DISCLAIMER - Information presented herein is not guaranteed to be
reliable. Due to the nature of the chats, misinterpretations of
the creators' comments do occur. No wagering.
SPOILER WARNING 1 - Information that tends to spoil current or
upcoming issues is located toward the end of this report. No
spoiler space separates such spoiler information.
SPOILER WARNING 2 - If you have not read LSH #82, do not read
this chat report. The major event from that issue is spoiled in
this report.
SPOILER WARNING 3 - If you are avoiding news of the upcoming
major story event that will split the Legion titles starting with
LSH #85, I commend you. You'll want to avoid this report to
continue your avoidance.
SUBSCRIPTIONS - If you'd like to subscribe (or unsubscribe) to
these chat reports, please send me an e-mail at
GRAPHICS - If you want to subscribe to Lev Kalman's weekly
humorous LSH pic, send the message "subscribe lev-pics" in the
body of an e-mail to "majo...@idyllmtn.com". You'll receive a
MIME-encoded pic in your virtual mailbox every week.
SPECIAL THANKS - To Andrew Woodard, Edward Douglas, Elayne
Wechsler-Chaput, and Tom McCraw for graciously offering to keep a
chat log from which this report could have been generated.
The creators have rough plans for the titles up to L* #51 and LSH
#97. Tom fine tunes the plans each month as the creators go
Tom was not optimistic that the prices on the Legion books would
be reduced.
Tom thought the Legion article that appeared in WIZARD #59 was
very informative. He opined that a Legion cover on WIZARD would
need a miracle to happen, but he was happy with any exposure for
the Legion titles.
When a fan asked whether about Legion aging, Tom indicated that
he didn't think the Legionnaires would age much.
There are no plans to transform Live Wire to Light Lad. Tom
likes both characters with Lightning powers. However, Tom would
like to see Spark in shorts like she wore preboot as Gossamer.
Superman did meet the Legion in the "Time and Time Again" story
Tom's least favorite member of the Substitute Heroes is probably
Double Header.
Any potential mini-series will be set in the 30th century as far
as Tom knows.
The relationship between Ivar and Kwin was Tom's idea. He was
not sure if KC Carlson and Roger Stern would go for it. Tom was
not aware that the relationship had received any negative mail.
There are no plans for gay Legionnaires any time soon.
Karate Kid cannot become the Legion's physical trainer because he
is still under contract to Work Force. Tom promised that Work
Force would be appearing soon.
Tom believes that Ultra Boy's chest symbol represents the space
dragon. (In the preboot, Ultra Boy gained powers after being
swallowed by a space dragon. The origin has not yet been stated
in the postboot.)
Tenzil Kem will not be eligible for the upcoming reader elections
for leader. Only current Legionnaires are eligible. The
elections will be held before the 20th century Legionnaires
return to the 30th century.
There are no plans soon for an Uncanny Amazers limited series.
Atom'x--who appeared in LSH #82--was intended to be a preboot
character named Atmos, but a switch was made in production. The
switch was made because Lee Moder drew the character incorrectly.
Tom stresses that the mistake was not Lee's fault. The mistake
was not caught until after the book had been inked, and it was
faster to create a new character rather than redraw the book.
Tom Peyer used the Atom'x name--which is based on Tom McCraw's
screen name--without McCraw's knowledge. McCraw vows revenge,
and promises that the revenge character will wear pink or pastel
purple. Tom did not know that the character would be named after
him when he was coloring the character.
Tom thought that Tom Peyer could better explain the powers of the
bald, bicycled panted Amazer from LSH #82. The powers have
something to do with the sections of the mind.
It was Invisible Kid who was fighting the bald, bicycle-panted
Amazer in LSH #82.
Ultra Boy and Apparition appear together next in LSH #83.
A group of Legionnaires will be stranded in the 20th century in a
continuing story that begins in LSH #85.
Shvaughn Erin will be one of the non-Legionnaires that is sent to
the 20th century. She joins Cosmic Boy, Saturn Girl, Apparition,
Brainiac 5, Spark, Ultra Boy, and Gates.
Tom believes that the one romance that is split up between the
20th and 30th centuries will make for a better story. He
observes that the romance will not be split up forever. He
further observes that Live Wire and Saturn Girl is not an
official romance. The idea of a Cosmic Boy and Saturn Girl
pairing has not settled with Tom yet.
There is a possibility of a L.E.G.I.O.N./LSH meeting.
There are no plans for the Marvel family yet.
Tom indicates that Ron Marz is being given a chance to situate
himself with Superboy before having any crossovers. He points
out that the Legion books can always borrow Superboy.
The 30th century Legionnaires won't be able to use historical
records to know of the 20th century Legionnaires plight because
the historical records are incomplete and inaccurate.
The 20th century storyline is not completely plotted out.
There are no plans for the 20th century Legionnaires to fight
Darkseid or the Joker. Tom indicates that KC Carlson would like
to see the team fight the Joker.
