I was trying to run a constrained analysis like this:
raxmlHPC-HYBRID-AVX -T 4 -f a -N autoMRE -n result -s infile.txt -c 25 -m GTRCAT -p 12345 -r binary_backbone.tre -x 12345 -o Nuphar_luteum_luteum,Nymphaea_alba
This is a matrix of 4703 taxa concatenating two molecular markers (2076 positions) and a binary tree in newick format including 888 taxa.
I get this error:
RAxML could not find a single "(" in what is supposed to be your tree file
RAxML will exit now, please check your tree file!
The last couple of characters RAxML read in your supposed tree file look like this:
I don't know exactly where is the error. I have checked tip names for the binary tree and newick format and I think it's formatted properly.
Could you help with this?
Thank you a lot,