# Lois & Clark: http://www.creacon.com/LNC/index.html #
# The Mutant Page: http://www.santarosa.edu/~sthoemke/x.html #
# Comics (Very Cool): http://www.digimark.net/wraith/comix.html #
# zom...@netcom.com # E.VEIT on GEnie # zom...@redeye.ebay.sun.com #
If you like the book, shouldn't you be comparing it to something good? :):):)
> without difficulty. [Warning: the book effectively ends in three
> issues.]
Okay, I didn't like the first issue. It's been okay since, but nothing special.
It's apparent that Isabella is trying to write a story about what is
known as "the black inner city." He's failing. It's about as realistic as
Hill Street Blues was. But at least HSB made a point of including other things.
Severely mixed vibes on my side of the street. Also, we haven't read anything
after issue 8. It might be awful. It might not. Apparently, Isabella was
treated horridly in his dismissal though.
> Power of Shazam
> Jerry Ordway breathes new life into an underused character. He's true
> to the character's essential nature while still treating him in a
> fresh manner. This book sports great covers. One point that should
> not go unnoticed by followers of the Superman books is the
> reappearance of not only Ordway, but at least one Superman character.
> The interior art is a little bit shaky.
Great book.
I agree with the assessment. Let me add that Ordway is bringing back many
Fawcett characters in the series from all appearances.
[Legion of Superheros and Legionnaires analysis deleted.]
> That's four (only three in a couple of months) books, maybe $8 a month if
> you don't have any discounts. If you read superheroes, you cannot spend
> that $8 on any better new comics from DC.
I agree about LSH and L*. Let me add "Starman," a flat out brilliant book
written by James Robinson. This book has much to say on the nature of
superheroing from the perspective of a normal guy :) The art by Harris and
Van Grawbadger fits the mood of the title perfectly. And Harris' covers
are right up there with Ordway's on The Power of SHAZAM! I, personally,
haven't enjoyed a title this much since McLaughlin's Aquaman run ended.
It isn't anymore surreal than any other superhero title, it just
notices more :)
When there's no one there, it's Norg.
"The BBC's trailer department keeps calling the O J Simpson case "the trial
of the century." Sure, OJ's a big name, but I still think the title belongs,
narrowly, to Nuremberg." - Jack Hughes, "The Independent on Sunday."
: Hey! Where's Impulse? A fun book with great art.
Ya, how about Impulse???
...heck, how about FLASH for that matter???
Also: Green Arrow, Batman (w/Kelley Jones), Superboy, Robin.
> : Hey! Where's Impulse? A fun book with great art.
> Ya, how about Impulse???
Okay, about Impulse: Agree, great art. The writing -- on one hand, I
enjoy it, particularly the scenes between Bart and Max. I think Mercury,
"The zen master of super speed," is really interesting, and has a lot of
potential. And Bart's biography -- hilarious! The schooling of young
Impulse has a lot of potential. He's a cool kid.
The main story didn't do a lot for me, however. The whole
tank/missle story was contrived, and I didn't really buy any of the
characters. Impulse racing the missle was fun, but the rest was just
fluff. I'll keep reading, because I like the characters, but I hope the
main storylines get better.
And if your talking about good new titles in the DC Universe, Azrael is the
beginnig and the end. So far, this is the best new title added to DC in a long
time and one of the best in any comic company. If you haven't read this book
go out and buy it now.
Thanks for listening
All favorites of mine, also. But I must add:
Impulse: Mark Waid's done it again. Only a couple of issues out, and
its already at the top of my list. The art is a tad cartoony, but
it really works. This would be the new title of the year, if it
wasn't for:
Starman: Okay - Joanna doesn't like it. But I do. James Robinson
shows a real sense of history in his writing. The art is strange,
but works really well. This book always takes a long time for me
to read for some reason - I guess I don't want it to end.
Guy Gardner, Warrior: He's not the Guy you thought you knew. This
is another great book. Beau Smith really does some characterization
with Guy. It's not intellectual in the least, but a fun book with
cool guest appearances (made Steel look like a good character).
Any book that has a fight with Nazi dinosaurs is ok in my book.
Flash: Another Mark Waid book. Do I need to say more ?
Aquaman: PAD's really done some good things with this book.
Harpoon hand ? Made it seem plausible. If it's anything that PAD
does well, it's taking supporting characters and breathing life
into them - Dolphin and Aqualad have really been fleshed out well.
Come now, you are more reasonable than that. This must have been an
The Consigliere Mxyzptlk
Hey, I like the big boots. Impulse's mildly cartoony look is one of the
things that appeals to me.
