Rivendell paint color repetition: Your thoughts

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Eric Marth

Apr 22, 2023, 4:39:48 PM4/22/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
Hello friends — I've noticed that over the past few years Rivendell have been using some of the same paint colors on many frames through several production runs. If there's been a discussion of this practice, I've missed it. 

I can't quite put my finger on it but something about the same paint appearing on frames over and over leaves me scratching my head. Perhaps there's a missed opportunity to pin a color to a model or to cycle in new colors with new batches of frames? 

What do other members think? Do you appreciate the same colors appearing on different frames? Do you wish there was a wider variety of colors? Does it matter at all? 

Some of these colors I like quite a lot, others I appreciate. There isn't one that I dislike. The Lime Olive is always striking when it appears on a new frame, love it on the Hillbornes and Clems. 

The harvest gold, wow, looks killer on those Susies. Blew my mind on the Homers because they've always been a blue bike. 

I do miss the mustard from the older Appaloosas and the dark bronze that appeared on some Clems. These two colors paired with some of the newer colors currently in use demonstrate, I think, that Riv has some of the best paint colors in the biz. Really lovely stuff. 

Here's a far-from-complete list more or less off the top of my head of where current production colors have appeared:



Harvest/Dark Gold

Ana Purple
Rosco Plat
Appaloosa (next batch in 2023?)
Road Uno or Gallop? (I can't remember but thought the purple was slated for one of these frames) 

RBW Orange

RBW Blue
Too many to list?


Apr 22, 2023, 5:47:44 PM4/22/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
Eric, The current gold for the Homer is lighter than the gold for the Susie in the current photos. The Homer is more like butterscotch in the sun. It could be the same shade though as some of the Homer photos are on the high exposure side, and well no images ever looks exactly the same twice !

The original Susie(decals on the top of the TT) is what to me is decidedly burnt orange, like classic University of Texas Longhorn burnt orange. I don't recall off hand any other frames were painted with it.

Myself I really like the yellows, golds, bright oranges(Clementine). A bright sparkly silver is nice too.  The blues and greens could use a jaunt out to pasture, and that's being "Southern polite", hah hah ! 

Joe Bernard

Apr 22, 2023, 5:55:42 PM4/22/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
I generally like the colors, and like that they cross several models so you don't have to pick a specific frame to get the color you want. BUT..two of the best bike colors ever were on the Bridgestone RB-1. We need bright red and yellow Rivs! 


Apr 22, 2023, 6:36:03 PM4/22/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
The HubbuHubbuH reminder newsletter had a schedule for 2023 bikes with colors - two models are listed as having a new color.

-Dave (who does not need a Lime-olive Roaduno)

Keith Paugh

Apr 22, 2023, 8:20:38 PM4/22/23
to rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com
I love the Harvest/Dark Gold colors, and the old Appolossa Mustard is so lovely that if one ever surfaced in my size, I would recklessly snatch it up on principle.

Normally green is my go to, but I was ever-so-slightly disappointed that LimeOlive had made its way to another model so soon.
I thought we might get something new.

That being said, I would agonize over the perfect hue.
I'd love it... but don't envy being in charge of it.


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Bicycle Belle Ding Ding!

Apr 22, 2023, 9:12:19 PM4/22/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
I think we’ve had enough mermaid and RBW Blue. I like the colors - I’ve got a mermaid Platypus and a RBW Blue Clem - but there are a lot  of Riv models in mermaid and RBW Blue. 

I would like to see a pearlescent pink mixte or step through one day. I know pinks are just totally taboo, but I still wish to see one. My uncontested favorite is still raspberry metallic, which is fortunate, because I have a Platypus in that color!

I’m glad the new Platys will be offered in silver. I like Rivs in silver or grilver. My boy’s Clem is grilver and I find that color to have stood the test of time.

Whatever the color, add metallic! 

Because sparkle is actually my favorite color.

