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Bicycle Belle Ding Ding!

31 May 2020, 17:26:5831/05/2020
to RBW Owners Bunch
I’ll get to the sunglasses part, but first just let me say all the words I need to get out.

Lately I’ve been shuffling over the practical side. I would love to have beauty and utility both present, but sometimes it doesn’t work out. The summer months have come to Vegas and as I have greatly increased my miles in 2020 (in May alone I rode 310.4 miles!), I have had to make some changes to withstand the sun. I’m not riding in Lycra, but I do have synthetic, white arm sleeves that keep you cool, covered, and shielded from the sun. I’ve taken to wetting and tying a bandana around my neck and wearing riding gloves on my hands. I apply a nasty white mineral sunscreen at times, but I never leave without sunglasses. 

A few days ago I went out for an evening ride. It was dark enough that I took off my sunglasses and was soon after hit in the eyes several times by bugs. That was annoying but workable until the final one, which managed to get IN my eye and then repeatedly bite or sting. Oh my gosh, the pain. I pulled over but I was using the stripped down Clem H (my Clementine is in the shop getting dyno lighting, another thing I needed with all this extra riding) and it has no mirror. The bathrooms at the park were locked, so I had nothing but my phone camera to use and try and fish this bug - which was still ferociously stinging me - out of my eye. It must have died because the pain stopped, but I never did find the bug carcass. 🤢 I was pretty sure all that biting/stinging was going to leave me with swelling. Was I going to have to ride home after dark, up the mountain with one eye swollen shut? (Spoiler alert: I made it home with 2 good eyes.) 

Well that was when I decided I wanted clear riding glasses for night. I ordered Tifosi from Amazon but was really disappointed. They slid down and didn’t offer good eye coverage. I ended up on Oakley’s site, which I was hoping to avoid for 2 reasons: 

1. $$$ 2. I’m not rad. 

It’s really hard to find fit info and product reviews, but I finally settled on creating a custom pair so I could tone down the rad. There’s a sale going on right now, so while it’s not cheap, it’s not outrageous, either. They’re Radar EV Pitch, I think, and might still be a little too rad - but who’s going to see me? Well, now I’m going to have great eye protection at night, but what about sunglasses for daytime? I have 2 pairs, and while I think they’re fetching, they aren’t providing great coverage - esp. the Warby Parkers. The sun comes down into my eyes from the top of the glasses, and I don’t want to put up with it anymore. At least not on my bike. 

I want to know: What do you all like to use for sunglasses while riding? I want good coverage, but I don’t want to look like a cyborg, either. 

Lastly, I feel like I am morphing from something that once resembled Practical Cycle Chic into what The Bike Snob would call The Lone Wolf. Picture the polka dot helmet, white arms sleeves, Keen sandals, neck bandanna and Oakleys - it’s not lookin’ good, it’s lookin’ Lone Wolf-y. 

Should I just embrace it and get wild Oakley’s for the sun? Or do you have a more reasonable suggestion? Is there a gold standard for cycling sunglasses? I have 20/10 vision, they tell me, so prescription is not a factor here. 

Attached is the night glasses I am having made. It’s going to be a couple weeks before I get them. Go ahead and laugh. I am.


Robert Tilley

31 May 2020, 17:36:3531/05/2020
to RBW Owners Bunch
I have tried a bunch of glasses and have settled on the Rudy Project Rydon frame.

I get mine with prescription lenses and they work really well for me and they don't look too weird. I have also had good luck with Jimarti sunglasses that I found on Amazon. They have lots of different styles and most are cheap but I find that their lenses are pretty nice. I use these when I don't want to risk my expensive glasses.

I ride in whatever I happen to be wearing at the time I need to ride. Since I work from home now this tends to be pretty casual and not very stylish. My bikes look good though.

Robert Tilley
San Diego, CA

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Sent: May 31, 2020 2:27 PM
Subject: [RBW] Sunglasses

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31 May 2020, 17:45:3531/05/2020
to RBW Owners Bunch
Check out Smith glasses with interchangable lenses. Also, I have always found yellow lenses better for low light conditions than clear since they seem to increase contrast.

Steep and Cheap has Smiths on sale quite often (just about always) and Smiths' warrantee and customer service is amazing.

Doug Hansford

31 May 2020, 17:51:2031/05/2020
to RBW Owners Bunch
I've never had a pair of Oakley glasses that weren't good. Oakley, to me, is worth the extra money. I posted a similar question here in the past couple months and my man Joe Bernard hooked me up with THREE pair of Oakley. I gave two of them to my sons and kept the EV Zero. They have good coverage, are light weight, and the lens works great in all levels of light, except for darkness. I plan to get a pair of clear lens glasses soon. I'm glad your eye is okay Leah, sounds really painful.

Leah Peterson

31 May 2020, 17:57:0531/05/2020
A little extra hilarity. My husband thinks I should go full Lone Wolf and order these 🤣🤣🤣. Ok, back to your good and serious suggestions. I couldn’t help it...

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On May 31, 2020, at 2:51 PM, Doug Hansford <> wrote:

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Joe Bernard

31 May 2020, 17:58:3831/05/2020
to RBW Owners Bunch
I'm already an Oakley fan and you already know this so this is kinda for you but mostly for everyone else to be blessed with my fanboi fandom.

"Roadie robot" looks might be a little jarring for the committed Just Rider, but function is everything in a cycling shade: They need to be light enough and fit well enough to disappear on your head/ears/nose so you don't have to think about them, and they need to completely cover your eyes while providing unobstructed vision. So I ride in Riv shorts or pants, a loose cotton shirt and running shoes, but the helmet/glasses factor is Full Serious Cyclist.

Those Radars you got are nice and you could get them with clear lenses; I have a couple pairs of EV Zero for day that are AMAZING. You can try those, or maybe get another Radar with dark lenses if you like the first pair you get. (You can also just swap back and forth between lenses with that one Radar, but it's kind of a chore).

Regardless of which brand you get - there's a bunch! - I highly recommend function first. I've ridden lots of times with "lifestyle" shades and it pretty much always sucks.

George Schick

31 May 2020, 18:05:4831/05/2020
to RBW Owners Bunch
Interesting timing on this post.  I'm in my early 70's and I have found that, as one ages, things shrink (please no smart remarks).  Therefore, one's eyeball shrinks a bit in diameter as well and I have discovered that my far sighted vision has improved to the point where I can see just about as well with and without correctional optics.  So...I've been in the market for good general purpose riding glasses as well.  I'll monitor this thread to see the various suggestions.