Scott Hollifield * sco...@cris.com * http://www.cris.com/~scotth/
"Coffee, coffee, how I love its flavor, and if you would win my
favor, yes! Yes! let me have coffee, let me have my coffee strong."
--- Johann Sebastian Bach's "Coffee Cantata"
Clearly, I thought the four titles I mentioned to be better than any
I don't read Spectre because long experience has shown me that John
Ostrander does not write about people or situations I want to read about.
Starman is good. Flash and Impulse are good.
None are as good as Black Lightning, Power of Shazam, or the Legion pair.
"The trouble with born-again Christians is that they are an even bigger pain
the second time around."--Herb Caen
elmo (mor...@physics.rice.edu,mor...@fnal.fnal.gov)
What, no Starman? (yeah, I know everyone has their own favourites, but Starman
seems to cut across boundaries from traditional superheroes to Vertigo-style
Karsten A. Loepelmann, Master of his domain (*psychology*, that is :-)
"Back off, man. I'm a scientist." -- Dr. Peter Venkman
kloe...@gpu.srv.ualberta.ca /// klo...@psych.ualberta.ca
: Okay, about Impulse: Agree, great art. The writing -- on one hand, I
: The main story didn't do a lot for me, however. The whole
: tank/missle story was contrived, and I didn't really buy any of the
: characters. Impulse racing the missle was fun, but the rest was just
: fluff. I'll keep reading, because I like the characters, but I hope the
: main storylines get better.
...but spandax terrorists creating earthquakes and destroying a major
city for the sole reason of generating power isn't???
Actually, it's kinda like a couple of asshole white supremacists bombing a
Federal building and killing 100's, including dozens of children,
thinking it will get them something.
Too contrived huh??
: Starman is good. Flash and Impulse are good.
: None are as good as Black Lightning, Power of Shazam, or the Legion pair.
Them's fighting words!
...sounds like the equivalent of saying "SAndman sucks!" over in rac.a
Good luck.
I like Ostrander, but I've found that that's not a universal thing.
: Starman is good. Flash and Impulse are good.
: None are as good as Black Lightning, Power of Shazam, or the Legion pair.
That's subjective, so I'll agree to disagree with you.
A somewhat philosophical imp,
Here's my **Anal Retentive LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES Reprint Checklist**
v1.02, dated 04/21/95
Sources: LSH 243, Amazing World of DC Comics 9, collection, price guides
Michael Grabois
Compuserve: 74737,2600
internet: or...@ix.netcom.com
Please let me know if you have any comments, additions or corrections; it would be
much appreciated!
I've tried to list here all reprinted Legion stories with their original sources, in
chronological order of original appearance.
-------------- ----- ---------------------
Adventure Comics 247 4-58 Superman (v1) Annual 6
Adventure Comics 491
DC Special Blue Ribbon Digest 1
Silver Age Classics
Legion Archives vol. 1
Wonder Woman 101 10-58 Wonder Woman 217
Adventure Comics 267 12-59 Superman (v1) Annual 8
Adventure Comics 491
Legion Archives vol. 1
Action Comics 267 8-60 Action Comics 334
Adventure Comics 492
Legion Archives vol. 1
Superboy (v1) 86 1-61 Eighty-Page Giant 11
Adventure Comics 492
Legion Archives vol. 1
Adventure Comics 282 3-61 Adventure Comics 356
Adventure Comics 493
Legion Archives vol. 1
Action Comics 276 5-61 Superboy (v1) 147
Adventure Comics 493
Legion Archives vol. 1
Superboy (v1) 89 6-61 Superboy (v1) 129
Adventure Comics 494
Legion Archives vol. 1
Superman (v1) 147 8-61 Superboy (v1) 147
Adventure Comics 494
Legion Archives vol. 1
Adventure Comics 290 11-61 Superboy (v1) 147
Adventure Comics 495
Legion Archives vol. 1
Superman (v1) 149 11-61 Superman (v1) 193
Best of DC Digest 01
Superboy (v1) 93 11-61 Superboy (v1) 208
Adventure Comics 293 2-62 Superboy (v1) 147