George Schick

Apr 22, 2023, 9:22:00 PM4/22/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
I am fortunate to own a Rambouillet in the first paint edition - the sparkling metallic orange.  I've had many complements on it not just from other cyclists, but also from random on-lookers, as well.  Some of these have even said that they'd love to see a vintage vehicle of their choice repainted with the Nova Orange base coat and the Spanish Gold clear coat.  It's hard to beat.

Johnny Alien

Apr 23, 2023, 9:14:07 AM4/23/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
I would buy a pink step through if they came out with one.

Brian Turner

Apr 23, 2023, 10:48:02 AM4/23/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
Crust Bombora owner here, so I have no reservations whatsoever about pink / lilac / weird colored bikes. The more the better!
Personally, I agree with Leah in that I find the Rivendell colors look best when they're sparklin'. The only non-metallic Riv color I've ever been attracted to is that mustard color of the Clem / Appaloosa. I'd like to see them move away from the non-metallic oranges and blues... and I'd love to see more of the weird gold, mustard-y tones and maybe more variations on silver.
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Apr 24, 2023, 9:59:59 AM4/24/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
I have 11 Rivendells. 7 of them are some shade of blue (5 are similar metallic blues, but the Betty Foy and Mystery Bike are very different non-metallic blues), two are non-metallic greens (Bombadil is Hunqapillar green, Rosco Bubbe is matte flanker green), a black Clementine and the orange metallic Custom.
I like the golds. Don't like the silvers. Not a fan of mustard.
I love the grey & kidney bean, cream pin striped combination.
Orange is always a good choice.
I would like to see more reds and purples and I would love a yellow - my fifty year old Paramount came in Kool Lemon, but Grant discouraged yellow on my custom due to it being hard to get a yellow that would go with the cream headtube.
Not too wild about the Hunqapillar green, but I kind of like the matte flanker green.
I would like to see a metallic root beer or a metallic copper.


On Saturday, April 22, 2023 at 4:39:48 PM UTC-4 eric...@gmail.com wrote:

Miles T

Apr 24, 2023, 11:48:21 AM4/24/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
I’m a sucker for metallic colors… it’s like you get 2 for 1. A metallic colored bike looks totally different in overcast weather vs a sunny day. But the solid colors are great too. That dark green on the Clem “H” models a while back is one of my favorite colors on any riv. At this point, they have a wide selection of colors and I like seeing them pop up on different models over time.

I love that scheme on your custom, Joe. Especially that cream outline on the red accents. 

On Sunday, April 23, 2023 at 11:39:47 AM UTC-4 Joe Bernard wrote:
I'll throw down for the gloss non-metallics here cuz it's what I chose for my custom. I like it!* 

*I like metallics, too. I'm easy 😬



Apr 24, 2023, 3:56:19 PM4/24/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
Yes, Joe...you have a great color scheme there...which is a good thing because we see a lot of it...and  that's totally OK. I like looking at it😊

I really like the harvest gold; got it in 2001 when it was fairly unusual, but offered as a custom color. Looks different depending on light(sunlight vs cloud). I agree with Laing that a butter yellow would be great, especially if it had panels and headtube in a root beer or coffee color. The standard cream would get lost because there's not enough contrast. I absolutely do not need  another custom but if I were in the market and Riv still offered customs, I think that I could go for that.

I do like Leah's Raspberry and that mermaid color is quite attractive too. 

Jason Fuller

Apr 24, 2023, 6:29:55 PM4/24/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
Wait, the Platys are coming in silver soon? Crap, I guess good thing I just got my Charlie back or I'd be dropping a bunch of money for that. 

I'm late to the conversation, but my read is that Grant & co spend a lot more time on color selection than is business-smart to do so, because they want it to be exactly right - so when they get one that passes a vote, they hang onto it. As for my opinion about it, I like how they do it because if you love a certain color, you just have to be patient for it to come to your preferred model - or, conversely, if you like a model but not the available colors, you'll hopefully be accommodated on the next batch.  I do think that colors should be retired every few years for new ones though! 


