Over the last few years, I've been looking very closely at Joyce's
notes for Ulysses and Finnegans Wake, which have gotten very little
attention from the Joyce community at large, and in my WWWeb site I
present a revisionist look at Joyce's life and work, based on the new
insights that resulted...
Included is considerable material about the Gabler-Kidd controversy
surrounding the 'corrected' text of Ulysses-- I have found errors in
Kidd's (as yet unpublished) version that doom it to the same scrapheap
as Gabler's...
And I focus on the first year of the composition of FW, showing some
very unexpected motifs that were dominating his thinking: the whisper,
the explosion, the circular path, and *the one-armed man*...
I'd like to hold up this site as an example of a new approach to
hypertext design that I call "chase-down" design-- you *begin* by
'cutting to the chase'. See <URL: http://www.mcs.net/~jorn/html/hyper.html >
for more on this strategy...
(If you don't have Netscape-access, *lynx* should do fine!)
j the robot wisdom pages
jo...@mcs.com http://www.mcs.net/~jorn/