There is a ceremony on Shanghalla coming up in L* #41. Tom would
not say if the ceremony was for the missing 20th century
Legionnaires who are believed dead, or if a Legionnaire actually
Tom pointed out that so far they had only killed Kid Quantum I.
He further observed that none of the fans seemed to like the
character. He wondered why fans would give him permission to
"kill off a great character like Arm-Fall-Off Lad."
Wildfire will be appearing in LSH Annual #7. Tom indicated that
other Legionnaires will "sort of" be featured in the annual. The
annual will "sort of" be in continuity like the Adventure-era
Adult Legion story was.
The darkness in Saturn Girl's mind will be explored again,
probably some time next year.
Tom jokes that Nura Nal will be staying as long as she wants.
The creators have had the plans for Kinetix from the start. Tom
promises more developments for Kinetix in L* #42.
L* #43 will be full of preboot characters that we haven't already
seen. Tom responded "maybe" when asked if the Substitute Heroes
were appearing.
T. Troy McNemar, Esq. Tro...@indirect.com
"If friends impose on you to babysit it is within your rights
to convert the child to a new religion."
--"Dogbert's Clues for the Clueless"
>The creators have rough plans for the titles up to L* #51 and LSH
>#97. Tom fine tunes the plans each month as the creators go
Hmmm...this *might* just be interpreted as a clue as to when the 20th
century storyline is ending...
>When a fan asked whether about Legion aging, Tom indicated that
>he didn't think the Legionnaires would age much.
>There are no plans to transform Live Wire to Light Lad. Tom
>likes both characters with Lightning powers.
Both good news, IMHO. Let the characters age slowly--it's fun to have
them as kids, character-wise and art-wise.
>Atom'x--who appeared in LSH #82--was intended to be a preboot
>character named Atmos, but a switch was made in production. The
>switch was made because Lee Moder drew the character incorrectly.
>Tom stresses that the mistake was not Lee's fault. The mistake
>was not caught until after the book had been inked, and it was
>faster to create a new character rather than redraw the book.
Oh, so THAT'S where Atmos was! What did cause the mistake? Of course,
having Atmos in the fight, if he was anything like preboot, would have
somewhat changed the odds--he was, IIRC, quite powerful.
>It was Invisible Kid who was fighting the bald, bicycle-panted
>Amazer in LSH #82.
Oh! So Star Boy just happens to be absent from the group shot?
>Ultra Boy and Apparition appear together next in LSH #83.
Sigh. And I really wanted to see Moy draw Tinya again.
>Shvaughn Erin will be one of the non-Legionnaires that is sent to
>the 20th century. She joins Cosmic Boy, Saturn Girl, Apparition,
>Brainiac 5, Spark, Ultra Boy, and Gates.
Oops--I think I even left her off my original list! Hmmm...so Rond
remains in the 30th--he probably doesn't have the tech to get the team
back. Unless either Shvaughn or Rond develops powers sometime soon.
>Tom believes that the one romance that is split up between the
>20th and 30th centuries will make for a better story. He
>observes that the romance will not be split up forever. He
>further observes that Live Wire and Saturn Girl is not an
>official romance. The idea of a Cosmic Boy and Saturn Girl
>pairing has not settled with Tom yet.
So if it's not Garth and Imra...hmmm! Brainy and Andy are hardly more
official--will Spark be going out with Cham or Lyle in the next issue or
two? (No, really, it's Gates and Tenzil!)
>There is a ceremony on Shanghalla coming up in L* #41. Tom would
>not say if the ceremony was for the missing 20th century
>Legionnaires who are believed dead, or if a Legionnaire actually
>Tom pointed out that so far they had only killed Kid Quantum I.
>He further observed that none of the fans seemed to like the
But that doesn't mean you *need* to kill anyone else soon--how many
years passed between Garth and Ferro Lad, Ferro Lad and Invisible Kid,
Chemical King and Karate Kid? (I may be jumping the gun here--I truly
hope so.)
>Wildfire will be appearing in LSH Annual #7. Tom indicated that
>other Legionnaires will "sort of" be featured in the annual. The
>annual will "sort of" be in continuity like the Adventure-era
>Adult Legion story was.
>L* #43 will be full of preboot characters that we haven't already
>seen. Tom responded "maybe" when asked if the Substitute Heroes
>were appearing.
Two very cool developments. Although I'd always figured that Blok,
rather than Wildfire, would be the last Legionnaire alive.
>>SPOILER WARNING 1 - Information that tends to spoil current or
>>upcoming issues is located toward the end of this report. No
>>spoiler space separates such spoiler information.
>>SPOILER WARNING 2 - If you have not read LSH #82, do not read
>>this chat report. The major event from that issue is spoiled in
>>this report.
>>SPOILER WARNING 3 - If you are avoiding news of the upcoming
>>major story event that will split the Legion titles starting with
>>LSH #85, I commend you. You'll want to avoid this report to
>>continue your avoidance.
It's a shame I couldn't think of 8 or 9 other spoiler warnings to throw in.
