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Issue with upgrade Windows Credential Provider from ver to

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Petr Prochazka

Dec 17, 2024, 7:53:27 AM12/17/24
to RCDevs Security
I am using WebAdm and Windows Credential Provider for many years. Upgrade of WebADM is done on regular basis but Windows Credential Provider not. So I decided to upgrade current version to new one
1. I uninstalled old version from Control Panel 
2. deleted registry Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\RCDevs\
3. deleted dll from 
4. reboot system
5. install a new one from PS with Administrator rights and via "msiexec /i ...msi" /L*V "C:\Log"
6. change registry key debug_mode to value 4
7. reboot system

1. Login page is without Windows Credential Provider. There is only Windows option.
2. At the end of installation log is:
Windows Installer installed the product. Product Name: OpenOTP Credential Provider (64 bit). Product Version: Product Language: 1033. Manufacturer: RCDevs. Installation success or error status: 0.
3. At application log C:\RCDevsLogs is only INFO or DEGUG records. No ERROR.

I repeated this and similar scenario a few times but with the same result.
Could you please have any advice why I have the issue?

Thank you

Spyridon Gouliarmis (RCDevs)

Dec 17, 2024, 8:13:12 AM12/17/24
to RCDevs Security
Hello Petr,

what are the first few entries of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Authentication\Credential Providers\ on your machine.

Do you select the filter as part of the components to be installed? (Do a snapshot of your machine first if you do this.)

What's your version of Windows?

Spyridon Gouliarmis (RCDevs)

Dec 17, 2024, 8:29:00 AM12/17/24
to RCDevs Security
Note that there is now no separate tile like with version 1 of the credential provider.

Petr Prochazka

Dec 17, 2024, 8:52:50 AM12/17/24
to RCDevs Security
1. It is Windows 10 Pro version 22H2.
2. Filer was not selected. This part I do afterwards usually.
3. few first entries - please see picture

Dne úterý 17. prosince 2024 v 14:29:00 UTC+1 uživatel Spyridon Gouliarmis (RCDevs) napsal:

Spyridon Gouliarmis (RCDevs)

Dec 17, 2024, 8:55:57 AM12/17/24
to RCDevs Security
The second entry is our CP normally, so it at least looks like it's been installed. Are you sure it does not appear when clicking on "more options", "other user" or other buttons? You can experiment with credui ("run as other user", for example) to be faster.

Petr Prochazka

Dec 17, 2024, 9:28:23 AM12/17/24
to RCDevs Security
Yes you are right. It was hidden for me. Thank you!

If I choose "Other user" and then "Login Option" and then click to icon "RCDEVs" I will get login prompt which I assumed. 
On the one hand I am happy it is working but on the other hand I would like to make it more simple like it was on version

Is there any manual how to customize it.

Dne úterý 17. prosince 2024 v 14:55:57 UTC+1 uživatel Spyridon Gouliarmis (RCDevs) napsal:

Spyridon Gouliarmis (RCDevs)

Dec 17, 2024, 9:31:13 AM12/17/24
to RCDevs Security
I think part of the new behaviour is just how Windows handles "second-generation" credential providers. If it's customisable, you should find it in our documentaiton here:

Petr Prochazka

Dec 17, 2024, 11:09:11 AM12/17/24
to RCDevs Security
Happy with the result that it is working I wanted to continue on Windows 11 Pro (ARM) version 23H2.
Because I do not see Windows Credential Provider again but this time does not help "Other User" ... I would like ask you if think it is compatibility issue or I do something wrong again?

Thank you for your advice.

Dne úterý 17. prosince 2024 v 15:31:13 UTC+1 uživatel Spyridon Gouliarmis (RCDevs) napsal:

Spyridon Gouliarmis (RCDevs)

Dec 17, 2024, 11:13:04 AM12/17/24
to RCDevs Security
Well, we don't support Windows on arm64 for now. Msiexec will likely place the .dll's and registry entries in the right places, but when it's time to load a .dll it probably silently ignores it, since it's x64.
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