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AE 1995-- one man's reaction.

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Mike Mr. Groovy Toole

Nov 13, 1995, 3:00:00 AM11/13/95
I just got back from Anime East 1995. I'm going to follow the
trend and write my reaction paper. Don't be too harsh when grading it,
'cause I'm watching El Hazard at the same time as I'm writing it. ^-^

Me and my buddy Frank had a ride set up. It fell through. We had a
backup ride set up. It fell through. We said, "To hell with this." and
paid $40 to take Amtrak down to N.J. anyway. Unfortunately, because of
the delays, we didn't make it up there 'till about 10pm friday evening.
We missed all the opening ceremonies, and couldn't register. However,
the dealers room and panels were all closed anyway, and we were free to
wander the video rooms. We had a fun time-- saw all of MAPS, some
magical girls shows, and a few other random bits of video before heading
back at about 3:30am. The Dragon Ball party would have been more fun if
I had a whit of knowledge as to what Dragon Ball and DBZ were all about,
but it certainly *LOOKED* interesting.

I went to the IRC thing. The only people I clearly remember
meeting are Akane and Hatta, but it was good to attach names to faces.

After catching around five hours of sleep, we headed back at 10am
saturday. Registration was painless. The dealer's room was way nifty--
much respect to Software Sculptors, who had good discounts on their Zenki
and Miku videos! I was a little disappointed, as I had hoped that some
of the prices for videos would be less than retail. This was really not
the case, except in a few booths. Still, it was great to see all the
stuff that's so bloody hard to get over here, like Sailor Moon toys,
calendars, even a Lupin III poseable action figure.

Then, I raided the panels. My complaint about them-- they were
*WAY* disorganized, and thus I was disoriented. After a few misfires, I
found that simply walking around to each room looking for the panel would
yield results. The only one I simply never found was Princess Maker,
which annoyed me. However, the other panels were good. I got to meet
Peter Fernandez and Corinne Orr, the voices of Speed Racer and Trixie;
Kit Carson, the Star Blazers casting director; Toshi Yoshida from Viz
(the dubbing panel was low-key due to lack of equipment, but we still
managed to improvise-- I was Ryouga in one sequence, it was fun! Too bad
I can't move to San Francisco or Vancouver to become a voice actor.)
Robert Woodhead of AnimEigo fame was also on hand for much of the panel,
and I went to his panel afterwards. Good job, Robert-- I only fell
asleep three times! ^_^ Also, I stopped in briefly during Toshio Okada's
panel. It was good to see the Otaking in person.

As for premieres, I caught the premiere of Cutey Honey vol.3 and
Yokho vol.6. Fun stuff.

MIO concert: Fun, but disconcerting for me. (I'm a big fan of
live music-- but most concerts I go to don't even HAVE seats, much less
compulsory seating! Also, I'm used to it being a good deal louder. Oh,
well.) She was teriffic-- I only knew the song from Area 88, but a good
time was still had. Afterwards, a performer called Apollo Smile took the
stage-- I didn't know what to make of her. She did a lip-synch to really
obnoxious, boring techno, and was rather silly.

Cosplay: After a positively obnxious delay, cosplay happened!
It was... neat. I'll definitely be dressing up for the next con I hit.
The Dragon Ball skit was incredibly well-executed. Trish Ledoux from Viz
even dressed as Azusa Shiratori from Ranma 1/2. Nice costume, Trish!

Ghost in the Shell: It was good to finally see a quality-dubbed
film on the silver screen. I WANT MORE! The only really bizarre thing
was the music, which was... disturbingly dissonant.

After that, we ventured back to the con, and watched many, many
videos. More magical girls' stuff, including Sailor Moon death
episodes. Positively addictive, and the whole room was chorusing "Se-la
Moon!" during the commercial break by the end of the thing. By then, it
was 3:30am. I watched La Blue Girl. I'm sorry. We headed out at 4:45am.

And that's the con. My first. Not bad, not bad at all. I'll
definitely continue to hit cons. Much respect is due to everyone
involved in organizing the con, everyone in cosplay, Manga for doing
Ghost in the Shell, the guests.... a fun experience.

The end. (because I want to go to sleep now!)

"But suddenly, Mr. Groovy slams the door behind you, and bashes you over
the head with the tuba. Everything goes black..."

Sea Wasp

Nov 13, 1995, 3:00:00 AM11/13/95
In article <4868r4$>,

Mike "Mr. Groovy" Toole <> wrote:

> Cosplay: After a positively obnxious delay, cosplay happened!
>It was... neat. I'll definitely be dressing up for the next con I hit.
>The Dragon Ball skit was incredibly well-executed.