Jim M.

31 May 2020, 18:06:4031/05/2020
to RBW Owners Bunch
I'm a big fan of the Wiley-X line, which I take to my optometrist for prescription lenses. They're pretty near bombproof, and they come in a range of sizes and styles. I don't even need a leash on the style I mountain bike in. They fit snugly without being too tight.

jim m
wc, ca

Leah Peterson

31 May 2020, 18:06:4031/05/2020
So, there is a lot of truth in your response. The part about function being everything - I can attest to that being true after last night. I still have no clear glasses, but as I was heading out for an evening ride, I remembered I *do* have clear shooting glasses. I dug around in my range bag and found them - they looked like they’d work perfectly. When the time came to switch from sunnies to clear, I was sorely disappointed. Apparently a helmet will really mess with your glasses. Those clear shooting glasses kept lifting up off of my face - it was bizarre, and it was dangerous because it skewed my vision. I got rid of those and went bare-faced, and got one bug in the eye for it. Sigh.

Sent from my iPad

> On May 31, 2020, at 2:58 PM, Joe Bernard <> wrote:
> I'm already an Oakley fan and you already know this so this is kinda for you but mostly for everyone else to be blessed with my fanboi fandom.
> "Roadie robot" looks might be a little jarring for the committed Just Rider, but function is everything in a cycling shade: They need to be light enough and fit well enough to disappear on your head/ears/nose so you don't have to think about them, and they need to completely cover your eyes while providing unobstructed vision. So I ride in Riv shorts or pants, a loose cotton shirt and running shoes, but the helmet/glasses factor is Full Serious Cyclist.
> Those Radars you got are nice and you could get them with clear lenses; I have a couple pairs of EV Zero for day that are AMAZING. You can try those, or maybe get another Radar with dark lenses if you like the first pair you get. (You can also just swap back and forth between lenses with that one Radar, but it's kind of a chore).
> Regardless of which brand you get - there's a bunch! - I highly recommend function first. I've ridden lots of times with "lifestyle" shades and it pretty much always sucks.
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Patrick Moore

31 May 2020, 18:28:0631/05/2020
to rbw-owners-bunch
Leah: Your tale sounds like something from a horror movie (bees in
your eyes!! spiders in your ears!! worms in your brain!!) and I'm glad
that there was no major or permanent damage.

All: I am following this list with interest; I've raised the same
question on the iBoblist, and Oakleys are the standard response (as
Sidis are for shoes). I have a semi-Asian* face with small nose bridge
and many glasses don't stay up -- though I've found that having a
professional adjust what seem to be ill-fitting glasses can make a
very big difference. Currently using 2 pr of Tifosis but will probably
one day spring for Oakleys ...

... which raises another but related question: which model or "system"
for both very bright sunlight and night-time riding? Photochromatic or
swappable lenses?

*WASP father (with big Anglo nose) and Filipina mother (with smaller one).
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Patrick Moore
Alburquerque, Nuevo Mexico, Etats Unis d'Amerique, Orbis Terrarum

Patrick Moore

31 May 2020, 18:34:1331/05/2020
to rbw-owners-bunch
FWIW: My brother gave me the pictured pair of sunglasses -- high end pair made in Japan that he found somewhere but didn't want. They are actually a bit big for me and require a sort of retainer cord in back that you can loosen or tighten easily; but the point for this thread is that I found that they actually block wind from riding quite well despite being nothing like the usual insect-type cycling glasses; and they darn well block light, since they block our 5K+ feet more-than-tropical NM summer sun.

The book was the closest at hand to prop up the lenses; no point being made.


On Sun, May 31, 2020 at 3:27 PM Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! <> wrote:


Patrick Moore
Alburquerque, Nuevo Mexico, Etats Unis d'Amerique, Orbis Terrarum

Joe Bernard

31 May 2020, 18:50:2731/05/2020
to RBW Owners Bunch
Patrick, I'm loath to use the term but it's what they call it and you mentioned it: I use Oakley's Asia Fit for my big noggin..all "regular" shades fit too tight AND slide down my nose. This fit fixes all that.


31 May 2020, 18:51:4131/05/2020
to RBW Owners Bunch


All I can say is get these and you will be happy. The come in different combos. Myself have the one with the light rust colored lens and it's the only one I've worn, I like it so much. Even in full sun. No everything doesn't look orange, it's very light and it enhances greens and browns and such. Very nice on cloudy dayze too. The clear is for night obviously. I hate gray lens tints(blah looking) so I never use that nor did I buy it for that. 

Built super well. The nose is adjustable and replaceable. The lenses are replaceable too, and inexpensive ($24). The temples are adjustable too. Comes with a hard case on the multi-lens options. They meet military spec for impact resistance to things like high impact bugs, thugs and bullets. You know, the usual foes on a bike ! 

I bought these after trying so may pairs and not liking any of them, Oakley also. Then I tried these as a hail-Mary sorta thing, why not ... all the rest were blah so what's one more ?!  Hah .... I was shocked how sturdy these are, how well they fit and the light rust lens was just what I wanted. I don't like or need "dark" lenses, it seems everyone makes them overly dark. Not these , at least the rust or vermillion lenses, they're about 53% VLT.

Also sold many other places.

Joe Bernard

31 May 2020, 18:53:2031/05/2020
to RBW Owners Bunch
Leah, I think your husband should use the giant safety glasses on his ebike 😂

Patrick Moore

31 May 2020, 19:09:5031/05/2020
to rbw-owners-bunch
"Asia Fit" it is, and let us slant-eyes be glad for it! Thanks for pointing this out, I'll remember this if and when I shop for Oakleys.

Patrick Moore, gleefully thinking of other possible marketing terms for "Asia Fit."

Aside, anecdote, personal, delete if very earnest: I married a Chinese woman with a nose bridge even shallower than my own. I used to tease her that, if she lay down on her back in the rain, water would collect between her eyes. (My daughter has something of both our features  --3/4 Asian) but my WASP father's body type with long limbs.)

On Sun, May 31, 2020 at 4:50 PM Joe Bernard <> wrote:
Patrick, I'm loath to use the term but it's what they call it and you mentioned it: I use Oakley's Asia Fit for my big noggin..all "regular" shades fit too tight AND slide down my nose. This fit fixes all that.