>>The creators have rough plans for the titles up to L* #51 and LSH
>>#97. Tom fine tunes the plans each month as the creators go
>Hmmm...this *might* just be interpreted as a clue as to when the 20th
>century storyline is ending...
I wondered about that myself. I hope it wouldn't last that long, but they may
try to wrap the story up in L* #50.
>>Atom'x--who appeared in LSH #82--was intended to be a preboot
>>character named Atmos, but a switch was made in production.
>Oh, so THAT'S where Atmos was! What did cause the mistake?
Probably a miscommunication or misunderstanding somewhere. The problem was
likely caused because someone forgot that Atmos had already appeared postboot
in L* #0.
>Of course,
>having Atmos in the fight, if he was anything like preboot, would have
>somewhat changed the odds--he was, IIRC, quite powerful.
You recall correctly, he was a powerhouse.
>>It was Invisible Kid who was fighting the bald, bicycle-panted
>>Amazer in LSH #82.
>Oh! So Star Boy just happens to be absent from the group shot?
Thom was sitting on the sidelines with M'On. He never stepped into the cage
as far as I can tell.
>>Ultra Boy and Apparition appear together next in LSH #83.
>Sigh. And I really wanted to see Moy draw Tinya again.
L* #40, maybe? There's always the T-Shirt.
>>Shvaughn Erin will be one of the non-Legionnaires that is sent to
>>the 20th century. She joins Cosmic Boy, Saturn Girl, Apparition,
>>Brainiac 5, Spark, Ultra Boy, and Gates.
>Oops--I think I even left her off my original list! Hmmm...so Rond
>remains in the 30th--he probably doesn't have the tech to get the team
>back. Unless either Shvaughn or Rond develops powers sometime soon.
He can always access Brainy's stuff. Of course, he has to figure out that
they're stranded in the 20th century first.
I still think they're going to be dealing with the postboot "Iron Curtain of
Time" or its successor. It's time that the Time Trapper was reestablished as
the major LSH villain that he should be.
>>Tom believes that the one romance that is split up between the
>>20th and 30th centuries will make for a better story. [snip!] He
>>further observes that Live Wire and Saturn Girl is not an
>>official romance.
>So if it's not Garth and Imra...hmmm! Brainy and Andy are hardly more
>official--will Spark be going out with Cham or Lyle in the next issue or
>two? (No, really, it's Gates and Tenzil!)
I must admit that these comments confused me, too.
>>L* #43 will be full of preboot characters that we haven't already
>>seen. Tom responded "maybe" when asked if the Substitute Heroes
>>were appearing.
>Two very cool developments. Although I'd always figured that Blok,
>rather than Wildfire, would be the last Legionnaire alive.
I thought it made sense that Wildfire survived. I'd think it would be a
matter of keeping a fresh suit.
On the other hand, I wouldn't mind Wildfire, Blok and Quislet being the
foundation of the future team.
T. Troy McNemar, Esq. Tro...@indirect.com
"I've found that immediate gratification is the only thing that helps me."
--Calvin, "There's Treasure Everywhere"
>I thought it made sense that Wildfire survived. I'd think it would be a
>matter of keeping a fresh suit.
In the later Levitz issues, didn't Wildfire find a way to solidify his
anti-energy, and so didn't need the containment suit?
Michael R. Grabois | http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/mgrabois
Houston, TX | or...@ix.netcom.com CI$: 74737,2600
The Anal Retentive Legion checklists now online at the URL above.
"The ritual Klordny Toast... to Freedom, Friendship, and Frunt!"
> SPOILER WARNING 1 - Information that tends to spoil current or
> upcoming issues is located toward the end of this report. No
> spoiler space separates such spoiler information.
> SPOILER WARNING 2 - If you have not read LSH #82, do not read
> this chat report. The major event from that issue is spoiled in
> this report.
> SPOILER WARNING 3 - If you are avoiding news of the upcoming
> major story event that will split the Legion titles starting with
> LSH #85, I commend you. You'll want to avoid this report to
> continue your avoidance.
> Karate Kid cannot become the Legion's physical trainer because he
> is still under contract to Work Force. Tom promised that Work
> Force would be appearing soon.
And I repeat again my speculation that Inferno is somehow connected
with Dr. Regulus (Perhaps his daughter?).
> Tom believes that Ultra Boy's chest symbol represents the space
> dragon. (In the preboot, Ultra Boy gained powers after being
> swallowed by a space dragon. The origin has not yet been stated
> in the postboot.)
I'd like to see the creators play upon the Biblical allusion more this
time. I just always that was kind of neat.
> Tenzil Kem will not be eligible for the upcoming reader elections
> for leader. Only current Legionnaires are eligible. The
> elections will be held before the 20th century Legionnaires
> return to the 30th century.
Which means I won't get to vote for Gates :(. Oh well, now to find
another candidate. My second choice would have been Ghost-Tinya, but
their shipping her off, too. I'll wait and see what they do with
> There are no plans soon for an Uncanny Amazers limited series.