Apr 24, 2023, 6:48:47 PM4/24/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
Have to say whatever they're doing with the paint is right. Next Riv I get will be 50% because I want a frame with that mermaid green.
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Apr 24, 2023, 7:40:47 PM4/24/23
to rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com
In an ocean of charcoal, slate, and black bikes, I just appreciate the wide range of colors Rivendell puts on their bikes. 

However, I have what I think is a minority opinion: I’m about 75 percent in favor of no more than two specific colors for specific models (**with exceptions for custom paint jobs, which are at the buyer’s discretion, with Riv’s final approval of course**). The production colors become part of a particular model's “brand" or visual identity. This is important.

For example, it’s hard to imagine Atlantis production models in any color other than the Atlantis blue/green… even though there are Atlantises painted in lovely one-off colors. It would be odd if any other production model were painted in the Atlantis color. The Atlantis geometry has changed tremendously over the years. You might even say that the Atlantis green/blue *is itself* a huge part of the Atlantis brand because the color has been a constant through the various Atlantis permutations.

Another example: I like that Hunqs came in two color schemes: the early runs were grey and kidney bean red, and the later runs were green. Now Joe’s fantastic custom was inspired by the grey and red Hunq scheme. But it’s a custom, a one-off, slightly different, and ultimately it was Joe’s prerogative. He made a very tasteful choice. 

I think the Platypus was the first model in mermaid (?). Anyway, when I see mermaid I think Platypus, not Gus or anything else. I don’t get why any model other than the Platypus should be in mermaid! It’s a strong brand association. The lovely  sparkly raspberry of Leah’s Platypus, being a unique one off, does not weaken the Platypus mermaid brand because raspberry was not a production color.

And as much as I like the lovely olive green as a color, the number of models in this green suggests brand confusion and inconsistency. 

I do think that variations of similar colors across model is fine. They should be different enough not to confuse them, though.  

Like I said, my opinion is probably in the small minority.

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Apr 24, 2023, 9:01:58 PM4/24/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
" an ocean of charcoal, slate, and black bikes"....just  depressing. But maybe the right color for a beater you lock up downtown in the hopes that it'll still be there. Like I say, just depressing.

Wasn't it Ford who said " you can have any color you want as long as it's black"?

Eric Marth

Apr 25, 2023, 9:23:26 AM4/25/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
Jason and Junes — I totally agree about the inspired color choices and the amount of time they put into finding good colors. 

Jason — I agree about retiring colors every few years. 

Junes — You raise some good points and you actually get at something I've had a hard time putting my finger on: brand confusion. Like you, I made strong color and frame associations. Mermaid platypus, got it! That bike was brand new, everyone got crazy excited about it, color is locked in to my brain. And now the color is on all sorts of bikes. Including my Appaloosa :) 


Apr 26, 2023, 11:33:03 AM4/26/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
I guess I've viewed them more as Rivendell colors than as being associated with a specific frame - well, except for Atlantis green.

For as long as I've followed Rivendell, at some points I lapsed on being aware of exactly what the differences in the various models were (and still don't have as complete a historical picture as many here - though Eric's history threads help). That said the colors have been part of what make them identifiable as Riv bikes to me. Also the impression that "fancier" bikes get "fancier" (more sophisticated?) colors.



May 2, 2023, 10:05:09 PM5/2/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
I seem to recall being attracted to the "Butterscotch" Saluki (?) way back when. Though I'm not sure I ever saw one in the wild. I do like the metallics being used now, at least what I see online. Like the new light metallic yellow on the Homer (or Sam's?). Hard to keep up.
I must say though, when it came time to purchase a new Sam for a dedicated touring bike back in 2015 or so, i opted for Black & Cream like yours. I knew how a touring bike could take a beating. And despite being a fine artist who has a huge stash of model car paints to mix almost exact colors, given enough time, I have never been stumped worse than trying to touch up my first early model  metallic orange Sam. I think it was a two-stage paint (transparent orange over metallic gold?). That proved impossible for me to match to my liking.
Paul Germain
Midlothian, Va.