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Joe Bernard

31 May 2020, 19:16:1931/05/2020
to RBW Owners Bunch
"..which raises another but related question: which model or "system"

for both very bright sunlight and night-time riding? Photochromatic or
swappable lenses?"

I've never tried photochromatic but I'd be surprised if the 'bright sunlight' part would work. In a car maybe, but a full-on blast of sun on the bike is a whole 'nother animal.

Swappable works and I've done it, but I eventually decided life is too short to be wiggling lenses in and out in the middle of a ride and just bought both. I have daytime cycling shades, and an old Oakley M Frame (think Lance glasses) with a clear lens that I toss in the saddlebag if I'm going to ride into the night. Easy peasy.


31 May 2020, 19:22:4131/05/2020
to RBW Owners Bunch

I use these (tinted) while running and they look pretty good, don’t slip, and don’t cost $$$$. Might be worth a try.

Brian Campbell

31 May 2020, 19:34:3231/05/2020
to RBW Owners Bunch
I use these:

and find them frequently on eBay for less than half the retail price.

They are “men’s” but my wife wears mine so often I am getting her some for an upcoming birthday.

Paul Sanders

31 May 2020, 19:50:4931/05/2020
Rayban Wayfarer. I started wearing them in cyclocross races. I like them over cycling specific glasses because they don't fog up when it's cold, and they are comfortable for me.

On Sun, May 31, 2020, 5:53 PM Joe Bernard <> wrote:
Leah, I think your husband should use the giant safety glasses on his ebike 😂

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Leah Peterson

31 May 2020, 20:36:5631/05/2020
Paul, I have Wayfarers - they let a lot of light in - I’m surprised they work for cyclocross!

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On May 31, 2020, at 4:50 PM, Paul Sanders <> wrote:

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William deRosset

31 May 2020, 21:43:3131/05/2020
to RBW Owners Bunch
Well that was when I decided I wanted clear riding glasses for night. I ordered Tifosi from Amazon but was really disappointed.

Dear Leah,

On the opposite side of the economic spectrum, may I suggest Jackson Safety Nemesis safety glasses? As long as you have a relatively upright position on the bike, they work very well. I personally prefer their fit to my Oakleys.

Polycarbonate, reasonable optical quality, fewer than five bucks online, eight to ten from your local welding supply shop.

They are nearly-ubiquitous in the trades, and there are many lens options.

Buy three for the off chance you need them for an after-dark ride and store in your luggage?

Best Regards,

William M deRosset
Fort Collins CO USA

William deRosset

31 May 2020, 21:59:1731/05/2020
to RBW Owners Bunch
Dear Leah,

Iuse these in a sunglass version as well. I think they cost about $8, and are available with brown/bronze lenses, shooter's lenses (amber/yellow), and grey.

Steve Cole

31 May 2020, 22:25:5231/05/2020
to RBW Owners Bunch

I was struck by your description that, "The sun comes down into my eyes from the top of the glasses, and I don’t want to put up with it anymore. At least not on my bike." I'm surprised that no one has commented on this.

I've worn glasses now for half my life.  When I wear only my clear prescription glasses, I am not bothered by the sun shining "over" the top of my glasses.  When I switch to sunglasses, however, for reasons I cannot understand, the sun coming over the top of my glasses bothers me tremendously.  I have taken to wearing hats, mostly baseball hats when I am out walking around or doing whatever.

When I ride, I find that I cannot wear "road-style" helmets; this style helmet does not shade by face so the sun simply shines over the top of my sunglasses.  So, I've taken to using mountain bike-style helmets, even when road riding.  The extra plastic brim makes all the difference for me, providing just the right amount of shade on the upper part of my face to eliminate the problem of sun over the top of my glasses.  One other note: I spend part of the year in Southern Arizona.  When riding there in the cooler, but still very sunny months, I have seen other riders who use some kind of almost hat-like brim that attaches to a bike helmet providing good protection for both face and neck, which can be essential in Arizona.

Anyway, good luck on your effort to solve this issue.

Steve Cole
Arlington, VA

Patrick Moore

31 May 2020, 23:38:0831/05/2020
to rbw-owners-bunch
"Sun coming down into your eyes." I use these in addition to glasses, which also help keep sweat and wind from the eyes.

Available in patterns and colors of your choosing.


Paul Clifton

1 Jun 2020, 00:02:3501/06/2020
to RBW Owners Bunch
I think my riding glasses belong here - some aluminum aviators, still rocking months after an unpleasant endover. they're a little less comfortable now though.

Bicycle Belle Ding Ding!

1 Jun 2020, 00:49:1801/06/2020
to RBW Owners Bunch
Steve Cole, I’m surprised no one has had our same complaint as well. But I think it might be one of those things you always struggle with but never actually realize can be improved. Or maybe it’s something one dismisses because one is accustomed to putting up with it.

Either way, I’m pretty sure the shape of the Radar Oakleys can eliminate this problem. I know what you mean about the helmet brim - my Nutcase helmet has this and it’s a real help.

Patrick Moore - I wouldn’t want to wear a hat under my helmet - too hot.

Leah Peterson

1 Jun 2020, 00:49:5901/06/2020
Paul, what happened???

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On May 31, 2020, at 9:02 PM, Paul Clifton <> wrote:

I think my riding glasses belong here - some aluminum aviators, still rocking months after an unpleasant endover. they're a little less comfortable now though.
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1 Jun 2020, 03:42:0401/06/2020
to RBW Owners Bunch

Hey Leah, they do make Helmets with removable visors you know ?  Is your helmet a Nutcase brand ?  They also make visors you can add on to certain existing models. Nutcase for example has a bunch of stuff :

Joe Bernard

1 Jun 2020, 04:46:2201/06/2020
to RBW Owners Bunch
"Light in over the top"

The problem - even with a Nutcase with brim like Leah has - is casual shades sit too far from the face and let light (and wind) in from the top and sides. On an upright bike like her Clementine the brim isn't going to be enough to cover that gap. Which is where shades like those Radars come in, they should (🙏) fit close to the brow and wrap around the sides enough to solve the sunlight problem while giving a clear field of vision. Which is why cycling shades are a thing!

Steve Cole

1 Jun 2020, 05:34:3501/06/2020
to RBW Owners Bunch
All, here's the add-on brim I mentioned in my earlier reply to Leah.  It also can be found with a "neck shade" for especially hot, sunny locations.  It's often described as a "hard hat add-on brim."