No plans *soon*? Long-term plans, hopefully? I'd buy it.
> Atom'x--who appeared in LSH #82--was intended to be a preboot
> character named Atmos, but a switch was made in production. The
> switch was made because Lee Moder drew the character incorrectly.
> Tom stresses that the mistake was not Lee's fault. The mistake
> was not caught until after the book had been inked, and it was
> faster to create a new character rather than redraw the book.
Okay. It will be really interesting someday when Atom'x is an
extremly popular character, with seven books of his own, to look back
and remember that he was created by accident. :)
Of course, the creators now have to come up with an in-story
explanation of why Atmos was absent.
> It was Invisible Kid who was fighting the bald, bicycle-panted
> Amazer in LSH #82.
Which explains why he wouldn't have known the guys name. Thom should
> Shvaughn Erin will be one of the non-Legionnaires that is sent to
> the 20th century. She joins Cosmic Boy, Saturn Girl, Apparition,
> Brainiac 5, Spark, Ultra Boy, and Gates.
Well, at least she'll finally get some exposure. Hopefully, the S.P.
will appoint GiGi as liason in the meantime.
--David Taylor
Drake learned to solidify his body with the help of Quislet after the
Universo Project (v3 #32-35). He was able to forego a containment
suit until Quislet's forced return to his home dimension (#58);
apparently, Drake needed his help to maintain the solidity.
http://www.columbia.edu/~ylee/ _. icbm://40.83.-73.91/
__./ |
/___. |___
>>SPOILER WARNING 1 - Information that tends to spoil current or
>>upcoming issues is located toward the end of this report. No
>>spoiler space separates such spoiler information.
>>SPOILER WARNING 2 - If you have not read LSH #82, do not read
>>this chat report. The major event from that issue is spoiled in
>>this report.
>>SPOILER WARNING 3 - If you are avoiding news of the upcoming
>>major story event that will split the Legion titles starting with
>>LSH #85, I commend you. You'll want to avoid this report to
>>continue your avoidance.
It's a shame I couldn't think of 8 or 9 other spoiler warnings to throw
>>>The creators have rough plans for the titles up to L* #51 and LSH
>>>#97. Tom fine tunes the plans each month as the creators go
>>Hmmm...this *might* just be interpreted as a clue as to when the 20th
>>century storyline is ending...
>I wondered about that myself. I hope it wouldn't last that long, but
they may
try to wrap the story up in L* #50.<
Also, though, Tom McCraw said that "The 20th century storyline is not
completely plotted out." This could be interepreted as broadly as any
quatrain of Nostradamus, or, as I believe, that the 20th century storyline
has not been finished by the writers. Thus, I forsee a 20th c. finale
likely in LSH #100. This would give them 15-16 issues for a story-arc,
which seems the right length (just over a year) to me...for some reason. I
can't explain why that seems to work for me. Maybe I shouldn't have said
it. Oh, well.
Jim Caldwell jc cu...@aol.com
>Karate Kid cannot become the Legion's physical trainer because he
>is still under contract to Work Force. Tom promised that Work
>Force would be appearing soon.
Like something as silly as a contract has stopped anyone *else* from
leaving WorkForce :-)
>Tenzil Kem will not be eligible for the upcoming reader elections
>for leader. Only current Legionnaires are eligible. The
>elections will be held before the 20th century Legionnaires
>return to the 30th century.
Okay, I'm now officially confused. The split happens in LSH #85,
right? That means the issues have already been finished, right? So
how can they have the elections before 85? Or do they mean the old
tradition of gathering the votes and then waiting a few years (:-))
to announce the results?
(I found it amusing that through the first dozen+ issues of v3 they
kept saying "we're not ready to announce the election results yet"
Reminded me of racdlsh :-))
>Atom'x--who appeared in LSH #82--was intended to be a preboot
>character named Atmos, but a switch was made in production. The
>switch was made because Lee Moder drew the character incorrectly.
>Tom stresses that the mistake was not Lee's fault. The mistake
>was not caught until after the book had been inked, and it was
>faster to create a new character rather than redraw the book.
Well, I guess that makes sense, considering we've seen him before and
(I still like the Superman/JLI parallel, though...)
>Shvaughn Erin will be one of the non-Legionnaires that is sent to
>the 20th century. She joins Cosmic Boy, Saturn Girl, Apparition,
>Brainiac 5, Spark, Ultra Boy, and Gates.
So now all we have to guess is who the powered non-Legionnaire is. My
money's still on Tenzil.
>Tom believes that the one romance that is split up between the
>20th and 30th centuries will make for a better story. He
>observes that the romance will not be split up forever. He
>further observes that Live Wire and Saturn Girl is not an
>official romance. The idea of a Cosmic Boy and Saturn Girl
>pairing has not settled with Tom yet.
Well, the only choices we have right now are:
Rokk/XS (even though this one, as one-sided as it was, has been on the
back burner forever...)
