 2005: Wonder Woman #215 -- 28,977 (- 4.9%) -- [30,436]
05/ 2005: Wonder Woman #216 -- 31,601 (+ 9.1%)
06/ 2005: Wonder Woman #217 -- 30,022 (- 5.0%) -- [31,687]
07/ 2005: Wonder Woman #218 -- 34,366 (+14.5%)
07/ 2005: Wonder Woman #219 -- 53,460 (+55.6%) -- [86,027]
08/ 2005: Wonder Woman #220 -- 38,370 (-28.2%)
6 months: +55.2%
1 year : +41.1%
2 years : +29.8%

Another "aftermath" issue to last month's crossover.

But the real story here is that WONDER WOMAN #219, the concluding chapter of
July's BSE, sold another spectacular 32,567 copies in August, of course, which
is considerably more than most issues sold in their first month of release
throughout the past year.

Expect Wonder Woman to break a lot more people in future issues.

04/ 2005: Seven Soldiers: Zatanna #1 (of 4) -- 43,647 -- [45,186]
05/ 2005: --
06/ 2005: Seven Soldiers: Zatanna #2 (of 4) -- 39,478 (- 9.6%)
07/ 2005: --
08/ 2005: Seven Soldiers: Zatanna #3 (of 4) -- 37,892 (- 4.0%)

Regular drops for a limited series. This one's still doing fine.

03/ 2005: Lex Luthor: Man of Steel #1 (of 5) -- 46,701
04/ 2005: Lex Luthor: Man of Steel #2 (of 5) -- 40,661 (-12.9%)
05/ 2005: Lex Luthor: Man of Steel #3 (of 5) -- 39,784 (- 2.2%)
06/ 2005: Lex Luthor: Man of Steel #4 (of 5) -- 38,080 (- 4.3%)
07/ 2005: --
08/ 2005: Lex Luthor: Man of Steel #5 (of 5) -- 37,334 (- 2.0%)

Perfectly good numbers.

08/ 2003: Nightwing #84 -- 29,410
08/ 2004: Nightwing #96 -- 44,558 (+46.6%) -- [47,479]
09/ 2004: Nightwing #97 -- 44,038 (- 1.2%) -- [44,961]
10/ 2004: Nightwing #98 -- 43,618 (- 1.0%)
11/ 2004: Nightwing #99 -- 33,708 (-22.7%)
12/ 2004: Nightwing #100 -- 40,022 (+18.6%)
01/ 2005: Nightwing #101 -- 38,098 (- 4.8%) -- [41,243]
01/ 2005: Nightwing #102 -- 36,093 (- 5.3%) -- [40,271]
02/ 2005: Nightwing #103 -- 36,921 (+ 2.3%)
02/ 2005: Nightwing #104 -- 36,411 (- 1.4%)
03/ 2005: Nightwing #105 -- 38,958 (+ 7.0%)
03/ 2005: Nightwing #106 -- 38,772 (- 0.5%)
04/ 2005: Nightwing #107 -- 38,061 (- 1.8%)
05/ 2005: Nightwing #108 -- 37,019 (- 2.7%)
06/ 2005: Nightwing #109 -- 36,601 (- 1.1%)
07/ 2005: Nightwing #110 -- 38,175 (+ 4.3%)
08/ 2005: Nightwing #111 -- 36,146 (- 5.3%)
6 months: - 1.4%
1 year : -18.9%
2 years : +22.9%

VILLAINS UNITED has moved on, leaving NIGHTWING to resume business as usual.

08/ 2003: Legion #23 -- 22,466
08/ 2004: Legion #37 -- 23,479 (- 1.0%)
08/ 2004: Legion #38 -- 23,327 (- 0.7%)
09/ 2004: --
10/ 2004: --
11/ 2004: --
12/ 2004: Legion of Super-Heroes #1 -- 50,691 (+117.3%) -- [59,944]
01/ 2005: Legion of Super-Heroes #2 -- 42,261 (- 16.6%) -- [48,584]
02/ 2005: Legion of Super-Heroes #3 -- 39,951 (- 5.5%) -- [44,824]
03/ 2005: Legion of Super-Heroes #4 -- 41,756 (+ 4.5%) -- [43,408]
04/ 2005: Legion of Super-Heroes #5 -- 41,664 (- 0.2%)
05/ 2005: Legion of Super-Heroes #6 -- 40,970 (- 1.7%)
06/ 2005: Legion of Super-Heroes #7 -- 39,155 (- 4.4%)
07/ 2005: Legion of Super-Heroes #8 -- 37,272 (- 4.8%)
08/ 2005: Legion of Super-Heroes #9 -- 35,834 (- 3.9%)
6 months: -10.3%
1 year : +53.1%
2 years : +59.5%

The slide continues.

08/ 2003: Green Arrow #29 -- 41,534
08/ 2004: Green Arrow #41 -- 32,269 (- 1.1%)
09/ 2004: Green Arrow #42 -- 31,714 (- 1.7%)
10/ 2004: Green Arrow #43 -- 32,133 (+ 1.3%)
11/ 2004: Green Arrow #44 -- 32,159 (+ 0.1%)
12/ 2004: Green Arrow #45 -- 30,997 (- 3.6%) -- [32,082]
01/ 2004: Green Arrow #46 -- 32,469 (+ 4.8%)
02/ 2004: Green Arrow #47 -- 31,553 (- 2.8%)
03/ 2004: Green Arrow #48 -- 31,668 (+ 0.4%)
04/ 2004: Green Arrow #49 -- 31,403 (- 0.8%)
05/ 2004: Green Arrow #50 -- 34,886 (+11.1%)
06/ 2004: Green Arrow #51 -- 31,346 (-10.2%)
07/ 2004: Green Arrow #52 -- 35,656 (+13.8%)
08/ 2004: Green Arrow #53 -- 32,474 (- 8.9%)
6 months: + 2.9%
1 year : + 0.6%
2 years : -21.8%

The book is still tying in with IDENTITY CRISIS, but retailers aren't much
impressed. It's still a bit above its previous numbers, though.

08/ 2003: Birds of Prey #58 -- 27,851
08/ 2004: Birds of Prey #71 -- 32,298 (+ 1.9%)
08/ 2004: Birds of Prey #72 -- 31,835 (- 1.4%)
09/ 2004: Birds of Prey #73 -- 32,070 (+ 0.7%)
09/ 2004: Birds of Prey #74 -- 31,835 (- 0.7%)
10/ 2004: Birds of Prey #75 -- 32,091 (+ 0.8%)
11/ 2004: Birds of Prey #76 -- 31,126 (- 3.0%)
12/ 2004: Birds of Prey #77 -- 30,303 (- 2.6%)
01/ 2005: Birds of Prey #78 -- 29,456 (- 2.8%)
02/ 2005: Birds of Prey #79 -- 29,510 (+ 0.2%)
03/ 2005: Birds of Prey #80 -- 29,964 (+ 1.5%)
04/ 2005: Birds of Prey #81 -- 29,832 (- 0.4%)
05/ 2005: Birds of Prey #82 -- 29,855 (+ 0.1%)
06/ 2005: Birds of Prey #83 -- 38,067 (+27.5%)
07/ 2005: Birds of Prey #84 -- 29,982 (-21.2%)
08/ 2005: Birds of Prey #85 -- 32,076 (+ 7.0%)
6 months: + 8.7%
1 year : + 0.0%
2 years : +15.2%

Although no crossover is in sight, there's a slight rebound from last month's
post-VILLAINS UNITED depression. Good performance.

03/ 2005: Seven Soldiers: Shining Knight #1 (of 4) -- 41,308 --
04/ 2005: --
05/ 2005: Seven Soldiers: Shining Knight #2 (of 4) -- 37,538 (- 9.1%)
06/ 2005: Seven Soldiers: Shining Knight #3 (of 4) -- 35,157 (- 6.3%)
07/ 2005: --
08/ 2005: Seven Soldiers: Shining Knight #4 (of 4) -- 31,976 (- 9.1%)

04/ 2005: Seven Soldiers: Klarion the Witch Boy #1 (of 4) -- 38,123 --
05/ 2005: --
06/ 2005: Seven Soldiers: Klarion the Witch Boy #2 (of 4) -- 34,169 (-10.4%)
07/ 2005: --
08/ 2005: Seven Soldiers: Klarion the Witch Boy #3 (of 4) -- 30,582 (-10.5%)

Those SEVEN SOLDIERS series starring the lesser known characters -- which means
everyone except Zatanna -- are beginning to slip. Similar to LEGION OF
SUPER-HEROES, SEVEN SOLDIERS seems to be dropping off people's radar, in spite
of overwhelmingly favorable reactions.

08/ 2003: Gotham Knights #44 -- 29,440
08/ 2004: Gotham Knights #56 -- 44,977 (+21.5%) -- [47,420]
09/ 2004: Gotham Knights #57 -- 44,914 (- 0.1%)
10/ 2004: Gotham Knights #58 -- 43,534 (- 3.1%)
11/ 2004: Gotham Knights #59 -- 35,252 (-19.0%)
12/ 2004: Gotham Knights #60 -- 35,839 (+ 1.7%)
01/ 2005: Gotham Knights #61 -- 33,073 (- 7.7%)
02/ 2005: Gotham Knights #62 -- 32,789 (- 0.9%)
03/ 2005: Gotham Knights #63 -- 31,967 (- 2.5%)
04/ 2005: Gotham Knights #64 -- 31,746 (- 0.7%)
05/ 2005: Gotham Knights #65 -- 31,247 (- 1.6%)
06/ 2005: Gotham Knights #66 -- 31,870 (+ 2.0%)
07/ 2005: Gotham Knights #67 -- 30,630 (- 3.9%)
08/ 2005: Gotham Knights #68 -- 30,223 (- 1.3%)
6 months: - 7.8%
1 year : -32.8%
2 years : + 2.7%

Resuming its gentle decline. The name "Hush" appears to have spent its magic.