Cycling Classic Brim


1 Jun 2020, 05:48:5701/06/2020
to RBW Owners Bunch

I see ... So your helmet already has a visor.. alright I get that. There are other brands that have longer ones.  Frankly, I'm not a fan of Oakley at all. There are so many other brands out there that wrap around the eyes and face, even without being a shield type. I wore some $50 Bolle close fitting polarized brown lens glasses for years before which still to this day I've not found a better lens on. I tried the best Smith and Oakley has, for example and none have been as crisp and clear as those Bolle.  Bolle frames have always been perfectly formed, every pair of Oakley I have tried have fit crooked and on a flat table you see why. Not what I expect for the $$$.  The Oakley brand to me is but a cliche' of overpriced inferior products that's akin to "sell the sizzle, keep the steak". The customer buys the sizzle but never gets the steak . 

In regard to brims, you may be able to wear like a running visor under your helmet, it just depends on the specific visor and it's shape, like flat brims rather than curved. I wear a Patagonia Duckbill visor over a skull cap thingy but I've not tired it with a helmet. 

Anyways .... thanks for listening .. I'm out


1 Jun 2020, 05:57:3601/06/2020
to RBW Owners Bunch

You know Joe, this post is made by Leah and I replied to her, so while I get your enthusiasm to answer for her, Leah is supposed to answer for Leah !  

Joe Bernard

1 Jun 2020, 08:20:0901/06/2020
to RBW Owners Bunch
You know Garth, several people discussed the issue of light over the glasses and I responded to that topic. You may notice if you look really closely that this is a thread on a cycling forum that the public can see, and several folks are discussing it.

Tom M

1 Jun 2020, 08:57:3801/06/2020
to RBW Owners Bunch
I wear Oakley's with transition lenses and a progressive prescription. Great eye coverage, and they get really dark. It took me a few rides to get used to the distortion at the very edges, but now I don't notice it. I always wear a cycling cap under my helmet, regardless of how hot it is, because the helmet is more comfortable for me that way. I have light caps for summer and wool ones for winter. Best of luck in your search.
Tom Milani
Alexandria, VA

Joe Bernard

1 Jun 2020, 09:09:3201/06/2020
to RBW Owners Bunch
About brands in general, my fandom for Oakleys is well known here and not a recommendation that anyone buy the brand I like..I mean, why would I care about that?? The point is the technology of cycling-specific sunglasses (or clear) and why they can be a WAY better option than casual glasses on the bike. Various brim and hat options are viable, too.

Buy what you like, all that matters is that it works and you can see and no bugs stab you in the eye.

Paul Clifton

1 Jun 2020, 10:26:5201/06/2020
to RBW Owners Bunch
I got a rad full suspension bike in Feb, which also happens to be the first bike I've ever ridden that has disc brakes. I took it out to some downhill trails for it's second ride, and was probably being too enthusiastic because of how amazing my new bike felt, so I was going fast and taking some risks. There was a little short steep hill that I probably should have dropped off, but instead I rolled it, and I think I just squeezed the front brake suddenly when the front suspension squished at the bottom of the hill, but it's also possible my slightly too big front tire grabbed the top of the suspension fork and locked up. I don't really know, for sure but the evidence indicates that I hit the ground with my face. I got some scrapes and bruises all over my body. The worst was a bone bruise on the heel of my hand. I was fine enough to ride three or four more laps, until I banged my hand again and had to call it a day. I learned that I need to practice getting rad before I can actually be rad. I'll buy a full face helmet, padded gloves, and some proper glasses/goggles, but I'm very happy that my cop glasses to the hit and not my eyes. I've been really happy riding around in various normal sunglasses, but I know now that sometimes appropriate equipment is worth the price and weird-lookingness.


On Sunday, May 31, 2020 at 11:49:59 PM UTC-5, Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! wrote:
Paul, what happened???

Sent from my iPad

On May 31, 2020, at 9:02 PM, Paul Clifton <> wrote:

I think my riding glasses belong here - some aluminum aviators, still rocking months after an unpleasant endover. they're a little less comfortable now though.
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Jock Dewey

1 Jun 2020, 11:00:1801/06/2020
to RBW Owners Bunch
I'm biased, as longtime TIFOSI account manager...but the only way to find glasses that fit properly is to try them on one-by-one. Without standing before a display, actually fitting a frame before purchase is not the best way to go.

All makers very likely have some frame that will fit your face and many other styles that won't. To recommend one brand over another without fitting is basically meaningless.

BEST / Jock Dewey / Athens, GA

Clark Fitzgerald

1 Jun 2020, 11:34:4801/06/2020
to RBW Owners Bunch
I like Goodr glasses for cycling. 

Eric Norris

1 Jun 2020, 11:41:5501/06/2020
to RBW
Os someone mentioned, glasses come in a wide variety of styles, and not all will ft everyone’s face (or their personal style). 

That being said, I’ll just note that I’ve been wearing Oakley Frogskins for a long time now. Frogskins have an understated, classic look that I like.

They last forever, and lenses are easily available (much cheaper if you go with aftermarket lenses) in the highly unlikely event that they need to be replaced. I’ve been wearing the same pair now for 4+ years.

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Leah Peterson

1 Jun 2020, 12:53:4001/06/2020
The Frog skins look cool, but I’ve tried them and they don’t wrap around my face enough. I really want to block out light, air, and debris. 

As I was reading reviews about cycling sunglasses (mostly Oakley’s) I was struck by reviews that said things like “Prevents tearing of my eyes at speed” or “keeps light out of the top of the glasses” or “ increased my peripheral vision”. These are all complaints I have with my trendy sunglasses that I hadn’t given much thought to before. Like, how my mascara would run as we made our descent down Killer Hill to school. Or how I’d have to push my glasses up repeatedly to keep the sun out of the top of them. Or how I’d tip my head back so the sun would hit the glass in the right place. Being stung in the eye was the final straw, and I’m willing to put aside my sartorial preferences to get gear that WORKS. 

I finally understand why roadies don’t mind the cyborg look, ha!

I’ll let you know what I get and post a photo and we can all witness my slow Lone Wolf transformation and laugh at me collectively. 

No longer aiming for the image on the left - trending toward the right and heading there fast. 🤣🤣🤣

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On Jun 1, 2020, at 8:41 AM, 'Eric Norris' via RBW Owners Bunch <> wrote:

Os someone mentioned, glasses come in a wide variety of styles, and not all will ft everyone’s face (or their personal style). 

