>It has come to the attention of J.A.I.L.E.D. that there has been much
>confusion and concern expressed on the internet regarding this new
>organization. In order to clarify the goals and purpose of
>J.A.I.L.E.D., we are posting on the net a press release which was
>distributed on May 22, 1995 and delivered at a Press Conference on the
>same day at the VSDA in Dallas. The press release reads as follows:
<Press release snipped here due to previous posts already containing it>
>In answer to some additional questions regarding J.A.I.L.E.D.:
>- The 1-800 number will be answered during Eastern Standard Time
>business hours (9:00 - 5:00), and will be answered by voice mail after
>hours. It was established to give retailers and interested Japanimation
>fans an opportunity to inform J.A.I.L.E.D. about piraters.
>Specific and detailed information about offenders will be appreciated.
>- J.A.I.L.E.D. represents companies based in the United States and
>therefore will be protecting the Intellectual Property belonging to
>those companies in the United States.
>- Unfortunately, Streamline/Orion was not able to join the J.A.I.L.E.D.
>organization at this time. This was not because of a lack of interest
>in our efforts, but rather because Orion is in the process of
>restructuring. We certainly hope that they will be able to join the
>organization in the future.
>- Finally, J.A.I.L.E.D. is certainly not an organization devoted to
>antagonize anime fans. Anime fans are the basis of our business and we
>thoroughly appreciate their support and opinions. Rather, we are
>devoted to maintaining a high level of professionalism and quality
>throughout the Japanese Animation industry. Therefore, our efforts will
>be focused on prosecuting the most egregious offenders violating our
>Intellectual Property rights.
Unfortunately, this does not address a core question. Will the targets of
J.A.I.L.E.D. be limited to pirates/bootleggers, or will the net be widened to
include fan-subbers and (from what I've heard) fan-artists? All three groups,
when you look at copyright issues, could be considered violators of varying
degrees. The question is, which ones will be pursued and which ones will be
Peter L. Ward fal...@best.com
It's time for Good Idea, Bad Idea, and Even Worse Idea!
Good Idea: "Let's play Skuld's version of 'Twister'!"
Bad Idea: "Let's play tag with green-haired oni!"
Even Worse Idea: "Let's play 'Follow the Leader' with Ryoga!"
I.e. bootleggers? Or would Arctic Animation be considered an
"egregrious" offender? While part of me wouldn't shed a tear to see AA
vanish from the Earth, I'd hate the precedent that would set.
One thing that's really nice about the existence of this organization:
*finally* something concrete to threaten bootleggers with! How many
times have people asked on this group "What should I do if I see
bootlegged tapes at a con?" Now the answer is simple: go to a hotel
phone and dial the 800-number! It also will give cons the spine to
stand up to the legal bullshit some bootleggers are famous for using to
scare the con into letting them stay. (There was just such an incident
at KatsuCon.)
---------- Ryan Mathews
Email: math...@ix.netcom.com "I like you! You wanna be a
SnailMail: 786 High Street guinea pig for my experiments?"
Bedford OH, 44146 -- Washuu-chan
One is their chosen acronym. Now, they may think it's "cute"
and the words fit, but it conjures up(for me at least) the
worst police-state and Big-Brother possibilities imaginable.
The other is that this article refers to anime as
"an exciting *new* genre."
Oh boy.
If I hear that 'Life like a box of chocolates' line AGAIN, then I'm going to
come out of retirement. <over heard from conversation in a burger
joint after the mysterious death of Forest Gump by lead poisoning>
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \
TheBaron http://www.pitt.edu/~ajcst10 & http://www.pitt.edu/~wrbst6
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \
Terrance "Tee~Jay" Hardin :b Protect The Internet!!!!
Subtitler & Hen Teaser (Kiss Off, Viz!) The 'net must be free for
Keeper of the Creamy Lemons all or free for NONE!!!!!
(I.O.T.h.S.nyc) The Internet Channel:bluw...@inch.com
Better Living thru Mayhem America Online:TeeJa...@aol.com
+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+ Lopa...... Just say "NO"-pa!! +_+_+_+_+_+_+_+
>Hey go after the pirates and bootleggers, but go after
>non-profit fansubbers, who remove announced releases from
>distribution and J.A.I.L.E.D. is just a money grubbing
>organization like the rest of the world. If a company
>WILL NOT subtitle a title properly, then they should
>not complain that a fan subber has subtitled a title.
