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J.A.I.L.E.D. at Work!!

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Aug 10, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/10/95
250 West 57th Street, Suite 317
New York, NY 10107

Japanese Animation Industry
Legal Enforcement Division

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE For more information call:
August 1, 1995 Leslie Hyman (212) 977-7456

J.A.I.L.E.D. Does First Bust With a Bang:Seizes Over 10,000 Pirate
Videos in New York

The Japanese Animation Industry Legal Enforcement Division successfully
completed its first seizure, on July 21, 1995, effectively closing down
a New York City store selling counterfeit videos. Acting pursuant to a seizure
order issued by United States District Judge Whitman Knapp,
agents of the plaintiff swooped down on the store, The Karate Center,
and seized more than 10,000 counterfeit videos.

The seizure order allowed the plaintiff to seize not only titles of
members of the organization, but all other counterfeit titles which were
obtained from the same bootleg source. Pirated videocassettes seized
included Ninja Scroll (Manga Entertainment), Fatal Fury (Viz
Communications), F3 (A.D. Vision), Heroic Legend of Arislan (Central
Park Media) and countless other Anime and Hong Kong titles. The seizure
was so voluminous that it took more than six hours to remove the store's
contents, which filled an entire large moving van.

The action was filed by J.A.I.L.E.D.'s attorney, Jules D. Zalon, of
Wayne New Jersey. Zalon specializes in copyright, trademark and right
of publicity matters, and has represented a great many performers,
including Van Halen, Willie Nelson, Hootie and the Blowfish, Michael
Jackson and Nine Inch Nails.

At a preliminary injunction hearing held several days later, the court
upheld the validity of the original broad seizure order, taking note of
the fact that all of the videocassettes seized were put up in clamshell
cases and their cover artwork contained merely photocopies of the
legitimate box covers. Said Leslie Hyman, spokesperson for J.A.I.L.E.D., "The
New York seizure sent a clear message to dealers who
in the past had ignored copyright infringement laws."

The Japanese Animation Industry Legal Enforcement Division was formed in
May, 1995 in order to collectively protect the Intellectual Property
rights of its members: A.D. Vision, Inc., AnimEigo, Inc., Central Park
Media Corp., Manga Entertainment, Inc., Books Nippan, Pioneer Entertainment
(USA) L.P., The Right Stuf, Viz Communications, and
Voyager Entertainment, Inc.

The J.A.I.L.E.D. hotline is 1-800-917-9799

# # #


Aug 12, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/12/95
Hey J.A.I.L.E.D., you wanna close a bootlegger down? Try the Fulton
Mall in Brooklyn. Confiscate his stuff and you just might close him down
for a week or so.

Ryan Mathews ( wrote:
: You know, I hate to say this, but... so what? So they seized this
: guy's pirate video stock. So he's out 10,000 blank tapes, and
: clamshell covers. Both were probably bought in bulk, so they didn't
: cost him all that much. The amount might sound significant to you or
: me, but to a business? Hell, with a little creative accounting, he
: might be able to write it off his taxes.

: Now if they were about to level fines on this guy, or seize his copying
: equipment, that might be a different story. But seizing merchandise
: that cost him next to nothing in the first place? Big deal.
: --
: ---------- Ryan Mathews

: Email: "I like you! You wanna be a
: SnailMail: 401 Mortimer Drive #410 guinea pig for my experiments?"
: Bedford OH, 44146 -- Washuu-chan

Ryan Mathews

Aug 12, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/12/95

Jerry Shaw

Aug 12, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/12/95
to wrote:

>FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE For more information call:
>August 1, 1995 Leslie Hyman (212) 977-7456
>J.A.I.L.E.D. Does First Bust With a Bang:Seizes Over 10,000 Pirate
>Videos in New York


Was this article written as a news release for newspapers? If so, where was
it published? Did the event itself make the papers?

Who was the author of this article? If the author is on the Net, can we get
permission to re-publish this in club bulletins? I'd really like to show
this around the Los Angeles area.

Publication of this may even dry up some of the flow of pirated videos in
the Los Angeles area.


