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Dragon Ball US TV... i've seen it! Ack!!

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Aug 16, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/16/95

well, Afriend of mine works at capital city, and managed to get a
preview copy of what i'm assuming is going to be the first two american
TV episodes. I've got a lot to say, and i'm not sure what to make of it

1) Opening theme-- Typical power rangers type music and lyrics... they
tossed out the original japanese music as well as re-dubbing it into
something pretty.... well, bland.


in a surprising move on funimations part, they chose to use the first
Dragon Ball MOVIE instead of working with the TV episodes. This worked
to their advantage in sopme respects, but i think harmed them in others.

o the movie is a lot les etchi, so the prob;lem with the naughty bits
seen in the TV episodes is solved here. I suppose it would have been
near impossible to use the original material without serious hacking.

o BUT, as anyone who's seen the first db movie knows, it isnt the 'real'
story, and is like a condensed version of the first 25 or so episodes
into a 45 minute film... Goku meets bulma, oolong, kame, yamcha and puar
in the first episode! YIKES! all the trade mags ive seen have constatly
hyped how DB has so many episodes, it could be around forever! "this
series has legs!" to quote a cap city article... Unfortunately, i
belivee there are only 3 z-less DB movies, which basically gives them 6
half hour shows to work with. NOW, we know they're going to have 13
episodes, so how is this going to work? Are they going to shoot right
into the DBZ movies after that?? or have i somehow gotten a tape thatwill
be like a video only release? I have no idea. All i know is that they
are going to HAVE to use the TV show sooner or later if they want this to
air more than the 13 weeks theyre talking about... After seeing this,
I'm pretty sure that DB will never achieve the success here that it has
in other european countries <this is another point retailer mags like to
hype>. The europeans get to see the REAL tv show. I can see know why
they made this a once a week show.


goddammit... i KNEW they were going to do this, but it hurt just as much
anyway when i heard all the character's new improved "american" names i
couldnt help but cringe. Here's a list:

1) Goku becomes Zero

what the hell!? this AGAIN?? ever since harmony gold did their own
version years ago, this has been the name they used. WHY? is Goku harder
to say? do they LIKE having a character with a name that is so stupid?
yes, please name me after a symbol that means nothing, nada, zippo. Hi,
I'm zero.. why yes, you ARE basically worthless, arent you?

a) Kintoun becomes Flying Nimbus- ok, i can understand this one.

b) KAME HAME HA becomes KUH-MEH-HUH-MEH-HUH: yes, for some reason
known only to the goofballs in charge, they keep the same word but
pronounce it like the hawaiian king for crissake!!! WHAT are they
thinking here? deliberate attempt to cause fan spazzing <^_^>

2) Bulma/Bloomer becomes Leena

ok, ok.. i guess i can see this one... but since her name is a joke based
on english anyway, why not keep it? wont kids american kids find it funny
too? or do they figger no one knows what bloomers are anymore? Dont
forget also that her name is CLEARLY on her shirt at the beginning of the
whole movie... guess they figger kids are too dumb to wonder about that.

(here's one of my personal faves)

3) OOlong becomes...... Chester! ROTFLMAO

yes, my favorite shape changing pig is now known as Chester to american
audiences... Ok, the word is weird, but again, it is a word that exists
in the english language, and gives a clue to his chinese influence (other
wise why the whole communist outfit he wears?).. so why not keep it?
Would it kill them to leave a few things alone, or give kids credit to
having an ounce of intelligence? take robotech for example.. ok, they
changed the pure japanese names, but kept them mostly unchanged where
they could... in a fantasy world, poeple expect exotic names dont they?

(another real favorite of mine...)

4) They take the very exotic and strange name Yamcha and change it into:


NANI!? I can understand wanting to change names into dopey american
ones... but why take a strange name, and change it into another equally
strange name? Just for the sake of change I guess.

a) Puuar becomes Prudence- yamchas buddy switches genders as well as
gains a british accent (?) go figgure. can understand the change
I guess....

5) Mutenroshi/Kame-sennin becomes Master Roshi/Turtle Hermit

ok, finally they get a name as close to the original as possible.


Ok, calming down now... lets see... in non fan mode now, i can admit that
the animation was sharp and was fast paced, and if i was a kid i guess i
would like this show. The dubbing is typically poor, or should i say the
same as most other saturday morning cartoons... lame jokes, some voices
that dont 'fit'... Goku loses all of his naivette, his sense of being
continually baffled by new things.. he becomes almost too old and 'hip'..
he just seems too aware of whats going on <^_^>.. more so than usual.

My friend who wathed it with me, a non fan who'd never seen DB before,
told me that he enjoyed it. I guess that means im too sensitive to all
of this stuff, and am nitpicking. sigh.. what else is new...

All in all, I guess non fans will enjoy it. i wonder what they are going
to do after the first movies run out, and for some reason, i just DON'T
think that this show will achieve the same popularity here as in other
countries.... I almost expect to see a Dragon Ball Adventures comic from
arcie or something come out of this show... redrawn by americans of
course... I also dont have much hope for the toy line, but i'll try not
to be too negative before i see whats going to happnen...