That being said, I’ll just note that I’ve been wearing Oakley Frogskins for a long time now. Frogskins have an understated, classic look that I like.

They last forever, and lenses are easily available (much cheaper if you go with aftermarket lenses) in the highly unlikely event that they need to be replaced. I’ve been wearing the same pair now for 4+ years.


On Jun 1, 2020, at 8:34 AM, Clark Fitzgerald <> wrote:

I like Goodr glasses for cycling. 

On Sunday, May 31, 2020 at 4:22:41 PM UTC-7, allenmichael wrote:

I use these (tinted) while running and they look pretty good, don’t slip, and don’t cost $$$$. Might be worth a try.

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Toshi Takeuchi

1 Jun 2020, 13:18:1301/06/2020
I have clear transition lenses that darken when UV light hits them.  They are getting better and some versions can even transition inside of cars to some extent using light intensity to darken.  The ones I have are Rudy Project, which are expensive, but I had paid for them with my Rx plan and flexible spending.  The cheaper option may be to get sunglasses with interchangeable lenses, which is a good choice.


On Sun, May 31, 2020 at 2:27 PM Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! <> wrote:
I’ll get to the sunglasses part, but first just let me say all the words I need to get out.

Lately I’ve been shuffling over the practical side. I would love to have beauty and utility both present, but sometimes it doesn’t work out. The summer months have come to Vegas and as I have greatly increased my miles in 2020 (in May alone I rode 310.4 miles!), I have had to make some changes to withstand the sun. I’m not riding in Lycra, but I do have synthetic, white arm sleeves that keep you cool, covered, and shielded from the sun. I’ve taken to wetting and tying a bandana around my neck and wearing riding gloves on my hands. I apply a nasty white mineral sunscreen at times, but I never leave without sunglasses. 

A few days ago I went out for an evening ride. It was dark enough that I took off my sunglasses and was soon after hit in the eyes several times by bugs. That was annoying but workable until the final one, which managed to get IN my eye and then repeatedly bite or sting. Oh my gosh, the pain. I pulled over but I was using the stripped down Clem H (my Clementine is in the shop getting dyno lighting, another thing I needed with all this extra riding) and it has no mirror. The bathrooms at the park were locked, so I had nothing but my phone camera to use and try and fish this bug - which was still ferociously stinging me - out of my eye. It must have died because the pain stopped, but I never did find the bug carcass. 🤢 I was pretty sure all that biting/stinging was going to leave me with swelling. Was I going to have to ride home after dark, up the mountain with one eye swollen shut? (Spoiler alert: I made it home with 2 good eyes.) 

Well that was when I decided I wanted clear riding glasses for night. I ordered Tifosi from Amazon but was really disappointed. They slid down and didn’t offer good eye coverage. I ended up on Oakley’s site, which I was hoping to avoid for 2 reasons: 

1. $$$ 2. I’m not rad. 

It’s really hard to find fit info and product reviews, but I finally settled on creating a custom pair so I could tone down the rad. There’s a sale going on right now, so while it’s not cheap, it’s not outrageous, either. They’re Radar EV Pitch, I think, and might still be a little too rad - but who’s going to see me? Well, now I’m going to have great eye protection at night, but what about sunglasses for daytime? I have 2 pairs, and while I think they’re fetching, they aren’t providing great coverage - esp. the Warby Parkers. The sun comes down into my eyes from the top of the glasses, and I don’t want to put up with it anymore. At least not on my bike. 

I want to know: What do you all like to use for sunglasses while riding? I want good coverage, but I don’t want to look like a cyborg, either. 

Lastly, I feel like I am morphing from something that once resembled Practical Cycle Chic into what The Bike Snob would call The Lone Wolf. Picture the polka dot helmet, white arms sleeves, Keen sandals, neck bandanna and Oakleys - it’s not lookin’ good, it’s lookin’ Lone Wolf-y. 

Should I just embrace it and get wild Oakley’s for the sun? Or do you have a more reasonable suggestion? Is there a gold standard for cycling sunglasses? I have 20/10 vision, they tell me, so prescription is not a factor here. 

Attached is the night glasses I am having made. It’s going to be a couple weeks before I get them. Go ahead and laugh. I am.


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Eric Norris

1 Jun 2020, 13:20:5201/06/2020
While we’re on the subject, I have a pair of wrap-around style Specialized sunglasses that I bought but never wore very much. Almost new. $20 shipped in the CONUS. 

–Eric N

On Jun 1, 2020, at 9:53 AM, Leah Peterson <> wrote:

The Frog skins look cool, but I’ve tried them and they don’t wrap around my face enough. I really want to block out light, air, and debris. 

As I was reading reviews about cycling sunglasses (mostly Oakley’s) I was struck by reviews that said things like “Prevents tearing of my eyes at speed” or “keeps light out of the top of the glasses” or “ increased my peripheral vision”. These are all complaints I have with my trendy sunglasses that I hadn’t given much thought to before. Like, how my mascara would run as we made our descent down Killer Hill to school. Or how I’d have to push my glasses up repeatedly to keep the sun out of the top of them. Or how I’d tip my head back so the sun would hit the glass in the right place. Being stung in the eye was the final straw, and I’m willing to put aside my sartorial preferences to get gear that WORKS. 

I finally understand why roadies don’t mind the cyborg look, ha!

I’ll let you know what I get and post a photo and we can all witness my slow Lone Wolf transformation and laugh at me collectively. 

No longer aiming for the image on the left - trending toward the right and heading there fast. 🤣🤣🤣


Patrick Moore

1 Jun 2020, 14:07:3801/06/2020
to rbw-owners-bunch
I've read that photochromatic lenses lose their ability to change shades as they age. Is this true? Would be happy to learn that it's no longer true, as I much prefer transition lenses to having to swap out lenses manually.

Alex Wirth- Owner, Yellow Haus Bicycles

2 Jun 2020, 08:33:2402/06/2020
to RBW Owners Bunch
I have to wear what’s called “spoggles” for work at times. Kind of a hybrid between safety glasses and goggles. In theory they don’t fog up as bad. With wind from riding this should be fine.

Google that term and see if u like any of the styles.

I didn’t read the whole thread, apologies if someone already mentioned these!

