realxtend folks will be in the series of fiware bootcamps around
Europe in the coming weeks - posted to the blog but copy-pasting it
here as well, for your convenience i hope :)
7 Training Events Around Europe in FIWARE Startup Weekends
Here are the times and places of the bootcamps / FIWARE Startup
Weekends which referred to in the earlier post about the app dev
funding. We do the part on Advanced Web UIs.
Basic info copy-pasted below from the FIWARE site, see there for more info.
October 2-5
Germany: Hamburg
Italy: Milan
October 16-19
Germany: Berlin
France: Sophia-Antipolis
Spain: Valencia
November 13-16
Portugal: Lisbon
France: Rennes
Each of these events will be structured as follows:
Two full-day Bootcamp providing training on main FIWARE Generic Enablers.
A Startup Weekend event focused on FIWARE
folks from Adminotech, Ludocraft, Cyberlightning, Playsign and DFKI
will be there for the 3d, geographical, network and virtual & mixed
reality & AR plus internet-of-things techs.
A unique chance now I think to get dev coaching for making your own
apps from experienced realxtend devs possibly near where live.. if
someone is curious down there in the south :) (DFKI is in Germany and
covers the events there but we know each others techs pretty well by