Hi all,
I'm keen to gather any useful tips people might have before getting hands on to solve a wiring problem:
Our 'new' house has electric underfloor heating which does not work. There were two relevant cavities in the wall, one containing the controller and another near floor level containing a chunky relay.
I've checked out the controller and it appears to work perfectly wired up on a bench.
The relay has distinctly corroded connectors, so will replace it for sure. It could be the root cause of a wiring overload?
None of these wires seems to have live mains, whether or not a consumer unit breaker marked 'floor heat' is on.
In the control box patress there's one mains wire feeding from the top which i'd expect to be the supply, it measures 3.5V AC on live, 4.5V AC on neutral, whether or not the breaker is on. I guess this must be inducted voltage.
I assume there is a break in the wire somewhere, but don't have tools I'd trust other than a multimeter, to go searching for it.
Would anyone have any tips from experience as to how to trace the issue, with confidence and minimal to no destruction to plaster etc please?
Ang tips for good value but trustworthy tracing tools appreciated, I am returning an excessively cheap stud/live wire tracer I bought from Aldi, not sure what else I expected there...!
Thanks, Alex