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Tonghyun Kim

Feb 17, 1993, 4:38:11 AM2/17/93

Issue 2 of UC Herald is finally out! UC Herald 2 is a 147 page
monster that sums up Gundam 0083. (^_^)

UC Herald 2 contains following stuff:

* Color Cover done by Noel Gamboa and Lesfeena Lee
* Gundam 0083 Operation Maps Part II
* Gundam Universe Timeline Part II - from 0083 to F-91
* The Glossary of Terms for Gundam 0083 - from Abawaku to Zitte
* The Life in Space Colonies - What is it like to live in a space
colony? You'll find your answer here!
* Gundam 0083 Story Guide
* Solomon 0099 (MANGA) - A Gundam side story by Mark Simmons
* Gundam 0083 Goods Guide - Review of products on Gundam 0083
* Gundam 0083 Mecha Guide Part II
* The Guide to Ships of Gundam 0083
* The Record of War Dead Part II - In depth analysis of those who have
died in Gundam 0083.
* Gundam 0083 Character Guide Part II
* Eve of Destiny (MANGA) - A Gundam side story by Noel Gamboa
* Gundam 0083 CD Cinema 1 Runga Offing Cannonade Battle Synopsis
* Gundam 0083 CD Cinema 2 The Mayfly of Space Synopsis
* Review: Jion no Zankou
* Gundam 0083 Staff Guide
* Gundam 0083 Voice Actor Guide
* The Tomino Guide - Complete guide to the man who started the legend.
Includes a filmography and a bibliography.
* Feddie: The Dark God of Destruction - A parody manga by Lesfeena
Lee. Bastard! meets Gundam 0083!
* Mon Etoil - An image illustration plus translations for two songs
used in the movie "Jion no Zankou"
* Linear Seat - Interesting tidbits on Gundam 0083

PLUS lots of original illustrations and parodies!

UC Herald 2 will be available from Nikaku Animart (TEL: (408) 971-2822).
Those of you who can't (or don't want to) order from Nikaku can
order directly from us. The direct sale price will be $10.00, which
includes the postage to anywhere in North America.

Please send your money order to following address:

Tonghyun Kim
4089 Nobel drive #17
San Diego, CA 92122

If you have any questions, e-mail to

* Tonghyun "Vajra" Kim *
* Operation X/UC HERALD *
* "Otaku types love Sailor Moon" *
* *
* - Katoki Hajime - *

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