Adventure Comics 495
Legion Archives vol. 1
Action Comics 285 2-62 Action Comics 360
Best of DC Digest 17
Action Comics 287 4-62 Action Comics 373
Adventure Comics 496
Legion Archives vol. 1
Action Comics 289 6-62 Adventure Comics 390
Adventure Comics 496
Legion Archives vol. 1
Superboy (v1) 98 7-62 Superboy (v1) 147
Adventure Comics 497
Legion Archives vol. 1
Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen 62 7-62 Superman Family 178
Adventure Comics 300 9-62 Action Comics 377
Adventure Comics 497
Legion Archives vol. 1
Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen 63 9-62 Superman Family 169
Adventure Comics 301 10-62 Superboy (v1) 180
Adventure Comics 498
Legion Archives vol. 1
Superboy (v1) 100 10-62 Superman Family 167
Adventure Comics 302 11-62 Action Comics 388
Adventure Comics 498
Legion Archives vol. 1
Adventure Comics 303 12-62 Adventure Comics 499
Legion Archives vol. 1
Superboy (v1) 101 12-62 Adventure Comics 371
Adventure Comics 304 1-63 Adventure Comics 403
Adventure Comics 499
Legion Archives vol. 1
Adventure Comics 305 2-63 Adventure Comics 403
Adventure Comics 500
Legion Archives vol. 1
Action Comics 297 2-63 Super DC Giant S-24
Adventure Comics 306 3-63 Adventure Comics 500
DC Special Blue Ribbon Digest 01
Legion Archives vol. 2
Action Comics 298 3-63 Super DC Giant S-24
Adventure Comics 307 4-63 Adventure Comics 500
Legion Archives vol. 2
Adventure Comics 308 5-63 Adventure Comics 403
Adventure Comics 500
Legion Archives vol. 2
Adventure Comics 309 6-63 Adventure Comics 500
Legion Archives vol. 2
Adventure Comics 310 7-63 Adventure Comics 500
Legion Archives vol. 2
Superman (v1) 162 7-63 DC 100-Page Super-Spectacular DC-18
Adventure Comics 311 8-63 Adventure Comics 500
Legion Archives vol. 2
Adventure Comics 312 9-63 Adventure Comics 403
Adventure Comics 500
Legion Archives vol. 2
Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen 72 10-63 Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen 140
Legion Archives vol. 2
Adventure Comics 313 10-63 Adventure Comics 409
Adventure Comics 500
Legion Archives vol. 2
Adventure Comics 314 11-63 Adventure Comics 501
Legion Archives vol. 2
Action Comics 306 11-63 Adventure Comics 398
Superman (v1) 165 11-63 Superman (v1) 272
Adventure Comics 315 12-63 Adventure Comics 501
Legion Archives vol. 2
Action Comics 307 12-63 Adventure Comics 390
Adventure Comics 316 1-64 Adventure Comics 502
Best of DC Digest 57
Legion Archives vol. 2
Adventure Comics 317 2-64 Adventure Comics 502
Legion Archives vol. 2
Superman (v1) 167 2-64 Superman (v1) 245
Adventure Comics 318 3-64 Adventure Comics 503
Legion Archives vol. 3
Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen 76 4-64 Adventure Comics 503
Legion Archives vol. 3
Adventure Comics 319 4-64 Best of DC Digest 44
Legion Archives vol. 3
Adventure Comics 320 5-64 Superboy (v1) 177
Best of DC Digest 44
Legion Archives vol. 3
Adventure Comics 321 6-64 Best of DC Digest 44
Legion Archives vol. 3
World's Finest Comics 142 6-64 World's Finest Comics 223
DC Special Series 23
Adventure Comics 322 7-64 Best of DC Digest 44
Legion Archives vol. 3
Adventure Comics 323 8-64 Superboy (v1) 185
Best of DC Digest 44
Legion Archives vol. 3
Adventure Comics 324 9-64 Batman 238
Best of DC Digest 57
Legion Archives vol. 3
Adventure Comics 325 10-64 Best of DC Digest 57
Legion Archives vol. 3
Adventure Comics 326 11-64 Adventure Comics 410
Best of DC Digest 57
Legion Archives vol. 3
Superboy (v1) 117 12-64 Best of DC Digest 64
Legion Archives vol. 3
Adventure Comics 327 12-64 Superboy (v1) 178
Best of DC Digest 33
Best of DC Digest 57
Legion Archives vol. 3
Adventure Comics 328 1-65 LSH (v1) 1
Best of DC Digest 57
Legion Archives vol. 3
Adventure Comics 329 2-65 Best of DC Digest 57
Legion Archives vol. 4
Adventure Comics 330 3-65 Best of DC Digest 64
