I wrote a small command line java app to create swarm-like plots without needing to launch swarm. The app is intended to allow plots to be created periodically by cron or the Windows task scheduler. This is an early tester version and has little polish, however basic functionality seems to work. Currently you can specify the size of the plot and the time span, but
many other options are still hard coded. Over time a few more display and data
processing options will be supported.
While my day gig involves writing code for USGS, I have done this on my own time building on publicly available code. I'm still adding features, but I can't make any promises about how quickly work on this app will progress.
You can download the tester at:
https://github.com/tparker-usgs/swarmPlotter/releases/download/V1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/swarmPlotter.jarSome example command lines and resulting plots are below. The commands use relative times to produce plots of current data, however a specific time span can also be provided in yyyyMMddHHmm-yyyyMMddHHmm format if there's a specific time you want to plot. Each of the commands includes the station code for my shake. You'll need to replace that with your station code.
Hope this is useful to someone.
Helicorder for the past 24 hours:
java -jar swarmPlotter.jar -p heli -t -24h -c R99CF_SHZ_AM_00 -s wws:raspberryshake.local:16032 -z US/Alaska heli.png

Waveform for past 10 minutes:
java -jar swarmPlotter.jar -p wave -t -10i -c R99CF_SHZ_AM_00 -s wws:raspberryshake.local:16032 -z US/Alaska wave.png
Spectrogram for past 10 minutes:
java -jar swarmPlotter.jar -p spectrogram --spectrogramWave -t -10i -c R99CF_SHZ_AM_00 -s wws:raspberryshake.local:16032 -z US/Alaska spectrogram.png