On Saturday, April 22, 2023 at 4:39:48 PM UTC-4 eric...@gmail.com wrote:

Mike Godwin

May 3, 2023, 2:13:53 PM5/3/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
Two favorites, yes the original Ram orange. And, the original slightly metallic deep blue on the Legolas. Stunning.
Mike "sparkly white blue accent Roadeo" SLO CA


May 3, 2023, 5:01:15 PM5/3/23
to rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com

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Fred Yavorsky
Jenkintown, PA


May 3, 2023, 10:13:49 PM5/3/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
Nice looking Rivendell Standard road bike!

Looks like exact same paint options as my recently acquired Mountain/Expedition.

I think the specific color was Burnt Orange, for at least 1997 era.
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Joe Bernard

May 3, 2023, 10:56:10 PM5/3/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
Apologies to the list for my comment appearing here in the wrong thread. It's deleted but will still be there for the folks reading via email. Whoops! 

Steven Sweedler

May 4, 2023, 7:00:01 AM5/4/23
to rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com
Care to share a picture of  your Mountain/Expedition    Steve

Steven Sweedler
Plymouth, New Hampshire


May 4, 2023, 12:13:29 PM5/4/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
Saw my first Platypus in the wild this week . . . Mermaid paint. Even from a 50 or so yard distance you can tell it's a Rivendell when you see it. The Riv color palette certainly plays a part in that. My impression of the color is it's a takeoff on the Atlantis green. Keeping with the water theme, there you go. Gorgeous bike by the way. VO hammered fenders for added sparkle.

Rich in ATL

Mary Franzek

May 4, 2023, 2:47:46 PM5/4/23
to RBW Owners Bunch
I like the Mermaid on my Platypus, it is a calm color and riding that bike is a calming experience.
Mary F
Buffalo, NY

Richard Rose

May 6, 2023, 5:06:42 PM5/6/23
to rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com
Yes! I actually had no idea that I needed a Mermaid bike. Until my Gus arrived. 

Sent from my iPhone

On May 4, 2023, at 2:47 PM, Mary Franzek <mary.f...@gmail.com> wrote:

I like the Mermaid on my Platypus, it is a calm color and riding that bike is a calming experience.
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Dec 26, 2024, 10:26:45 PM12/26/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
Rivendell colors have evolved over the years.  I bought my first one in 1999,  I think.  I don’t have as many Rivendells as some do.  My third or fourth is a 2003 Custom.  Back then, Grant & Co steered away from metallics and Flambouyants.  Paint jobs were generally pretty conservative and subdued.  Custom colors were subject to approval by Grant.  (All this was and is fine with me, I kinda liked it.  The new colors are all fine as well).

I asked for Emerald Green metallic, because it was resonant of a Bob Jackson I’d fallen in love with back in 1980.  Grant obliged - here it is: 

I’m obviously biased, but it’s my favorite Rivendell color.

I’m not sure how many Rivendells I have.  Rambouillet, Roadeo, Quickbeam (well, I gave the QB to a friend); Legolas, original Atlantis, Heron; maybe another one or two out in the garage.  They all look pretty nice. 


Max Beach
Santa Rosa CA

Jim M.

Dec 27, 2024, 12:16:29 AM12/27/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
That green is lovely Max, definitely reminds me of some Bob Jacksons I've seen. 

I've had 2 non-standard Rivs and several standard colors. QB orange was a favorite. 

When my bare steel Bombadil needed painting, I got this blue https://www.flickr.com/photos/20986098@N04/49681704486/in/dateposted-public/. And my Legolas was in a copper suggested by former staffer Kevin https://www.flickr.com/photos/20986098@N04/6773347072/in/dateposted-public/. I've seen that copper on a few other Rivs, including at least one other Legolas. I thought those 2 were pretty snazzy.

jim mather
walnut creek


Dec 27, 2024, 7:36:48 AM12/27/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
Jim..I love that light blue with the dark blue headtube on your Bombadil. I always thought that would be a great color combination; preferable to  the light blue and cream...more contrast to my eye. I like the copper Legolas as well. 

