Firstly I am a victim of abuse.
I don't think that a cultural bias should be applied to victims, all require the means to
express themselves; and really need to do so. There's always a tendency to avoid the
unpleasantness associated with abuse or to forget how unique ones situation is.
A difficulty arises when a particular group gives an appearance of being free from abuse, and hence in a position of power, or apparent disregard, over those trying to
acknowledge their abuse.
To really acknowledge your abuse, you need to be aware of the intricacies and fragility of the mind and our emotional landscape; and realize that this is applicable
to others.
The present metaphor that I like to cling to is that of a quantum computer, whereby
a very fragile condition is only possible if all of the appropriate shielding is in place.
The layers of shielding might also include a supportive society and really knowledgeable persons who help to maintain the integrity of the delicate mind.
From experience I know that hyper-vigilance is part of the corrupted intricacy.
Sir Roger.Penrose appears to have an interpretation of this situation, I wonder if the
establish that he's very much part of, are going to distort this partial awareness.