Thanks very much! It would have been even better had we had
the chance to actually rehearse it with the Tech crew. As it was,
our opening skit video was temporarily halted at the wrong point
and essentially all our effects were not cued properly. One missed
line combined with missing effects culminated in us having to improvise
about a quarter of the material, and the final segment of that part of
the skit was to have had full music and sound effects.
Moreover, what you saw was only half of it; the moderator thought
we'd ended the skit when we were actually supposed to leave, do an eyecatch,
and come back on stage for a Tenkai-ichi Budokai.

But the fact that the crowd and the judges liked it made the pain
much, much easier to bear... ;)

"Son Goku"

MEHA! KAMEH Sera-Fuku Bishonen Senshi
EHA AME Sailor Wasp
M ^@_____@^ H Sailor Suited Beautiful
"Trust me. A / / Sea \ \ A Box-Jelly Warrior
You don't have K / / Wasp \ \ !
much choice!" T ; /_________\ ; ! "For Love and Justice,
' ;|;;|;;|; N my .sig will give you
X | | | I a spanking!"
EDO ; ; ; D Z
KAMEN NEBLO Keeper of the Saint Seiya FAQ

Gordon Waters

Nov 13, 1995, 3:00:00 AM11/13/95
In article <4895f9$> (Enrique Conty) writes:

>I'm told the masquerade was a blast...
>"Hey, those are not Big Fire Faceless Minions!
> They're PHONE POLE TEAM Faceless Minions!"

ROTFL for about 5 minutes...

Oh, man, you *had* to remind me of that- I'm gonna be out of breath for
the rest of the day now @_@ ^_^;;;;

That, and the Okada "Theft Flow Chart" between the US and Japan ^_-;;;

"Oh, the Japanese saw Star Wars, and said 'Oh, that's good- Light Saber'
and then made Gundam"

Someone who was there and remembers all of this (Neil? Gaver-san?) *please*
tell more of this!!! ^_-


///THE CODE NAME IS / To Join DP Mail.List:lios!
//LOVELY ANGEL... // ~//~~\\ // //~\\ ~~//~ \\ / //~\\ /|| // //~\\
/Gordon Waters //// // // // //__// // \\/ //__// /--|| // //__// // _//__// // // \\ // // // / || // // \\

Enrique Conty

Nov 14, 1995, 3:00:00 AM11/14/95
In article <4868r4$> (Mike "Mr. Groovy" Toole) writes:
> Cosplay: After a positively obnxious delay, cosplay happened!
>It was... neat. I'll definitely be dressing up for the next con I hit.
>The Dragon Ball skit was incredibly well-executed. Trish Ledoux from Viz
>even dressed as Azusa Shiratori from Ranma 1/2. Nice costume, Trish!

I'm told the masquerade was a blast...

"Hey, those are not Big Fire Faceless Minions!
They're PHONE POLE TEAM Faceless Minions!"

Enrique Conty Want to see Giant Robo subbed? Write to!

Gautama Buddha

Nov 14, 1995, 3:00:00 AM11/14/95
In article <488rm2$>,

Sea Wasp <> wrote:
> Moreover, what you saw was only half of it; the moderator thought
>we'd ended the skit when we were actually supposed to leave, do an eyecatch,
>and come back on stage for a Tenkai-ichi Budokai.

This sounds elaborate. So for those of us who weren't there, how was it
SUPPOSED to go? (Sue me, I'm curious, OK? :)

| DBZLF/DRA: Dragonball Z Liberation Front/Dubbing Resistance Army /-/\-\
| Dragonball Hunter Rockear | | Trunks@AnimeMUCK /-/--\-\
| "Stop trying to force me to have an erection! I refuse to let /-/----\-\
| it stand up, you whore of Satan!" -`- -'-

Sea Wasp

Nov 14, 1995, 3:00:00 AM11/14/95
In article <>,
Gautama Buddha <> wrote:

>In article <488rm2$>,
>Sea Wasp <> wrote:

(RE our Dragonball Z skit at AE)

>> Moreover, what you saw was only half of it; the moderator thought
>>we'd ended the skit when we were actually supposed to leave, do an eyecatch,
>>and come back on stage for a Tenkai-ichi Budokai.

>This sounds elaborate. So for those of us who weren't there, how was it
>SUPPOSED to go? (Sue me, I'm curious, OK? :)

If people want, I can post the script, with notations for
sound effects and so on, of Dragonball Z: The Skit as it was designed.

Of course, that would slightly spoil the enjoyment of the
audience if/when we finally get to perform it in its entirety.
But I won't do it without the same cast. I'll NEVER find a better
Piccolo Daiyamo...