(82) ROBIN
08/ 2003: Robin #117 -- 21,554
08/ 2004: Robin #129 -- 45,642 (+22.5%) -- [48,392]
09/ 2004: Robin #130 -- 45,406 (- 0.5%) -- [47,113]
10/ 2004: Robin #131 -- 44,570 (- 1.8%)
11/ 2004: Robin #132 -- 35,927 (-19.4%)
12/ 2004: Robin #133 -- 35,406 (- 1.5%)
01/ 2005: Robin #134 -- 32,850 (- 7.2%)
02/ 2005: Robin #135 -- 32,331 (- 1.6%)
03/ 2005: Robin #136 -- 31,645 (- 2.1%)
04/ 2005: Robin #137 -- 30,798 (- 2.7%)
05/ 2005: Robin #138 -- 29,935 (- 2.8%)
06/ 2005: Robin #139 -- 29,645 (- 1.0%)
07/ 2005: Robin #140 -- 28,909 (- 2.5%)
08/ 2005: Robin #141 -- 28,564 (- 1.2%)
6 months: -11.7%
1 year : -37.4%
2 years : +32.5%

Business as usual: a slow decline.

08/ 2003: Batgirl #43 -- 27,998
08/ 2004: Batgirl #55 -- 39,469 (+52.4%) -- [43,494]
09/ 2004: Batgirl #56 -- 39,493 (+ 0.1%) -- [42,088]
10/ 2004: Batgirl #57 -- 39,631 (+ 0.4%) -- [41,136]
11/ 2004: Batgirl #58 -- 31,056 (-21.6%) -- [32,932]
12/ 2004: Batgirl #59 -- 31,028 (- 0.1%) -- [32,423]
01/ 2005: Batgirl #60 -- 29,227 (- 5.8%)
02/ 2005: Batgirl #61 -- 28,796 (- 1.5%)
03/ 2005: Batgirl #62 -- 28,750 (- 0.2%)
04/ 2005: Batgirl #63 -- 28,123 (- 2.2%)
05/ 2005: Batgirl #64 -- 28,049 (- 0.3%)
06/ 2005: Batgirl #65 -- 26,796 (- 4.5%)
07/ 2005: Batgirl #66 -- 26,959 (+ 0.6%)
08/ 2005: Batgirl #67 -- 28,159 (+ 4.5%)
6 months: - 2.2%
1 year : -28.7%
2 years : + 0.6%

Who says guest appearances don't work anymore? This issue had one by the Birds
of Prey.

08/ 2003: --
08/ 2004: Astro City Special -- 27,982
09/ 2004: --
10/ 2004: --
11/ 2004: --
12/ 2004: --
01/ 2005: --
02/ 2005: --
03/ 2005: --
04/ 2005: --
05/ 2005: --
06/ 2005: Astro City: The Dark Age #1 (of 16) -- 32,690
07/ 2005: Astro City: The Dark Age #2 (of 16) -- 29,721 (-9.1%)
08/ 2005: Astro City: The Dark Age #3 (of 16) -- 28,152 (-5.3%)
6 months: n.a.
1 year : +0.6%
2 years : n.a.

Standard drops. Bear in mind that the one-year comparison is with the ASTRO
CITY SPECIAL, which had a higher cover price.

(90) Y: THE LAST MAN (Vertigo)
08/ 2003: Y: The Last Man #14 -- 26,218
08/ 2004: Y: The Last Man #25 -- 26,616 (-0.1%)
09/ 2004: Y: The Last Man #26 -- 26,735 (+0.5%)
10/ 2004: Y: The Last Man #27 -- 26,929 (+0.7%)
11/ 2004: Y: The Last Man #28 -- 26,770 (-0.6%)
12/ 2004: Y: The Last Man #29 -- 26,765 (-0.0%)
01/ 2005: Y: The Last Man #30 -- 25,744 (-3.8%)
02/ 2005: Y: The Last Man #31 -- 25,825 (+0.3%)
03/ 2005: --
04/ 2005: Y: The Last Man #32 -- 26,914 (+4.2%)
05/ 2005: Y: The Last Man #33 -- 26,883 (-0.1%)
06/ 2005: Y: The Last Man #34 -- 26,756 (-0.5%)
07/ 2005: Y: The Last Man #35 -- 26,449 (-1.2%)
08/ 2005: Y: The Last Man #36 -- 26,558 (+0.4%)
6 months: +2.8%
1 year : -0.2%
2 years : +1.3%

Perfectly stable, as usual.

08/ 2003: Legends of the Dark Knight #170 -- 25,335
08/ 2004: Legends of the Dark Knight #182 -- 42,223 (+69.2%) -- [44,973]
09/ 2004: Legends of the Dark Knight #183 -- 41,174 (- 2.5%)
10/ 2004: Legends of the Dark Knight #184 -- 41,170 (- 0.0%)
11/ 2004: Legends of the Dark Knight #185 -- 28,741 (-30.2%)
12/ 2004: Legends of the Dark Knight #186 -- 27,812 (- 3.2%)
01/ 2005: Legends of the Dark Knight #187 -- 26,853 (- 3.5%)
02/ 2005: Legends of the Dark Knight #188 -- 26,400 (- 1.7%)
03/ 2005: Legends of the Dark Knight #189 -- 26,257 (- 0.5%)
04/ 2005: Legends of the Dark Knight #190 -- 25,935 (- 1.2%)
05/ 2005: Legends of the Dark Knight #191 -- 25,936 (+ 0.0%)
06/ 2005: Legends of the Dark Knight #192 -- 26,211 (+ 1.1%)
07/ 2005: Legends of the Dark Knight #193 -- 25,755 (- 1.7%)
09/ 2005: Legends of the Dark Knight #194 -- 25,290 (- 1.8%)
6 months: - 4.2%
1 year : -40.1%
2 years : - 0.2%

Standard attrition.

(96) FABLES (Vertigo)
08/ 2003: Fables #16 -- 25,365
08/ 2004: Fables #28 -- 25,076 (-0.3%)
09/ 2004: Fables #29 -- 25,025 (-0.2%)
10/ 2004: Fables #30 -- 25,390 (+1.5%)
11/ 2004: Fables #31 -- 25,061 (-1.3%)
12/ 2004: Fables #32 -- 24,889 (-0.7%)
01/ 2005: Fables #33 -- 24,367 (-2.1%)
02/ 2005: Fables #34 -- 24,322 (-0.2%)
03/ 2005: Fables #35 -- 24,469 (+0.6%)
04/ 2005: Fables #36 -- 24,975 (+2.1%)
05/ 2005: Fables #37 -- 24,477 (-2.0%)
06/ 2005: Fables #38 -- 24,813 (+1.4%)
07/ 2005: Fables #39 -- 24,617 (-0.8%)
08/ 2005: Fables #40 -- 24,952 (+1.4%)
6 months: +2.6%
1 year : -0.5%
2 years : -1.6%

It's another jump month.

06/ 2005: Neil Gaiman's Neverwhere #1 (of 9) -- 30,815 -- [31,993]
07/ 2005: Neil Gaiman's Neverwhere #2 (of 9) -- 25,166 (-18.3%)
08/ 2005: Neil Gaiman's Neverwhere #3 (of 9) -- 22,727 (- 9.7%)

These drops are on the steep end for limited series, but the book still remains
miles ahead of most other Vertigo titles.

04/ 2005: Batman: Jekyll & Hyde #1 (of 6) -- 30,636
05/ 2005: Batman: Jekyll & Hyde #2 (of 6) -- 26,336 (-14.0%)
06/ 2005: Batman: Jekyll & Hyde #3 (of 6) -- 24,336 (- 7.6%)
07/ 2005: Batman: Jekyll & Hyde #4 (of 6) -- 22,804 (- 6.3%)
08/ 2005: Batman: Jekyll & Hyde #5 (of 6) -- 22,143 (- 2.9%)

Standard drop.

08/ 2004: Manhunter #1 -- 25,517
09/ 2004: Manhunter #2 -- 20,281 (-20.5%)
10/ 2004: Manhunter #3 -- 19,186 (- 4.9%)
11/ 2004: Manhunter #4 -- 15,808 (-17.6%)
12/ 2004: Manhunter #5 -- 15,352 (- 2.9%) -- [16,683]
01/ 2005: Manhunter #6 -- 14,335 (- 6.6%)
02/ 2005: Manhunter #7 -- 14,096 (- 1.7%)
03/ 2005: Manhunter #8 -- 14,232 (+ 1.0%)
04/ 2005: Manhunter #9 -- 13,603 (- 4.4%)
05/ 2005: Manhunter #10 -- 13,741 (+ 1.0%)
06/ 2005: Manhunter #11 -- 14,040 (+ 2.2%)
07/ 2005: Manhunter #12 -- 13,591 (- 3.2%)
08/ 2005: Manhunter #13 -- 22,110 (+62.7%)
6 months: +56.9%
1 year : -13.4%

This was an OMAC PROJECT tie-in. Since DC felt like advertising this one, sales
actually went up quite a bit.

08/ 2003: Hawkman #18 -- 28,557
08/ 2004: Hawkman #31 -- 24,035 (- 5.4%)
09/ 2004: Hawkman #32 -- 23,729 (- 1.3%)
10/ 2004: Hawkman #33 -- 22,704 (- 4.3%)
11/ 2004: Hawkman #34 -- 21,975 (- 3.2%)
12/ 2004: Hawkman #35 -- 21,357 (- 2.8%)
01/ 2005: Hawkman #36 -- 20,468 (- 4.2%)
02/ 2005: Hawkman #37 -- 19,929 (- 2.6%)
03/ 2005: Hawkman #38 -- 19,727 (- 1.0%)
04/ 2005: Hawkman #39 -- 19,620 (- 0.5%)
05/ 2005: Hawkman #40 -- 19,912 (+ 1.5%)
06/ 2005: Hawkman #41 -- 21,238 (+ 6.7%)
07/ 2005: Hawkman #42 -- 21,365 (+ 0.6%)
08/ 2005: Hawkman #43 -- 22,010 (+ 3.0%)
6 months: +10.4%
1 year : - 8.4%
2 years : -22.9%

Jesus Christ on a bike, the history of the Golden Eagle is revealed!

