I just took a look at your test suite, and the major problem is that you are literally cutting things too quickly.
Here is my test scenario, I took your code, commented the SQL part and then did the following.
* Start a debug RavenDB Server with the default configuration (disk based, just started from scratch, no indexes, no nothing there).
* Run you code, I got the following result:
Performed 24 operations in 1,003ms
That seems to be pretty bad, right?
Then I run it again:
Performed 115 operations in 1,001ms
Then I realized that you test scenario was there for a single second only, and I decided to see what happens if we expand the test...
I run the test for 30 seconds, and the results were more like what I expected.
Performed 6,278 operations in 30,000ms
What happen if I try it for a minute?
Performed 13,883 operations in 60,003ms
But wait, there is something important here that we are missing.
We are running RavenDB in _debug mode_.
As you can see, this pushes a LOT of data to the console, and that is REALLY expensive.
I started it as a service instead, with no debug logs, and tried it again, for 60 seconds.
Performed 16,870 operations in 60,003ms
Note that you numbers are actually wrong, you are doing 3 separate operations here for every one that you count, this gives us over 50,000 operations in one minute.
But let us take this further, you don't care about reliability, and you care about perf, turn Lazy commits on:
<add key="Raven/TransactionMode" value="Lazy"/>
Performed 22,927 operations in 60,002ms
Again, you need to triple that number for the real number, but you get the point.
Finally, you want to do this purely in memory?
<add key="Raven/StorageEngine" value="Munin"/>
<add key="Raven/RunInMemory" value="True"/>
Performed 24,126 operations in 60,001ms
As you can see, it is faster, but not that much faster, Lazy commits are really making a difference.
Note that by this time, we are processing close to 75,000 operations per minute, or a rate of over 1,200 per second.
This is on commodity hardware, without really trying that hard.