E-mail would be appreciated.
Not a lot of help sorry.......................Tina
for the two you mentioned. The former has no picture, unfortunately, but it does sound like what I had. The aquarium store says they are Pseudotropheus zebra. It's possible that they've been bred to look like this but are not "natural".
They are zebras, most likely, and are natural. They would be considered
Pseudotropheus zebra sp. ":orange blotch". These do occur naturally in the
lake, but probably not in the numbers seen in stores. I've got a tank full of
fry now, and they are good-looking fish!
柚eg (make sure there are no spots when you reply)
* * * * * * * * *
Believe those who are seeking the truth. Doubt those who find it.
- Andre Gide
You've got me intrigued about my fish. I bought an OB zebra about 1 1/2 years
ago, along with a albino zebra. Turns out that the OB is male and the albino
is female, and they have spawned two batched of fry, both OB in appearance.
They are pretty orange, but they are still small enough that it is difficult
to tell if the dark patches are blue or black. They do have the classic zebra
shape, however. What do you think I've got here? I thought for sure that my OB
zebra was female until I saw him spawning with the female albino...
—Meg (make sure there are no spots when you reply)