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[Ranma][Poem] Purest Snow and Crimson Blood

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Apr 15, 2001, 5:00:43 PM4/15/01
I wrote this poem a while ago but I don't think I ever submitted it to the

"Purest Snow and Crimson Blood"

Oh, white of snow
Oh, red of blood
An unlikely pair
Of beauty most fair
And yet, from this doth grow
The inklings of true love

You came to me
One stormy night
Your presence I did scorn
But now you're gone and I do mourn
I would give my soul if I could only see
Your face once more, in the light

If we could but save
What we have lost
Our lives we can regain
Our love we can reclaim
Our future we can once again pave
Oh, take me from this land of frost

Luna Hinomura - 1999

Note: This poem was inspired by Hearts of Ice (by Krista Perry).
Read it at

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