On a different tack, the article mentioned that the court order covered the
members of J.A.I.L.E.D., and as a side issue was broadened to include the
other pirated videos. Does this mean that J.A.I.L.E.D. would not have
sought the order if their members had not been involved? Is J.A.I.L.E.D.
only active if one of their member's videos is involved?

Jerry Shaw

Amir Oren

Aug 12, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/12/95
I for one am glad to see even a token effort on the part of
Jailed. I started off as what would now be known as a pirate 14 years
ago, well before any licensing ever existed over here ( USA ). We never
charged more than 5 dollars over what it cost us, and always gave credit
where it was due. Since the appearance of licenced materials, I have left
the business of pirating and am now setting up shop ( after a long
hiatus) as a legitimate retailer. Call me whatever you will, but if I am
going to follow copyright laws then I think that everyone else should to.
If you want rights to distribute the materials over here then buy them
from the Japanese. This gives money to thye studios for the work that
they do, and maybe we will see more of it coming over. This does not mean
that i have a problem with fan-subs, or free traders,( as long as they
are not profiting from their activities) but i do feel that once the
licencing process has begun that they should no longer distribute those
tapes (notice I said process not when they are released here in the USA).
Maybe this is going to put me on somepeoples bad side, but the reason i
distributed in the first-place was so we could get good copies of good
anime here in the USA, now we have retailers and distributors. I want to
see as many people with the best copies they can get, If they buy them
from me, great, but if they don't then that is fine, I just want to see
the art form spread over here.

Thanx for the time.
Bob Brumbelow
The Giant Panda

P.S. If anyone wants info on my store just e-mail me. The new web sight
should be up by the end of this month.


Aug 13, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/13/95
Hip, hip, hurray ^_^

Steve Pearl

Aug 13, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/13/95
ToonRunner <> writes:

> Hip, hip, hurray ^_^

Perhaps the bust wasn't as good as they claim because a Rutgers Anime
member was there YESTERDAY and saw lots of pirated, clam-shelled US
releases of Anime (CPM, AD Vision, etc) *still* on the shelves.

The One-Eyed-Moderator of raai
Stephen Pearl (Starbuck)
"If we get the transient FAQs, then we'll feel the info-high"
--Sharon Apple, _Information High_

Keith Rhee

Aug 13, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/13/95
to (Steve Pearl) writes:

>Perhaps the bust wasn't as good as they claim because a Rutgers Anime
>member was there YESTERDAY and saw lots of pirated, clam-shelled US
>releases of Anime (CPM, AD Vision, etc) *still* on the shelves.

I recall US law doesn't look kindly upon repeat offense. Perhaps
someone should give JAILED another call and say "Those guys you
busted defied your efforts and are *still* selling bootlegs". Note
the emphasis on "defied" -- if anything, playing on their ego might
make them bust the shop again (and this time slap them with a
lawsuit too).

Keith Rhee
A boss says "Go." -- A leader says "Let's go."

Nathan Lowery

Aug 13, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/13/95
In article <40l7uh$>, (Steve Pearl) wrote:
>ToonRunner <> writes:
>> Hip, hip, hurray ^_^
>Perhaps the bust wasn't as good as they claim because a Rutgers Anime
>member was there YESTERDAY and saw lots of pirated, clam-shelled US
>releases of Anime (CPM, AD Vision, etc) *still* on the shelves.

Pherhaps JAILED was doing the proverbial "talking out their ass?"

Ezekiel 25:17

Ryan Mathews

Aug 14, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/14/95
In <40l7uh$> (Steve

Pearl) writes:
>Perhaps the bust wasn't as good as they claim because a Rutgers Anime
>member was there YESTERDAY and saw lots of pirated, clam-shelled US
>releases of Anime (CPM, AD Vision, etc) *still* on the shelves.

