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Can you help ID this book?

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Gesine Dräger

Jun 29, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/29/00
about 18 years ago i read - in german translation, unfortunately - a
children or young reader's book about a search for a number of magic
A boy in London(?) had to find -IIRC- five of these objects to free a
girl, being kept by a sorcerer in a palace made of glass. In german
the book's title was 'Mantari und der Zauberkessel'. Mantari is the
name of a gingercoloured cat, which helps finding the magic objects,
the 'Zauberkessel' (=magic kettle) is one of the objects. Mantari - as
one finds out in the end - too is magic, because she has eaten the
magic fish. The girl's name is Melissa (in german translation). In the
end, the boy finds all the magic objects and saves her - in a dramatic
scene, where she cuts herself with a gem (emerald??) to make the glass
walls non-transparent by her own flooding blood...
All of the magic stuff happens in some kind of dream, but in the end
the family of the boy gets a new member (or an old member refound) in
reality, which happens to be Melissa,
Looking for this book, i found the title 'Cat and the kettle' by M N
Jones, but i could not get any further information about it.
Can anybody help me? Does anybody know the english version of 'my'
book? Does anybody know 'Cat and the kettle' and can tell me about it?
THX in advance,

Steffan O'Sullivan

Jun 29, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/29/00
Gesine Dräger <> wrote:
>Looking for this book, i found the title 'Cat and the kettle' by M N
>Jones, but i could not get any further information about it.
>Can anybody help me? Does anybody know the english version of 'my'
>book? Does anybody know 'Cat and the kettle' and can tell me about it?

I don't know the book you mean, sorry, but I can rule out Cat and the
Kettle by Jones. That's a 24-page book published for the first time in
1996, according to my sources.

-Steffan O'Sullivan | Are you a US citizen with an apostrophe in | your name? If so, please read:
Plymouth, NH, USA | |

Garth Nix

Jun 30, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/30/00
It's THE WINTER OF ENCHANTMENT by Victoria Walker. It's been discussed here
a few months back, so if you do a search under that title at dejanews a few
posts should come up. One of my favourite books. I've sent my one and only
copy to my editor at HarperCollins to try and interest her in bringing it
out again.

Garth Nix

> From: (Gesine Dräger)
> Newsgroups: rec.arts.books.childrens
> Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 22:38:11 GMT
> Subject: Can you help ID this book?
> Hi,
> about 18 years ago i read - in german translation, unfortunately - a
> children or young reader's book about a search for a number of magic
> objects.
> A boy in London(?) had to find -IIRC- five of these objects to free a
> girl, being kept by a sorcerer in a palace made of glass. In german
> the book's title was 'Mantari und der Zauberkessel'. Mantari is the
> name of a gingercoloured cat, which helps finding the magic objects,
> the 'Zauberkessel' (=magic kettle) is one of the objects. Mantari - as
> one finds out in the end - too is magic, because she has eaten the
> magic fish. The girl's name is Melissa (in german translation). In the
> end, the boy finds all the magic objects and saves her - in a dramatic
> scene, where she cuts herself with a gem (emerald??) to make the glass
> walls non-transparent by her own flooding blood...
> All of the magic stuff happens in some kind of dream, but in the end
> the family of the boy gets a new member (or an old member refound) in
> reality, which happens to be Melissa,

> Looking for this book, i found the title 'Cat and the kettle' by M N
> Jones, but i could not get any further information about it.
> Can anybody help me? Does anybody know the english version of 'my'
> book? Does anybody know 'Cat and the kettle' and can tell me about it?

> THX in advance,
> Gesine

Gesine Dräger

Jun 30, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/30/00
On Fri, 30 Jun 2000 09:50:31 +0800, Garth Nix
<> wrote:

>It's THE WINTER OF ENCHANTMENT by Victoria Walker. It's been discussed here
>a few months back, so if you do a search under that title at dejanews a few
>posts should come up. One of my favourite books. I've sent my one and only
>copy to my editor at HarperCollins to try and interest her in bringing it
>out again.
>Garth Nix

I've been looking for this book all around - cause i really loved it.
I even wanted to name a possible child Melissa (which isn't quite a
good idea in Germany, because everybody would associate 'Klosterfrau
Melissengeist' (Carmelite Water) or Melitta (paper filters for
coffeemaking)). If I had a female cat, her name would be Mantari (in
German, 'Katze' is female, not male. Is Mantari a he or a she? As far
as i know now, mostly , red cats are male - so I should have called my
ginger tom cat Mantari. But now it's Toby from the Tomi Ungerer
children's book 'No kiss for mother' (in german translation the main
'catracter' 'Piper Paw' is called 'Toby Tatze'.)
Another wonderful book!

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