Legion Archives vol. 4
Adventure Comics 331 4-65 Best of DC Digest 64
Legion Archives vol. 4
Lois Lane 56 4-65 Superman Family 168
Adventure Comics 332 5-65 Best of DC Digest 64
DC 100-Page Super-Spectacular DC-21
Legion Archives vol. 4
Adventure Comics 333 6-65 LSH (v1) 2
Best of DC Digest 64
Legion Archives vol. 4
Adventure Comics 334 7-65 Best of DC Digest 64
Legion Archives vol. 4
Adventure Comics 335 8-65 Best of DC Digest 67
Legion Archives vol. 4
Adventure Comics 336 9-65 Best of DC Digest 67
Legion Archives vol. 4
Superboy (v1) 124 10-65 Superman Family 167
Best of DC Digest 67
Legion Archives vol. 4
Adventure Comics 337 10-65 Adventure Comics 411
Best of DC Digest 67
Legion Archives vol. 4
Adventure Comics 338 11-65 Best of DC Digest 67
Legion Archives vol. 4
Superboy (v1) 125 12-65 Best of DC Digest 67
Legion Archives vol. 4
Adventure Comics 339 12-65 Best of DC Digest 67
Legion Archives vol. 4
Best of DC Digest 67
Adventure Comics 340 1-66 LSH (v1) 3
Legion Archives vol. 5
Adventure Comics 341 2-66 LSH (v1) 4
Legion Archives vol. 5
Adventure Comics 342 3-66 Superboy (v1) 202
Legion Archives vol. 5
Adventure Comics 343 4-66 Superboy (v1) 208
Legion Archives vol. 5
Adventure Comics 344 5-66 Superboy (v1) 202
Legion Archives vol. 5
Adventure Comics 345 6-66 Superboy (v1) 202
Legion Archives vol. 5
Adventure Comics 346 7-66 Legion Archives vol. 5
Adventure Comics 347 8-66 Legion Archives vol. 5
Adventure Comics 348 9-66 DC Special Blue Ribbon Digest 22
Legion Archives vol. 5
Adventure Comics 349 10-66 DC Special Blue Ribbon Digest 01
Legion Archives vol. 5
Adventure Comics 350 11-66 Superboy (v1) 205
Adventure Comics 351 12-66 Superboy (v1) 205
Adventure Comics 352 1-67 DC Special Blue Ribbon Digest 01
Adventure Comics 353 2-67 DC Special Blue Ribbon Digest 01
Adventure Comics 354 3-67 DC Superstars 3
Adventure Comics 355 4-67 Superboy (v1) 181
DC Superstars 3
Superboy and the LSH/Tempo ISBN 0-448-14535-9
Adventure Comics 357 6-67 Best of DC Digest 24
Adventure Comics 359 8-67 Superboy and the LSH 238
World's Finest Comics 168 8-67 Super-Team Family 6
Adventure Comics 360 9-67 Superboy and the LSH 238
Adventure Comics 365 2-68 DC Special Blue Ribbon Digest 08
Adventure Comics 366 3-68 DC Special Blue Ribbon Digest 08
Adventure Comics 367 4-68 DC Special Blue Ribbon Digest 08
Superboy (v1) 147 6-68 Secret Origins (v1) 6
Adventure Comics 369 6-68 Limited Collector's Edition C-48
Adventure Comics 370 7-68 Limited Collector's Edition C-48
Adventure Comics 371 8-68 Best of DC Digest 24
Adventure Comics 372 9-68 Best of DC Digest 24
Action Comics 392 9-70 Superboy and the LSH/Tempo ISBN 0-448-14535-9
Superboy (v1) 172 3-71 Best of DC Digest 33
Superboy (v1) 176 7-71 Best of DC Digest 24
DC Special Series 19
Superboy (v1) 188 7-72 Superboy and the LSH/Tempo ISBN 0-448-14535-9
Superboy (v1) 195 6-73 Best of DC Digest 33
Tales of the LSH 343
Superboy (v1) 198 10-73 DC Special Blue Ribbon Digest 08
Superboy (v1) 202 6-74 DC Special Blue Ribbon Digest 08
Superboy (v1) 221 11-76 Best of DC Digest 33
Superboy and the LSH 233 11-77 Best of DC Digest 33
All-New Collector's Ed. C-55 2-78 Best of DC Digest 33
Superboy and the LSH 240 6-78 Best of DC Digest 33
DC Special Series 21 3-80 Best of DC Digest 11
Christmas With The Super-Heroes 1
LSH (v2) 283 1-82 Tales of the LSH 343
LSH (v2) 286 4-82 Best of DC Digest 35
LSH (v2) 287 5-82 Great Darkness Saga trade paperback
LSH (v2) 290 8-82 Great Darkness Saga trade paperback
LSH (v2) 291 9-82 Great Darkness Saga trade paperback
LSH (v2) 292 10-82 Great Darkness Saga trade paperback
LSH (v2) 293 11-82 Great Darkness Saga trade paperback
LSH (v2) 294 12-82 Great Darkness Saga trade paperback
LSH (v3) 01 7-84 Tales of the LSH 326
LSH (v3) 02 8-84 Tales of the LSH 327
LSH (v3) 03 9-84 Tales of the LSH 328
LSH (v3) 04 10-84 Tales of the LSH 329