>There is a possibility of a L.E.G.I.O.N./LSH meeting.
Didn't they say the whole Phase situation was going to be cleared up?
I'd say they *have* to have a LEGION/Legion meeting for that...
>Tom indicates that Ron Marz is being given a chance to situate
>himself with Superboy before having any crossovers. He points
>out that the Legion books can always borrow Superboy.
PLEASEPLEASEPLEASEPLEASE let Ron settle with the Superboy title and
just borrow the character! I mean, I have no desire to see Saturn
Girl, Apparition, or Spark killed and stuffed into a refrigerator :-)
>There are no plans for the 20th century Legionnaires to fight
>Darkseid or the Joker. Tom indicates that KC Carlson would like
>to see the team fight the Joker.
Oh, come on. How hard could it be? Joker confronts the Legion, and
Gates 'ports him into the Atlantic.
>The creators have had the plans for Kinetix from the start. Tom
>promises more developments for Kinetix in L* #42.
Well, that either suggests that
1) Kinetix is going to survive the Eye storyline
2) As per tradition for the character, she's going to get killed, and
it'll take 7 issues until they get around to doing a post-mortem.
>L* #43 will be full of preboot characters that we haven't already
>seen. Tom responded "maybe" when asked if the Substitute Heroes
>were appearing.
Hmm. Legion Tryouts, maybe?
Can we have Nixon Lad? Please?
- Don
>>SPOILER WARNING 1 - Information that tends to spoil current or
>>upcoming issues is located toward the end of this report. No
>>spoiler space separates such spoiler information.
>>SPOILER WARNING 2 - If you have not read LSH #82, do not read
>>this chat report. The major event from that issue is spoiled in
>>this report.
>>SPOILER WARNING 3 - If you are avoiding news of the upcoming
>>major story event that will split the Legion titles starting with
>>LSH #85, I commend you. You'll want to avoid this report to
>>continue your avoidance.
>>Tenzil Kem will not be eligible for the upcoming reader elections
>>for leader. Only current Legionnaires are eligible. The
>>elections will be held before the 20th century Legionnaires
>>return to the 30th century.
>Okay, I'm now officially confused. The split happens in LSH #85,
>right? That means the issues have already been finished, right? So
>how can they have the elections before 85? Or do they mean the old
>tradition of gathering the votes and then waiting a few years (:-))
>to announce the results?
I'm not sure, but you may have misread the comment. We'll be voting before
the 20th century Legionnaires return to the 30th century. That doesn't mean
we'll be voting before the 20th century Legionnaires become stranded in the
20th century.
>>Shvaughn Erin will be one of the non-Legionnaires that is sent to
>>the 20th century. She joins Cosmic Boy, Saturn Girl, Apparition,
>>Brainiac 5, Spark, Ultra Boy, and Gates.
>So now all we have to guess is who the powered non-Legionnaire is. My
>money's still on Tenzil.
Has this information not been released on racdl yet? I'll post it at the end
of this post after some spoiler space.
>PLEASEPLEASEPLEASEPLEASE let Ron settle with the Superboy title and
>just borrow the character! I mean, I have no desire to see Saturn
>Girl, Apparition, or Spark killed and stuffed into a refrigerator :-)
Marz can't kill Tinya--she's already dead! :)
>>L* #43 will be full of preboot characters that we haven't already
>Hmm. Legion Tryouts, maybe?
>Can we have Nixon Lad? Please?
Spoiler space for powered 20th century non-Legionnaire
Inferno of Work Force will also be stranded in the 20th century. (And for
purposes of clarification, this is the female one.) A 6 page Preview of the
issue has been released and Tom Galloway (and others) announced the info on
T. Troy McNemar, Esq. Tro...@indirect.com
"Grease is expressly not the way that I'm feeling."
>SPOILER WARNING 1 - Information that tends to spoil current or
>upcoming issues is located toward the end of this report. No
>spoiler space separates such spoiler information.
>SPOILER WARNING 2 - If you have not read LSH #82, do not read
>this chat report. The major event from that issue is spoiled in
>this report.
>SPOILER WARNING 3 - If you are avoiding news of the upcoming
>major story event that will split the Legion titles starting with
>LSH #85, I commend you. You'll want to avoid this report to
>continue your avoidance.
>When a fan asked whether about Legion aging, Tom indicated that
>he didn't think the Legionnaires would age much.
And there'sno reason for them to. For comics set in the present day,
especially ones that insist on referencing "real world" events, it is hard
to keep the characters from aging. But with the Legion we really can
assume that the characters "freeze" from the end of one issue to the next.
So, here's an interesting project for someone with the time. Go through
all the legion stories since the reboot, taking into account given dates
with time references and assumed passage of time between events, and
figure out how much time has passed since the Legion was formed. We're
going on two years now since the boot, but I'd say that in LSH time only a
few months have passed...well probably more like 6-7.
>There are no plans to transform Live Wire to Light Lad. Tom
>likes both characters with Lightning powers. However, Tom would
>like to see Spark in shorts like she wore preboot as Gossamer.