Waiting with trepidation,



Aug 17, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/17/95

Darn I'm pissed off. "Zero", "Sadaki", etc...? Chopping up the movies to
make TV episodes? Great. Just great. We have yet to see how
SailorMoon and Tekkaman Blade will turn out, and I'm not looking forward
to it...


Dave Asher

Aug 17, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/17/95
MSO...@DELPHI.COM <> writes:

>well, Afriend of mine works at capital city, and managed to get a
>preview copy of what i'm assuming is going to be the first two american
>TV episodes. I've got a lot to say, and i'm not sure what to make of it
>1) Opening theme-- Typical power rangers type music and lyrics... they
>tossed out the original japanese music as well as re-dubbing it into
>something pretty.... well, bland.

After reading the rest of this article, I can pretty safely say that
what you saw was the Harmony Gold dub of DB which showed up on a lot
of independent TV stations in the late '80s. If the theme is like:
"Get that Dragonball! Gotta hav 'em all! If you want to make a wish
you must posess them all!"... "Zero is our Hero"... "Danger! Daring!
Deadly! Dragon"... etc. All the names you mentioned jive with the
HG dubs we have. (Bulma->Linna, oku->Zero, Yamacha->Sadaki) If the
indian in the 'second' episode is called Haymaker, and his son Little
Foot fight a giant robot (Major FIST) and the little doll-guy (The name
escapes me) is looking for his girlfriend "Princess Poppy Seed" then
I'd DEFINITELY say these are the old Harmony Gold Dubs.

As an Aside, I think these are GREAT! Hilarious as hell. Not a
thing like DBZ, but really funny nonetheless. I especially like the
comment about "Happy Valley" in the second movie when the bad-guy is
"playing" with Arale-chan. ^_^

I wanted to sho these at OTAKON this year (we showed them last year--
all the DB fans hated it) 'cause I love 'em. I'm also a recent DBZ
convert, but I still like these. ^_^ But, time constraints (even
with over 250 hours of programming time you still have to cut a lot
of neat stuff) won out and they didn't make the cut.

David Christopher Asher
Chairman, OTAKON 1995

Sea Wasp

Aug 17, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/17/95
In article <>,
Katrina Spencer <ag...@FreeNet.Carleton.CA> wrote:

>MSO...@DELPHI.COM ( writes:


>> 1) Goku becomes Zero

What? Eh? I thought the one movie was enough to show even the
MOST idiotic translator/editor/studio that such a name change would
make one deserve death by torture.

>> a) Kintoun becomes Flying Nimbus- ok, i can understand this one.

That's okay. Though I think they should simply keep names and
maybe squeeze in an explanation for the name. We don't explain what
the name "Philip" means, and for the most part there's no need to
explain; it's just a name..

>> b) KAME HAME HA becomes KUH-MEH-HUH-MEH-HUH: yes, for some reason

Different pronunciation, that's all. No real quarrel there.

>> 2) Bulma/Bloomer becomes Leena

>> 3) OOlong becomes...... Chester! ROTFLMAO

>> 4) They take the very exotic and strange name Yamcha and change it into:

>> a) Puuar becomes Prudence- yamchas buddy switches genders as well as
>> gains a british accent (?) go figgure. can understand the change
>> I guess....

I sure can. Despite being told Puaru was male, I have never seen
anything to indicate that. Puaru's behavior, voice, and attachment to
Yamucha have all argued that the cat is female. Remember also how many
REAL LIFE cats have been thought to be male until they had kittens...
Also, Toriyama-sensei has never been shy about drawing or at least
indicating genitalia, and Puaru is as smooth as glass in the crucial

>> 5) Mutenroshi/Kame-sennin becomes Master Roshi/Turtle Hermit

That's essentially a direct translation. Muten-Roshi (ancient
Wise one) and Kame-Senin (Turtle Hermit/mystic/being).

This does contradict some of the other things I'd heard, though.
That they weren't screwing around with it as much. Eeeew.

MEHA! KAMEH Sera-Fuku Bishonen Sensho
EHA AME Sailor Wasp
M ^@_____@^ H Sailor Suited Beautiful
"Trust me. A / / Sea \ \ A Box-Jelly Warrior
You don't have K / / Wasp \ \ !
much choice!" T ; /_________\ ; ! "For Love and Justice,
' ;|;;|;;|; N my .sig will give you
X | | | I a spanking!"
EDO ; ; ; D Z
KAMEN NEBLO Keeper of the Saint Seiya FAQ

Gautama Buddha

Aug 17, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/17/95
In article <40u5du$>,

MSO...@DELPHI.COM <> wrote:
>well, Afriend of mine works at capital city, and managed to get a
>preview copy of what i'm assuming is going to be the first two american
>TV episodes. I've got a lot to say, and i'm not sure what to make of it



SOMEONE will PAY. There is NO EXCUSE for obscenity on this scale.