Alex in Rochester, NY

(Doning free glasses and woodies, whichever my wife hasn’t co opted at the time)

Jock Dewey

2 Jun 2020, 11:21:3102/06/2020
to RBW Owners Bunch
That is definitely true, Patrick. The constant cycling does dimishing the darkening over time. Eventually, they don't darken much at all. Transitions is a brand-name, and they will argue that they do not lose effectiveness, but that is just not true.

Buyer beware.

Jock Dewey / Athens, GA

On Monday, June 1, 2020 at 2:07:38 PM UTC-4, Patrick Moore wrote:
I've read that photochromatic lenses lose their ability to change shades as they age. Is this true? Would be happy to learn that it's no longer true, as I much prefer transition lenses to having to swap out lenses manually.

On Mon, Jun 1, 2020 at 11:18 AM Toshi Takeuchi <> wrote:
I have clear transition lenses that darken when UV light hits them.  They are getting better and some versions can even transition inside of cars to some extent using light intensity to darken.  The ones I have are Rudy Project, which are expensive, but I had paid for them with my Rx plan and flexible spending.  The cheaper option may be to get sunglasses with interchangeable lenses, which is a good choice.


On Sun, May 31, 2020 at 2:27 PM Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! <> wrote:
I’ll get to the sunglasses part, but first just let me say all the words I need to get out.

Lately I’ve been shuffling over the practical side. I would love to have beauty and utility both present, but sometimes it doesn’t work out. The summer months have come to Vegas and as I have greatly increased my miles in 2020 (in May alone I rode 310.4 miles!), I have had to make some changes to withstand the sun. I’m not riding in Lycra, but I do have synthetic, white arm sleeves that keep you cool, covered, and shielded from the sun. I’ve taken to wetting and tying a bandana around my neck and wearing riding gloves on my hands. I apply a nasty white mineral sunscreen at times, but I never leave without sunglasses. 

A few days ago I went out for an evening ride. It was dark enough that I took off my sunglasses and was soon after hit in the eyes several times by bugs. That was annoying but workable until the final one, which managed to get IN my eye and then repeatedly bite or sting. Oh my gosh, the pain. I pulled over but I was using the stripped down Clem H (my Clementine is in the shop getting dyno lighting, another thing I needed with all this extra riding) and it has no mirror. The bathrooms at the park were locked, so I had nothing but my phone camera to use and try and fish this bug - which was still ferociously stinging me - out of my eye. It must have died because the pain stopped, but I never did find the bug carcass. 🤢 I was pretty sure all that biting/stinging was going to leave me with swelling. Was I going to have to ride home after dark, up the mountain with one eye swollen shut? (Spoiler alert: I made it home with 2 good eyes.) 

Well that was when I decided I wanted clear riding glasses for night. I ordered Tifosi from Amazon but was really disappointed. They slid down and didn’t offer good eye coverage. I ended up on Oakley’s site, which I was hoping to avoid for 2 reasons: 

1. $$$ 2. I’m not rad. 

It’s really hard to find fit info and product reviews, but I finally settled on creating a custom pair so I could tone down the rad. There’s a sale going on right now, so while it’s not cheap, it’s not outrageous, either. They’re Radar EV Pitch, I think, and might still be a little too rad - but who’s going to see me? Well, now I’m going to have great eye protection at night, but what about sunglasses for daytime? I have 2 pairs, and while I think they’re fetching, they aren’t providing great coverage - esp. the Warby Parkers. The sun comes down into my eyes from the top of the glasses, and I don’t want to put up with it anymore. At least not on my bike. 

I want to know: What do you all like to use for sunglasses while riding? I want good coverage, but I don’t want to look like a cyborg, either. 

Lastly, I feel like I am morphing from something that once resembled Practical Cycle Chic into what The Bike Snob would call The Lone Wolf. Picture the polka dot helmet, white arms sleeves, Keen sandals, neck bandanna and Oakleys - it’s not lookin’ good, it’s lookin’ Lone Wolf-y. 

Should I just embrace it and get wild Oakley’s for the sun? Or do you have a more reasonable suggestion? Is there a gold standard for cycling sunglasses? I have 20/10 vision, they tell me, so prescription is not a factor here. 

Attached is the night glasses I am having made. It’s going to be a couple weeks before I get them. Go ahead and laugh. I am.


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Jock Dewey

2 Jun 2020, 11:29:2502/06/2020
to RBW Owners Bunch
Sorry, does 'diminish' the darkening over time.

That said, I still use and prefer photochromatic lenses because I just don't like dark lenses on a cloudy day. Too gloomy for me, makes me want to turn around and go home :  )

Best cloudy day lens is yellow. Totally turn a gloomy cloudy day into a bright sunny one. Extend your riding time for at least another 20 or 30 miles. But if sun does come out, you're screwed as the yellow lens intensifies the light. Just can't win these days.

JD / Athens, GA

Dave Small

2 Jun 2020, 12:15:0902/06/2020
to RBW Owners Bunch
Hi Leah,

I suggest starting with these:

I have Tifosi clear but I like these better and use them instead.  If you don't like these you're out a whopping $8.25, although you're not really out anything 'cause you can keep 'em around for hazardous household tasks, like chopping jalapeños or fiddling with tiny springs that could blind you if they fly free.  You might like Premium Brand glasses just fine, but why not give a pair of cheap ones a try before you step up to the overpriced models?    



2 Jun 2020, 13:47:2902/06/2020
to RBW Owners Bunch
Leah, first of all, I think your rad, but I understand your desire not to look too techie.

Beyond that, it seems we are talking 2 different things here?
1) sunglasses
2) clear bug shields

To me it's all a very personal aesthetic, but although I have some Oakley's I don't wear them much. The Oakley's I had last have some sort of fancy coating, (irridium?) which look great, but seem to scratch VERY easily. I just didn't feel they were worth the $$'s
There's typically some inexpensive new brands that pop up on ebay. I bought some Rudy Project shortly after that brand first appeared, now they cost a lot!
Trick with buying sunglasses on ebay is don't look solely at price. You don't have to spend $100, but less than $20 is equally bad.
A brand that you can sometimes get inexpensively that I like is Dragons. A couple others that are almost as good. RAZE and Electric (they may spell that some clever way). I've been wearing my RAZE almost exclusively lately; In fact I am on my second pair! First pair popped out of my handlebar bag & I was bothered enough to by the same exact thing again.
Which leads me to the main point. The perfect cycling sunglasses are decent quality, but not so precious your going to have a meltdown if they get lost, broken or stolen.

