Hi all,
For my company recently to do the upgrde a webam old version from 2.1.1 to 2.3.14
we do the upgrade success but when the webadm service restart then show the error below:
WebADM HTTP service is running with PID 4568.
cat /opt/webadm/temp/watchd.pid: No such file or directory
WebADM Watchd service is running with PID.
WebADM Session service is running with PID 4553.
WebADM PKI service is running with PID 4551.
And then we check webadm GUI it shows an error below:
Cloud not get main configuration
We have check and compare with our old version every part of the webadm.conf, server.xml, there is no any changed.
If anyone has any solution to solve it
thank you