\ DBZLF/DRA: Dragonball Z Liberation Front/Dubbing Resistance Army /
\ Dragonball Hunter Rockear Trunks@AnimeMUCK /
\ Student of the Kaiou-sama School of Performance Comedy /

Aug 17, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/17/95
In article <40u5du$> you write:
>well, Afriend of mine works at capital city, and managed to get a
>preview copy of what i'm assuming is going to be the first two american
>TV episodes. I've got a lot to say, and i'm not sure what to make of it
>1) Opening theme-- Typical power rangers type music and lyrics... they
>tossed out the original japanese music as well as re-dubbing it into
>something pretty.... well, bland.
>in a surprising move on funimations part, they chose to use the first
>Dragon Ball MOVIE instead of working with the TV episodes. This worked
>to their advantage in sopme respects, but i think harmed them in others.
>o the movie is a lot les etchi, so the prob;lem with the naughty bits
>seen in the TV episodes is solved here. I suppose it would have been
>near impossible to use the original material without serious hacking.
Maybe they'll just air this as a 'special' just as harmony gold
did way back when...


Seems to me near all these name changes harken back to HG's dub
of it, all the way down to Sadaki and Master Roshi and Zero...only one
that seems to be different is that HG used 'maomao' for oolong.

One note, if you dont' care for keeping faith with the original
story, just somethign that's pretty funny, the original HG dub of the
two movies (1 and 3) are actually pretty good.

> a) Kintoun becomes Flying Nimbus- ok, i can understand this one.

Precisely as Harmony Gold had did...

> b) KAME HAME HA becomes KUH-MEH-HUH-MEH-HUH: yes, for some reason
> known only to the goofballs in charge, they keep the same word but
> pronounce it like the hawaiian king for crissake!!! WHAT are they
> thinking here? deliberate attempt to cause fan spazzing <^_^>

Can anyone say uh-KAH-ne? I knew you could ^_-...

>2) Bulma/Bloomer becomes Leena
cant remember off hand, but I think this is the same as HG as well

>(here's one of my personal faves)
>3) OOlong becomes...... Chester! ROTFLMAO

good old MaoMao :).

>(another real favorite of mine...)
>4) They take the very exotic and strange name Yamcha and change it into:

exactly like HG once again...

My favorite 'name' from the old Harmony Gold dub comes during
the third movie, when Zero/Goku gets blasted and lands in the lair of that's a line from the HG dub...
'I am known by many names, my favorite is whiskers the wondercat'

Ryan Gavigan

or maybe they want to air the db movies just so they can get to the
stuff they want to air, dbz :)...gee, imagine what the parents would think
of that :)


Aug 17, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/17/95
They've done this EVIL to my Second favorite show (I doubt they'll
do this to my 1st favorite, 'cause it'll NEVER be seen on US TV!! ^__^)
and I've yet to see the conflagration they call SailorMoon on WPIX!!!

(snif) I canna take this anymore.....

I've got the gun in my mouth.... I'm pulling the tri-

Terrance "ToonRunner" Hardin :b Protect The Internet!!!!
Subtitler & Hen Teaser (Kiss Off, Viz!) The 'net must be free for
Keeper of the Creamy Lemons all or free for NONE!!!!!
and Pink Pinapples The Internet
Better Living thru Mayhem America
Revisionism isn't accepted in History, why shoulld it be in ANIME?!?

Katrina Spencer

Aug 17, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/17/95
MSO...@DELPHI.COM ( writes:
> 1) Goku becomes Zero

> a) Kintoun becomes Flying Nimbus- ok, i can understand this one.
> b) KAME HAME HA becomes KUH-MEH-HUH-MEH-HUH: yes, for some reason
> 2) Bulma/Bloomer becomes Leena

> 3) OOlong becomes...... Chester! ROTFLMAO
> 4) They take the very exotic and strange name Yamcha and change it into:
> a) Puuar becomes Prudence- yamchas buddy switches genders as well as
> gains a british accent (?) go figgure. can understand the change
> I guess....
> 5) Mutenroshi/Kame-sennin becomes Master Roshi/Turtle Hermit

*SOB* I knew it. I knew it!! And Kulilyn is going to have some stupid
name like 'Bob'. I KNEW IT!!! Go ahead, tell me more, why don't you just
give me a nice paper cut and pour lemon juice on it? It would be less
painful *snif*.

Katrina [oh, if only Vejiita-sama would blast those people] Spencer
"...Ge-gehin na onna da...dekai koe de..."

-- Vejiita (on Bulma)

Steven Wallace

Aug 18, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/18/95
In article <> ag...@FreeNet.Carleton.CA (Katrina Spencer) writes:

>*SOB* I knew it. I knew it!! And Kulilyn is going to have some stupid
>name like 'Bob'. I KNEW IT!!! Go ahead, tell me more, why don't you just
>give me a nice paper cut and pour lemon juice on it? It would be less
>painful *snif*.

Hire yourself on and do the scripts for them. Baffle all the non-fans out
there. Huh? who's Goku? Picorro-san? (gotta pronounce it like they do!)

