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Announcing Reading Stacks Season 2: Distributed Paper Stacks

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Alperen Keles

Apr 30, 2024, 2:33:08 PM4/30/24
to reading-stacks
Hello Everyone!

In this season of Reading Stacks, we will host 4 episodes on different topics in distributed systems. In each episode, we will base our discussions on a fundamental paper in the field, and augment the discussion with interactive demos, tutorials, use cases of the concepts in real-world systems, and more.

The four episodes are:

  1. Distributed Queues by Can Toraman (May 15, 2024)
  2. Distributed Key-Value Stores by Ozan Sazak (May 29, 2024)
  3. Realtime State Sharing with CRDTs by Alperen Keles and Ozan Akin (June 12, 2024)
  4. Latency in Distributed Systems by Yigit Varli (June 26, 2024)
To learn more about, please read the full announcement with the abstracts of each episode at:

Alperen Keles

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