No, honestly, I have no idea who the Golden Eagle is, but HAWKMAN sales keep

(112) EX MACHINA (WildStorm)
08/ 2004: Ex Machina #3 -- 21,621 (+ 1.3%) -- [24,492]
09/ 2004: Ex Machina #4 -- 22,845 (+ 5.7%) -- [24,279]
10/ 2004: Ex Machina #5 -- 24,124 (+ 5.6%)
11/ 2004: Ex Machina #6 -- 23,531 (- 2.5%)
12/ 2004: Ex Machina #7 -- 23,172 (- 1.5%)
01/ 2005: --
02/ 2005: Ex Machina #8 -- 22,169 (- 4.3%)
03/ 2005: Ex Machina #9 -- 22,352 (+ 0.8%)
04/ 2005: Ex Machina #10 -- 22,101 (- 1.1%)
05/ 2005: Ex Machina #11 -- 21,885 (- 1.0%)
06/ 2005: Ex Machina #12 -- 22,004 (+ 0.5%)
07/ 2005: Ex Machina #13 -- 21,666 (- 1.5%)
08/ 2005: Ex Machina #14 -- 21,134 (- 2.5%)
6 months: -4.7%
1 year : -2.3%

Declining gently, but still doing well, all told.

08/ 2005: Jack Cross #1 -- 20,895

There is this standard sales sales niche for the new creations of
popular-but-not-superstar creators published by DC. It was good for ARROWSMITH,
it was good for EMPIRE, it was good for OCEAN, and now it's good for JACK CROSS,
too. Life is simple.

08/ 2003: --
08/ 2004: Catwoman #34 -- 37,033 (+54.3%) -- [42,098]
09/ 2004: Catwoman #35 -- 37,784 (+ 2.0%) -- [41,239]
10/ 2004: Catwoman #36 -- 37,554 (- 0.6%) -- [40,226]
11/ 2004: Catwoman #37 -- 26,107 (-30.5%)
12/ 2004: Catwoman #38 -- 25,108 (- 3.8%)
01/ 2005: Catwoman #39 -- 24,161 (- 3.8%)
02/ 2005: Catwoman #40 -- 23,103 (- 4.4%)
03/ 2005: Catwoman #41 -- 22,029 (- 4.7%)
04/ 2005: Catwoman #42 -- 21,029 (- 4.5%)
05/ 2005: Catwoman #43 -- 20,818 (- 1.0%)
06/ 2005: Catwoman #44 -- 21,574 (+ 3.6%)
07/ 2005: Catwoman #45 -- 20,848 (- 3.4%)
08/ 2005: Catwoman #46 -- 20,702 (- 0.7%)
6 months: -10.4%
1 year : -44.1%
2 years : n.a.

This one appears to be stabilizing in the 20-21K area.

08/ 2003: Gotham Central #10 -- 17,022
08/ 2004: Gotham Central #22 -- 16,698 (- 0.0%)
09/ 2004: Gotham Central #23 -- 17,773 (+ 6.4%)
10/ 2004: Gotham Central #24 -- 17,717 (- 0.3%)
11/ 2004: Gotham Central #25 -- 17,683 (- 0.2%)
12/ 2004: Gotham Central #26 -- 17,094 (- 3.3%)
01/ 2005: Gotham Central #27 -- 16,751 (- 2.0%)
02/ 2005: Gotham Central #28 -- 16,569 (- 1.1%)
03/ 2005: Gotham Central #29 -- 16,881 (+ 1.9%)
04/ 2005: Gotham Central #30 -- 16,465 (- 2.5%)
05/ 2005: Gotham Central #31 -- 16,380 (- 0.5%)
06/ 2005: Gotham Central #32 -- 16,694 (+ 1.9%)
07/ 2005: Gotham Central #33 -- 16,915 (+ 1.3%)
08/ 2005: Gotham Central #34 -- 19,215 (+13.6%)
6 months: +16.0%
1 year : +15.1%
2 years : +12.9%

Another indication that guest appearances haven't lost their oomph entirely. In
this case, that would be the Teen Titans.

08/ 2003: The Authority Vol. 2 #4 -- 30,926
08/ 2004: The Authority Vol. 2 #14 -- 20,327 (- 3.1%)
09/ 2004: --
10/ 2004: The Authority: Revolution #1 (of 12) -- 26,572 (+30.7%)
11/ 2004: The Authority: Revolution #2 (of 12) -- 23,282 (-12.4%)
12/ 2004: The Authority: Revolution #3 (of 12) -- 22,027 (- 5.4%)
01/ 2005: The Authority: Revolution #4 (of 12) -- 20,984 (- 4.7%)
02/ 2005: The Authority: Revolution #5 (of 12) -- 20,683 (- 1.4%)
03/ 2005: The Authority: Revolution #6 (of 12) -- 20,229 (- 2.2%)
04/ 2005: The Authority: Revolution #7 (of 12) -- 19,582 (- 3.2%)
05/ 2005: The Authority: Revolution #8 (of 12) -- 19,446 (- 0.7%)
06/ 2005: The Authority: Revolution #9 (of 12) -- 19,329 (- 0.6%)
07/ 2005: The Authority: Revolution #10 (of 12) -- 18,878 (- 2.3%)
08/ 2005: The Authority: Revolution #11 (of 12) -- 18,823 (- 0.3%)
6 months: - 9.0%
1 year : - 7.4%
2 years : -39.1%


08/ 2004: Firestorm #4 -- 28,402 (- 8.4%)
09/ 2004: Firestorm #5 -- 26,429 (- 7.0%)
10/ 2004: Firestorm #6 -- 28,034 (+ 6.1%) -- [29,743]
11/ 2004: Firestorm #7 -- 22,109 (-21.1%)
12/ 2004: Firestorm #8 -- 21,077 (- 4.7%)
01/ 2005: Firestorm #9 -- 19,993 (- 5.1%)
02/ 2005: Firestorm #10 -- 20,149 (+ 0.8%)
03/ 2005: Firestorm #11 -- 19,440 (- 3.5%)
04/ 2005: Firestorm #12 -- 18,984 (- 2.4%)
05/ 2005: Firestorm #13 -- 18,899 (- 0.5%)
06/ 2005: Firestorm #14 -- 18,375 (- 2.8%)
07/ 2005: Firestorm #15 -- 17,687 (- 3.7%)
08/ 2005: Firestorm #16 -- 17,688 (+ 0.0%)
6 months: -12.2%
1 year : -37.7%

It goes up! It goes up!

Well, alright, it's just one copy, which, if I hazard a guess, might fall into
the Margin of the Error. Still, the lack of a drop-off is a good sign.

Next up is a VILLAINS UNITED tie-in, which may not hurt, either.

08/ 2003: Aquaman #9 -- 27,454
08/ 2004: Aquaman #21 -- 23,486 (- 3.8%)
09/ 2004: Aquaman #22 -- 23,358 (- 0.6%)
10/ 2004: Aquaman #23 -- 22,369 (- 4.2%)
11/ 2004: Aquaman #24 -- 21,605 (- 3.4%)
12/ 2004: Aquaman #25 -- 21,107 (- 2.3%)
01/ 2005: Aquaman #26 -- 20,374 (- 3.5%)
02/ 2005: Aquaman #27 -- 19,459 (- 4.5%)
03/ 2005: Aquaman #28 -- 19,177 (- 1.5%)
04/ 2005: Aquaman #29 -- 19,046 (- 0.7%)
05/ 2005: Aquaman #30 -- 18,606 (- 2.3%)
06/ 2005: Aquaman #31 -- 18,402 (- 1.1%)
07/ 2005: Aquaman #32 -- 17,916 (- 2.6%)
08/ 2005: Aquaman #33 -- 17,621 (- 1.7%)
6 months: - 9.5%
1 year : -25.0%
2 years : -35.8%

Standard decline.

03/ 2005: Blood of the Demon #1 -- 22,801
04/ 2005: Blood of the Demon #2 -- 18,404 (-19.3%)
05/ 2005: Blood of the Demon #3 -- 18,133 (- 1.5%)
06/ 2005: Blood of the Demon #4 -- 16,311 (-10.1%)
07/ 2005: Blood of the Demon #5 -- 16,581 (+ 1.7%)
08/ 2005: Blood of the Demon #6 -- 17,416 (+ 5.0%)

Ah, it ties in with DAYS OF VENGEANCE. If they'd announced that in the
solicitations, sales might have increased even more, but that doesn't seem to
agree with DC's current strategy.

But it's moot, anyway, since the book has been axed.

08/ 2005: Top Ten: Beyond the Farthest Precinct #1 (of 5) -- 17,216

The latest Alan Moore vehicle. Which is interesting, because Moore isn't really
involved in this one, and yet it outsells other recent ABC series where he was.

(140) 100 BULLETS (Vertigo)
08/ 2003: --
08/ 2004: 100 Bullets #52 -- 16,669 (- 1.7%)
09/ 2004: 100 Bullets #53 -- 16,413 (- 1.5%)
10/ 2004: 100 Bullets #54 -- 16,276 (- 0.8%)
11/ 2004: 100 Bullets #55 -- 15,929 (- 2.1%)
12/ 2004: 100 Bullets #56 -- 15,590 (- 2.1%)
01/ 2005: 100 Bullets #57 -- 15,068 (- 3.5%)
02/ 2005: 100 Bullets #58 -- 14,926 (- 0.9%)
03/ 2005: 100 Bullets #59 -- 14,931 (+ 0.0%)
04/ 2005: 100 Bullets #60 -- 14,882 (- 0.3%)
05/ 2005: 100 Bullets #61 -- 14,927 (+ 0.3%)
06/ 2005: --
07/ 2005: 100 Bullets #62 -- 14,867 (- 0.4%)
08/ 2005: 100 Bullets #63 -- 14,793 (- 0.5%)
6 months: - 0.9%
1 year : -11.3%
2 years : n.a.

The book has been entirely stable for the last six months.

(141) HELLBLAZER (Vertigo)
08/ 2003: Hellblazer #187 -- 16,037
08/ 2004: Hellblazer #199 -- 14,768 (- 0.0%)
09/ 2004: Hellblazer #200 -- 16,342 (+10.7%) -- [17,636]
10/ 2004: Hellblazer #201 -- 15,262 (- 6.6%)
11/ 2004: Hellblazer #202 -- 15,254 (- 0.1%)
12/ 2004: Hellblazer #203 -- 15,304 (+ 0.3%)
01/ 2005: Hellblazer #204 -- 14,523 (- 5.1%)
02/ 2005: Hellblazer #205 -- 15,158 (+ 4.4%)
03/ 2005: Hellblazer #206 -- 15,464 (+ 2.0%)
04/ 2005: Hellblazer #207 -- 15,368 (- 0.6%)
05/ 2005: Hellblazer #208 -- 15,420 (+ 0.3%)
06/ 2005: Hellblazer #209 -- 15,149 (- 1.8%)
07/ 2005: Hellblazer #210 -- 14,801 (- 2.3%)
08/ 2005: Hellblazer #211 -- 14,727 (- 0.5%)
6 months: -2.8%
1 year : -0.3%
2 years : -8.2%

Stabilizing, it seems.