My favorite season is autumn because I love the colors of the leaves as they change...so maybe the colors of my Rivendells (and Bridgestone) subconsciously reflect that. Orange 93 X0-1 , Green metallic A/R, Harvest Gold Road, metallic burgundy mixte. 

Chris Law

Dec 29, 2024, 9:10:39 PM12/29/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
Other than the Rambouillet, was there any frame released in 'Unusual Blue'? Would love to see it on an Appaloosa, but seems far fetched based on colors they've been going with recently. 

Jim Kerrigan

Dec 29, 2024, 9:10:46 PM12/29/24
to RBW Owners Bunch

I agree with JJ. While it’s fun to mix up paint jobs occasionally, I like the idea of signature colors for specific frames. I can’t imagine my Homer in anything but it’s standard blue, and while I was hesitant at first about the mermaid on my Platypus (the lime olives were sold out), I’ve come to really appreciate the color and hope it continues on that model. 

Cyclofiend Jim

Dec 29, 2024, 9:27:23 PM12/29/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
Bit of a link dump here, but "....back in the day..." when many of us were Flickr denizens, I documented a few RBWHQ&L visits. There was also the RBW Weekend camp out.

Lots of historical colors including the asked-about Butterscotch Saluki...

The very first RBW bike I saw in person was a beautiful sage green that still haunts me.

Anyway - 
"A Plethora of Cross Bikes"

"Some Test Rides" (orange/grey Hunqa and a sample of the _rare_ "French Pencil Blue" AHH)

"Staff Bikes" at the Weekender (GP's clear coat AHH)

"All the Bikes" at the Weekender (Red Saluki, Periwinkle Glorius, the unique blue of the Bleriot, more...)

And there are a bunch yonder as well - 

J (who is very happy with his orange QB and blue AHH)

Jason Fuller

Dec 29, 2024, 10:03:03 PM12/29/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
In the time since Eric started this thread I feel like the Riv colo(u)r catalog has continued to evolve and I'm really pleased with where things are at - some "old school" colours are making a comeback (mustard) and some very good new entries are cementing themselves in the rotation (ie periwinkle)

I started a google sheet recently where I took a stab at cataloging each new batch of frames starting from present day and working backwards - it was pretty easy via IG back to 2019, but that's where things become a lot more challenging since new batches didn't necessarily warrant a grid post, and stuff was sticking around long enough it's harder to pinpoint the delivery date. On this sheet I also made note of what colours the frames came in.  

Maybe instead of reverse-engineering the order history I should just see if Riv will avail it to me.  

Cyclofiend Jim

Dec 29, 2024, 10:13:21 PM12/29/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
The photos in the Flickr links I shared should be date stamped. 

The entries in the Cyclofiend.com pages have the posted year in the url

For example - https://cyclofiend.com/cc/2005/cc00a4-joelstern0505.html

was 2005


Dec 30, 2024, 8:15:18 AM12/30/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
I have the same soft spot as Mike and George for the Creamsicle orange 1° Rambouillet. 

Mine definitely has "beuasage" tormenting it's finish. I've even suggested a next level descriptor "beausavage" for my Ram's coat but yet I still get called out on that bike for its color and eye attracting appearance to the flat faces and disappointment of all the matte grey or black lookalike CFRP superbikes around me in those moments. 

Andy Cheatham


Dec 30, 2024, 10:10:24 AM12/30/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
The Rambouillet… a classic, a favorite always.  Some shots of my orange Rambouillet on a ride over Coleman Valley Road:



Max Beach
Santa Rosa CA


Dec 30, 2024, 4:18:47 PM12/30/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
Well, say what you will, but my Sam Hillborne just wouldn’t be a Sam Hillborne to me if it were any color other than Sage.
To me, that’s as key to the model as Atlantis green is to the Atlantis, or Homer blue is to the Homer.

Nick Payne

Dec 30, 2024, 5:03:35 PM12/30/24
to RBW Owners Bunch
Everyone should have at least one orange bike. My Riv custom and Appaloosa have almost exactly the same orange, though they were made about 20 years apart:

Nick Payne
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