I also prefer the Gossamer suit.
>Superman did meet the Legion in the "Time and Time Again" story
This will make for a very confused man of steel, and might open the doors
for a guest shot by Douglas Nolan and/or other timeline Legions....perhaps
in a battle with the Linear Men.
>Any potential mini-series will be set in the 30th century as far
>as Tom knows.
That's 'cause Lyle is in the 30th century :)
>The relationship between Ivar and Kwin was Tom's idea. He was
>not sure if KC Carlson and Roger Stern would go for it. Tom was
>not aware that the relationship had received any negative mail.
I dunno. I had always pictured Ivar as being this tough as nails grissily
old bastard. This revelation seems to have softened his portrayal more
than I would have liked. I'm not necessarily opposed to a gay
relationship, I just think that having Ivar in *any* relationship only
serves to somehow water down the character I had envisioned him as being.
I'm also still not sure why Ivar could not have been the one to do the
mind sweep. Isn't he even more powerful that Imra? And wouldn't his
doing the sweep have kept any "secrets"?
>There are no plans soon for an Uncanny Amazers limited series.
If my dream of having the Legion get the lead slot in Showcase would come
true, we could have an Amazers story there.
>Atom'x--who appeared in LSH #82--was intended to be a preboot
>character named Atmos, but a switch was made in production. The
>switch was made because Lee Moder drew the character incorrectly.
>Tom stresses that the mistake was not Lee's fault. The mistake
>was not caught until after the book had been inked, and it was
>faster to create a new character rather than redraw the book.
Very, VERY interesting. I had thought that the two names were similar and
might intimate some similarity of powers, but it never once occured to me
that that was supposed to actually BE Atmos. I had just assumed that, as
he apparently won the planatary champion contest in L* #0, he was not (or
was no longer) a member of the Amazers. I figured: Atmos is to the
Amazers as Superman is to the JLA.
>There is a possibility of a L.E.G.I.O.N./LSH meeting.
If only to settle this pesky Phase thing.
>There are no plans for the Marvel family yet.
I wonder how I feel about Capt. Marvel Jr. being the 20th cen. hero to go
back to the future? The idea is growing on me.....
>Tom indicates that Ron Marz is being given a chance to situate
>himself with Superboy before having any crossovers. He points
>out that the Legion books can always borrow Superboy.
The ones who need to borrow Superboy are ma&pa Kent. sheesh- that kid
could use an extented vacation on the farm....or at least behind the
>Tom pointed out that so far they had only killed Kid Quantum I.
>He further observed that none of the fans seemed to like the
>character. He wondered why fans would give him permission to
>"kill off a great character like Arm-Fall-Off Lad."
I'm not altogether opposed to the idea of having James' sister join the
Legion providing that the stasis power can be internalized.
>Wildfire will be appearing in LSH Annual #7. Tom indicated that
>other Legionnaires will "sort of" be featured in the annual. The
>annual will "sort of" be in continuity like the Adventure-era
>Adult Legion story was.
>L* #43 will be full of preboot characters that we haven't already
>seen. Tom responded "maybe" when asked if the Substitute Heroes
>were appearing.
god I hope poor Brek gets in on the first try this time.
>>There are no plans for the 20th century Legionnaires to fight
>>Darkseid or the Joker. Tom indicates that KC Carlson would like
>>to see the team fight the Joker.
>Oh, come on. How hard could it be? Joker confronts the Legion, and
>Gates 'ports him into the Atlantic.
There are a few more possibilities than that. Other than Superboy and a
few of the major players, none of the Legionnaires know who's who or
what's what. If they met the Joker when they first arrived, the Joker
could do his best imitation of normalcy, convince them he's a hero, and
trick them into doing something. (The team isn't stupid, but it could work
for a short time.) All this would be an excuse, of course, just to see
Joker interact with the different characters. He and Gates having a
conversation would be priceless. (Maybe they'd get along.)
>If my dream of having the Legion get the lead slot in Showcase would come
>true, we could have an Amazers story there.
That would be great. Are sales on the Legion books higher than sales on
SHOWCASE? If so, the Legion having the lead slot could only improve
SHOWCASE sales. Are you reading this, DC?
>On Sun, 09 Jun 96 03:40:03 GMT, tro...@indirect.com (T. Troy McNemar,
>Esq.) wrote:
>>I thought it made sense that Wildfire survived. I'd think it would be a
>>matter of keeping a fresh suit.
>In the later Levitz issues, didn't Wildfire find a way to solidify his
>anti-energy, and so didn't need the containment suit?
Yeah, but this was dependent on something Quiselt did... and you'll note that
Drake began falling apart again after Quislet's final departure--leaving him
to return to his suit for the Magic Wars.
Gregory A. Sheets
"Let's look for some cities I can burn with my heat vision!"
--Mon-El as Nero,
Adventure Comics #314
"And how long do you think *you'll* last?"