08/ 2004: Doom Patrol #3 -- 28,098 (-16.4%)
09/ 2004: Doom Patrol #4 -- 26,101 (- 7.1%)
10/ 2004: Doom Patrol #5 -- 23,915 (- 8.3%)
11/ 2004: Doom Patrol #6 -- 21,841 (- 8.7%)
12/ 2004: Doom Patrol #7 -- 19,335 (-11.5%)
01/ 2004: Doom Patrol #8 -- 17,970 (- 7.1%)
02/ 2004: Doom Patrol #9 -- 17,544 (- 2.4%)
03/ 2004: Doom Patrol #10 -- 16,600 (- 5.4%)
04/ 2004: Doom Patrol #11 -- 16,247 (- 2.1%)
05/ 2004: Doom Patrol #12 -- 15,747 (- 3.1%)
06/ 2004: Doom Patrol #13 -- 15,290 (- 2.9%)
07/ 2004: Doom Patrol #14 -- 15,004 (- 1.9%)
08/ 2004: Doom Patrol #15 -- 14,547 (- 3.1%)
6 months: -17.1%
1 year : -48.2%

Axed with issue #18.

(149) TEEN TITANS GO (Johnny DC)
08/ 2004: Teen Titans Go #10 -- 14,609 (+ 3.9%)
09/ 2004: Teen Titans Go #11 -- 15,337 (+ 5.0%)
10/ 2004: Teen Titans Go #12 -- 14,968 (- 2.4%)
11/ 2004: Teen Titans Go #13 -- 15,279 (+ 2.1%)
12/ 2004: Teen Titans Go #14 -- 14,963 (- 2.1%)
01/ 2005: Teen Titans Go #15 -- 14,294 (- 4.5%)
02/ 2005: Teen Titans Go #16 -- 13,980 (- 2.2%)
03/ 2005: Teen Titans Go #17 -- 14,046 (+ 0.5%)
04/ 2005: Teen Titans Go #18 -- 14,152 (+ 0.8%)
05/ 2005: Teen Titans Go #19 -- 14,348 (+ 1.4%)
06/ 2005: Teen Titans Go #20 -- 14,114 (- 1.6%)
07/ 2005: Teen Titans Go #21 -- 13,440 (- 4.8%)
08/ 2005: Teen Titans Go #22 -- 13,166 (- 2.0%)
6 months: -5.8%
1 year : -9.9%

(151) MAJESTIC (WildStorm)
08/ 2004: Majestic #1 (of 4) -- 30,881
09/ 2004: Majestic #2 (of 4) -- 24,163 (-21.8%)
10/ 2004: Majestic #3 (of 4) -- 21,767 (- 9.9%)
11/ 2004: Majestic #4 (of 4) -- 20,221 (- 7.1%)
12/ 2004: --
01/ 2005: Majestic #1 -- 26,149 (+29.3%)
02/ 2005: Majestic #2 -- 19,569 (-25.2%)
03/ 2005: Majestic #3 -- 18,136 (- 7.3%)
04/ 2005: Majestic #4 -- 17,001 (- 6.3%)
05/ 2005: Majestic #5 -- 15,914 (- 6.4%)
06/ 2005: Majestic #6 -- 14,927 (- 6.2%)
07/ 2005: Majestic #7 -- 13,689 (- 8.3%)
08/ 2005: Majestic #8 -- 12,808 (- 6.4%)
6 months: -34.6%
1 year : -58.5%

Crashing ever onwards.

(154) OTHERWORLD (Vertigo)
03/ 2005: Otherworld #1 (of 12) -- 18,603 -- [21,527]
04/ 2005: Otherworld #2 (of 12) -- 15,143 (-18.6%) -- [16,263]
05/ 2005: Otherworld #3 (of 7) -- 14,021 (- 7.4%)
06/ 2005: Otherworld #4 (of 7) -- 14,214 (+ 1.4%)
07/ 2005: Otherworld #5 (of 7) -- 13,323 (- 6.3%)
08/ 2005: Otherworld #6 (of 7) -- 12,688 (- 4.8%)

A regular drop for this sort of thing.

(158) SILENT DRAGON (WildStorm)
07/ 2005: Silent Dragon #1 (of 6) -- 15,240
08/ 2005: Silent Dragon #2 (of 6) -- 11,978 (-21.4%)

That's an unfortunate drop-off, but we're used to those in these regions. If
these things tend to depress you, stop reading here and tune back in for the
"Other Titles" section.

(159) SOLO
10/ 2004: Solo #1 -- 30,482
11/ 2004: --
12/ 2004: Solo #2 -- 19,390 (-36.4%)
01/ 2005: --
02/ 2005: Solo #3 -- 15,553 (-19.8%)
03/ 2005: --
04/ 2005: Solo #4 -- 13,566 (-12.8%)
05/ 2005: --
06/ 2005: Solo #5 -- 14,262 (+ 5.1%)
07/ 2005: --
08/ 2005: Solo #6 -- 11,752 (-17.6%)
6 months: -24.4%

The reprieve brought by the Darwyn Cooke issue is over, obviously.

08/ 2004: Books of Magick: Life During Wartime #2 -- 21,354 (-23.0%)
09/ 2004: Books of Magick: Life During Wartime #3 -- 18,585 (-13.0%)
10/ 2004: Books of Magick: Life During Wartime #4 -- 16,542 (-11.0%)
11/ 2004: Books of Magick: Life During Wartime #5 -- 15,477 (- 6.4%)
12/ 2004: Books of Magick: Life During Wartime #6 -- 14,494 (- 6.4%)
01/ 2005: Books of Magick: Life During Wartime #7 -- 13,678 (- 5.6%)
02/ 2005: Books of Magick: Life During Wartime #8 -- 12,942 (- 5.4%)
03/ 2005: Books of Magick: Life During Wartime #9 -- 12,545 (- 3.1%)
04/ 2005: Books of Magick: Life During Wartime #10 -- 12,276 (- 2.1%)
05/ 2005: Books of Magick: Life During Wartime #11 -- 12,082 (- 1.6%)
06/ 2005: Books of Magick: Life During Wartime #12 -- 11,896 (- 1.5%)
07/ 2005: --
08/ 2005: Books of Magick: Life During Wartime #13 -- 11,447 (- 3.8%)
6 months: -11.6%
1 year : -46.4%


(162) LUCIFER (Vertigo)
08/ 2003: Lucifer #41 -- 13,447
08/ 2004: Lucifer #53 -- 13,062 (+ 0.8%)
09/ 2004: Lucifer #54 -- 13,008 (- 0.4%)
10/ 2004: Lucifer #55 -- 12,919 (- 0.7%)
11/ 2004: Lucifer #56 -- 12,677 (- 1.9%)
12/ 2004: Lucifer #57 -- 12,441 (- 1.9%)
01/ 2004: Lucifer #58 -- 12,031 (- 3.3%)
02/ 2004: Lucifer #59 -- 11,984 (- 0.4%)
03/ 2004: Lucifer #60 -- 11,941 (- 0.4%)
04/ 2004: Lucifer #61 -- 11,771 (- 1.4%)
05/ 2004: Lucifer #62 -- 13,248 (+12.6%)
06/ 2004: Lucifer #63 -- 11,694 (-11.7%)
07/ 2004: Lucifer #64 -- 11,418 (- 2.4%)
08/ 2004: Lucifer #65 -- 11,347 (- 0.6%)
6 months: - 5.3%
1 year : -13.1%
2 years : -15.6%

Looks like it's stabilizing.

(163) WINTER MEN (Vertigo)
08/ 2005: Winter Men #1 (of 8) -- 11,340

Cruel and not unusual, sadly.

(167) TOM STRONG (WildStorm)
08/ 2003: Tom Strong #21 -- 18,199
08/ 2004: --
09/ 2004: Tom Strong #28 -- 14,269 (-5.9%)
10/ 2004: Tom Strong #29 -- 14,101 (-1.2%)
11/ 2004: --
12/ 2004: Tom Strong #30 -- 13,069 (-7.3%)
01/ 2005: --
02/ 2005: Tom Strong #31 -- 12,971 (-0.8%)
03/ 2005: --
04/ 2005: Tom Strong #32 -- 12,581 (-3.0%)
05/ 2005: --
06/ 2005: Tom Strong #33 -- 11,956 (-5.0%)
07/ 2005: --
08/ 2005: Tom Strong #34 -- 11,254 (-8.9%)
6 months: -13.2%
1 year : n.a.
2 years : -38.2%

Canceled with issue #36.

08/ 2003: Justice League Adventures #22 -- 13,315
08/ 2004: Justice League Adventures #34 -- 11,776 (- 0.8%)
09/ 2004: Justice League Unlimited #1 -- 21,941 (+86.3%)
10/ 2004: Justice League Unlimited #2 -- 16,598 (-24.4%)
11/ 2004: Justice League Unlimited #3 -- 15,451 (- 6.9%)
12/ 2004: Justice League Unlimited #4 -- 13,787 (-10.8%)
01/ 2005: Justice League Unlimited #5 -- 12,717 (- 7.8%)
02/ 2005: Justice League Unlimited #6 -- 12,205 (- 4.0%)
03/ 2005: Justice League Unlimited #7 -- 12,175 (- 0.3%)
04/ 2005: Justice League Unlimited #8 -- 12,145 (- 0.3%)
05/ 2005: Justice League Unlimited #9 -- 11,869 (- 2.3%)
06/ 2005: Justice League Unlimited #10 -- 11,634 (- 2.0%)
07/ 2005: Justice League Unlimited #11 -- 11,340 (- 2.5%)
08/ 2005: Justice League Unlimited #12 -- 11,181 (- 1.4%)
6 months: - 8.4%
1 year : - 5.1%
2 years : -16.0%

(170) SWAMP THING (Vertigo)
08/ 2004: Swamp Thing #6 -- 19,973 (- 7.6%)
09/ 2004: Swamp Thing #7 -- 20,238 (+ 1.3%)
10/ 2004: Swamp Thing #8 -- 18,711 (- 7.6%)
11/ 2004: Swamp Thing #9 -- 16,790 (-10.3%)
12/ 2004: Swamp Thing #10 -- 15,846 (- 5.6%)
01/ 2005: Swamp Thing #11 -- 14,300 (- 9.8%)
02/ 2005: Swamp Thing #12 -- 13,452 (- 5.9%)
03/ 2005: Swamp Thing #13 -- 12,707 (- 5.5%)
04/ 2005: Swamp Thing #14 -- 12,057 (- 5.1%)
05/ 2005: Swamp Thing #15 -- 11,542 (- 4.3%)
06/ 2005: Swamp Thing #16 -- 10,962 (- 5.0%)
07/ 2005: Swamp Thing #17 -- 10,345 (- 5.6%)
08/ 2005: Swamp Thing #18 -- 10,112 (- 2.3%)
6 months: -24.8%
1 year : -49.4%

Slowing down, finally.