LSH (v3) 05 11-84 Tales of the LSH 330
LSH (v3) 06 12-84 Tales of the LSH 331
LSH (v3) 07 1-85 Tales of the LSH 332
LSH (v3) 08 2-85 Tales of the LSH 333
LSH (v3) 09 3-85 Tales of the LSH 334
LSH (v3) 10 4-85 Tales of the LSH 335
LSH (v3) 11 5-85 Tales of the LSH 336
LSH (v3) 12 6-85 Tales of the LSH 337
LSH (v3) 13 7-85 Tales of the LSH 338
LSH (v3) 14 8-85 Tales of the LSH 339
LSH (v3) 15 9-85 Tales of the LSH 340
LSH (v3) 16 10-85 Tales of the LSH 341
LSH (v3) Annual 1 10-85 Tales of the LSH Annual 4
LSH (v3) 17 11-85 Tales of the LSH 342
LSH (v3) 19 1-86 Tales of the LSH 344
LSH (v3) 20 2-86 Tales of the LSH 345
LSH (v3) 21 3-86 Tales of the LSH 346
LSH (v3) 22 4-86 Tales of the LSH 347
LSH (v3) 23 5-86 Tales of the LSH 348
LSH (v3) 24 6-86 Tales of the LSH 349
LSH (v3) 25 7-86 Tales of the LSH 350
LSH (v3) 26 8-86 Tales of the LSH 351
LSH (v3) 27 9-86 Tales of the LSH 352
LSH (v3) 28 10-86 Tales of the LSH 353
LSH (v3) Annual 2 10-86 Tales of the LSH Annual 5
LSH (v3) 29 11-86 Tales of the LSH 354
Adv. of Superman 476 3-91 Time and Time Again TPB
Adv. of Superman 477 4-91 Time and Time Again TPB
Adv. of Superman 478 5-91 Time and Time Again TPB
mg | or...@ix.netcom.com
Houston, TX | CI$: 74737,2600
"FDO, Targeting, Nominal MECO, OMS-1 not required."
"And all the science, I don't understand, it's just my job five days a week."
Someone hasn't been reading their "zombie's order" posts!
I *like* cartooney (but then I am a manga fan). Especially in this
environment; light and clean, yet serious. It is what drew me to the
Flash in the first place.
>Starman: Okay - Joanna doesn't like it. But I do. James Robinson
> shows a real sense of history in his writing. The art is strange,
> but works really well. This book always takes a long time for me
> to read for some reason - I guess I don't want it to end.
I agree. Usually, a good long read means a good book. Otherwise, I
would have just gotten bored and not put in the time to read it
thuroughly. And I *do* like the art.
>Flash: Another Mark Waid book. Do I need to say more ?
(who lost one of the artists I really like to the xbooks of all places.
This is not to put down the xbooks, but BOB usually goes for the scratchey
cluttered look, so it strikes me as strange.))
Sounds like saying sandman *anything* over on rac.a. =;^) Afterall,
we all know Sandman is not Alternative, right?
I've got to agree. The cartooney art is great! I am sick of
image-y/xbooks style crap.
Starman *is* better than Black Lightining, and probably the LSH books.
Shazam is a hard call, but Starman's probably better if I am honest about
it. Flash was the best DC up until several months ago but with the coming
of so many fine titles, it's no longer near the top. Impulse is fun, but I
would be hard pressed to put it up with the others based on it's two issues
thus far.
: Sounds like saying sandman *anything* over on rac.a. =;^) Afterall,
: we all know Sandman is not Alternative, right?
: zombie
woops, typo's the kinda typos and slips you get.
rac.misc I meant. Sorry if I further confused newbiews.
Not quite. I said I didn't think I'd like it and invited people to try to
change my mind.
I'd add to the list of good DC books:
Justice League America: Ok, it's uneven at times, but it's always obvious
that the writer is trying to make these heroes *characters*. Non-identical
characterization is something that's not so easy to find anymore.
>I always thought calling this one a Legion story was stretching things a bit.
>This was the story where Lana Lang first became Insect Queen. She had no
>Legion connection until she joined the Legion Reserve a year and a half later
>(and not much then). It's true that Mon-El also didn't have any Legion
>connection when he was first introduced, but Mon-El and Insect Queen aren't
>really in the same category.
