OLA 0.9.5 released

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Peter Newman

Mar 1, 2015, 8:55:20 PM3/1/15
to open-l...@googlegroups.com, open-lighti...@googlegroups.com, rdm-t...@googlegroups.com

1/3/2015 ola-0.9.5
 * Work on a new Web-UI which is built with AngularJS
 * Added E1.37-2 support to the SPI plugin RDM responder
 * USB DMX plug now works on Windows (Scanlime Fadcandy tested working)
 * Update the deb package's udev rules

 * Fix finding ola_protoc_plugin when cross-compiling.
 * Fix ncurses flags issues between configure and the Makefile.
 * Fix some more build issues on Windows XP
 * Fix our E1.37-2 implementation to match the E1.37-2 standard.
 * Fix the old website's RDM patcher identify function

Peter Newman

Mar 3, 2015, 12:04:33 AM3/3/15
to open-l...@googlegroups.com, open-lighti...@googlegroups.com, rdm-t...@googlegroups.com
Macports has now been updated for 0.9.5.
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