>Streamline/Orion is the worst offender of not subtitling
>a title and on top of it - commiting butchery of a series.
"Spoken like a true patriot" ........ G. Gordon Liddy
Terrance "ToonRunner" Hardin :b Protect The Internet!!!!
Here's a point a friend of mine brought up. How big do you think these
pirates are?? How much money do you honestly think JAILED can get out
of suing them?? Not much. I belive JAILED's objective is to shut them down
and not to get money from suing them. Unless they hit a distributer (say
the distributer for SM), they ain't gonna get much cash.
That is correct. JAILED is being supported by the various anime
companies not so that they can get money from the Pirates but so they can
prevent revenue from being diverted from the companies to the Pirates.
(Ie, those who bought all of Lodoss from Pirates for $100 are highly
unlikely to purchase again fro CPM)
The OEM of raai
Stephen Pearl (Starbuck)
Internet: star...@cybercom.com WWW: http://www.cybercom.com/~starbuck/
QUOTES: "What is Starbuck-ing?" -Adultress 19
"Works for me!" -Rick Hunter (The Cop, not the Robotech Defender)
This sort of vindictive "two wrongs make a right" attitude is
probably the second most harmful, seceding only to outright bootlegging for
profit, attitude a person can take. Who gets to decide if a title is
being 'properly' subtitled? Or what amount of editing for clarity and
cultural differences (some are needed, especially for the general public)
is 'butchering'? Those are some good questions we can try to answer. An
easy enough question to answer, on the other hand, is whether fansubbing
a commercially released anime is legal or not. It's pretty cut and dry
--C h a e
pala...@p.imap.itd.umich.edu, cha...@delphi.com
"I'm strangely attracted to Camille Paglia..."
"Is that wrong?"
>Hey go after the pirates and bootleggers, but go after
>non-profit fansubbers, who remove announced releases from
>distribution and J.A.I.L.E.D. is just a money grubbing
>organization like the rest of the world. If a company
Huh? what planet are you from? Don't they have "capitalism" there?
>WILL NOT subtitle a title properly, then they should
>not complain that a fan subber has subtitled a title.
Get real. If a company invests in a title and then
you go an subtitle it because you dont like the way
they did it. Then that's too bad. IF they stomp on
you, either via JAILED or other means.
>Streamline/Orion is the worst offender of not subtitling
>a title and on top of it - commiting butchery of a series.
You don't like it. Turn pro and do it yourself, with
your own money on the line. Your opinion of fansubs
will change overnight (if that slow).
do *NOT* send flames as email thank you.
Space Acapella(tm) - "In space, no one can hear you sing ..."
^_o | Gag ari! SF ari! Bijo ari! Onsen ari!
U \ Beh! | [half-male, half-email] "Ja'n ja'n pafu-pafu!"
ANYWAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Geez, here's a dime, go buy yourself a clue.
Will everybody stop criticizing JAILED? They aren't going after people
who fansubbed Marmalade Boy or Gundam or Jojo or whatever if it hasn't
been released in America. If it has been released in America, then don't
fan sub it. They're going after pirates, and people fan subbing their
shit, who should be gone after. (Besides, they probably WON'T be going
after the majority fansubbers of their stuff if it ain't for sale, it'll
take too much time with too little payoff.) THEY ARE JUST GOING AFTER THE
BOOTLEGGERS OF PRO-RELEASED WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I
support them, and wish them the best of luck.
>There are two things about this, uh....."bunch" that say a
>great deal.
>One is their chosen acronym. Now, they may think it's "cute"
>and the words fit, but it conjures up(for me at least) the
>worst police-state and Big-Brother possibilities imaginable.
>The other is that this article refers to anime as
>"an exciting *new* genre."
>Oh boy.
