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EVANGELION New Information

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Michael House

Apr 10, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/10/96
This is a translation of an announcement from Gainax's Publicity Department.
Follow-up questions cannot be answered at this time, so please do not
reply to this message. Further announcements will be made as information
becomes available.

------------------------cut here------------------------

"Shinseiki Evangelion" (Neon Genesis Evangelion) concluded its
original broadcast run recently, much to the chagrin of its fans. But
it has been learned that episodes 25 and 26 will be remade, using
their original scripts. Additionally, the dialogue for Episode 19 will be
rerecorded, and episodes 21-24 will have extensive retake footage.

All of these retakes, as well as the redone versions of Episodes 25
and 26, will be included in the laserdisc release of the series, with
the final disc scheduled to include both the original TV versions of
the last two episodes, as well as the remakes.

Look for release schedules in upcoming issues of various related
publications. Further information will be released as it becomes

Sato Hiroki,
Publicity Manager,
GAINAX Co., Ltd.

------------------------ereh tuc------------------------

Feel free to repost as you see fit.

Be Seeing You...
--Michael House,,
GAINAX Co., Ltd. (Opinions Expressed Are My Own Unless Otherwise Specified)
Jibun no ishi o motanu no nara, ikiteitemo shikata arumai

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