inconsistent rebuild; exiting ravenadm; linux still broken - unsupported

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Jun 19, 2019, 6:06:59 AM6/19/19


it's that time of the year when I do a periodic check on ravenports

1. Building a package with ravenadm (pkg-bsd in this case) resulted in
27 packages being built, as required. Reissuing ravenadm build pkg-bsd
right after results in the same 27 packages being rebuilt, although
nothing changed. ravenadm (or most liekly pkg behind it) complained
about package options being changed. which they where not, of course,
since nothing changed.

2. ctrl-c. seems that exiting with Ctrl+C ravenadm do not perform any
cleanup of the mounts it used to serve the build chroots. any way to
exit ravenadm gratuitously except for waiting to finish building a
gazillion packages?

3. Linux support. Linux is still unsupported as of mid 2019. pkg is
broken on all linuxes I tried it. And since ravenadm relays on pkg, it
is broken too. Now, this situation is persistent by almost 2 years. At
one time you said you will add support for a package manager which
actually works on linux , prolly apt / dpkg combo. But that was long
ago, more than 6 months. My question is, do you still want to support
Linux with Ravenports, or only BSD derivatives and Solaris ? Cause in
current state it is unusable in Linux for anything but toying arround .

With thanks, Dan

John Marino

Jun 22, 2019, 12:29:13 PM6/22/19
to Dan Partelly, Ravenports
on 1), there's not enough information here.  There are logs starting with "0" in the log directory (e.g. 00_*, 01_*, etc) that have information why all packages are being rebuilt, particularly the one named "06_obsolete_packages.log".

2).  Control-C was never supported.  It's Control-Q.  Perhaps you mis-remembered?  It should be documented in the man page.

3) My plan is to fork pkg (and rename it) and try to track down where the bug is and fix it.
Supporting dpkg is still on a list, but not really very high.  Linux support is a priority.  Personally, on the linuxen I'm using, pkg works if the command is reissued.  I understand that on your linuxen, the broken commands never work even after reissue.  

I've had a lot of road bumps in my private life that have taken me away from Ravenports in general and linux in particular.  I hope that changes in the next few months.


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Jun 25, 2019, 3:56:14 AM6/25/19
to John Marino, Ravenports

Thank you .
> information why all packages are being rebuilt, particularly the one
> named "06_obsolete_packages.log".

Im not giving a dog crap about dpkg to be honest, I just need the
package manager to work reliably. I like FreeBSDs pkg and Im used with
it since I have some FreeBSD machines, and I couldn't be more happy to
have it working. Im not really looking forward to debug pkg , maybe you
do not look forward to this too, but in the end if it gets fixed IMO is
better than supporting multiple package managers. I'm a big fan of one
consistent interface than shitloads of choices

> Personally, on the linuxen I'm using, pkg works if the command is
> reissued. I understand that on your >linuxen,

In my linuxen machines issuing pkg is a lottery. Reissuing it one or
more times usually gets the package installed. Once in past I got the
pkg database corrupted. But it is only half of the problem. ravenadm
itself relays on pkg to add / remove packages in the build chroot and
sometimes pkg fails there too. This, this is annoying as hell for me.

> I've had a lot of road bumps in my private life that have taken me..

Sorry to hear that man. I just hope you and your loved ones are OK.

John Marino

Jul 18, 2019, 10:11:37 PM7/18/19
to Dan Partelly, Ravenports
Hey Dan,
I've been busy forking pkg:

It currently builds without error on solaris and linux.
I'm still testing it for functionality (e.g. no regressions) but so far I'm not getting those segfaults.
While I was cleaning up the code, I found a couple of bugs that might have caused them on the stock package.
Once I'm satisfied it's working on the 4 major platforms, I'll update all the bootstraps to move ravenports away from pkg and to ravensw (along with instructions on how to make the transition)

I also have to go through all the man pages in greater detail to make them work for ravenports, and maybe check out some commands that assume /usr/ports and see if I can get them to work on ravenports formats.

Anyway, it's looking good so far.

Dan Partelly

Jul 29, 2020, 4:10:51 PM7/29/20
to Ravenports
Hey John,

Didn't checked Ravenports in a pretty long time. Much to my surprise I see that you decided to rewrite pkg. this is good news. Prolly it wont have to many bugs , ravenadm was remarkable at debut . You are a pretty prolific man.
What is the current state of the tool ?

DO you have a link on a prebuilt binary for ravensw, Linux X86_64 and the manifest files ? The old Linux  boostrap link doesnt seem to work anymore, not fond erro,  so cant use pkg static to fetch ravensw and run some tests with  it, regardless of the state ?
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