(I'm taking a risk.) Born in Wisconsin, she now lives in Chico, in Northern California.
(book covers)
(Kirkus reviews)
(reader reviews)
Taash and the Jesters - 1968
"An orphan boy who lives with a witch becomes involved in a dangerous
adventure, from which he eventually emerges as the brother of a
Drujienna's Harp - 1971
Kashka - 1987
Preschool (?) book - "The son of a royal musician tries to prevent
Lady Ysene and her brother from using their evil powers to gain
control of the kingdom of Darai."
Stargone John - 1990
"John is a child who sees and hears and smells and feels things most
people don't. He and his invisible friend, the Meesong, travel to
places most can't imagine. John attends a rural, one-room school under
the tutelage of Miss Vordig, a tartar of a teacher who out of cruelty
or ignorance punishes him for his apparent lack of interest. He sits,
submits--but doesn't learn. Luckily his sister, who narrates, takes
him to visit a former teacher who is blind with cataracts and
supposedly a little peculiar. She becomes the shining jewel in John's
life; soon he is learning--in his own way."
The King, the Princess, and the Tinker - 1992
"For years, nobody has been allowed to look at King John, not even his
children; only sensible Rosilla has secretly disobeyed. Then as King
John is taking one of his rare forays to view his kingdom, his crown
falls off when his coach hits a bump; the tinker picks it up, thinking
it must be an odd sort of pot, and is soon mistaken for the king--
everyone has forgotten what he looks like. Though both tell the truth,
no one knows what to believe; the eldest prince receives the crown,
leaving former King John to enjoy getting acquainted with Rosilla, who
knows perfectly well who he is."
A Bowl of Mischief - 1992
"An abandoned child in the desert is found and taught by a holy man
whose teachings he mischievously resists, only to regret it years
later when he needs that wisdom as he finds himself in a battle of
wits with a fearsome villain."
Under the Bridge - (non-fantasy) 1994
"When Ritchie’s mother becomes ill and must live in a hospital, he is
left alone to put his life back together.It seems an impossible task
until he begins to receive mysterious letters from the 'troll' under
the bridge. . . . "
The Perfectly Orderly House - 1994
"A fastidious pack-rat all her life, an Old Woman decides she must
organize all her possessions-and what better way than alphabetically?
Her brother offers to help, and soon has built her a 'perfectly
orderly house' that sprawls into a monstrosity of rooms, each one
designated by a different letter. The plan seems a great success-until
the Old Woman has a party and the preparation and celebration
demonstrate the difficulties of the new household arrangement."
The Golden Band of Eddris - 1998
"As Anna dispatches son Keld and daughter Elylden off to the village
of Adnor, she gives each of them gifts they will need when they
confront the witch Eddris."