06/ 2005: Son of Vulcan #1 (of 6) -- 16,453
07/ 2005: Son of Vulcan #2 (of 6) -- 12,138 (-26.2%)
08/ 2005: Son of Vulcan #3 (of 6) -- 9,860 (-18.8%)

Bad numbers.

(174) BATMAN STRIKES! (Johnny DC)
08/ 2003: Batman Adventures #5 -- 13,609
08/ 2004: Batman Adventures #17 -- 11,862 (- 3.8%)
09/ 2004: Batman Strikes! #1 -- 22,397 (+88.8%) -- [23,348]
10/ 2004: Batman Strikes! #2 -- 16,941 (-24.4%)
11/ 2004: Batman Strikes! #3 -- 15,305 (-10.0%)
12/ 2004: Batman Strikes! #4 -- 13,257 (-13.4%)
01/ 2005: Batman Strikes! #5 -- 11,808 (-10.9%)
02/ 2005: Batman Strikes! #6 -- 11,102 (- 6.0%)
03/ 2005: Batman Strikes! #7 -- 10,775 (- 3.0%)
04/ 2005: Batman Strikes! #8 -- 10,368 (- 3.8%)
05/ 2005: Batman Strikes! #9 -- 10,376 (+ 0.1%)
06/ 2005: Batman Strikes! #10 -- 10,048 (- 3.2%)
07/ 2005: Batman Strikes! #11 -- 9,796 (- 2.5%)
08/ 2005: Batman Strikes! #12 -- 9,528 (- 2.7%)
6 months: -14.2%
1 year : -19.7%
2 years : -30.0%

(175) BREACH
01/ 2005: Breach #1 -- 16,891
02/ 2005: Breach #2 -- 12,274 (-27.3%)
03/ 2005: Breach #3 -- 10,692 (-12.9%)
04/ 2005: Breach #4 -- 10,698 (+ 0.1%)
05/ 2005: Breach #5 -- 9,676 (-10.0%)
06/ 2005: Breach #6 -- 9,255 (- 4.4%)
07/ 2005: Breach #7 -- 10,057 (+ 8.7%)
08/ 2005: Breach #8 -- 9,455 (- 6.0%)
6 months: -23.0%

Canceled with issue #11.

(178) CITY OF TOMORROW (WildStorm)
04/ 2005: City of Tomorrow #1 (of 6) -- 14,576
05/ 2005: City of Tomorrow #2 (of 6) -- 11,675 (-19.9%)
06/ 2005: City of Tomorrow #3 (of 6) -- 10,505 (-10.0%)
07/ 2005: City of Tomorrow #4 (of 6) -- 9,501 (- 9.6%)
08/ 2005: City of Tomorrow #5 (of 6) -- 8,930 (- 6.0%)


(182) THE INTIMATES (WildStorm)
11/ 2004: The Intimates #1 -- 31,578
12/ 2004: The Intimates #2 -- 20,443 (-35.3%)
01/ 2005: The Intimates #3 -- 16,375 (-19.9%)
02/ 2005: The Intimates #4 -- 14,468 (-11.7%)
03/ 2005: The Intimates #5 -- 12,755 (-11.8%)
04/ 2005: The Intimates #6 -- 11,527 (- 9.6%)
05/ 2005: The Intimates #7 -- 10,689 (- 7.3%)
06/ 2005: The Intimates #8 -- 9,826 (- 8.1%)
07/ 2005: The Intimates #9 -- 9,174 (- 6.6%)
08/ 2005: The Intimates #10 -- 8,731 (- 4.8%)
6 months: -39.7%

Canceled with issue #12.

(186) THE LOSERS (Vertigo)
08/ 2003: Losers #3 -- 14,948
07/ 2004: Losers #14 -- 10,630 (- 1.9%)
08/ 2004: Losers #15 -- 10,539 (- 0.9%)
09/ 2004: Losers #16 -- 10,465 (- 0.7%)
10/ 2004: Losers #17 -- 10,254 (- 2.0%)
11/ 2004: Losers #18 -- 9,897 (- 3.5%)
12/ 2004: Losers #19 -- 9,665 (- 2.3%)
01/ 2005: Losers #20 -- 9,363 (- 3.1%)
02/ 2005: Losers #21 -- 9,053 (- 3.3%)
03/ 2005: --
04/ 2005: Losers #22 -- 9,065 (+ 0.1%)
04/ 2005: Losers #23 -- 8,878 (- 2.1%)
05/ 2005: Losers #24 -- 8,836 (- 0.1%)
06/ 2005: Losers #25 -- 8,791 (- 0.5%)
07/ 2005: Losers #26 -- 8,781 (- 0.1%)
08/ 2005: Losers #27 -- 8,572 (- 2.4%)
6 months: - 5.3%
1 year : -19.4%
2 years : -42.7%

Dropping, soon to conclude.

(189) & (193) MNEMOVORE (Vertigo)
04/ 2005: Mnemovore #1 (of 6) -- 10,549
05/ 2005: Mnemovore #2 (of 6) -- 8,870 (-15.9%)
06/ 2005: Mnemovore #3 (of 6) -- 8,401 (- 5.3%)
07/ 2005: --
08/ 2005: Mnemovore #4 (of 6) -- 8,107 (- 3.5%)
08/ 2005: Mnemovore #5 (of 6) -- 7,868 (- 3.0%)

These are regular drops, but at an awfully low level.

03/ 2005: The Human Race #1 (of 7) -- 14,931
04/ 2005: The Human Race #2 (of 7) -- 11,527 (-22.8%)
05/ 2005: --
06/ 2005: The Human Race #3 (of 7) -- 9,234 (-19.9%)
06/ 2005: The Human Race #4 (of 7) -- 7,863 (-14.9%)
07/ 2005: The Human Race #5 (of 7) -- 6,949 (-11.6%)
08/ 2005: The Human Race #6 (of 7) -- 6,367 (- 8.4%)


(210) TRIGGER (Vertigo)
12/ 2004: Trigger #1 -- 14,019
01/ 2005: Trigger #2 -- 9,650 (-31.2%)
02/ 2005: Trigger #3 -- 8,891 (- 7.9%)
03/ 2005: Trigger #4 -- 7,714 (-13.2%)
04/ 2005: Trigger #5 -- 7,039 (- 8.8%)
05/ 2005: --
06/ 2005: Trigger #6 -- 6,694 (- 4.9%)
06/ 2005: Trigger #7 -- 6,277 (- 6.2%)
07/ 2005: --
08/ 2005: Trigger #8 -- 5,883 (- 6.3%)
6 months: -33.8%


(212) MATADOR (WildStorm)
05/ 2005: Matador #1 (of 6) -- 10,529
06/ 2005: Matador #2 (of 6) -- 8,293 (-21.2%)
07/ 2005: Matador #3 (of 6) -- 6,681 (-19.4%)
08/ 2005: Matador #4 (of 6) -- 5,683 (-14.9%)

Awful numbers.

(222) SCOOBY DOO (Johnny DC)
08/ 2003: Scooby Doo #75 -- 6,135
08/ 2004: Scooby Doo #87 -- 5,436 (-1.8%)
09/ 2004: Scooby Doo #88 -- 5,571 (+2.5%)
10/ 2004: Scooby Doo #89 -- 5,449 (-2.2%)
11/ 2004: Scooby Doo #90 -- 5,280 (-3.1%)
12/ 2004: Scooby Doo #91 -- 5,201 (-1.5%)
01/ 2005: Scooby Doo #92 -- 4,872 (-6.3%)
02/ 2005: Scooby Doo #93 -- 4,747 (-2.6%)
03/ 2005: Scooby Doo #94 -- 4,772 (+0.5%)
04/ 2005: Scooby Doo #95 -- 4,800 (+0.6%)
05/ 2005: Scooby Doo #96 -- 4,718 (-1.7%)
06/ 2005: Scooby Doo #97 -- 4,819 (+2.1%)
07/ 2005: Scooby Doo #98 -- 4,666 (-3.2%)
08/ 2005: Scooby Doo #99 -- 4,654 (-0.3%)
6 months: - 2.0%
1 year : -14.4%
2 years : -24.1%

08/ 2003: Powerpuff Girls #41 -- 7,489
08/ 2004: Powerpuff Girls #53 -- 5,920 (-2.2%)
09/ 2004: Powerpuff Girls #54 -- 6,005 (+1.4%)
10/ 2004: Powerpuff Girls #55 -- 5,792 (-3.6%)
11/ 2004: Powerpuff Girls #56 -- 5,586 (-3.6%)
12/ 2004: Powerpuff Girls #57 -- 5,463 (-2.2%)
01/ 2005: Powerpuff Girls #58 -- 5,089 (-6.9%)
02/ 2005: Powerpuff Girls #59 -- 4,904 (-3.6%)
03/ 2005: Powerpuff Girls #60 -- 4,975 (+1.5%)
04/ 2005: --
05/ 2005: Powerpuff Girls #61 -- 4,891 (-1.7%)
05/ 2005: Powerpuff Girls #62 -- 4,765 (-2.6%)
06/ 2005: Powerpuff Girls #63 -- 4,772 (+0.2%)
07/ 2005: Powerpuff Girls #64 -- 4,607 (-3.5%)
08/ 2005: Powerpuff Girls #65 -- 4,508 (-2.2%)
6 months: - 8.1%
1 year : -23.9%
2 years : -39.8%

