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Rdiffweb v2.0.0 - Drop python2 support & Add Debian package installation

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Patrik Dufresne

Dec 4, 2020, 1:55:15 PM12/4/20
to rdiffweb

Rdiffweb v2.0.0 - Drop python2 support & Add Debian package installation

With this major release, we are officially dropping support for Python2. We have kept it long enough and similar to rdiff-backup we need to move forward. Removing all the Python2 code should speed up our development and reduce the maintenance time. If you still want to install Rdiffweb on Python2.7, you need to stick with v1.x.

Test our new Debian package for Bullseye !

This version marks the official support of a Debian package for Bullseye ! We've worked hard in collaboration with [Bern University of Applied Sciences](bfh.chto create a viable package for the next Debian version. A big thanks to Daniel Baumann for all his contributions and recommendations.The new package is not yet available in Debian official repository. We are working on it. You may get the packages from our private APT repository.


IKUS Software inc.
130 rue Doris
St-Colomban, QC J5K 1T9

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