M.R. Opel

Nov 15, 1995, 3:00:00 AM11/15/95
to (Enrique Conty) writes:

>In article <4868r4$> (Mike "Mr. Groovy" Toole) writes:
>> Cosplay: After a positively obnxious delay, cosplay happened!
>>It was... neat. I'll definitely be dressing up for the next con I hit.
>>The Dragon Ball skit was incredibly well-executed. Trish Ledoux from Viz
>>even dressed as Azusa Shiratori from Ranma 1/2. Nice costume, Trish!
>I'm told the masquerade was a blast...
>"Hey, those are not Big Fire Faceless Minions!
> They're PHONE POLE TEAM Faceless Minions!"
>Enrique Conty

That's DEMON SEED! I swear, ever since we got trashed by a 14 year old idol
singer a few years back, we get no respect at all.

-Matt 'Professor Demon' Opel

PS: Animeast was a blast! Mio singing "Men of Destiny", Okada giving an
insider's view of the anime industry, Kitazume drawing sketches for fans, the
US premier of Slayers and Ghost in the Shell, a chance to see Evangelion, and
so much more... It'll be weeks before I can face reality again :)

"If the American companies can't produce decent dubs, they should only do
subtitles!" -Okada-sensei

Daniel Pawtowski

Nov 15, 1995, 3:00:00 AM11/15/95
In article <4895f9$>,

Enrique Conty <> wrote:
>I'm told the masquerade was a blast...
>"Hey, those are not Big Fire Faceless Minions!
> They're PHONE POLE TEAM Faceless Minions!"

Argh. I'm gonna have to track down somebody with a videotape of this.
Hmm. Did anybody tape it? *Please?*

Actually, I heard one problem- for the girl with the Luna Varuga costume,
the Tech crew played the wrong side of her audio tape, the music was *NOT*
supposed to be "Homecoming Queen's Got a Gun", she'd prepared a Varuga-audio
clip that her act was synched too.
(In case you're wondering, yes, I do know the girl in question.)

Daniel Pawtowski

Mike Mr. Groovy Toole

Nov 15, 1995, 3:00:00 AM11/15/95
Enrique Conty ( wrote:
: > Cosplay: After a positively obnxious delay, cosplay happened!
: >It was... neat. I'll definitely be dressing up for the next con I hit.
: >The Dragon Ball skit was incredibly well-executed. Trish Ledoux from Viz
: >even dressed as Azusa Shiratori from Ranma 1/2. Nice costume, Trish!
: I'm told the masquerade was a blast...

: "Hey, those are not Big Fire Faceless Minions!
: They're PHONE POLE TEAM Faceless Minions!"

Alberto: C'mon, c'mon, guys! Together, allegiace or death, BIG FIRE!

Faceless Minion: Uhhh... there's always room for JELLO!

: Enrique Conty

: Want to see Giant Robo subbed?
: Write to!

I did. They said that they'd already recieved a few inquiries
about it and JUST MIGHT release a subtitled version, if enough interest
is shown. So write a letter to them, folks. Giant Robo rules.

-- Mr. Groovy
-----------------------------------> what is this pointing at?

Brian Keesler

Nov 16, 1995, 3:00:00 AM11/16/95
: (RE our Dragonball Z skit at AE)

: If people want, I can post the script, with notations for

: sound effects and so on, of Dragonball Z: The Skit as it was designed.

: Of course, that would slightly spoil the enjoyment of the
: audience if/when we finally get to perform it in its entirety.
: But I won't do it without the same cast. I'll NEVER find a better
: Piccolo Daiyamo...

Yes, please post what your DBZ skit was supposed to be like!!
Brian and myself are friends of Rob Lantz (Vegeta for your skit) and
we'd met at Anime America this year.He told me that his hair looked MUCH
better this time, taking my suggestion to buy a troll wig, die it and
cut it to do a great Vegeta.We WERE supposed to be there(he might have
mentioned it to you) doing Gogeta(Brian) and either Lunch or Bideru
for myself.Car troubles and work kept us from going this year.Oh
well, maybe next year.Did YOU have anything to do with "the Dragon Ball
room" at AE??? I'd like to know,as we gave Rob the idea;running the first
Dragon Ball Party Room(tm)ever.

Lisa Nelson


Nov 16, 1995, 3:00:00 AM11/16/95
Enrique Conty ( wrote:
: In article <4868r4$> (Mike "Mr. Groovy" Toole) writes:
: > Cosplay: After a positively obnxious delay, cosplay happened!
: >It was... neat. I'll definitely be dressing up for the next con I hit.
: >The Dragon Ball skit was incredibly well-executed. Trish Ledoux from Viz
: >even dressed as Azusa Shiratori from Ranma 1/2. Nice costume, Trish!

: I'm told the masquerade was a blast...

: "Hey, those are not Big Fire Faceless Minions!
: They're PHONE POLE TEAM Faceless Minions!"

If a US company is willing to release VOTOMS, then surely we can find
someone to release Prefectural Earth Defense Force here. And now that
Americans have been exposed to the Sentai genre via Power Rangers, some
of the jokes will make more sense to them (the Americans, no the Power

David "No Nickname" Crowe Stupidity is NOT an American invention!
-Milk, Milk and Cheese #666

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