Colorado Area Study Group for Real World Haskell

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Chip Grandits

Dec 28, 2008, 1:30:00 PM12/28/08
to Real World Haskell Book Club
I deliberately started a new discussion topic with Colorado in the
topic to attract local attention.

I am hoping to also have a physical meeting in Colorado
contemporaneous with the joint session.
I am impressed with the power of virtual meetings, but still like the
idea of gathering with like minded individuals in person from time to
We could initiate a local study group for Haskell.
So the first meeting time would be January 5, 6 PM MST.

The local agenda would be based on the joint session agenda:
* Face to face networking with others interested in Haskell &
Functional Programming
* Make sure everyone has recent working GHC installation (with Cabal)
* Go through Chapter 1 of Real World Haskell.
* Brainstorm group project(s) to increase our skill and familiarity
with Haskell

I filtered through the membership list of this group and individually
wrote those who identified their location in Colorado. But over 90%
of members do not identify their locations, so I believe I am missing
a great majority of potential local participants. Please email me if
you are interested.

Of those who supplied a Colorado location, I've heard back from a
couple people who have expressed interest, and it seems reasonable
that we could meet somewhere in Boulder County on January 5. I have
not identified or reserved a venue yet, but probably should do so
soon, so please let me know soon.

-Chip Grandits
Boulder Colorado

On Dec 5, 10:21 am, Matthew Podwysocki <>
> All:
> We'll be kicking off a joint session of the Real World Haskell Book
> Club and Northern Virginia Language Group (NoVALang) on January 5th,
> 2009 from 8PM until whenever Eastern Standard Time (GMT -5:00).
> In this session, we will be covering Chapter 1 of the Real World
> Haskell and anything that comes along with it.
> Here are your options for attending:
> Dim Dim ( - Web Conferencing
> Dim Dim is free but currently limited to 20 people. We'll gauge
> reaction to this and maybe bump it up if demand is there.
> IRC Channel: #novalang
> If you're in the Washington, DC metro area, we will be gathering as
> part of the NoVALang group. The location is as follows:
> 1818 Library Street
> Suite 500
> Reston, VA 20190
> In the future, we plan to have these meetings on a weekly basis until
> we finish the book. Each week, we'll plan a different session on a
> topic. If a chapter is too big, we can break it down into multiple
> sessions.
> Any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.
> Matt

Chip Grandits

Jan 15, 2009, 2:31:39 PM1/15/09
to Real World Haskell Book Club
Next meeting of the Colorado Area Haskell Study Group is Monday
January 19 at 6:00 pm.
The tentative location is:
Boulder Office of Advanced Technology Associates
3107B 28th St.
All interest parties are invited to attend.
We are generally trying to follow the pace of the North Virginia
group, but often spin off on our own discussions.
We suggested that we would focus on folds in at the next meeting.

E-mail me for further details.
-Chip Grandits

Chris Marth

Feb 26, 2009, 12:08:02 AM2/26/09
to Real World Haskell Book Club
Is this group still meeting? If so, I'd be interested in meeting in
Boulder ...

Chip Grandits

Feb 26, 2009, 1:42:46 PM2/26/09
to Real World Haskell Book Club
However we are somewhat "between venues" at the moment.
The Boulder Offices of ATA are closing at the end of February.

Our next meeting, Monday March 2, 6:30 PM MST will be at the Folsom St
I cannot guarantee if this is a good venue, it will be our first time
At the end of the meeting we will evaluate our options.

Note that we start a half hour after the North Virginia group starts;
We don't usually tune into their electronic conferencing.
It just seems more productive to work on our own.

We are part way through Chapter 8.
For the next meeting I thought we might compare solutions to the
exercise at the end of chapter 8; implementing glob pattern matching
directly in Haskell.

Before we move onto Chapter 9 I would like to discuss strategies for
error handling
as that topic is introduced in Chapter 8, although revisited several
times later.

Then I figure we'd delve into Chapter 9 as time permits.
The agenda is not strict and the goal of the group is to improve
Haskell skills.
We don't have to strictly stick to topics as they are introduced in
the book.
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