>Katrina [oh, if only Vejiita-sama would blast those people] Spencer
>"...Ge-gehin na onna da...dekai koe de..."

> -- Vejiita (on Bulma)

I figure that Vejita will kill of the Power Rangers first (that's what Final
Flash is for) and then kill all the people in charge of DB USA and finally
shang-hi Akira Toriyama over here and make him do it right!
What do you think they're going to name Mr. Satan, anyway ....?

Steve Wallace

Andrew John Brewer

Aug 18, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/18/95
KaMeHaMEhA ( wrote:
: I'm shocked!!!!!! They changed the names!!!! Gosh!!
: When I went to the Philippines Dragon Ball Z was dubbed in english
: and the names were not changed at all!! Piccollo waas Piccollo ,Gohan was Gohan
: Vegita was Vegita and Freeza was Freeza!! Now, are you sure it was dubbed in English? I mean in the show the characters had a bad English accent. I hope it's still the same.

One comment --

I went to the Philippines in 1987 and while I was there, I saw this
*horrible* dub of Robotech in English. The names of the characters and
the episode premise (the one in which Ben bites the dust) were the same,
but the voices were completely different.

I never followed up on this when I got back to the states, but I guess
Harmony Gold dubbed two versions of Robotech. One for here and another,
cheaper and more despicable, version for the Asian market.

Maybe the same happened with Dragonball.

Steven Wallace

Aug 18, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/18/95
In article <> (Gautama Buddha) writes:
>From: (Gautama Buddha)
>Subject: Re: Dragon Ball US TV... i've seen it! Ack!!
>Date: Thu, 17 Aug 1995 14:55:35 GMT


>SOMEONE will PAY. There is NO EXCUSE for obscenity on this scale.


A question.
Does anybody know any e-mail addresses for the people in charge of this
debacle? Since the Internet is such a cool fad, they have to be on

You could send all the DBZ summaries (and the Dramatis Personae-whatever) to
their address, accompanied by a note:


Otherwise someone is going to have to come up with a good tag-line that
sqashes the US Dragonball while praising the true Dragonball.

I don't see why Newsweek is worried about anime. Virtually everything they've
seen and will see is probably so Americanized that they wouldn't recognise the

So wear your imported Dragon-ware, and make all the kids say "Goku" instead of
"Zero", and make them say "kuso" everytime something goes wrong.

Steve Wallace
Horrified of evil possibilities the defilers have in mind for Dragonball

Brian Keesler

Aug 18, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/18/95
What you saw was not done my Funimation. This was the first Dragon Ball
movie that was made and dub'd by Harmony Gold a number of years ago. (not
sure how many.)
I first saw this version at AnAm'93 and it was a few years old then.

I they stay with this version when the start the tv series, then Dragon
Ball in the US is dead. Just it being dub'd has sent it to hell in a hand
basket, but this will kill it.

The Kame House


Aug 18, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/18/95

Aug 18, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/18/95
to (Brian Keesler) writes:

>What you saw was not done my Funimation. This was the first Dragon Ball
>movie that was made and dub'd by Harmony Gold a number of years ago. (not
>sure how many.)
>I first saw this version at AnAm'93 and it was a few years old then.

Nope, sorry... it said "FUNIMATION" in big letters right at the
beginning, and i'm not that dumb to misspell harmony gold that badly :)

>I they stay with this version when the start the tv series, then Dragon
>Ball in the US is dead. Just it being dub'd has sent it to hell in a hand
>basket, but this will kill it.


>The Kame House


Gautama Buddha

Aug 19, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/19/95
In article <413vf1$>,
MSO...@DELPHI.COM <> wrote:
[zoom zoom zoom]
>come one now guys... i'm as big a fan as anyone of Dragon Ball, but this
>is going a little overboard, ne? <^_^>

With a name like DBZ *Liberation* *Front*, what were you expecting?
Moderation? :)

"Oh I say, Buffy, that new dub they're airing is just *terrible*. Be a
lamb and pass me another teacake, would you dear?"

>I hope the above posts are said with a healthy dose of sarcasm.. if
>not... yikes!

Desperate times call for desperate measures. Desperate measures call for a
small tactical nuclear warhead tossed directly into Funimation's front lobby.

>Remember, THIS is exaclt why no one listens to fans anymore!! <^_^>

Um, since when has *anybody* corporate listened to the fans ANYWAY? I
mean, recently? Even good old AnimEigo has a positive rep, and they don't
care one whit what fans think of their dubs. And I'm not even going to
bring up Brucie Lewis ...

Frothing and whipping ourselves into a frenzy comes with the territory.
It's a very fannish thing to do, with a long and snobby history. :)

>PLEASE, this is a family newsgroup.. lets not advocate castrating
>ANYBODY! We gotta save a little something in case it's WORSE than this
>later on... heh heh

Revenge is not the answer. Revenge is the QUESTION. YES is the answer!