But that's why Michael's list is so wonderful -- it's easy to find out where
Mon-El appeared, but finding Insect Queen appearances is *hard*. (Can you
guess which, out of the two, I like better? :) )
>Wonder Woman 101 10-58 Wonder Woman 217
An early Legion reference in a Wonder Woman story? I never heard of such a
thing. Can you tell us what this was?
>Superboy (v1) 101 12-62 Adventure Comics 371
I think this one should have an asterisk beside it. The story as published
in SupB 101 had no Legion reference. They altered it when they reprinted it,
making it into a "Legion" story by inserting two new panels, the Legionaires
only appearence in the Adv 371 story. The last sentence of the last panel
also had a Legion reference added.
>Superboy (v1) 124 10-65 Superman Family 167
> Best of DC Digest 67
> Legion Archives vol. 4
I always thought calling this one a Legion story was stretching things a bit.
This was the story where Lana Lang first became Insect Queen. She had no
Legion connection until she joined the Legion Reserve a year and a half later
(and not much then). It's true that Mon-El also didn't have any Legion
connection when he was first introduced, but Mon-El and Insect Queen aren't
really in the same category.
William D.B. Loos | "Feels good in my hand.
| As the actress said to the bishop."
lo...@frodo.mgh.harvard.edu | -- Jack Knight, upon acquiring the
| large-size cosmic rod in Starman #2
>In article <3n9q97$s...@ixnews4.ix.netcom.com>, or...@ix.netcom.com (Michael
Grabois) writes:
>>Wonder Woman 101 10-58 Wonder Woman 217
>An early Legion reference in a Wonder Woman story? I never heard of such a
>thing. Can you tell us what this was?
As someone else mentioned, this had an appearance by the "Time Master". I was
originally surprised to see this as well; I got it from the LSH Index published
by ICG/Eclipse in issue 2, 1987. (Murray Ward, editor; Mark Waid and Andrew
MacLaney, writers).
For the listing for Adventure 317 (2-64) "The Menace of Dream Girl", here's what
it says about the Time Trapper:
"last seen, as the Time Master, in Wonder Woman 101; first
appearance as the Time Trapper; former identity as the Time
Master revealed in a story outside formal DC Continuity in
Super Friends #17; behind the scenes only.
Believe it or not, the Time Trapper appeared in issues 17, 18, and 46 of the
Superfriends series.
>>Superboy (v1) 101 12-62 Adventure Comics 371
>I think this one should have an asterisk beside it. The story as published
>in SupB 101 had no Legion reference. They altered it when they reprinted it,
>making it into a "Legion" story by inserting two new panels, the Legionaires
>only appearence in the Adv 371 story. The last sentence of the last panel
>also had a Legion reference added.
Good point. I'll have to rethink this one.
>>Superboy (v1) 124 10-65 Superman Family 167
>> Best of DC Digest 67
>> Legion Archives vol. 4
>I always thought calling this one a Legion story was stretching things a bit.
>This was the story where Lana Lang first became Insect Queen. She had no
>Legion connection until she joined the Legion Reserve a year and a half later
>(and not much then). It's true that Mon-El also didn't have any Legion
>connection when he was first introduced, but Mon-El and Insect Queen aren't
>really in the same category.
True, but as a Legion reservist, I felt she deserved mention.
BTW, I also have another Anal Retentive List of Legion appearances that needs a
little work, but that one includes:
* all appearances of all Legionnaires, together or solo, before and after
induction into the Legion EXCEPT for Superboy and Supergirl
* all appearances of the Legion of Super-Pets <groan> as a group ONLY, except
for Proty, who has all appearances listed
* all appearances of Dev-em and Mon-el/Valor, since there are only a few
before they appeared with the Legion and they are most associated with the
* all appearances of Reserve Legionnaires Elastic Lad and Insect Queen
(but not non-powered Pete Ross)
* appearances of Phase with the L.E.G.I.O.N. (when she was Tinya, though I may
retcon this checklist to remove her)
When I get it updated, I'll post it here as well.
>Aquaman: PAD's really done some good things with this book.
> Harpoon hand ? Made it seem plausible. If it's anything that PAD
> does well, it's taking supporting characters and breathing life
> into them - Dolphin and Aqualad have really been fleshed out well.
^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^
Oh, the irony!
(For the humor impared, see what happened to Aqualad in recent issues.)
LISTEN TO THIS MUSIC: Sebadoh, Pavement, Wally Pleasant, Hater, Mr. Bungle,
Bad Religion, 311, Afghan Whigs, Therapy?, Goober and the Peas, Sunny Day
Real Estate, G. Love and Special Sauce, Archers of Loaf, Everclear, Gigolo
Aunts, Rage Against the Machine, Rollins Band, and 4.5 FL. OZ.! (my band).