As far as clear bug shields go, I've never really cottoned to them for different reasons glare, condensation, ineffective perspiration evacuation, etc.
That said you could probably ride over to Lowe's or Home Depot & look at they're safety glasses, possibly try them on get an idea if it'll work for you.

In my younger days I had to ride to/from work at night through some fields and I can tell you; although it makes a lot of sense to wear white at night for visibility, it makes you a giant target for bugs! Especially when the headlights of the oncoming cars hit you; certain times of the year it's like flipping a switch.
As soon as the headlights land on you so to do the bugs!

Joe Bernard

2 Jun 2020, 14:13:0702/06/2020
to RBW Owners Bunch
"That said, I still use and prefer photochromatic lenses because I just don't like dark lenses on a cloudy day. Too gloomy for me, makes me want to turn around and go home : )

Best cloudy day lens is yellow. Totally turn a gloomy cloudy day into a bright sunny one. Extend your riding time for at least another 20 or 30 miles. But if sun does come out, you're screwed as the yellow lens intensifies the light. Just can't win these days."

That's one thing I like about the Prizm lens on my Oakley EV Zero: it has a fascinating ability to separate light from shade, and seems to "brighten" the scene as the clouds roll in. It has to be pretty dang gloomy outside before I have to take them off.

I have the Prizm on an Oakley Crossrange I use off the bike which has a much lighter lens marketed to golfers. It's possibly too much light transmission for cycling on a very bright day, but great for everything else. In the end there's a whole lotta lenses out there with different light transmission qualities and you have to find what works best for you for your conditions.


2 Jun 2020, 15:10:0402/06/2020
to RBW Owners Bunch
Leah, I wear contacts so I regularly need clear lenses to keep nasty bugs from penetrating my eyes on cloudy and night rides. I've had good luck with fit and protection with Dewalt safety glasses from the hardware store for less than 10.00.

Bicycle Belle Ding Ding!

2 Jun 2020, 16:23:4202/06/2020
to RBW Owners Bunch
Hi guys,

I had already impulse purchased the clear glasses when I wrote this post. I had tried my shooting glasses but they didn’t seat well under my helmet, bounced up and down and they weren’t optically correct, so it made things worse and I tossed them in my bag after minutes of wearing them and went bare-faced instead. As soon as I got home I went to Oakley’s website and ordered a pair of Radar Pitch glasses with clear lenses. I knew they would play well with my helmet (so many cyclists wear them), they were 20% off and I was just so completely fed up with not having night glasses that I plunked down the money.

But then that brought me to sunglasses. Once I read sunglasses reviews and saw that people were saying things like:
~I don’t have wind making my eyes tear anymore

~I don’t have sun coming in through the top of my glasses

~I can see images crisply on the road [Oakley’s Prism technology]

~My peripheral vision is so much better with the wraparound

~My glasses don’t bounce around on my runs anymore, they stay put

Well, THAT was when I realized I have all those same issues with lifestyle sunglasses. And I live in the desert with like 300 days of sun, and there isn’t a day that goes by that I am not outside exercising in it. Running, biking, swimming, walking. I was accustomed to the above annoyances, but now I don’t have to be. I’m going to look a *little* rad, not a lot rad, and that seems like a fair trade-off. I did buy a pair of sunglasses that were really on sale and if you behave yourselves and refrain from laughing and pointing, I might just show them to you. 🤣

Lone Wolf Leah

Patrick Moore

2 Jun 2020, 16:36:1502/06/2020
to rbw-owners-bunch
That's what I've heard. I'll look for the Podiums at the nearby bike shop and if I can't find them there, online.

Thanks again.

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Ian Terry

2 Jun 2020, 16:38:5202/06/2020
to RBW Owners Bunch
I've been riding in a pair of Keyholes by Kent Wang. $60, polarized, and very nice looking IMO. 

Toshi Takeuchi

2 Jun 2020, 17:05:2302/06/2020
All my glasses are photochromic, and I haven't noticed any performance degradation, but there is sure to be some degradation due to the chemistry that is involved, which is never 100% reversible.


Doug Hansford

2 Jun 2020, 17:41:0302/06/2020
to RBW Owners Bunch
I could use a good laugh so post your photo! Just kidding, form follows function should be the rule for sunglasses.

Bicycle Belle Ding Ding!

16 Jun 2020, 13:13:2816/06/2020
to RBW Owners Bunch
Doug, I finally am getting around to getting you your good laugh. And to report back here about shades, because some of you (Patrick Moore?) were following this thread.

I really ended up liking Oakleys. They eliminate the issues I was having with my other sunnies - in particular the Warby Parker. The Oakleys eliminate the problems of: 1. Pushing the glasses back up 89 thousand times per day and 2. Dealing with sun coming down through the top of the glasses. They are optically correct, unlike the shooting glasses I first tried (scary) and they’re lightweight. Also, the Roadies wonder if I might be a similar species to them, and deep down I seek the acceptance of the Roadie 😂.   

The first photo shows me in Lone Wolf Leah mode (dang it - where are my cooling UPV arm sleeves?!?) with a pair of Oakley Radarlocks. Joe Bernard dug those out of the a drawer somewhere and sent them to me, as they never fit him and had been languishing, unused, for years. And I love them. His cast-offs are my treasure - surely that’s a Lone Wolf trait? Gosh, it could be the Urban Cyclist, too...must review the velotaxonomy.

Anyway, those glasses were so good that I wanted a pair to wear off the bike. The Radarlocks are just a little too rad to wear as lifestyle shades. But, there are Oakley sales going on all over the internet, and I was able to get these Oakley PRIZM Rose Gold polarized pair at a deep discount (I think the model is Flak). They are still a little on the edge but more passable as lifestyle glasses, though you may certainly disagree. See 2nd photo. The PRIZM technology is really cool - it makes objects sharper and is geared toward the activity you are doing (mountain biking, road cycling, golfing, fishing, field games). I chose the PRIZM polarized, which are for everyday and take out the glare. But I would like to someday have the red lenses that are the PRIZM road or the PRIZM  field. Those things are worth knowing about if any of you go Oakley shopping after you read this.  

It feels good to have that solved. I have not taken any bugs to the eye since, have excellent sun protection, and I’ve changed up my look a bit.

