Cluster Wide transaction failure

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Arthur Ho

Apr 23, 2023, 9:54:22 PM4/23/23
to RavenDB - an awesome database

We have recently upgrade from Raven 4 to 5.4.5 and turn on Cluster Wide transaction.
As far as we can tell all the code has been updated to open session using Cluster Wide flag. It has been running fine for the last couple of weeks.

However, all of the sudden we are getting a lot of the following error in the server. On the raven client, we are seeing timeout on wait for result.

Failed to execute cluster transaction due to the following issues: Guard compare exchange value 'rvn-atomic/DOC-ID' index does not match the transaction index's 123456789 change vector on DOC-ID
Concurrency check failed for putting the key 'rvn-atomic/DOC-ID'. Requested index: 123456789, actual index: 987654321

Does any one have any idea what might be causing this?

We run the following versions:
Client - NServiceBus.RavenDb which use RavenDB.Client 5.4.100
Server - RavenDb 5.4.5

Thanks & Regards,
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