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Tolkien Transactions L

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Troels Forchhammer

Jul 15, 2014, 4:17:38 AM7/15/14
June 2014

Dear friends,

In order to recude the work-load involved in compiling my monthly
Tolkien Transactions, I have decided that I will, from now on, compile
them only in HTML. This means that I will, from now on, only post links
to the transactions on usenet.

The transactions for June 2014, Tolkien Transactions L, are posted
and here:

Thank you.

Troels Forchhammer
Valid e-mail is <troelsfo(a)>
Please put [AFT], [RABT] or 'Tolkien' in subject.

The major problem [encountered in time travel] is quite
simply one of grammar, and the main work to consult in this
matter is Dr Dan Streetmentioner's Time Traveller's
Handbook of 1001 Tense Formations.
- Douglas Adams, /The Restaurant at the End of the Universe/

O. Sharp

Jul 15, 2014, 2:29:29 PM7/15/14

Y'know, I don't say this often enough, but: thank you for compiling these
and getting them out here for all of us. You do damn good work here, and
it's appreciated!

-------------------------------------------------------------------- ...Regarding the Eriq Gardner piece you've got
listed: reading it I find I'm very glad not to be a
lawyer, and particularly not a lawyer who has anything
to do with the ongoing Tolkien Estate/Saul Zaentz/
Warner Brothers/New Line brawlfest. I fear being a
party to that unending mess would promote a bleak view
of humanity after a while. :/
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