Onwards North America? :)

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Laura Hale

Jan 27, 2012, 10:17:24 PM1/27/12
to rcc-pl...@googlegroups.com
Any plans for organising RCC in North America this year?  Is there any way I can help?

Laura Hale

mobile: 0412183663
twitter: purplepopple
blog: ozziesport.com

John Sechrest

Jan 27, 2012, 10:22:02 PM1/27/12
to rcc-pl...@googlegroups.com
That is a very good question?

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John Sechrest          .             
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        http://www.oomaat.com                                                              .

Laura Hale

Jan 27, 2012, 10:28:58 PM1/27/12
to rcc-pl...@googlegroups.com

On Sat, Jan 28, 2012 at 2:22 PM, John Sechrest <sech...@gmail.com> wrote:
That is a very good question?

I was under the impression RCC in North America was going to be back on the West Coast this year? :)  Portland or San Francisco? :)

twitter: purplepopple
blog: ozziesport.com

John Sechrest

Jan 27, 2012, 10:57:24 PM1/27/12
to rcc-pl...@googlegroups.com
I think the West coast would be great. I have not heard any rumblings of that. 

Portland would be great for me. 

Seattle would be better for me. 

Is there someone who has picked up the RCC banner for the West Coast?

twitter: purplepopple
blog: ozziesport.com

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Laura Hale

Jan 27, 2012, 11:14:50 PM1/27/12
to rcc-pl...@googlegroups.com

On Sat, Jan 28, 2012 at 2:57 PM, John Sechrest <sech...@gmail.com> wrote:

Seattle would be better for me. 

Awesome. :)  Are you volunteering to organise for Seattle? :)  There are a few people who would probably be keen to help you. :) As the primary organiser, there are a few things you generally are ultimately responsible for:

1) Getting the venue and setting the date, 
2) Food at the venue,
3) Nagging people who are assisting you to get other tasks done.

Other tasks based on importance of getting done:
1) Promoting the event to make sure people show up.
2) Getting an Open Space Facilitator. 
3) Setting up the Wiki page for the conference.
4) Seeking funding to help cover costs.

In Australia, our cost break down went something like this:
$0 for venue (space provided for free by the University of Canberra)
$275 for drinks, snacks and lunch for two and a half days

Other costs picked up:
$10,000 travel grant from Wikimedia Australia to allow people to attend.
$550 for dinner the Thursday right before the camp for 14 people at a nice place to eat paid for by a member of WM-AU
$200 for pizzas for lunch on Saturday paid for by WM-AU's president out of pocket

We couldn't find a facilitator this year (last year, Mark Dilley flew out) so I did it with help from John Vandenberg, and help from fellow campers. :)

It isn't that hard and doesn't need to have that much attached to it.  We managed to get by at RCC Canberra with out name tags at three events.  This year, we were big into self organising for events at night.  (People basically went there own way.)  Accommodation for out of towners was done by WM-AU as most people got travel grants. :)

John Sechrest

Jan 28, 2012, 5:56:29 PM1/28/12
to rcc-pl...@googlegroups.com
Thanks for the note. I am not volunteering for anything at the moment. But just to be clear, I had not thought about organizing the RCC. 

I have been part of previous organizing efforts for RCC in Portland, so I am aware of what it takes to pull it off. 

There is a much stronger wiki conversation in Portland that in Seattle and I would not want to get in the way of any of the folks in Portland picking this up. 

I will talk to some of the folks that I know in the NW and see what they are thinking. 

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Laura Hale

Jan 28, 2012, 6:08:48 PM1/28/12
to rcc-pl...@googlegroups.com

On Sun, Jan 29, 2012 at 9:56 AM, John Sechrest <sech...@gmail.com> wrote:
Thanks for the note. I am not volunteering for anything at the moment. But just to be clear, I had not thought about organizing the RCC. 

I have been part of previous organizing efforts for RCC in Portland, so I am aware of what it takes to pull it off. 

There is a much stronger wiki conversation in Portland that in Seattle and I would not want to get in the way of any of the folks in Portland picking this up. 

I will talk to some of the folks that I know in the NW and see what they are thinking. 