It's like I said, if they don't levy large fines on the guy or
confiscate his copying equipment, this bust won't do shit. Pirated
tapes are like Doritos: "Confiscate all you want, we'll make more!" :-)

Dave Van Cleef

Aug 14, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/14/95
In article <40hdpa$>,

Ryan Mathews <> wrote:
>You know, I hate to say this, but... so what? So they seized this
>guy's pirate video stock. So he's out 10,000 blank tapes, and
>clamshell covers. Both were probably bought in bulk, so they didn't
>cost him all that much. The amount might sound significant to you or
>me, but to a business? Hell, with a little creative accounting, he
>might be able to write it off his taxes.
Indeed. While I was in manhattan this past weekend I walked into the
store (it's right across from the bus station I arrived at). Business
as usual, with just as many bootleg tapes as before the bust.

Craig L Wigda

Aug 15, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/15/95
In article <>,

Sounds like JAILED went to easy on this guy then. You can fine the person
or business up to $100,000 per violation. So, take $100,000 x 10,000 and
you get $1,000,000,000 in fines (note this is the max fine they could have
hit the guy with). If they are doing business as usual I bet the fine was
about $10,000 or less. A low level fine most businesses can take but if they
hit you with the big numbers (over a 1/2 million or more) then you may be
out of business. I'm curious if JAILED hit this guy with any kind of fine
worth mentioning (I think not since the news release did not state any
thing about a fine being put against them).


| |
| Doing my part to spread Anime, by raising my children to love Anime. |
| |
| |
| Increase the Entropy in the Universe, Have Children. |
| |

Armen Nakashian

Aug 17, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/17/95
In article <>,

Keith Rhee <> wrote:
> (Steve Pearl) writes:
>>Perhaps the bust wasn't as good as they claim because a Rutgers Anime
>>member was there YESTERDAY and saw lots of pirated, clam-shelled US
>>releases of Anime (CPM, AD Vision, etc) *still* on the shelves.
> I recall US law doesn't look kindly upon repeat offense. Perhaps
> someone should give JAILED another call and say "Those guys you
> busted defied your efforts and are *still* selling bootlegs". Note
> the emphasis on "defied" -- if anything, playing on their ego might
> make them bust the shop again (and this time slap them with a
> lawsuit too).

I'd like to hope that JAILED has the brains to do that sort of checking on
their own...

I know if I was running things, or alteast had some say in what they were
doing, I'd send someone down there every now and then to make sure.
Hell, CPM is right there in NYC, it wouldn't be a big deal for someone from
there to go on down everynow and then for a quick look.

Do the anime fans have to do this for JAILED? If we do, I hope they'll
appreciate it some day, or atleast pay some attention to our warnings today.

Steve Pearl

Aug 18, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/18/95
to (Armen Nakashian) writes:

>In article <>,

>Do the anime fans have to do this for JAILED? If we do, I hope they'll
>appreciate it some day, or atleast pay some attention to our warnings today.

I really how they will show their appreciation. Bust HQ Video, close
down Venice, etc... WHo is warning whom?

The OEM of raai


Aug 19, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/19/95
to (Steve Pearl) wrote:
> (Armen Nakashian) writes:
>>In article <>,
>>Do the anime fans have to do this for JAILED? If we do, I hope they'll
>>appreciate it some day, or atleast pay some attention to our warnings today.
>I really how they will show their appreciation. Bust HQ Video, close
>down Venice, etc... WHo is warning whom?
>The OEM of raai

Let's get one thing straight. J.A.I.L.E.D.'s goal is to insure that
the Anime Market has as much room to grow and as minimum "competiton" as
possible, period. They'll go after Bootleggers and Copyright infringers,
and that's good, cause I'd don't think I could sleep nights thinking that
Lopa, John & Co. are going hungry 'cause they didn't make that last dime
in your pocket. But when they realize that some of their "Competiton" and
their "Customer Base" are one and the same, I hope they put their choke
chains away, and not do anything that can cause extreme fan backlash.

My 0.02/ Y.001

ToonRunner (a fanboy with too much time
time on his hands)

Terrance "ToonRunner" Hardin :b Protect The Internet!!!!
Subtitler & Hen Teaser The 'net must be free for
Keeper of the Creamy Lemons all or free for NONE!!!!!
and Pink Pinapples The Internet
Better Living thru Mayhem America
I wish they all could be Ujin-Brand Girlllllls........

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