08/ 2005: Promethea Covers Book -- 2,935

That's not great sales, even at $ 5.99. But, well ... it's a book reprinting

(270) LOONEY TUNES (Johnny DC)
08/ 2003: Looney Tunes #105 -- 3,502
08/ 2004: Looney Tunes #117 -- 3,159 (- 1.4%)
09/ 2004: Looney Tunes #118 -- 3,548 (+12.3%)
10/ 2004: Looney Tunes #119 -- 3,218 (- 9.3%)
11/ 2004: Looney Tunes #120 -- 3,150 (- 2.1%)
12/ 2004: Looney Tunes #121 -- 3,088 (- 2.0%)
01/ 2005: Looney Tunes #122 -- 2,896 (- 6.2%)
02/ 2005: Looney Tunes #123 -- 2,838 (- 2.0%)
03/ 2005: Looney Tunes #124 -- 2,846 (+ 0.3%)
04/ 2005: Looney Tunes #125 -- 2,974 (+ 4.5%)
05/ 2005: Looney Tunes #126 -- 2,852 (- 4.1%)
06/ 2005: Looney Tunes #127 -- 2,991 (+ 4.9%)
07/ 2005: Looney Tunes #128 -- 2,722 (- 9.0%)
08/ 2005: Looney Tunes #129 -- 2,736 (- 0.5%)
6 months: - 3.6%
1 year : -13.4%
2 years : -21.9%

12/ 2004: Mad Magazine #449 -- 2,442
01/ 2005: Mad Magazine #450 -- 2,439 (-0.1%)
02/ 2005: Mad Magazine #451 -- 2,327 (-4.6%)
03/ 2005: Mad Magazine #452 -- 2,338 (+0.5%)
04/ 2005: Mad Magazine #453 -- 2,344 (+0.3%)
05/ 2005: Mad Magazine #454 -- ?????
06/ 2005: Mad Magazine #455 -- ?????
07/ 2005: Mad Magazine #456 -- 2,343
08/ 2005: Mad Magazine #457 -- 2,284 (-2.5%)
6 months: -1.9%

( 74) 32,567 -- Wonder Woman #219
(134) 15,590 -- JSA: Classified #1
(135) 15,404 -- Adventures of Superman #642
(155) 12,569 -- Action Comics #829
(164) 11,321 -- Superman #219
(194) 7,808 -- All Star Batman #1
(197) 7,217 -- The Omac Project #4
(247) 3,386 -- JLA #116
(248) 3,353 -- The Omac Project #2
(263) 2,975 -- The Omac Project #3
(269) 2,775 -- JLA: Classified #10
(282) 2,523 -- The Omac Project #1

If one had to invent this list, this is about what it would look like: the
popular crossovers and BSEs, a couple of new launches and the beginnings of two
new arcs.


+ 56.9%: Manhunter
+ 55.2%: Wonder Woman
+ 39.9%: Adventures of Superman
+ 36.3%: JLA
+ 29.5%: Action Comics
+ 21.7%: Detective Comics
+ 21.2%: JSA
+ 16.0%: Gotham Central
+ 13.3%: Batman
+ 14.0%: Flash
+ 11.9%: Teen Titans
+ 11.3%: Outsiders
+ 10.4%: Hawkman
+ 8.7%: Birds of Prey
+ 2.9%: Green Arrow
+ 2.8%: Y: The Last Man
+ 2.6%: Fables
- 0.9%: 100 Bullets
- 1.4%: Nightwing
- 2.0%: Scooby-Doo
- 2.2%: Batgirl
- 2.8%: Hellblazer
- 3.6%: Looney Tunes
- 4.2%: Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight
- 4.7%: Ex Machina
- 5.0%: Green Lantern
- 5.3%: The Losers; Lucifer
- 5.8%: Teen Titans Go
- 7.8%: Batman: Gotham Knights
- 8.1%: Powerpuff Girls
- 8.4%: Justice League Unlimited
- 9.0%: The Authority
- 9.5%: Aquaman
- 10.3%: Legion of Super-Heroes
- 10.4%: Catwoman
- 11.6%: Books of Magick
- 11.7%: Robin
- 12.2%: Firestorm
- 13.2%: Tom Strong
- 14.2%: Batman Strikes!
- 17.1%: Doom Patrol
- 18.7%: JLA: Classified
- 23.0%: Breach
- 24.4%: Solo
- 24.8%: Swamp Thing
- 33.8%: Trigger
- 34.6%: Majestic
- 39.5%: Superman
- 39.7%: The Intimates

+182.5%: Green Lantern
+ 53.1%: Legion of Super-Heroes
+ 43.7%: JLA
+ 41.1%: Wonder Woman
+ 25.7%: JSA
+ 21.5%: Flash
+ 19.8%: Adventures of Superman
+ 17.0%: Teen Titans
+ 15.1%: Gotham Central
+ 0.6%: Astro City; Green Arrow
+ 0.4%: Action Comics
+ 0.0%: Birds of Prey
- 0.2%: Y: The Last Man
- 0.3%: Hellblazer
- 0.5%: Fables
- 2.3%: Ex Machina
- 4.0%: Detective Comics
- 5.1%: Justice League Unlimited
- 7.4%: The Authority
- 8.4%: Hawkman
- 9.0%: Batman
- 9.9%: Teen Titans Go
- 11.3%: 100 Bullets
- 13.1%: Lucifer
- 13.4%: Looney Tunes; Manhunter
- 14.4%: Scooby-Doo
- 18.9%: Nightwing
- 19.4%: The Losers
- 19.7%: Batman Strikes!
- 23.9%: Powerpuff Girls
- 25.0%: Aquaman
- 28.7%: Batgirl
- 32.8%: Batman: Gotham Knights
- 37.4%: Robin
- 37.7%: Firestorm
- 40.1%: Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight
- 44.1%: Catwoman
- 48.2%: Doom Patrol
- 49.4%: Swamp Thing
- 52.6%: Superman
- 58.5%: Majestic

+202.0%: Green Lantern
+ 82.1%: Superman
+ 65.4%: Adventures of Superman
+ 59.5%: Legion of Super-Heroes
+ 57.1%: Action Comics
+ 49.8%: JLA
+ 42.7%: Flash
+ 32.5%: Robin
+ 29.8%: Wonder Woman
+ 28.1%: Detective Comics
+ 22.9%: Hawkman; Nightwing
+ 21.5%: Teen Titans
+ 19.7%: JSA
+ 15.2%: Birds of Prey
+ 12.9%: Gotham Central
+ 2.7%: Batman: Gotham Knights
+ 1.3%: Y: The Last Man
+ 0.6%: Batgirl
- 0.2%: Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight
- 1.6%: Fables
- 2.4%: Outsiders
- 8.2%: Hellblazer
- 15.6%: Lucifer
- 16.0%: Justice League Unlimited
- 21.8%: Green Arrow
- 21.9%: Looney Tunes
- 24.1%: Scooby-Doo
- 30.0%: Batman Strikes!
- 35.8%: Aquaman
- 38.2%: Tom Strong
- 39.1%: The Authority
- 39.8%: Powerpuff Girls
- 42.7%: The Losers
- 55.3%: Batman


(47) SERENITY (Dark Horse)
07/ 2005: Serenity #1 (of 3) -- 38,502 -- [85,597]
08/ 2005: Serenity #2 (of 3) -- 47,095 (+22.3%)

These are great numbers, obviously. Joss Whedon's star power and the Serenity
trademark are working their magic. The first issue sees 21,147 copies in
re-orders, and I'm sure they're not all down to the variant cover craze.

(70) CONAN (Dark Horse)
08/ 2004: Conan #7 -- 47,052 (-2.7%)
09/ 2004: Conan #8 -- 46,339 (-1.5%)
10/ 2004: Conan #9 -- 44,633 (-3.7%)
11/ 2004: Conan #10 -- 43,216 (-3.2%)
12/ 2004: Conan #11 -- 41,149 (-4.8%)
01/ 2005: Conan #12 -- 39,311 (-4.5%)
02/ 2005: Conan #13 -- 38,645 (-1.7%)
03/ 2005: Conan #14 -- 38,180 (-1.2%)
04/ 2005: Conan #15 -- 38,086 (-0.3%)
05/ 2005: Conan #16 -- 37,632 (-1.2%)
06/ 2005: Conan #17 -- 37,032 (-1.6%)
07/ 2005: Conan #18 -- 36,323 (-1.9%)
08/ 2005: Conan #19 -- 35,455 (-2.4%)
6 months: - 8.3%
1 year : -24.7%

The decline seems to increase. Another book which slowly but surely seems to be
losing people's attention.

(86) SOULFIRE (Aspen)
08/ 2004: Soulfire #1 -- 61,466 (+80.5%) -- [65,541]
09/ 2004: --
10/ 2004: Soulfire #2 -- 34,364 (-44.9%)
11/ 2004: --
12/ 2004: --
01/ 2005: Soulfire #3 -- 35,325 (+ 2.8%)
02/ 2005: --
03/ 2005: Soulfire #4 -- 48,489 (+37.3%) -- [51,026]
04/ 2005: --
05/ 2005: --
06/ 2005: --
07/ 2005: Soulfire: Dying of the Light #0 -- 25,899 (-46.6%)
08/ 2005: Soulfire: Dying of the Light #1 -- 28,006 (+ 8.1%)
6 months: n.a.
1 year : -54.4%

Looks like a nice increase, but the reason why it outsells issue #0 is probably
that this one came with two different covers.

(87) SPAWN (Image/TMP)
08/ 2003: Spawn #127 -- 39,371
08/ 2004: Spawn #137 -- 34,734 (+ 0.3%)
09/ 2004: Spawn #138 -- 31,073 (-10.5%)
10/ 2004: Spawn #139 -- 30,552 (- 1.7%)
11/ 2004: Spawn #140 -- 30,798 (+ 0.8%)
12/ 2004: Spawn #141 -- 29,469 (- 4.3%)
01/ 2005: Spawn #142 -- 28,705 (- 2.6%)
02/ 2005: Spawn #143 -- 28,408 (- 1.0%)
03/ 2005: Spawn #144 -- 28,170 (- 0.8%)
04/ 2005: Spawn #145 -- 28,161 (- 0.0%)
05/ 2005: --
06/ 2005: Spawn #146 -- 28,093 (- 0.2%)
06/ 2005: Spawn #147 -- 27,495 (- 2.1%)
07/ 2005: --
08/ 2005: Spawn #148 -- 27,548 (+ 0.2%)
6 months: - 3.0%
1 year : -20.7%
2 years : -30.0%

Perfectly stable.