Lone Wolf Leah

Ex Bicycle Belle
Lover of Clementines    

Doug Hansford

16 Jun 2020, 13:31:4316/06/2020
to RBW Owners Bunch
No laughing induced. They look great and as I said form follows function. I think Oakley makes darn fine sunglasses and are good for cycling or whatever. Good choice I think for you style wise. Joe is the MAN for Oakleys.
Doug Hansford

Leah Peterson

16 Jun 2020, 13:45:4216/06/2020
Shoot - I forgot the clear night-riding glasses. Here’s those, and I’m retrying a Radarlock photo since the other was sideways- why can’t Google be smart enough to handle this?

But back to the night glasses. These are Radar Pitch that I custom made because I needed clear lenses and to make this rather masculine model more palatable for my feminine tastes. And yet, they are not cute. Not even passably so, but they do their job. This pair is ALL function and poor form. (Doug, you ought to laugh at these, if not those others!)


Doug H.

16 Jun 2020, 13:48:1416/06/2020
Okay, just a slight chuckle. I am thinking welding glasses without the dark tint? Face shield for cleaning teeth? Or, cycling at night!!

On Tue, Jun 16, 2020 at 1:45 PM Leah Peterson <> wrote:
Shoot - I forgot the clear night-riding glasses. Here’s those, and I’m retrying a Radarlock photo since the other was sideways- why can’t Google be smart enough to handle this?

But back to the night glasses. These are Radar Pitch that I custom made because I needed clear lenses and to make this rather masculine model more palatable for my feminine tastes. And yet, they are not cute. Not even passably so, but they do their job. This pair is ALL function and poor form. (Doug, you ought to laugh at these, if not those others!)

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> On Jun 16, 2020, at 10:31 AM, Doug Hansford <> wrote:
> Leah,

> No laughing induced. They look great and as I said form follows function. I think Oakley makes darn fine sunglasses and are good for cycling or whatever. Good choice I think for you style wise. Joe is the MAN for Oakleys.
> Doug Hansford
> --
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Joe Bernard

16 Jun 2020, 13:48:1416/06/2020
to RBW Owners Bunch
Leah, you look so rad! 😎

Patrick Moore

16 Jun 2020, 14:06:4216/06/2020
to rbw-owners-bunch
Joe: Are yellow lenses good for night cycling? After dark I ride both in areas with the usual urban and suburban ambient light (and auto headlight glare) and on riverside trails that can be much darker. I've been using the Tifosu photochromatic lenses, which seem to be fine, but would yellow at night make things crisper?

Again, I have very poor night vision, tho' it's good enough at cycling speeds with decent lighting systems, so any help in boosting contrast or increasing the effect of available illumination would be very helpful.


On Tue, Jun 2, 2020 at 12:13 PM Joe Bernard <> wrote:
... Best cloudy day lens is yellow. Totally turn a gloomy cloudy day into a bright sunny one. Extend your riding time for at least another 20 or 30 miles. But if sun does come out, you're screwed as the yellow lens intensifies the light. Just can't win these days."

Joe Bernard

16 Jun 2020, 14:10:4516/06/2020
to RBW Owners Bunch
Clear Radars: Still rad, but that big-old black nose bridge was definitely designed to hide behind a dark lens. Love the frame color, though, which I would name here but I can't remember what it's called.

Joe Bernard

16 Jun 2020, 14:36:5416/06/2020
to RBW Owners Bunch
Patrick: Your post quotes me quoting someone else about yellow lenses, I won't be able to help with that. If I'm riding day into night I bring along my clear pair in the saddlebag and swap when the sun sets.

Joe Bernard

16 Jun 2020, 15:30:0916/06/2020
to RBW Owners Bunch
But I do have these babies, which I may have mentioned elsewhere in this thread (also shown in my lovely Instagram avi). It's a light tint called Golf which uses the Prizm technology Leah mentioned. I use them for driving and they work very well down to almost dark conditions, I think they would be great on the trails near here where you're constantly popping between light and shadow.

Christopher Murray

16 Jun 2020, 19:36:1716/06/2020
to RBW Owners Bunch
This probably isn’t going to be a popular opinion but I buy my sunglasses for riding, running, hiking, etc at Target or Home Depot or wherever. I have worked at stores selling sunglasses. I’ve attended clinics put on by the big companies, bought several pair of nice glasses, sold hundreds more, and been given several pair by the brands. I don’t find them to be much better than the cheap glasses, don’t find they last any longer, and enjoy not caring too much about my glasses while being active. I typically get clear glasses at hardware or home improvement stores and darker glasses at department stores— guessing $10-15/ pair. Drop them, stuff them in a pocket, leave them at a rest stop? No biggie. 

I get this isn’t for everyone but it works for me. 


Leah Peterson

16 Jun 2020, 19:54:3916/06/2020
Well, the problem with cheap lenses is you may get lenses that let in UV light. Your pupils are dilated to let in more light when you wear sunglasses, and now you’re inviting damaging UV rays right to your eyes...

But I understand your rationale!

Sent from my iPad

On Jun 16, 2020, at 4:36 PM, Christopher Murray <> wrote:

This probably isn’t going to be a popular opinion but I buy my sunglasses for riding, running, hiking, etc at Target or Home Depot or wherever. I have worked at stores selling sunglasses. I’ve attended clinics put on by the big companies, bought several pair of nice glasses, sold hundreds more, and been given several pair by the brands. I don’t find them to be much better than the cheap glasses, don’t find they last any longer, and enjoy not caring too much about my glasses while being active. I typically get clear glasses at hardware or home improvement stores and darker glasses at department stores— guessing $10-15/ pair. Drop them, stuff them in a pocket, leave them at a rest stop? No biggie. 

I get this isn’t for everyone but it works for me. 


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William deRosset

16 Jun 2020, 20:29:1116/06/2020
to RBW Owners Bunch
Hi, All,

Safety glasses in the usa are either trivex or much more commonly polycarbonate, both of which block uv. Not much else will pass the impact standards, apparently.

The sports glasses folks all have proprietary brand names for these two materials.

Fashion/rx glasses may be made of other materials and may or may mot block uv rays.

Best Regards,

William M. deRosset
Fort Collins CO USA


18 Jun 2020, 17:26:2118/06/2020
to RBW Owners Bunch
There was a time when "Sunglasses" could be any old glasses with a dark lenses. I remember this being an issue in the late 70s. That's when people realized that a dark mirrored shades might actually be worse for your eyes.

At that point sunglasses were required to state their UV rating. Most these days are 100%, BUT still part of the reason I don't really trust $5. shades

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