Aug 19, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/19/95
>SOMEONE will PAY. There is NO EXCUSE for obscenity on this scale.
Lets see, do we:
Mass mail letterbombs?
Raid the corporate HQ?
Execute the translators?
Put the executives to the sword?
See how many bullets the human body can hold?
3 Words. ExactoKnife. Salt. Hydrochloric acid.
"Nuke the site from orbit, only way to be sure"
Tell microsoft they are using a pirated copy of windows?
Glare at them?
3 more words. BIG SHARP SWORD.
another 3 word: BIG MOTHER CANNON.
Is castration to nice? I think so.

Nick aka Mael
Proud member DBZLF.

Aug 19, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/19/95
to (Nick) writes:


come one now guys... i'm as big a fan as anyone of Dragon Ball, but this

is going a little overboard, ne? <^_^> I hope the above posts are said

with a healthy dose of sarcasm.. if not... yikes!

Remember, THIS is exaclt why no one listens to fans anymore!! <^_^>

PLEASE, this is a family newsgroup.. lets not advocate castrating
ANYBODY! We gotta save a little something in case it's WORSE than this
later on... heh heh


Katrina Spencer

Aug 19, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/19/95
Gautama Buddha ( writes:
> Revenge is not the answer. Revenge is the QUESTION. YES is the answer!

Like I said, I'd be more than willing to stare at the full moon for a few
minutes and go on a rampage at Funimation -- just as long as someone
destroys the moon for me before I destroy the world.

Katrina (I'm starting to foam at the mouth) Spencer

Timothy Hong

Aug 19, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/19/95
MSO...@DELPHI.COM ( roared:

> 4) They take the very exotic and strange name Yamcha and change it into:

Probably none of the voice actors/actresses could pronounce Yamcha. :-)

> a) Puuar becomes Prudence- yamchas buddy switches genders as well as
> gains a british accent (?) go figgure. can understand the change
> I guess....

I thought Yamcha's whole problem was that he got weak-in-the-knees around
females? Sounds like they didn't reasearch the storyline too well.

When are these episodes gonna hit the airwaves? I want to see them, so I
can have a good laugh. Maybe they will start making their own episodes,
like they did with the Power Rangers.

I am really glad we got the chance to view Dragon Ball, and now Dragon Ball
Zeto in Hawaii. This will be like watching Attack of the Bionoids. :-)

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= (Honolulu, HI) \|/
"Makankousappou!" %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%(*) /|\

Gautama Buddha

Aug 19, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/19/95
In article <414kdq$>,
Timothy Hong <> wrote:
>MSO...@DELPHI.COM ( roared:

>> a) Puuar becomes Prudence- yamchas buddy switches genders as well as
>> gains a british accent (?) go figgure. can understand the change
>> I guess....
>I thought Yamcha's whole problem was that he got weak-in-the-knees around

Well, as he says himself, he isn't a Lolicon. :)

>Sounds like they didn't reasearch the storyline too well.

That's for sure. The PC crowd are going to be *pissed* if they keep the
Streamline names for Bora and Upa. :P

>I am really glad we got the chance to view Dragon Ball, and now Dragon Ball
>Zeto in Hawaii. This will be like watching Attack of the Bionoids. :-)

To be honest, I don't expect this travesty to go more than one season.
This will give us a chance to distribute the REAL subtitled versions and

\ DBZLF/DRA: Dragonball Z Liberation Front/Dubbing Resistance Army /
\ Dragonball Hunter Rockear Trunks@AnimeMUCK /

\ My other car is a Saiyajin Space Capsule /

Emru Townsend

Aug 19, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/19/95
ajbr...@leland.Stanford.EDU (Andrew John Brewer) writes:

>KaMeHaMEhA ( wrote:
>: I'm shocked!!!!!! They changed the names!!!! Gosh!!

>: When I went to the Philippines Dragon Ball Z was dubbed in english
>: and the names were not changed at all!! Piccollo waas Piccollo ,Gohan was Gohan
>: Vegita was Vegita and Freeza was Freeza!! Now, are you sure it was dubbed in English? I mean in the show the characters had a bad English accent. I hope it's still the same.

>One comment --

>I went to the Philippines in 1987 and while I was there, I saw this
>*horrible* dub of Robotech in English. The names of the characters and
>the episode premise (the one in which Ben bites the dust) were the same,
>but the voices were completely different.

>I never followed up on this when I got back to the states, but I guess
>Harmony Gold dubbed two versions of Robotech. One for here and another,
>cheaper and more despicable, version for the Asian market.

>Maybe the same happened with Dragonball.

Not much to do with Dragonball, but: it's a possibility that HG themselves
didn't do the second dub. If they'd sold the rights to someone else in the
Philippines, they may have done the new dub.

"I eat to squelch my hunger, and in the name of peace!"
Emru Townsend, aka,, Fido: 1:167/133

Grant Otsuki

Aug 19, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/19/95
>I figure that Vejita will kill of the Power Rangers first (that's what Final
>Flash is for) and then kill all the people in charge of DB USA and finally
>shang-hi Akira Toriyama over here and make him do it right!
>What do you think they're going to name Mr. Satan, anyway ....?
>Steve Wallace

I think it was a HUGE mistake for them to try and bring Dragonball here at all. God,
i hope it doesnt catch on here.
Did Akira toriyama have anything to do at all with the American version of
Dragon Ball?

