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Oct 19, 2011, 5:17:55 PM10/19/11
to RealStudio Sydney UG
Christian sent me an invite to join and so I thought why not. We're
RealStudio developers in Rockdale and have been working with RealBasic/
Studio for several years now. We have used it to develop our
TLSTranscription authoring tool for authoring Testimony Software
stories for publishing either on CD or the web (http://
www.attendonline.com). In addition to RealStudio, we've bought the
MonkeyBread plugins and have found them to be invaluable (not
connected just a very satisfied customer). We're interested in
exploring the RealStudio web capabilities but need a project to fund
the additional expense, so that's in waiting.



Oct 19, 2011, 6:55:52 PM10/19/11
to realstudio...@googlegroups.com
hi folks,

I'm in Georges Hall and essentially use RB for company related tasks. I consider myself a beginner but have been using it on and off since version 3. I can go 6 months and not touch it and then use it every day for a month. I write lots of small utilities and also use RB as an interface to fairly complex Applescripts. I come from a Filemaker background so most of my apps are databases of some description.

Can I ask a big favour?

Could we preface group emails with [RBG] or similar - I subbed with my standard google email account address and the RB group mail is now mixed in with business emails with no way of sorting them on arrival.



Alyssa Foley

Oct 20, 2011, 9:44:28 AM10/20/11
to realstudio...@googlegroups.com
Gerd, As the admin for the google group, I believe you can set this up within the google groups page- most of the existing RS groups do this.
Alyssa K. Foley
Office Administrator &
Marketing Coordinator
Real Software, Inc.
Meet us at Real World 2012 in Orlando, Florida!

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