*grin* That does seem kinda of interesting coming from companies that are
primarily carrion feeders. It's amusing to hear them scream about 'thier
intellectual property' rights when they are reselling material that was
writen and produced by people before they even knew what Anime was.
| Nicholas LaFlamme | lafl...@muvms6.mu.wvnet.edu |Freelance Meglomaniac |
| Local Net Demi-God | nlaf...@nyx10.cs.du.edu |ACIE President, MU |
I think this attitude demonstrates a fundamental lack of understanding of the
real world. Most creative geniuses aren't very good at selling stuff. And
they shouldn't have to be. Selling stuff is a waste of their time. On the
other hand, there are people who are truly gifted at selling. Luckily both of
these types of people can work to each other's advantage.
I can't sell. I tried and failed. As a programmer, I'm glad there are people
who can sell, and I'm glad some of them are selling my stuff. The more they
sell, the more money I make. The same holds true for anime. There's no
carrion here. Its symbiotic.
They worded their announcement very carefully. They said that if you make
a copy for yourself, it's allowed, and if you sell copies, it's not allowed.
They did _not_ say anything about fansubs or fan translations (which are
neither done for personal use nor sold.)
Ken Arromdee (email: arro...@jyusenkyou.cs.jhu.edu)
Romana: "But he had such an honest face!"
Doctor: "Romana! You can't be a successful thief with a _dis_honest face!"
>In <1995Jun5.0...@rgfn.epcc.edu> af...@rgfn.epcc.edu (Christian M Gadeken) writes:
>>There are two things about this, uh....."bunch" that say a
>>great deal.
>>One is their chosen acronym. Now, they may think it's "cute"
>>and the words fit, but it conjures up(for me at least) the
>>worst police-state and Big-Brother possibilities imaginable.
>>The other is that this article refers to anime as
>>"an exciting *new* genre."
>>Oh boy.
> *grin* That does seem kinda of interesting coming from companies that are
>primarily carrion feeders. It's amusing to hear them scream about 'thier
>intellectual property' rights when they are reselling material that was
>writen and produced by people before they even knew what Anime was.
Of course, you're just making an assumption that since you were around
before the company was, they must obviously have no clue. Never mind that
Fred Patten (Streamline) was active in the C/FO way back, or that Jerry Beck
(co-founder of Streamline) was trading Kimba 16mm films before the advent of
video, or Trish Ledoux...
Anyway, you get my point.
"Carrion feeders", huh? I suppose all the Canadian companies that
distribute American films are carrion feeders, too...
Emru Townsend, aka: em...@cam.org, / Editor of fps: the Magazine of
swi...@bix.com, Fido: 1:167/133 / Animation on Film and Video
"That was a hoot!" / http://www.cam.org/~pawn/fps.html
: They worded their announcement very carefully. They said that if you make
: a copy for yourself, it's allowed, and if you sell copies, it's not allowed.
: They did _not_ say anything about fansubs or fan translations (which are
: neither done for personal use nor sold.)
True, but you are still missing my point, which is that you shouldn't
fansub stuff released in the US, in any case, and, that, in most cases,
you don't need to, because a legit sub is already availible.
: >Hey go after the pirates and bootleggers, but go after
: >non-profit fansubbers, who remove announced releases from
: >distribution and J.A.I.L.E.D. is just a money grubbing
: >organization like the rest of the world. If a company
: >WILL NOT subtitle a title properly, then they should
: >not complain that a fan subber has subtitled a title.
: >Streamline/Orion is the worst offender of not subtitling
: >a title and on top of it - commiting butchery of a series.
But Macek has said repeatedly he doesn't care one bit if somebody fansubs
a title of his-and he's not a member of JAILED.
>ANYWAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Geez, here's a dime, go buy yourself a clue.
>Will everybody stop criticizing JAILED? They aren't going after people
>who fansubbed Marmalade Boy or Gundam or Jojo or whatever if it hasn't
>been released in America. If it has been released in America, then don't
>fan sub it. They're going after pirates, and people fan subbing their
>shit, who should be gone after. (Besides, they probably WON'T be going
>after the majority fansubbers of their stuff if it ain't for sale, it'll
>take too much time with too little payoff.) THEY ARE JUST GOING AFTER THE
>BOOTLEGGERS OF PRO-RELEASED WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I
>support them, and wish them the best of luck.