Grant Otsuki

Steven Wallace

Aug 19, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/19/95
In article <415ch0$> (Grant Otsuki) writes:
>From: (Grant Otsuki)

>Subject: Re: Dragon Ball US TV... i've seen it! Ack!!
>Date: 19 Aug 1995 19:02:56 GMT

>I think it was a HUGE mistake for them to try and bring Dragonball here at all.

Their Dragonball? Or pure, raw, unadulterated Dragonball?

> i hope it doesnt catch on here.

And why may that be?

>Did Akira toriyama have anything to do at all with the American version of
>Dragon Ball?

Probably not. I wouldn't be nearly as worried if he would.

Steve Wallace


Aug 20, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/20/95
>>come one now guys... i'm as big a fan as anyone of Dragon Ball, but this
>>is going a little overboard, ne? <^_^>
Overboard? Ha.... you think this is overboard!?!?!?!? I have yet to
actually see the show! Then you'll see OVERBOARD!!!

>>I hope the above posts are said with a healthy dose of sarcasm.. if
>>not... yikes!

Yikes is right!

>Desperate times call for desperate measures. Desperate measures call for a
>small tactical nuclear warhead tossed directly into Funimation's front lobby.

small?????? I was thinking more on the lines of ALL of them.......

>>Revenge is not the answer. Revenge is the QUESTION. YES is the answer!

HAI! (in best young Gohan voice)

Nick aka Mael
Proud member, DBZLF. Death to the dub.

Grant Otsuki

Aug 20, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/20/95
In article <>, (Steven Wallace) says:

>>I think it was a HUGE mistake for them to try and bring Dragonball here at all.
>Their Dragonball? Or pure, raw, unadulterated Dragonball?

Their Dragonball. It still would have been a mistake to bring the real
one here though.

>> i hope it doesnt catch on here.
>And why may that be?

Because if it does, there will be hundreds of little kids running around
with their American Dragonball toys and their American Dragonball
lunchboxes and the original will be completely gone in the states.

Grant Otsuki


Aug 20, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/20/95
The american Tv Networks should not commercialize DB... because.. all the
little kids will now be even more violent.. and like the Power Rangers...Some
Activists will try to Ban DB. (I deteste the rangers). The Tv networks should
show DB when the lil kids are not awake.. like at Night.. or early in the
morning.... So we could tape it.. and it will be a very big mistake if they
show DB in the Afternoon.

--Soul hunter
A.K.A DaRkNeSs
A.K.A Deep_516


Aug 20, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/20/95
And they'll probably name Gohan Sub-zero.

Just kidding!

Katrina Spencer

Aug 20, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/20/95

CHUNGCNG ( writes:
> And they'll probably name Gohan Sub-zero.
> Just kidding!

You better be. That's not funny *sob*


Aug 20, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/20/95

Is Dragon Ball Z in the U.S.?? Where and what time?? I have never seen it, and I
want to! So help me out and some jazz....|)

Aug 20, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/20/95
In article <>, ag...@FreeNet.Carleton.CA (Katrina Spencer) writes:
> CHUNGCNG ( writes:
>> And they'll probably name Gohan Sub-zero.
>> Just kidding!
> You better be. That's not funny *sob*
> hmmm i don't think Sub-Zero, i mean Gohan is gonna be in it......


Chris Azure

Aug 21, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/21/95

On Thu, 17 Aug 1995, Katrina Spencer wrote:

> MSO...@DELPHI.COM ( writes:

[various name changes snipped in the interest of human decency]

> *SOB* I knew it. I knew it!! And Kulilyn is going to have some stupid
> name like 'Bob'. I KNEW IT!!! Go ahead, tell me more, why don't you just
> give me a nice paper cut and pour lemon juice on it? It would be less
> painful *snif*.

> Katrina [oh, if only Vejiita-sama would blast those people] Spencer

Okay. I'm going to be very calm.... I'm not going to scream out loud....
I'm not going to shed any tears.......

I've decided to live in a universe where this mutilation of Dragonball
does not exist..... anyone claiming the contrary is deluded..... or
lying..... there is no such thing is an English version of Dragonball

(well maybe if I tell myself this enough I'll start believing it - I'm
just glad no-one's forcing me to watch it....)

Chris (who yesterday broke his VCR in a mad search for certain DBZ
episodes - the VCR is now getting repaired. But if a video-cassete is
broken (ie won't play on any machine, are there people in this world that
can fix it?))

_ \ __| | | __| | _) | | / _
( | _| _| -_) _| \ _` | | ( \ | | _` | | )
\ / ___|\__\___|_| _| _\__,_|_| \___|_| _|_|_\__,_| \ /
__ __| Chris Azure |__ __
| "I've not lived forever yet" - Chris Azure |
_| "I just want to live until I die" - Jah Wobble, Forever |_

Chris Azure

Aug 21, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/21/95

On 16 Aug 1995 wrote:

> 1) Opening theme-- Typical power rangers type music and lyrics... they
> tossed out the original japanese music as well as re-dubbing it into
> something pretty.... well, bland.