> In article <3n9q97$s...@ixnews4.ix.netcom.com>, or...@ix.netcom.com
(Michael Grabois) writes:
> >Wonder Woman 101 10-58 Wonder Woman 217
> An early Legion reference in a Wonder Woman story? I never heard of such a
> thing. Can you tell us what this was?
This is the first appearance of the Time Trapper, as "The Time Master".
> >Superboy (v1) 101 12-62 Adventure Comics 371
> I think this one should have an asterisk beside it. The story as published
> in SupB 101 had no Legion reference. They altered it when they reprinted it,
> making it into a "Legion" story by inserting two new panels, the Legionaires
> only appearence in the Adv 371 story. The last sentence of the last panel
> also had a Legion reference added.
> >Superboy (v1) 124 10-65 Superman Family 167
> > Best of DC Digest 67
> > Legion Archives vol. 4
> I always thought calling this one a Legion story was stretching things a
> This was the story where Lana Lang first became Insect Queen. She had no
> Legion connection until she joined the Legion Reserve a year and a half later
> (and not much then). It's true that Mon-El also didn't have any Legion
> connection when he was first introduced, but Mon-El and Insect Queen aren't
> really in the same category.
> William D.B. Loos | "Feels good in my hand.
> | As the actress said to the bishop."
> lo...@frodo.mgh.harvard.edu | -- Jack Knight, upon acquiring the
> | large-size cosmic rod in
Starman #2
Michael Schock Krechmer X Trapped on a desert island with Gina Schock krec...@bucknell.edu X Triplicate Girl, Maddy Ferguson, Dr. Julia
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Hoffman, Newt Gingrich, Kimberly Shaw and
Charles Montgomery Burns
JK : The main story didn't do a lot for me, however. The whole
JK : tank/missle story was contrived, and I didn't really buy any of the
JK : characters. Impulse racing the missle was fun, but the rest was just
JK : fluff. I'll keep reading, because I like the characters, but I hope
JK the main storylines get better.
> ...but spandax terrorists creating earthquakes and destroying a major
> city for the sole reason of generating power isn't???
Didn't say that, did I?
> Actually, it's kinda like a couple of asshole white supremacists bombing a
> Federal building and killing 100's, including dozens of children,
> thinking it will get them something.
> Too contrived huh??
Yeah, too contrived. First, agree on the ass hole part. As for
the rest, the entire super tank bit didn't read real to me. Not that I
expect anything in comics to actually be real or mimic the real world,
but while reading I shouldn't be thinking "Gee, only in a comic book."
My disbelief should be supended; the writer should have made me
believe that if something like this happened, this is how it would
go down. Or at least made it creative and entertaining enough for me
not to care.
So I didn't like the story. Or at least not that part of it.
Fair enough.
>(Can you guess which, out of the two, I like better? :) )
Well, without information, I'd find it difficult :-) . Mine is the one in
Adv 355 when she first went to the 30th century and joined the Reserve --
in that one she caught Superboy fair and square in the middle of changing
to Clark Kent but then acted responsible and voluntarily turned away, knowing
how important his secret identity was.
BTW, re: "the two", did you overlook that there are three Insect Queen stories
on this list? And, if any Insect Queen story counts, at least four others not
on it (evidently they have never been reprinted). Aside from SupB 124 and
Adv 355, on the list also is Adv 370, the first Mordru story. Lana also
helped the Legion as IQ in Superboy/starring the LSH 205 (12/74). The others
were non-Legion: SupB 126 (3/66), in which Insect Queen and Superboy have an
African adventure; Lois Lane 69 (10/66), in which both Lois and the adult
Lana use the bio-ring to become super-powered Kryptonian insects; and Jimmy
Olsen 94 (8/66) -- Lana was in the story but only Jimmy actually used the ring.
I took Johanna to be referring to a choice between Mon-el and Insect Queen.
>>>Superboy (v1) 101 12-62 Adventure Comics 371
>>I think this one should have an asterisk beside it. The story as published
>>in SupB 101 had no Legion reference. They altered it when they reprinted it,
>>making it into a "Legion" story by inserting two new panels, the Legionaires
>>only appearence in the Adv 371 story. The last sentence of the last panel
>>also had a Legion reference added.
>Good point. I'll have to rethink this one.
Since it really is a reprint, this list is probably the best place for it --
I just thought that an annotation to describe the true situation would be more
in line with completism. The only reason it's necessary is that they cheated
when they brought out Adv 371 -- there's no indication in that story that it's
a reprint. It does look like they were trying to palm it off as a new story
(I notice today that they also re-logo-ed it as a "Tales of the LSH" rather
than "Superboy".)