(100) FATHOM PRELUDE (Aspen)
08/ 2005: --
09/ 2004: Fathom: Dawn of War #1 -- 31,073 (+62.6%)
10/ 2004: Fathom: Dawn of War #2 -- 25,076 (-19.3%)
11/ 2004: --
12/ 2004: Fathom: Dawn of War #3 -- 23,452 (- 6.5%)
01/ 2005: --
02/ 2005: --
03/ 2005: Fathom #0 -- 28,553 (+21.8%)
04/ 2005: Fathom: Beginnings #1 -- 22,107 (-22.6%)
05/ 2005: --
06/ 2005: Fathom Prelude #1 -- 33,906 (+53.4%)
06/ 2005: Fathom #1 -- 31,359 (- 7.5%)
07/ 2005: Fathom #2 -- 24,283 (-22.6%)
08/ 2005: Fathom #3 -- 23,086 (- 4.9%)
6 months: n.a.
1 year : n.a.

This one seems to be bottoming out rather quickly.

(123) WALKING DEAD (Image)
08/ 2004: --
09/ 2004: Walking Dead #10 -- 13,720 (+21.6%)
09/ 2004: Walking Dead #11 -- 13,556 (- 1.2%)
10/ 2004: --
11/ 2004: Walking Dead #12 -- 14,539 (+ 7.3%)
11/ 2004: Walking Dead #13 -- 14,590 (+ 0.4%)
12/ 2004: Walking Dead #14 -- 14,713 (+ 0.8%) -- [15,487]
01/ 2005: --
02/ 2005: Walking Dead #15 -- 15,454 (+ 5.0%)
03/ 2005: Walking Dead #16 -- 15,703 (+ 1.6%)
04/ 2005: Walking Dead #17 -- 15,617 (- 0.6%)
04/ 2005: Walking Dead #18 -- 15,542 (- 0.5%)
05/ 2005: --
06/ 2005: Walking Dead #19 -- 17,225 (+10.8%)
07/ 2005: Walking Dead #20 -- 16,915 (- 1.8%)
08/ 2005: Walking Dead #21 -- 17,668 (+ 4.5%)
6 months: +14.3%
1 year : n.a.

Same procedure as every month. People still like this book.

(157) INVINCIBLE (Image)
08/ 2003: --
08/ 2004: Invincible #14 -- 8,219 (+25.7%)
09/ 2004: Invincible #15 -- 8,612 (+ 4.8%)
09/ 2004: Invincible #16 -- 8,427 (- 2.2%)
10/ 2004: --
11/ 2004: Invincible #17 -- 9,055 (+ 7.5%)
12/ 2004: Invincible #18 -- 9,439 (+ 4.2%)
01/ 2005: Invincible #19 -- 9,860 (+ 4.5%)
02/ 2005: Invincible #20 -- 9,541 (- 3.2%)
03/ 2005: Invincible #21 -- 9,872 (+ 3.5%)
04/ 2005: Invincible #22 -- 9,963 (+ 0.9%)
05/ 2005: Invincible #0 -- ??????
06/ 2005: Invincible #23 -- 11,452 (+15.0%)
07/ 2005: Invincible #24 -- 11,818 (+ 3.2%)
08/ 2005: Invincible #25 -- 12,031 (+ 1.8%)
6 months: +26.1%
1 year : +46.4%
2 years : n.a.

Ditto. It's pretty clear now that the 15% increase in June wasn't just an
overreaction to the promo freebie #0 by retailers.

(229) GODLAND (Image)
07/ 2005: Godland #1 -- 5,601
08/ 2005: Godland #2 -- 4,375 (-21.9%)

This isn't an unusual drop-off, but of course the book is already selling
terribly. There doesn't seem to be much demand for a Jack Kirby pastiche.

Perhaps they dropped the ball by not advertising the fact that the hero has to
spank the monkey to transform into his super-powered self? It's the ultimate
male teenage power fantasy!

(256) HERO SQUARED (Boom!)
01/ 2005: Hero Squared X-Tra Sized Special #1 -- 5,066
02/ 2005: --
03/ 2005: --
04/ 2005: --
05/ 2005: --
06/ 2005: --
07/ 2005: Hero Squared #1 (of 3) -- 2,521 (-50.2%)
08/ 2005: Hero Squared #2 (of 3) -- 3,121 (+23.8%)
6 months: n.a.

Well, this isn't much, but I imagine it helps.

Perhaps it's a genuine increase, but it could also be that a number of copies of
issue #1 shipped late and didn't reach stores in time for the July chart.

Marc-Oliver Frisch
POPP'D! >>

"Time to get kids back where they belong - up chimneys, down mines, and tied to
the printing presses!"
-- Grant Morrison

[This is a Usenet message, posted to the rec.arts.comics.* groups.]

Sean Walsh

Oct 3, 2005, 2:32:16 PM10/3/05

Interesting....considering Ethan Van Sciver (REBIRTH's artist) did the
art for #4...

> 05/ 2005: DC Special: Return of Donna Troy #1 (of 4) -- 62,708 --
> [77,334]
> 06/ 2005: --
> 07/ 2005: DC Special: Return of Donna Troy #2 (of 4) -- 62,988 (+0.5%)
> 08/ 2005: DC Special: Return of Donna Troy #3 (of 4) -- 58,256 (-7.5%)
> A standard drop for a limited series.

Wonder how all the spoiling of #4's finish (in books like JSA and
TITANS/OUTSIDERS SF) is going to take its toll on #4's initial and

> (39) FLASH

> Next up are several fill-in issues, before a new creative team will presumably
> show up.

#226 is a fill-in, and #227 is the start of the new team (Joey
Cavalieri & Val Semeiks)

> 07/ 2005: JSA: Classified #1 -- 58,296 -- [73,886]
> 08/ 2005: JSA: Classified #2 -- 46,039 (-21.0%)
> Issue #1 gets re-orders of 15,590. Even without adding these to its initial
> sales, that's a rather pesky drop-off, however. Either DC didn't print enough
> copies to allow for a higher demand, or the high demand was strictly limited to
> issue #1. Given that this seems to happen a lot with popular DC titles lately,
> the former seems more likely to me, but we'll find out once issue #4 is out, at
> the latest.

#2 has sold out as well (new printings for both #1 and 2 were announced
today), so reorders may bulk up #2's performance.

And with the tie to INFINITE CRISIS becoming more apparent in the
story, the trend of sellouts may be continuing (and the sales may start
going up...)

Very odd, I'd say. Arsenal's the only member of the current team to
appear, while the remainder is the old Outsiders team. Batman's
prominent position on the cover may've helped a bit...

Before DC cancels it and relaunchs post-INFINITE CRISIS (with Johns and
Adam Hughes apparently onboard)

> 08/ 2003: Nightwing #84 -- 29,410
> ----------------------------------
> 08/ 2004: Nightwing #96 -- 44,558 (+46.6%) -- [47,479]
> 09/ 2004: Nightwing #97 -- 44,038 (- 1.2%) -- [44,961]
> 10/ 2004: Nightwing #98 -- 43,618 (- 1.0%)
> 11/ 2004: Nightwing #99 -- 33,708 (-22.7%)
> 12/ 2004: Nightwing #100 -- 40,022 (+18.6%)
> 01/ 2005: Nightwing #101 -- 38,098 (- 4.8%) -- [41,243]
> 01/ 2005: Nightwing #102 -- 36,093 (- 5.3%) -- [40,271]
> 02/ 2005: Nightwing #103 -- 36,921 (+ 2.3%)
> 02/ 2005: Nightwing #104 -- 36,411 (- 1.4%)
> 03/ 2005: Nightwing #105 -- 38,958 (+ 7.0%)
> 03/ 2005: Nightwing #106 -- 38,772 (- 0.5%)
> 04/ 2005: Nightwing #107 -- 38,061 (- 1.8%)
> 05/ 2005: Nightwing #108 -- 37,019 (- 2.7%)
> 06/ 2005: Nightwing #109 -- 36,601 (- 1.1%)
> 07/ 2005: Nightwing #110 -- 38,175 (+ 4.3%)
> 08/ 2005: Nightwing #111 -- 36,146 (- 5.3%)
> ----------------
> 6 months: - 1.4%
> 1 year : -18.9%
> 2 years : +22.9%
> VILLAINS UNITED has moved on, leaving NIGHTWING to resume business as usual.

It may have moved on logo-wise, but the influence is still there: Dick
Grayson's now teaming with one of VU's major players as a result.

> 08/ 2003: Birds of Prey #58 -- 27,851
> -------------------------------------
> 08/ 2004: Birds of Prey #71 -- 32,298 (+ 1.9%)
> 08/ 2004: Birds of Prey #72 -- 31,835 (- 1.4%)
> 09/ 2004: Birds of Prey #73 -- 32,070 (+ 0.7%)
> 09/ 2004: Birds of Prey #74 -- 31,835 (- 0.7%)
> 10/ 2004: Birds of Prey #75 -- 32,091 (+ 0.8%)
> 11/ 2004: Birds of Prey #76 -- 31,126 (- 3.0%)
> 12/ 2004: Birds of Prey #77 -- 30,303 (- 2.6%)
> 01/ 2005: Birds of Prey #78 -- 29,456 (- 2.8%)
> 02/ 2005: Birds of Prey #79 -- 29,510 (+ 0.2%)
> 03/ 2005: Birds of Prey #80 -- 29,964 (+ 1.5%)
> 04/ 2005: Birds of Prey #81 -- 29,832 (- 0.4%)
> 05/ 2005: Birds of Prey #82 -- 29,855 (+ 0.1%)
> 06/ 2005: Birds of Prey #83 -- 38,067 (+27.5%)
> 07/ 2005: Birds of Prey #84 -- 29,982 (-21.2%)
> 08/ 2005: Birds of Prey #85 -- 32,076 (+ 7.0%)
> ----------------
> 6 months: + 8.7%
> 1 year : + 0.0%
> 2 years : +15.2%
> Although no crossover is in sight, there's a slight rebound from last month's
> post-VILLAINS UNITED depression. Good performance.

Again, the VU influence will be here for a while: another major VU/ID
Crisis player will be Oracle's new foil for the remainder of the year.

