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My weblog press release

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Jorn Barger

Jun 25, 1998, 3:00:00 AM6/25/98


The Robot Wisdom Weblog is a leader among the growing network of weblogs
and news-pages. We vacuum the Net for stories that the major outlets
haven't noticed yet, and pass along our sources so we can all get more
and more efficient at this vacuuming.

The Robot Wisdom Weblog is a free, eclectic, independent, illustrated
news digest, updated several times daily since December 1997.


Its sources include but are not limited to the newest issues of: Salon,
Village Voice, Guardian (UK), The Nation, Progressive Review, Columbia
Journalism Review, NY Review of Books, Feed, Nerve, Scientific American,
Boardwatch, Lingua Franca, Slashdot, Fast Company, New Scientist, Covert
Action Quarterly, and Risks Digest.

We've been reading Usenet newsgroups since 1989, and link the best posts
from: alt.religion.kibology, alt.showbiz.gossip, alt.conspiracy,, rec.arts.books, alt.folklore.computers, and
hundreds of others.

Our favorite net columnists include: Camille Paglia, Susie Bright, John
Dvorak, Norman Solomon, Dave Winer, Phil Greenspun, Jakob Nielsen, Joyce
Maynard, and Chris Crawford.

Other net personalities: Kibo, Lisa Rea, Ana Voog, Doctress Neutopia,
Danny Yee, and Dan Strychalski.

Other media personalities: Soy Bomb, Noel Godin (who pied Bill Gates),
Michael Moore, the Unabomber, Kevin Mitnick, Candi Strecker, and Kanzi
the bonobo.

We're always on the lookout for sexy new gizmos: PalmPilot, Ruputer,
Franklin Rex, and the Lovegety.


Recent timely links include: the original of "Mulan", Castaneda's best
obit, Sony's robot dog, Rainbow Gathering news, and Bill Gates portraits
on black velvet.

Popular obscurities: JD Salinger's "Hapworth 1924", Rambo's origin as
Rimbaud, "The Turner Diaries" (McVeigh's bible), George Hayduke's
"Getting Even: The Complete Book of Dirty Tricks".

Also regularly featured: This Day in Joyce History, conspiracy links,
sig quote of the week, and special TV ticklers.

Jorn Barger is a respected Joyce scholar and AI gadfly, based in
Chicago, whose website offers an enormous range of original,
entertaining and informative content on these and many other topics.

"In human stupidity, when it is not malicious, there is something very
touching, even beautiful... There always is." --Leo Tolstoy

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