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Re: [realXtend] Avatar scene

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Jonne Nauha

May 2, 2013, 2:28:28 PM5/2/13
to realXtend

Looking at the .txml and script files quickly it seems that its built with relative asset references. Like "fish.mesh" which only points to a file, not a particular path on the disk or the web. This file will be first looked in the default storage, and the default storage depends on the --file or --storage input parameters. So the default is to make the default storage the path where the --file txml was loaded, it can be a local disk path or a web path.

Looks like it should work without any txml or script modifications when you just load the --txml from a web url. So copy the whole scene/Avatar directory to your dropbox as is. Then start 

TundraConsole --server --headless --file

With this AssetAPI should resolve fish.mesh to with the default storage. You can also write "assets" console command on the serve to verify which storage is default (the name is in bold font)

If it does not work, report back what the console log tells your. Look for any error lines (they are red if you are on windows).

Best regards,
Jonne Nauha
Meshmoon developer at 
Adminotech Ltd.

On Thu, May 2, 2013 at 9:07 PM, Remy Cucui <> wrote:

     I'm trying to get the avatar scene working. When I right click the .txml file and click "Host in Tundra Server (UDP 2345)" and then connect with a client on the same machine, it works great, no problems.

     However, when I try connecting to the server I actually intend to use, and import the content (I've edited all the file paths that I could find in all the files to link to my dropbox) everything appears, but I'm stuck in the default camera and there's no avatar generated. I disconnected and reconnected with no improvement, and tried closing and starting the client back up again. No dice.

     I decided I'd try running the server with the --file parameter and just start it with that .txml off the bat, but the results are the same. Everything's there except for the avatar and I'm in the default camera mode that comes with Tundra.

     Does anyone have any ideas? I appreciate any input you might have!

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Jonne Nauha

May 2, 2013, 2:29:57 PM5/2/13
to realXtend
Remy: That is quite old Tundra. If you dont have any work (scripts) that you have been coding against that release versionsin I suggest you update tho the latest 2.5 from

I only looked the avatar scene on the latest repo. So there might be other issues with it in 2.4.1 release.

Best regards,
Jonne Nauha
Meshmoon developer at 
Adminotech Ltd.

On Thu, May 2, 2013 at 9:22 PM, Remy Cucui <> wrote:
I forgot to mention, my client and server are on Tundra 2.4.1

Peter C.

May 2, 2013, 3:10:06 PM5/2/13

Debug symbols would really help in figuring it out, that memory address won't help much out of context. Run it in debug mode.

Remy Cucui <> wrote:
So I installed Tundra 2.5 When I try to run it, I get an error message:

"The application was unable to start correctly (0xc0150002). Click OK to close the application."

On Thursday, May 2, 2013 2:07:43 PM UTC-4, Remy Cucui wrote:

     I'm trying to get the avatar scene working. When I right click the .txml file and click "Host in Tundra Server (UDP 2345)" and then connect with a client on the same machine, it works great, no problems.

     However, when I try connecting to the server I actually intend to use, and import the content (I've edited all the file paths that I could find in all the files to link to my dropbox) everything appears, but I'm stuck in the default camera and there's no avatar generated. I disconnected and reconnected with no improvement, and tried closing and starting the client back up again. No dice.

     I decided I'd try running the server with the --file parameter and just start it with that .txml off the bat, but the results are the same. Everything's there except for the avatar and I'm in the default camera mode that comes with Tundra.

     Does anyone have any ideas? I appreciate any input you might have!

Sent from Kaiten Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

Peter C.

May 2, 2013, 3:12:06 PM5/2/13

Also, make sure you did a full rebuild, including dependencies, a lot of external dependencies got updated in 2.5.

Jonne Nauha

May 2, 2013, 6:13:44 PM5/2/13
to realXtend
I'm confused. Your own log shows linux paths but you downloaded a binary thats only available on mac and windows. I assume then you are on mac?

The avatar asset warning on the server is normal, it should be fixed not to give that warning but it does every time. I'd be more interested in the warnings/errors in the client side, thats where the scripts fail to load if you are left to the default Tundra camera. I suspect 2.4.1 has problems with the relative refs OR relative refs do not work somehow in scripts fully. I suspect either the // !ref: are failing or engine.IncludeFile(relRefl); is.

If the realXtend mac binaries do now work you could try our builds. We don't ship the example scenes with Meshmoon but you can use them from the rex installer. 

Meshmoon Rocket is basically Tundra with some stuff from us on top :) We ship everything so you can just use it as normal tundra. You can find the Tundra executable to run your server. You can even user Tundra --config viewer-admino.xml to run the client. Session application menu will have "Direct Login" that you can use to connect to any ip:port combo with Rocket.

I'm not trying to pimp our stuff out too much, I just thought our installers might help. The second option is to report the bug that you are experiencing and wait for the next release. Or you clone the Tundra repo and start building stuff yourself :)

Best regards,
Jonne Nauha
Meshmoon developer at 
Adminotech Ltd.

On Thu, May 2, 2013 at 10:19 PM, Remy Cucui <> wrote:
So build it from scratch basically. I just downloaded the binary at

On Thursday, May 2, 2013 2:07:43 PM UTC-4, Remy Cucui wrote:

     I'm trying to get the avatar scene working. When I right click the .txml file and click "Host in Tundra Server (UDP 2345)" and then connect with a client on the same machine, it works great, no problems.

     However, when I try connecting to the server I actually intend to use, and import the content (I've edited all the file paths that I could find in all the files to link to my dropbox) everything appears, but I'm stuck in the default camera and there's no avatar generated. I disconnected and reconnected with no improvement, and tried closing and starting the client back up again. No dice.

     I decided I'd try running the server with the --file parameter and just start it with that .txml off the bat, but the results are the same. Everything's there except for the avatar and I'm in the default camera mode that comes with Tundra.

     Does anyone have any ideas? I appreciate any input you might have!

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