>>>Superboy (v1) 124 10-65 Superman Family 167
>>> Best of DC Digest 67
>>> Legion Archives vol. 4
>>I always thought calling this one a Legion story was stretching things a bit.
>>This was the story where Lana Lang first became Insect Queen. She had no
>>Legion connection until she joined the Legion Reserve a year and a half later
>>(and not much then). It's true that Mon-El also didn't have any Legion
>>connection when he was first introduced, but Mon-El and Insect Queen aren't
>>really in the same category.
>True, but as a Legion reservist, I felt she deserved mention.
As a matter of fact, other checklists of Legion-related stories that have
appeared over the years have included this one. I guess it does make sense
at that.
William D.B. Loos
>Let's see if we can get REALLY anal and have a list that includes every
>appearnce of every alien race that is from the LSH universe (Durlans,
>Khunds, etc..) Yikes!
Believe it or not, I originally tried to do that in my other Anal
Retentive Appearance list. It was easy up until Invasion; before that,
they really didn't appear in the 20th century (with a major exception of
Coluan Brainiac). After that, though, everyone and his brother had a
run-in with a Durlan, Imskian, Khund, Dominator, or Controller.
So does the Controller appearances make "Darkstars" a Legion tie-in?
That's why I discontinued it.
By the way, Ken Aromdee [arro...@blaze.cs.jhu.edu] sent me his list;
not surprisingly, there were some differences. I've got a couple more on
the way from others; when I get a consensus, I'll repost it here and in
RAC-info. Here's what Ken had that I did not:
Superman (v1) 147 8-61 Superman (Tempo ISBN
Superman Annual 4 W-61 LSH Archives 1
LSH Archives 2
Action Comics 283 12-61 Action Comics 360
Action Comics 285 2-62 Superman Annual 6 [1 p]
Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen 72 10-63 Adventure Comics 500
Lois Lane 50 7-64 Best of DC Digest 44
Jimmy Olsen 106 8-67 Best of DC Digest 46
Adventure Comics 362 11-67 Worlds Finest 172
Superboy 172 3-71 DC Special Series 19
Superboy 201 4-74 Tales of the LSH 343
DC Comics Presents 13 9-79 Best of DC Digest 66
DC Comics Presents 59 7-83 Best of DC Digest 50
LSH (v2) 305 11-83 Best of DC Digest 52
LSH (v2) 308 2-84 Best of DC Digest 61
LSH (v2) Annual 3 1984 Great Darkness Saga paperback
(note that I had Superboy 176 appearing in DC Special Series 19, not the
correct issue of 172).
She was also a villain, if memory serves.
OK, I know this sounds really anal, but does anyone else remember
reading Adventure 325 (10-64, "Lex Luthor Meets the Legion of
Super-Heroes")? There was a panel where Chameleon Boy and Proty are off
visiting their duplicates in another dimension. When I first read that
(in reprint), I thought to myself that that had to be Earth-2. I mean,
why would Reep be called "Chameleon Boy" if he wasn't in the Legion?
Like I said, one panel thirty years ago. But I never lost hope, at least
not until it was explicitly stated in a Superman issue or something
years back.
>Let's see if we can get REALLY anal and have a list that includes every
>appearnce of every alien race that is from the LSH universe (Durlans,
>Khunds, etc..) Yikes!
Let's see... Superboy and Supergirl were members of the Legion and they were
both from Krypton, so all appearances of Kryptonians from Action #1 to present
could be included. :)
>Action Comics 285 2-62 Superman Annual 6 [1 p]
This one looks a little fishy -- the only page from Ac 285 reprinted in
SupM Ann 6 was the scene when Supergirl was first revealed to Earth, and
that's not Legion related. (The Legion *was* in Ac 285, but that part
of it isn't reprinted in Ann 6, and, contrariwise, there was a Legion
story in Ann 6 but it was the one from Adv 247, not Ac 285.) The only
other possibility is the "Superman Family" group shot on the back cover
of Ann 6, but that wasn't in Ac 285 either...
>Adventure Comics 362 11-67 Worlds Finest 172
This one is mistaken, surely? WF 172 was from 12-67, so a story from
11-67 would hardly be likely to be reprinted there. (WF 172 was the
Imaginary Story where both Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent were adopted by
the Kents. Batman wound up joining the adult Legion but that cameo was
the only Legion-relatedness there was in that one).
William D.B. Loos
That one is definitely an error: it's a hasty misreading on my part.
Ken Arromdee (email: arro...@jyusenkyou.cs.jhu.edu)
"This isn't some Deep Space franchise." --Ivanova