I was also involved with helping plan the Portland RecentChangesCamp in 2009, poked and prodded and nagged with 2010 in Montreal, and just didn't do much for 2011 in Boston. :( 

My understanding is the folks in Portland who have helped plan RCC in the past in Portland have either moved elsewhere or at less involved in wikis than they once were.  AboutUs has moved a bit away from the wiki model as I understand it, and they were the people doing the big push there.  Steven Walling and Pete Forysth have both moved to SanFran.  I believe Mark Dilley is busy working with the Occupy movement.  (If he had been available, I'd have loved for him to come down to Australia to have facilitated again.)  I don't think there is an issue of worrying about Portland community being bothered.  My impression, and as some one a bit out of the USA loop at the moment, is the California folks are more focused on regional events like the West Coast Wiki Conference.

I'm under the impression, and this is mostly from afar having moved from the USA to Australia, that momentum is kind of not there. : /  Thus, who ever decides to take the lead, can organise the venue and can set the date will get the support to organise it as that is the hard part.  I sincerely doubt anyone who have a problem with you saying "I'll get the venue and set the date for this."  (I wouldn't schedule it opposite Wikimania and WikiWomenCamp, but that's about it.)  Most of the time, it appears to have come down to that anyway. :)  In an Australian context, a large local wiki community is nice but probably not that necessary.  We managed to get people from around the country.  Having a large local community doesn't necessarily translate into campers. :(

Just the more lead time, the easier it is to get people to attend. :)

Nicole Willson

Jan 28, 2012, 6:41:37 PM1/28/12
to rcc-pl...@googlegroups.com
RCC is a doacracy, so someone needs to pick up the banner. If someone had, Laura wouldn't have asked to begin with.

The agreement at RoCoCo in 2010 was that RCC 2011 was in Boston, 2012 would be in San Francisco, 2013 would be in Montreal and then there would be Mexico. Supposedly assigning the cities ahead of time would make the process easier and help things go faster, but no one has said anything about a North American RCC since RCC Boston took place in March of last year. 

Would anyone be willing to take part in a conference call to discuss the future of RCC? I think this may be the best way to advance this discussion. If there's enough interest, I will start a Doodle poll.

twitter: purplepopple
blog: ozziesport.com

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"Only the shallow know themselves." - Oscar Wilde

John Sechrest

Jan 28, 2012, 6:51:57 PM1/28/12
to rcc-pl...@googlegroups.com
I am still working on gathering the data that I need to think about this. 
I do not find that I get further with conference calls, when I am still in the data gathering phase. 

I am interested to see RCC happen again in the NW. It is sad that we don't use the RCC mailing list and grow that globally when we have RCC events. 

(RCC-planning being the list for people who plan and RCC being the list for attendees) 

I know there is an active Portland wiki Group that is meeting weekly. I know that it got more active with the occupy discussion. 

I have sent a couple of mails to learn more. 

I am happy to stay on a mailing list talking until we find the person who would spearhead things. 

Nicole Willson

Jan 28, 2012, 7:19:01 PM1/28/12
to rcc-pl...@googlegroups.com
The purpose of the call would just be to see where everyone is at in terms of attending or helping organize a North American RCC, not to convince someone to organize. We were having Wikipintouch calls where we discussed general wiki issues and stayed in touch, in addition to discussing issues related to RCC Boston. For example, we discussed making a film that explained what RCC is. It can sometimes be easier to talk about these things in real-time (conference calls, IRC) as opposed to just having them on a mailing list.

I think having these calls helped further the conversations on the RCC list, because people would take notes on Etherpad, post the Etherpad link to the list and then people would comment.  It was also a way for people to stay in touch with one another.

John Sechrest

Jan 28, 2012, 7:25:07 PM1/28/12
to rcc-pl...@googlegroups.com
I am glad you like the phone call model. 

One of the questions in my mind is the definition of RCC-Planning. Who is the "us" that will do the organizing. It feels like many of the people who were active at one point are not part of the conversations that you refer to. So for me, I feel there is some ground work on pulling together the local interest in the space for people who many not currently be on the RCC-planning list. 

It makes sense to do that before you do the community building via phone call. At least to me. 

(Although it is fair to say that I have a bias against synchronous phone calls, which makes it hard for people who are busy with other things to participate in the discussion. ) 

In any case, I am currently poking about trying to see if previous Portland folks are paying attention.

Mark Dilley

Jan 28, 2012, 11:19:45 PM1/28/12
to rcc-pl...@googlegroups.com
I like the ball moving forward, here is a common place for us to do that:  http://MeetingWords.com/RccPlanning
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