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Utilization of semantic data in realXtend

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Jari Kahelin

Oct 18, 2013, 8:20:59 AM10/18/13

I'm pretty new to realXtend and virtual world platforms generally. I started in a research project short time ago which relates to usage of semantic data in virtual world platforms. Reading through the realXtend documentation and testing the platform myself, it seems that there is not a way to add metadata to the objects nor reflect the relationships between the objects.

Although there are some fields like Name, Description, Parent bone name and Parent entity ref... But is there more of these fields which relates to object semantics? Or is the perspective of the semantic object data taken into account in the development of the realXtend at all? This is not clear to me.

The project itself is pretty impressive and owns a great development potential. The future of the web will be in web3D. :)

Best regards,

Toni Alatalo

Oct 18, 2013, 9:55:43 AM10/18/13
On Oct 18, 2013, at 3:20 PM, Jari Kahelin <> wrote:
> I'm pretty new to realXtend and virtual world platforms generally. I started in a research project short time ago which relates to usage of semantic data in virtual world platforms. Reading through the realXtend documentation and testing the platform myself, it seems that there is not a way to add metadata to the objects nor reflect the relationships between the objects.

In Tundra you can add arbitrary data to objects easily using the DynamicComponent component type,

For a specific type of custom data you can also create a new EC type and define a static set of attributes for that. This is currently only possibly with C++ code but perhaps in the future we'll provide easier means for that too (like just declaring the type with a JSON declaration or via some JS API).

> Jari


Ali Kämäräinen

Oct 18, 2013, 11:07:42 AM10/18/13
Tundra uses the (Scene-)Entity-Component(-Attribute) model: an object (Entity) itself doesn't have any data or functionality whatsoever. All data (stored in Attributes) and functionality of an Entity is added by using the Entity-Components ( Mesh, Placeable, RigidBody etc. DynamicComponent can be used to add arbitrary data to an Entity as Toni mentioned.

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