> 03/ 2005: Seven Soldiers: Shining Knight #1 (of 4) -- 41,308 --
> [42,916]
> 04/ 2005: --
> 05/ 2005: Seven Soldiers: Shining Knight #2 (of 4) -- 37,538 (- 9.1%)
> 06/ 2005: Seven Soldiers: Shining Knight #3 (of 4) -- 35,157 (- 6.3%)
> 07/ 2005: --
> 08/ 2005: Seven Soldiers: Shining Knight #4 (of 4) -- 31,976 (- 9.1%)
> 04/ 2005: Seven Soldiers: Klarion the Witch Boy #1 (of 4) -- 38,123 --
> [39,376]
> 05/ 2005: --
> 06/ 2005: Seven Soldiers: Klarion the Witch Boy #2 (of 4) -- 34,169 (-10.4%)
> 07/ 2005: --
> 08/ 2005: Seven Soldiers: Klarion the Witch Boy #3 (of 4) -- 30,582 (-10.5%)
> Those SEVEN SOLDIERS series starring the lesser known characters -- which means
> everyone except Zatanna -- are beginning to slip. Similar to LEGION OF
> SUPER-HEROES, SEVEN SOLDIERS seems to be dropping off people's radar, in spite
> of overwhelmingly favorable reactions.

But many people a couple years ago would've
thought Shining Knight and Klarion minis would be selling 30K copies
per issue? Not many I bet...

> (96) FABLES (Vertigo)
> 08/ 2003: Fables #16 -- 25,365
> ------------------------------
> 08/ 2004: Fables #28 -- 25,076 (-0.3%)
> 09/ 2004: Fables #29 -- 25,025 (-0.2%)
> 10/ 2004: Fables #30 -- 25,390 (+1.5%)
> 11/ 2004: Fables #31 -- 25,061 (-1.3%)
> 12/ 2004: Fables #32 -- 24,889 (-0.7%)
> 01/ 2005: Fables #33 -- 24,367 (-2.1%)
> 02/ 2005: Fables #34 -- 24,322 (-0.2%)
> 03/ 2005: Fables #35 -- 24,469 (+0.6%)
> 04/ 2005: Fables #36 -- 24,975 (+2.1%)
> 05/ 2005: Fables #37 -- 24,477 (-2.0%)
> 06/ 2005: Fables #38 -- 24,813 (+1.4%)
> 07/ 2005: Fables #39 -- 24,617 (-0.8%)
> 08/ 2005: Fables #40 -- 24,952 (+1.4%)
> ---------------
> 6 months: +2.6%
> 1 year : -0.5%
> 2 years : -1.6%
> It's another jump month.

This was part 1 of the revelation of who the Adversary is. I suspect a
similar jump (or a levelling off) for part 2.

> (108) HAWKMAN
> 08/ 2003: Hawkman #18 -- 28,557
> -------------------------------
> 08/ 2004: Hawkman #31 -- 24,035 (- 5.4%)
> 09/ 2004: Hawkman #32 -- 23,729 (- 1.3%)
> 10/ 2004: Hawkman #33 -- 22,704 (- 4.3%)
> 11/ 2004: Hawkman #34 -- 21,975 (- 3.2%)
> 12/ 2004: Hawkman #35 -- 21,357 (- 2.8%)
> 01/ 2005: Hawkman #36 -- 20,468 (- 4.2%)
> 02/ 2005: Hawkman #37 -- 19,929 (- 2.6%)
> 03/ 2005: Hawkman #38 -- 19,727 (- 1.0%)
> 04/ 2005: Hawkman #39 -- 19,620 (- 0.5%)
> 05/ 2005: Hawkman #40 -- 19,912 (+ 1.5%)
> 06/ 2005: Hawkman #41 -- 21,238 (+ 6.7%)
> 07/ 2005: Hawkman #42 -- 21,365 (+ 0.6%)
> 08/ 2005: Hawkman #43 -- 22,010 (+ 3.0%)
> ----------------
> 6 months: +10.4%
> 1 year : - 8.4%
> 2 years : -22.9%
> Jesus Christ on a bike, the history of the Golden Eagle is revealed!
> No, honestly, I have no idea who the Golden Eagle is, but HAWKMAN sales keep
> climbing.

He was a former Teen Titans reservist, killed during the days of Titans
Hunt back in the early 1990's.

> 08/ 2004: Firestorm #4 -- 28,402 (- 8.4%)
> 09/ 2004: Firestorm #5 -- 26,429 (- 7.0%)
> 10/ 2004: Firestorm #6 -- 28,034 (+ 6.1%) -- [29,743]
> 11/ 2004: Firestorm #7 -- 22,109 (-21.1%)
> 12/ 2004: Firestorm #8 -- 21,077 (- 4.7%)
> 01/ 2005: Firestorm #9 -- 19,993 (- 5.1%)
> 02/ 2005: Firestorm #10 -- 20,149 (+ 0.8%)
> 03/ 2005: Firestorm #11 -- 19,440 (- 3.5%)
> 04/ 2005: Firestorm #12 -- 18,984 (- 2.4%)
> 05/ 2005: Firestorm #13 -- 18,899 (- 0.5%)
> 06/ 2005: Firestorm #14 -- 18,375 (- 2.8%)
> 07/ 2005: Firestorm #15 -- 17,687 (- 3.7%)
> 08/ 2005: Firestorm #16 -- 17,688 (+ 0.0%)
> ----------------
> 6 months: -12.2%
> 1 year : -37.7%
> It goes up! It goes up!
> Well, alright, it's just one copy, which, if I hazard a guess, might fall into
> the Margin of the Error. Still, the lack of a drop-off is a good sign.
> Next up is a VILLAINS UNITED tie-in, which may not hurt, either.

With Firestorm apparently about to play a bigger role in CRISIS, it may
go up *a bit* more than 1 copy! :p

> (159) SOLO
> 10/ 2004: Solo #1 -- 30,482
> 11/ 2004: --
> 12/ 2004: Solo #2 -- 19,390 (-36.4%)
> 01/ 2005: --
> 02/ 2005: Solo #3 -- 15,553 (-19.8%)
> 03/ 2005: --
> 04/ 2005: Solo #4 -- 13,566 (-12.8%)
> 05/ 2005: --
> 06/ 2005: Solo #5 -- 14,262 (+ 5.1%)
> 07/ 2005: --
> 08/ 2005: Solo #6 -- 11,752 (-17.6%)
> ----------------
> 6 months: -24.4%
> The reprieve brought by the Darwyn Cooke issue is over, obviously.

Darn it, this series better last long enough to see the Walt Simonson
issue (promised a few years ago) happen!!

> 08/ 2004: Books of Magick: Life During Wartime #2 -- 21,354 (-23.0%)
> 09/ 2004: Books of Magick: Life During Wartime #3 -- 18,585 (-13.0%)
> 10/ 2004: Books of Magick: Life During Wartime #4 -- 16,542 (-11.0%)
> 11/ 2004: Books of Magick: Life During Wartime #5 -- 15,477 (- 6.4%)
> 12/ 2004: Books of Magick: Life During Wartime #6 -- 14,494 (- 6.4%)
> 01/ 2005: Books of Magick: Life During Wartime #7 -- 13,678 (- 5.6%)
> 02/ 2005: Books of Magick: Life During Wartime #8 -- 12,942 (- 5.4%)
> 03/ 2005: Books of Magick: Life During Wartime #9 -- 12,545 (- 3.1%)
> 04/ 2005: Books of Magick: Life During Wartime #10 -- 12,276 (- 2.1%)
> 05/ 2005: Books of Magick: Life During Wartime #11 -- 12,082 (- 1.6%)
> 06/ 2005: Books of Magick: Life During Wartime #12 -- 11,896 (- 1.5%)
> 07/ 2005: --
> 08/ 2005: Books of Magick: Life During Wartime #13 -- 11,447 (- 3.8%)
> ----------------
> 6 months: -11.6%
> 1 year : -46.4%
> Dropping.

Cancelled, I do believe, with #15 or 16...

> 03/ 2005: The Human Race #1 (of 7) -- 14,931
> 04/ 2005: The Human Race #2 (of 7) -- 11,527 (-22.8%)
> 05/ 2005: --
> 06/ 2005: The Human Race #3 (of 7) -- 9,234 (-19.9%)
> 06/ 2005: The Human Race #4 (of 7) -- 7,863 (-14.9%)
> 07/ 2005: The Human Race #5 (of 7) -- 6,949 (-11.6%)
> 08/ 2005: The Human Race #6 (of 7) -- 6,367 (- 8.4%)
> Dropping.

Didn't realize this was set in the DCU until #6.

> (47) SERENITY (Dark Horse)
> 07/ 2005: Serenity #1 (of 3) -- 38,502 -- [85,597]
> 08/ 2005: Serenity #2 (of 3) -- 47,095 (+22.3%)
> These are great numbers, obviously. Joss Whedon's star power and the Serenity
> trademark are working their magic. The first issue sees 21,147 copies in
> re-orders, and I'm sure they're not all down to the variant cover craze.

#1's initial run sold the hell out REAL quick. I've only ever seen it
at shows with marked-up prices.

> (157) INVINCIBLE (Image)
> 08/ 2003: --
> ----------------------------------
> 08/ 2004: Invincible #14 -- 8,219 (+25.7%)
> 09/ 2004: Invincible #15 -- 8,612 (+ 4.8%)
> 09/ 2004: Invincible #16 -- 8,427 (- 2.2%)
> 10/ 2004: --
> 11/ 2004: Invincible #17 -- 9,055 (+ 7.5%)
> 12/ 2004: Invincible #18 -- 9,439 (+ 4.2%)
> 01/ 2005: Invincible #19 -- 9,860 (+ 4.5%)
> 02/ 2005: Invincible #20 -- 9,541 (- 3.2%)
> 03/ 2005: Invincible #21 -- 9,872 (+ 3.5%)
> 04/ 2005: Invincible #22 -- 9,963 (+ 0.9%)
> 05/ 2005: Invincible #0 -- ??????
> 06/ 2005: Invincible #23 -- 11,452 (+15.0%)
> 07/ 2005: Invincible #24 -- 11,818 (+ 3.2%)
> 08/ 2005: Invincible #25 -- 12,031 (+ 1.8%)
> ----------------
> 6 months: +26.1%
> 1 year : +46.4%
> 2 years : n.a.
> Ditto. It's pretty clear now that the 15% increase in June wasn't just an
> overreaction to the promo freebie #0 by retailers.

Given #25's heftier-than-most-anniversary-issues price, and its
surprising ending, #26 should continue the increase I'd bet.


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