What about parody dubs?
>>Streamline/Orion is the worst offender of not subtitling
>>a title and on top of it - commiting butchery of a series.
> Tough.
> You don't like it. Turn pro and do it yourself, with
> your own money on the line. Your opinion of fansubs
> will change overnight (if that slow).
Heh. Yeah right. Tell that to all the "industry professionals" watching
fan-subs at A-kon... I counted 7 in one showing alone...
As one professional told me (name withheld for courtesy, tho he posts
here occasionally and may comment himeslf, that's his perogative, tho)
...the only MAJOR difference between being a fan and a pro, in the
hire of a company, (besides a paycheck, of course ^_^) is WHAT YOU CAN SAY
PUBLICALLY. So, even if the professionals APPRECIATED fan-subs,
they can't tell anyone about it, in a public forum. So, you only hear
from JAILED, etc...
Also, Carl Macek even condescends to the fans (yes, that IS the correct
word) enough that he said PUBLICALLY that he DOES NOT CARE about
fan-subs and fan-dubs, that they are "pointless" and "inconsequential".
I say take the man at his word, as there were PLENTY of witnesses, both
fan and pro...
Geesh. A little more perspective, please...
///THE CODE NAME IS / To Join DP Mail.List:lios!lovely-an...@cs.ubc.ca
//LOVELY ANGEL... // ~//~~\\ // //~\\ ~~//~ \\ / //~\\ /|| // //~\\
/Gordon Waters //// // // // //__// // \\/ //__// /--|| // //__//
gwa...@crl.com // _//__// // // \\ // // // / || // // \\
>They worded their announcement very carefully. They said that if you make
>a copy for yourself, it's allowed, and if you sell copies, it's not allowed.
>They did _not_ say anything about fansubs or fan translations (which are
>neither done for personal use nor sold.)
If you think a little about it, you should realize that they CANNOT say
anything about fansubbing at all. Just think it from the legit
commercial distributor's point of view. If they say nay to fansubs,
they will have to put up with the furor of the fandom. On the other hand,
they cannot come out and actually say "go ahead fansub all you want" either.
Saying such will make them look bad to Japanese right holders, hurt their
image to the rest of the industry as serious businesses, and jeopardize
their position in the court. IMHO, there has been enough unofficial signal
to conclude that they will not go after fansubbers, at least for the time
being, and probably not in foreseeable future either, not withstanding
Lopa's recent rampaging, since his/her/its action does not represent JAILED.
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Justin j...@panix.com
Sounds more like a sales pitch than a statement of purpose of a legal
group, eh? Makes you wonder why some of the companies are in it. (Maybe
in the hope that they can get on TV when there might be a case.)
| Michael Studte, 46 Hackbridge Way, Bayswater 6053, Australia|
| PNN - Patlabor News Network BBS, Perth, Australia |
| All speeds to 14,400. | Data: +61-9-378-1974 |
>But Macek has said repeatedly he doesn't care one bit if somebody fansubs
>a title of his-and he's not a member of JAILED.
Well, Streamline's not being a member of JAILED has nothing to do with
anything other than a reorganization happening at Orion right now, and as
soon as that is out of the way, Streamline will be joining JAILED's happy
family of anime companies (with Star Anime Enterprises the only missing
company). And regardless of what Carl Macek may say, JAILED will go
after those who pirate Streamline's properties, though this may not
happen until Streamline joins. (Another question to ask them)
: Of course, you're just making an assumption that since you were around
: before the company was, they must obviously have no clue. Never mind that
: Fred Patten (Streamline) was active in the C/FO way back, or that Jerry Beck
: (co-founder of Streamline) was trading Kimba 16mm films before the advent of
: video, or Trish Ledoux...
: Anyway, you get my point.
: "Carrion feeders", huh? I suppose all the Canadian companies that
: distribute American films are carrion feeders, too...
Emru! I love you! Marry me!
Wish I had thought of saying it myself. ;)
Jean Carrieres
| Copy Editor * Card Fighter Developer * Licensing Manager |
| Ianus Publications // Dream Pod 9 |