Knew it knew it knew it knew it.... mind you I guess that's better than
having the main theme sung over in English.... (almost died when I heard
Cha-la Head-Cha-la sung in chinese).

> in a surprising move on funimations part, they chose to use the first
> Dragon Ball MOVIE instead of working with the TV episodes. This worked
> to their advantage in sopme respects, but i think harmed them in others.
> series has legs!" to quote a cap city article... Unfortunately, i
> belivee there are only 3 z-less DB movies, which basically gives them 6
> half hour shows to work with. NOW, we know they're going to have 13
> episodes, so how is this going to work? Are they going to shoot right
> into the DBZ movies after that?? or have i somehow gotten a tape thatwill

Actually it would be a lot more comforting to me if they only rip apart
the movies..... ;)

> air more than the 13 weeks theyre talking about... After seeing this,
> I'm pretty sure that DB will never achieve the success here that it has
> in other european countries <this is another point retailer mags like to
> hype>.

That's actually a good thing, from my point of view :) I'm a fan already
(and one who will generally only watch the Japanese version - though I do
occasionally turn on the horrible chinese-dubs sometimes since they're on
tv nearly every day)...... I don't know if I could bare it if DB became a
big hit over there & suddenly everywhere you go you get plagued with
"zero" and "chester", etc all over DB related stuff....... it would be a

(Reminds me of a dream I had not too long ago, where we were watching
DBZ, & it suddenly without warning turned into an english-dubbed
version... we all sunk into a mass depression, not knowing what to do)

> that dont 'fit'... Goku loses all of his naivette, his sense of being
> continually baffled by new things.. he becomes almost too old and 'hip'..
> he just seems too aware of whats going on <^_^>.. more so than usual.

I saw that one coming.... I had an argument with someone about the
chinese dub of DBZ, which has a horribly deep-voiced male cast as Goku...
and Chi Chi sounded too old too....

Goku & Chi Chi have always been, to me at least, like a couple of kids who
never really grow up..... (moreso than any of the other characters even) ;)

> My friend who wathed it with me, a non fan who'd never seen DB before,
> told me that he enjoyed it. I guess that means im too sensitive to all
> of this stuff, and am nitpicking. sigh.. what else is new...

Ah well what do NON-fans know of what's good, eh? ;)


Brian Keesler

Aug 21, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/21/95
MSO...@DELPHI.COM ( wrote:

: Nope, sorry... it said "FUNIMATION" in big letters right at the

: beginning, and i'm not that dumb to misspell harmony gold that badly :)

It's nice that it said "FUNIMATION" on it, but the dub was done by
harmony gold. They did the 3 Dragon Ball movies in the late 80's. But
when they dub'd them they did not have the rights to release it.

The Kame House - Not a real email address, but I play one on TV.

Katrina Spencer

Aug 22, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/22/95
klilin (klilin) writes:
> 2. Ask politely, "Are you going to be showing the Dragon Ball cartoon
> this fall?"

Katrina feels her hair begin to stand on end. She is surrounded by a
golden light. She decides to go look at the moon and see what happens....



Aug 22, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/22/95
to wrote:
>Is Dragon Ball Z in the U.S.?? Where and what time?? I have never seen it, and I
> want to! So help me out and some jazz....|)

O.K. here's how you find out.
1. call your local UPN affiliate.(or indipendant)

2. Ask politely, "Are you going to be showing the Dragon Ball cartoon
this fall?"

3.if they say yes, pay attention.In Minneapolis it will start Sat. sept.
16th at 8:30 a.m.
4. Voila!


"Remember one thing...Someday I will kill You." --


Aug 23, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/23/95

>I am really glad we got the chance to view Dragon Ball, and now Dragon Ball
>Zeto in Hawaii. This will be like watching Attack of the Bionoids. :-)
know what the really great thing is.. .can't you see the saiyajin

hmmm Raditsu becomes.... Nil
Kakarotto becomes... hmmm Butch is a manly name, lets do that...
Bejiita becomes Prince John......
Furiiza becomes Ice Man.......

Another DB pick....

Can you imagine the parenta reaction when Gokuu punches a hole in
Pikkoro Daimaou!!!???!?!?!??

Katrina Spencer

Aug 23, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/23/95
Nick ( writes:
> hmmm Raditsu becomes.... Nil

Y'know, of all the Saiyajin we see, Radittsu has the best hair...C'n you
imagine if he'd been able to go SSJ? or SSJ 3? Sheesh, if Gokuu got hair
down to his butt, what'd Radittsu get? He'd trip on it, and so much for
the great Super Saiyajin. Kids would laugh at him when he walked down the
street. If he'd lived, I mean.

> Bejiita becomes Prince John......

That doesn't even qualify for flames...=P

> Furiiza becomes Ice Man.......

Don't tempt the translators, man!

> Another DB pick....
> Can you imagine the parenta reaction when Gokuu punches a hole in
> Pikkoro Daimaou!!!???!?!?!??

