Currently all repositories have been regenerated with gcc8, but only solaris has been uploaded so far. I decided that I wanted to upload all 4 active repositories at once, then publish ravenports to match.
This is a MAJOR change.
It's best to completely replace all the packages. There are two basic ways of doing this.
> pkg upgrade --force
The above *should* work, but the next method may be even better:
step 1. get a list of "primary packages", the ones that pull in dependencies
> pkg query -e "%a = 0" "%n" > ~/prime.list
step 2. review the list and remove any unwanted prime packages
Using your favorite editor, load ~/prime.list, which indicates which packages were manually installed. If there are any packages that are no longer desired, simple delete the line that contains it.
step 3. Now everything except pkg(8) needs to be removed off the system.
> pkg delete -ay
Step 4: Upgrade the repository category
What we really want to do here is update the repository catalog, but if there's a newer version of pkg(8), we can upgrade it at the same time.
> pkg upgrade
Say yes if pkg(8) wants permission to update itself on the system.
Step 5: Cleanse the package cache
To avoid any possible reinstallation of a stale package, we want to remove obsolete packages from the cache.
> pkg clean -y
Step 6: Reinstall the primary packages
Now we reinstall the packages that we really want on the system and let pkg(8) pull in the dependencies that are needed without fear of conflict.
> pkg install `cat ~/prime.list`
Provide affirmative answers to any confirmations pkg(8) asks.