"Can't say fairer than that... Great Train Robbery, how's that goin', eh?"
The Police Superintendent and John Lennon
Phrenology Lad?
> Tom jokes that Nura Nal will be staying as long as she wants.
Given a previously stated reluctance to work with Dreamy's powers, I'd be
willing to place my bets on Dreamy being the Legionnaire who gets it in
But I suppose, she already knew that
Numerous humorous spoiler warnings deleted
>I dunno. I had always pictured Ivar as being this tough as nails grissily
>old bastard . . . I'm also still not sure why Ivar could not have
>been the one to do the mind sweep. Isn't he even more powerful that
>Imra? And wouldn't his doing the sweep have kept any "secrets"?
You've confused Ivar, Titanian Ambassador to the UP, with Aven, Imra's
teacher. She even refers to Aven being a better choice for the mind
scan, if only he were close enough.
Carl Fink ca...@panix.com madsci...@genie.com
Dueling Modems, Inc. http://www.sfrt.com/sfrt/
". . . stories have to end. It's what gives them meaning." -Neil Gaiman
>Previously on racdl, Don Brinker wrote:
>>"T. Troy McNemar, Esq." <tro...@indirect.com> wrote:
>>>SPOILER WARNING 1 - Information that tends to spoil current or
>>>upcoming issues is located toward the end of this report. No
>>>spoiler space separates such spoiler information.
>>>SPOILER WARNING 2 - If you have not read LSH #82, do not read
>>>this chat report. The major event from that issue is spoiled in
>>>this report.
>>>SPOILER WARNING 3 - If you are avoiding news of the upcoming
>>>major story event that will split the Legion titles starting with
>>>LSH #85, I commend you. You'll want to avoid this report to
>>>continue your avoidance.
>>>Tenzil Kem will not be eligible for the upcoming reader elections
>>>for leader. Only current Legionnaires are eligible. The
>>>elections will be held before the 20th century Legionnaires
>>>return to the 30th century.
>>Okay, I'm now officially confused. The split happens in LSH #85,
>>right? That means the issues have already been finished, right? So
>>how can they have the elections before 85? Or do they mean the old
>>tradition of gathering the votes and then waiting a few years (:-))
>>to announce the results?
>I'm not sure, but you may have misread the comment. We'll be voting before
>the 20th century Legionnaires return to the 30th century. That doesn't mean
>we'll be voting before the 20th century Legionnaires become stranded in the
>20th century.
Oops. I misread that. Boy do I feel stupid now.
Not my fault, English is my first language :-)
>>>Shvaughn Erin will be one of the non-Legionnaires that is sent to
>>>the 20th century. She joins Cosmic Boy, Saturn Girl, Apparition,
>>>Brainiac 5, Spark, Ultra Boy, and Gates.
>>So now all we have to guess is who the powered non-Legionnaire is. My
>>money's still on Tenzil.
>Has this information not been released on racdl yet? I'll post it at the end
>of this post after some spoiler space.
That's the first I heard of it.
>>PLEASEPLEASEPLEASEPLEASE let Ron settle with the Superboy title and
>>just borrow the character! I mean, I have no desire to see Saturn
>>Girl, Apparition, or Spark killed and stuffed into a refrigerator :-)
>Marz can't kill Tinya--she's already dead! :)
C'mon, this is *RON MARZ* we're talking about! He'd find a way :-)
>>Can we have Nixon Lad? Please?
Okay, how about Deja Vu Lad, then?
>Spoiler space for powered 20th century non-Legionnaire
>Inferno of Work Force will also be stranded in the 20th century. (And for
>purposes of clarification, this is the female one.) A 6 page Preview of the
>issue has been released and Tom Galloway (and others) announced the info on
Interesting. I still think I'd rather see Tenzil, but...
- Don
>"T. Troy McNemar, Esq." <tro...@indirect.com> wrote:
>>The relationship between Ivar and Kwin was Tom's idea. He was
>>not sure if KC Carlson and Roger Stern would go for it. Tom was
>>not aware that the relationship had received any negative mail.
>I dunno. I had always pictured Ivar as being this tough as nails grissily
>old bastard. This revelation seems to have softened his portrayal more
>than I would have liked. I'm not necessarily opposed to a gay
>relationship, I just think that having Ivar in *any* relationship only
>serves to somehow water down the character I had envisioned him as being.
> I'm also still not sure why Ivar could not have been the one to do the
>mind sweep. Isn't he even more powerful that Imra? And wouldn't his
>doing the sweep have kept any "secrets"?
Uh, are you getting Ivar and Aven confused again? Ivar's the
ambassador being referred to above. Aven's Obi-Wan Kenobi :-)
- Don
>Uh, are you getting Ivar and Aven confused again? Ivar's the
>ambassador being referred to above. Aven's Obi-Wan Kenobi :-)
Again? I don't think Duke ever actually said he confused the
two publically...unlike me *blush* In fact, I think I may have
been the only one. =(
But if someone else did, glad to see I'm not the only idjit on
the Net. =)
Mathematics & Linguistics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
nsan...@mit.edu *** http://www.mit.edu/people/nsanders
>>The relationship between Ivar and Kwin was Tom's idea. He was
>>not sure if KC Carlson and Roger Stern would go for it. Tom was
>>not aware that the relationship had received any negative mail.