I can't imagine parental reaction to any of the death in it. I showed one
of the movies (I think it was the one with chibi-Trunks & Goten vs.
Burolli) to my nephews and they told their mom quite gleefully about it.
I have been forbidden to show them any more movies in which people are
annihilated. I told her he wasn't a person, he was a mad Saiyajin. She
just looked oddly at me and ushered the children out of the room...

I told them not to tell her next time.



Chris Azure

Aug 24, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/24/95

On 19 Aug 1995 wrote:

> come one now guys... i'm as big a fan as anyone of Dragon Ball, but this

> is going a little overboard, ne? <^_^> I hope the above posts are said

> with a healthy dose of sarcasm.. if not... yikes!

Do you remember the episode back in the Freeza saga, where a certain
minion of Freeza suggested to the rest of Freeza's followers that perhaps
Freeza wasn't all-powerful after all and this was the beginning of a new
era for the universe.....?

Remember what happened to HIM?

John Wallace

Aug 24, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/24/95
In article <> ag...@FreeNet.Carleton.CA (Katrina Spencer) writes:
>From: ag...@FreeNet.Carleton.CA (Katrina Spencer)

>Subject: Re: Dragon Ball US TV... i've seen it! Ack!!
>Date: Wed, 23 Aug 1995 23:25:36 GMT

>Y'know, of all the Saiyajin we see, Radittsu has the best hair...C'n you
>imagine if he'd been able to go SSJ? or SSJ 3? Sheesh, if Gokuu got hair
>down to his butt, what'd Radittsu get? He'd trip on it, and so much for
>the great Super Saiyajin. Kids would laugh at him when he walked down the
>street. If he'd lived, I mean.

Hey, I predicted that to Goku if he ever hit SSJ 4. Turns out Toriyama-sama
ended the series (or at least put it on hold for a bit) before I could see if
my theory was correct. I dream of a long carpet of hair as long as
Shenlong... Of course, by that time, you wouldn't be as good for physical
attacks. Chi attacks are another matter whatsoever.

>> Bejiita becomes Prince John......

>That doesn't even qualify for flames...=P

>> Furiiza becomes Ice Man.......
>Don't tempt the translators, man!

What would Cold be, then?

>> Another DB pick....
>> Can you imagine the parenta reaction when Gokuu punches a hole in
>> Pikkoro Daimaou!!!???!?!?!??

How about Cell Disintigrating?
Or Cyber Freezer getting hacked to bits by Trunks? I always loved that part.
Or #19 getting blown up by Vejiita? Oh, I get it. Robots don't count.

>I can't imagine parental reaction to any of the death in it. I showed one
>of the movies (I think it was the one with chibi-Trunks & Goten vs.
>Burolli) to my nephews and they told their mom quite gleefully about it.
>I have been forbidden to show them any more movies in which people are
>annihilated. I told her he wasn't a person, he was a mad Saiyajin. She
>just looked oddly at me and ushered the children out of the room...

Burolli? Yeah, right. There is NO way he can be killed. He is as immortal as
Mr. Satan. We thought he died the first time around. It takes more than a
sun to beat Burolli. BTW, from the research my friend did, we determined
that Burolli's a half-breed. It seems his father was exiled by Vejiita's
father for some reason. Could it be marrying and alien? Hmmmm... Anyway,
Half-Saiyajin progress faster than full-blooded Saiyajin do, but in my opinion
they can't go as far. Exceptions would include Gohan, who had divine help,
and Burolli, who's, well, Burolli.

>I told them not to tell her next time.

Why not?
Hey Mom! We just saw this cool special where some boy and this cute girl go
around and kill everyone.
Hey, Dad? Check out Cell getting his butt whipped by Super Vejiita (I've
spelled Vejiita's name too many different ways, don't know which one I'll stay
Hey, Foster Parents! Want to see an entire city of people get turned into
candy? Yum!


>"...Ge-gehin na onna da...dekai koe de..."

> -- Vejiita (on Bulma)

Steve Wallace
Dragonball US TV Liberation Front
Liberate Dragonball from US TV!!!
Unless, of course, they give into our demands.
Otherwise, they'll have to deal with
Super Steven
(Damn! Have to grow my hair OUT)


Aug 24, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/24/95
to (Nick) wrote:

>Can you imagine the parenta reaction when Gokuu punches a hole in
>Pikkoro Daimaou!!!???!?!?!??

Yes. But that scene is soon followed by PD upchucking an egg(which
becomes the Piccolo we know & love). Therefore, the parents 1st reaction
will be quickly followed by:

Mom: "Awwww....he's a mommy! How sweet!"
Dad: "I'm so glad this show takes the time to teach our young ones about
Mom: "It just goes to show you, evil folk need love too."
Dad: "I think being a father is the best thing that could have happened
to him. It will give him a sense of responsibility he wouldn't normally

Of course, PD soon goes BADABOOOOOOM!!!!!



Aug 25, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/25/95
Worst thing they can do is drawing by their own artists to fill
up 12 episodes!!!

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