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Fwd: [UBISS 2015] Third Call for Students to "3D WEB AND OPEN DATA FOR SMART CITIES HACKATHON" (application deadline March 20, 2015)

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Toni Alatalo

Mar 11, 2015, 3:32:19 AM3/11/15
FYI a realXtend based Summer School by the University of Oulu next June.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Timo Ojala <>
Date: Tue, Mar 10, 2015 at 4:11 PM
Subject: [UBISS 2015] Third Call for Students to "3D WEB AND OPEN DATA
FOR SMART CITIES HACKATHON" (application deadline March 20, 2015)

[apologies for any cross-postings]

UBISS 2015 - 6th International UBI Summer School 2015

Oulu, Finland, June 8-13, 2015

Application deadline: March 20, 2015.

UBISS 2015 - the 6th International UBI Summer School 2015 - will be
held in Oulu, Finland, on June 8-13, 2015. The UBI summer school
provides young researchers and professionals with an opportunity to
gain hands on experience and insight on selected topics on the
multidisciplinary fields of ubiquitous computing and urban informatics
under the tutelage of distinguished experts. While the summer school
is primarily targeted for doctoral candidates (postgraduate students),
undergraduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and industry and
public sector professionals are also welcome to attend. UBISS 2015
builds on the legacy of the previous five highly successful UBI summer
schools held in Oulu in 2010-2014.

UBISS 2015 comprises of four parallel 6-day workshops.


Maximum number of students to be enrolled to the workshop: 24

In recent years 3D graphics has become a more feasible and a more
important part of the multimedia experience in the world wide web.
Today, WebGL allows rendering interactive 3D graphics in modern web
browsers with GPU acceleration. Application development for 3D web is
enticed by the facts that (1) web browsers are available for all major
platforms including mobile devices, and (2) a web application
typically does not require the user to install or update any software
or libraries other than the web browser. A number of 3D web
applications have been developed for various domains from information
visualization to games, architecture and cultural heritage. This
hackathon style workshop focuses on the particular application domain
of “smart cities”, where 3D virtual city models are coupled with open
data sources (e.g. traffic, weather sensors, IoT) into novel prototype
applications using 3D web technologies.

The workshop first provides an overview of the 3D web technology
landscape, including WebGL, three.js, the basics of 3D modeling
applications (Blender, SketchUp), and the workflow from creation to
runtime engines. A special emphasis is placed on the technologies
developed in Oulu, i.e. the realXtend open source platform for
creating real-time networked multi-user 3D environments, the FIWARE
Advanced Web-based User Interface Generic Enablers, and the Meshmoon
hosting service for creating and hosting multi-user 3D spaces for
free. To bootstrap the hacking, the workshop participants are provided
with the “Virtual Oulu” 3D model of downtown Oulu and a number of open
data sources. In terms of 3D UI devices, the participants have access
to Oculus Rift VR headsets and a CAVE. The participants are grouped
into project teams of 3-4 students that each brainstorm, design and
implement their own prototype, including 3D web programming, 3D
content production and 3D UI design. For an example of such a
prototype, check out the “Virtual Helsinki” FIWARE demo exploiting
multiple FIWARE Generic Enablers. The source code of the prototype is
available at and is licensed as
open source for the code and with creative commons licenses for

Prospective students should have expertise in at least one of the
following areas: 3D web programming, 3D content production, 3D UI

The project teams producing particularly “successful” prototypes will
be offered the opportunity to (1) to “sell” their prototype for
real-world deployment in “Virtual Oulu” for a one-time fee, and (2)
collaborate with the University of Oulu researchers on conducting a
field trial for the purpose of collecting research data on their

Coordinator: Professor Timo 'Timppa' Ojala, University of Oulu, Finland

Timo "Timppa" Ojala is a Professor of Computer Science at the
Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of
Oulu, Finland. Timppa leads the Urban Computing and Cultures research
group and the UBI (UrBan Interactions) research program that have
conducted a longitudinal and multidisciplinary study of ubiquitous
computing systems with real users in authentic urban setting at the
Open UBI Oulu civic laboratory deployed at downtown Oulu. This "in the
wild" exploration commenced over ten years ago and has imposed a
visible and lasting change on the Oulu cityscape in form of the
city-wide panOULU WLAN network providing open and free wireless
Internet access to the general public, and the UBI-hotspots, the
network of large interactive public displays deployed around Oulu, for
example. During the past couple of years Timppa has coordinated the
design and implementation of "Virtual Oulu", a detailed 3D virtual
model of downtown Oulu implemented atop the realXtend open source
platform and hosted in the Meshmoon hosting service. While Timppa
coordinates the execution of the hackathon, the technological know-how
and hands-on guidance of the project teams is provided by a team of
industry professionals that have intimate knowledge of the
technologies and software platforms used in the hackathon.

Further information and the online application form are available at:

Best regards,


Professor Timo Ojala

University of Oulu, Finland

Chair, UBISS 2015
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