We are pleased to announce the release of Metreeca/Link v0.55.0.
This is a major beta release introducing:
- localized data support, with Accept-Language content negotiation and idiomatic JSON serialization based on JSON-LD language maps
- resource aliasing and coalescing based on owl:sameAs query-time reasoning
- overhauled and more efficient SPARQL-based model-driven engine
Detailed release notes are available at
https://github.com/metreeca/link/releases/ .
— About Metreeca/Link —
Metreeca/Link is a model-driven Java framework for rapid REST/JSON-LD backend development.
Its engine automatically converts high-level declarative JSON-LD models into extended REST APIs supporting CRUD operations, faceted search, data validation and fine‑grained role‑based access control, relieving backend developers from low-level chores and completely shielding frontend developers from linked data technicalities.
Metreeca/Link is server and storage-agnostic and may be easily connected to your solution of choice.
To get started with Metreeca/Link, visit the project home at
https://github.com/metreeca/link or open the docs at
https://metreeca.github.io/link/ and walk through the model‑driven linked data publishing and interaction tutorials.
Best regards,
alessandro bollini ph.d. - tech lead -