>I dunno. I had always pictured Ivar as being this tough as nails grissily
>old bastard. This revelation seems to have softened his portrayal more
>than I would have liked. I'm not necessarily opposed to a gay
>relationship, I just think that having Ivar in *any* relationship only
>serves to somehow water down the character I had envisioned him as being.
I think you must be confusing Dr. Aven (Imra's mentor) with Ambassador Ivar
(Titan's UP rep).
> I'm also still not sure why Ivar could not have been the one to do the
>mind sweep. Isn't he even more powerful that Imra? And wouldn't his
>doing the sweep have kept any "secrets"?
Aven is at least as powerful as Imra, but I don't think they've represented
how powerful Ivar is. Remember that Imra ranks highly among Titan's telepaths
and Aven has called her his best student.
T. Troy McNemar, Esq. Tro...@indirect.com
"I do like to get into the spirit of things."
--Death, "Maskerade"
It'll be OK. Major Force is dead (*really dead* this time) so RM will have to
find some other appliance to use. (Vacuum Lad anyone?) =;)
Russ Benson
(my own mindless drivel mecifully snipped)
>Uh, are you getting Ivar and Aven confused again? Ivar's the
>ambassador being referred to above. Aven's Obi-Wan Kenobi :-)
>- Don
thunk, thunk, thunk
:::smashing head on desk::::
ok, so the names are sort of close and they look almost exactly alike
except for Ivar's receeding hairline, and ummm...it *was* really late when
I read the issue, and..oh, HECK!!
thunk, thunk, thunk
>> Tom McCraw (LSH/L* co-plotter/colorist) was the guest on America
>> Online's Legion of Super-Heroes Chat on Tuesday, June 4, 1996.
>> SPOILER WARNING 1 - Information that tends to spoil current or
>> upcoming issues is located toward the end of this report. No
>> spoiler space separates such spoiler information.
>> SPOILER WARNING 2 - If you have not read LSH #82, do not read
>> this chat report. The major event from that issue is spoiled in
>> this report.
>> SPOILER WARNING 3 - If you are avoiding news of the upcoming
>> major story event that will split the Legion titles starting with
>> LSH #85, I commend you. You'll want to avoid this report to
>> continue your avoidance.
>> Tenzil Kem will not be eligible for the upcoming reader elections
>> for leader. Only current Legionnaires are eligible. The
>> elections will be held before the 20th century Legionnaires
>> return to the 30th century.
>Which means I won't get to vote for Gates :(.
Sure, you can. You can vote for any active Legionnaire regardless of whether
they're 20th or 30th century. I'd guess if a 20th century Legionniare wins,
we'll have to wait until Team 20 returns to see the character installed as
T. Troy McNemar, Esq. Tro...@indirect.com
"The axiom 'Honest men have nothing to fear from the police' is currently
under review by the Axioms Appeal Board."
--Terry Pratchett, "Men At Arms"
Vote Cosmic Boy for LSH leader
> Tom thought that Tom Peyer could better explain the powers of the
> bald, bicycled panted Amazer from LSH #82. The powers have
> something to do with the sections of the mind.
Oh no, I knew that pattern on his head reminded me of something. It's
Phrenology Lad! Next: Piltdown Boy....
> A group of Legionnaires will be stranded in the 20th century in a
> continuing story that begins in LSH #85.
Y'know, something I'd like to see happen towards the end of this story is
foe something to go wromg and for them to be temporarily stranded a
further half-century in the past. There's just something about the LSH
meeting the JSA, the first generation of superheroes, in their prime that
I personally find immensly appealing.
> Shvaughn Erin will be one of the non-Legionnaires that is sent to
> the 20th century. She joins Cosmic Boy, Saturn Girl, Apparition,
> Brainiac 5, Spark, Ultra Boy, and Gates.
This is a cool idea. Having Shvaughn observe and comment on the practices
of the 20thC police they'll doubtless encounter is a good way of further
explaining and exploring how they differ from the Science Police. Maybe
we'll actually learn why they don't need search warrants in the 30thC....
> Tom believes that the one romance that is split up between the
> 20th and 30th centuries will make for a better story. He
> observes that the romance will not be split up forever. He
> further observes that Live Wire and Saturn Girl is not an
> official romance. The idea of a Cosmic Boy and Saturn Girl
> pairing has not settled with Tom yet.
Given what a jerk this version of Garth can be, I have to wonder what
Imra sees in him. Of course, I've been asking that of various real-life
couples for years.
Rob Hansen <http://www.interedu.com/hansen/default.html>
(Though using Avedon Carol's account, I am not her, nor does she
read this newsgroup. Please watch those automatic attributors.)