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Publishing raspberry shake output on a personal web page

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Sep 4, 2017, 5:26:43 PM9/4/17
to RaspberryShake
Hi all

There have been various conversations about publishing raspberry shake output on personal web pages.  There have been some really good suggestions about the use of the obspy python software.  This is obviously a powerful toolkit which I think is especially useful if your web page is being hosted locally.  I thought I would share another approach which I have been working on.

I should acknowledge up front, that my approach has been largely inspired by the fantastic Android EQInfo App.  I bought cheap Android tablet specifically so I could use this application.  It is well designed and has some great features.  I live in a geologically quiet location (Brisbane Australia ).  So the most likely seismic activity I can pick up, above background noise, is related to large overseas quakes.  For that reason there is not much point displaying a continuous feed. It is most interesting to look at when it has picked up a large OS quake.

You can view my site at:  It is part of a small site which publishes weather information recorded at home.

As you can see it is built in PHP.  The quakes page has two panels.  The left panel lists quakes recorded in the last 60 days which, based on their location and magnitude, are likely to have being picked up by my Raspberry Shake.  This is using the US Geological Survey FDSN restful web services feed. I am using CURL to fetch all recent recordings worldwide with a magnitude > 5.  I am storing this in a mysql db and using a mysql query with appropriate filters to select the quakes that I think may show up at home.

The right panel uses the raspberry shake FDSN web service to fetch the recording from the raspberryshake FDSN server.  (For details see 

To fetch and display the seismic record I am using the javascript library published on github by Philip Crotwell. (I was quite delighted when I found this library, even more delighted when I got it to work).  (Might be useful to add this to the tools4programmers section of the user guide)

To keep things simple, I have used a bit of a shortcut to calculate the time of arrival.  (apologies to professionals who may consider my approach a bit of a hack).

I used a commonly available table which sets angular distance against time of arrival for the P wave.  I then used Excel to get a best fit equation for the curve (I used a third order polynomial which had a R^2 value of 0.9997).

To fetch the correct time window I first calculate the angular distance between the earthquake location and my location.  I then use the equation to calculate the expected time of arrival.  I add a 60 second offset and display a 10 minute window. (So there is no theoretical foundation to the equation - but it is easier then doing a lookup which seems to be what other sites work on). 

To illustrate how easy it is to use the JS library.  The following snippet is dyamically added to the page when a quake is selected (and then the JS called):

<div class='myseisplot' net='AM' sta='R9A9D' loc='00' chan='SHZ' duration='600'  host=''  start='$start'></div>

(where $start is the start date / time for the plot)

There is obviously a lot of things that could be done with this site.  I would love to be able to apply a frequency filter to the output, but haven't had a chance to investigate options for doing this.  My site is hosted by an ISP that supports PHP, but I don't think they support python.  Hence one of the drivers for taking the approach I have. I think the way I call the JS function is a bit clumsy and could be a lot more elegant.

My code is a bit rough, but I am happy to share any of it if anybody is interested.  Thanks again to the Raspberry Shake team at OSOP and gempa GmbH.  Thanks also to Philip Crotwell for publishing his JS library and making it available for use.


Branden Christensen

Sep 4, 2017, 5:36:47 PM9/4/17
to RaspberryShake

To fetch and display the seismic record I am using the javascript library published on github by Philip Crotwell. (I was quite delighted when I found this library, even more delighted when I got it to work).  (Might be useful to add this to the tools4programmers section of the user guide)


There is obviously a lot of things that could be done with this site.  I would love to be able to apply a frequency filter to the output, but haven't had a chance to investigate options for doing this.  My site is hosted by an ISP that supports PHP, but I don't think they support python.  Hence one of the drivers for taking the approach I have. I think the way I call the JS function is a bit clumsy and could be a lot more elegant.

Feel free to share the source code at the Raspberry Shake Community's GitHub account and maybe someone will implement it for you!

My code is a bit rough, but I am happy to share any of it if anybody is interested.  Thanks again to the Raspberry Shake team at OSOP and gempa GmbH.  Thanks also to Philip Crotwell for publishing his JS library and making it available for use.

And thank you for this stellar contribution!


Tim Grimes

Sep 4, 2017, 10:49:52 PM9/4/17
to RaspberryShake
This is great, I'd love to play around with the code to see what I can do for my website.

paul denton

Sep 5, 2017, 4:58:47 AM9/5/17
to RaspberryShake
I love what you have done with the website ... will definately look into Crotwell js code ... (your webpage on tablets which a huge plus !)

If you want a more accurate way of getting traveltimes without using python can I suggest looking at the IRIS webservices distaz for calculating epicentral distances  
and traveltime for calculating traveltimes (should also give you enough information to add theoretical arrival times to your website plots ) 

keep up the great work ! 
paul denton 
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Sep 5, 2017, 3:31:07 PM9/5/17
to RaspberryShake
Hi Tim

I have zipped up the relevant parts of my site.  I tried to add the zip file here, but google didn't want to load it.

Instead, I have added it as a download on my links page:

I would love to see what you decide to do with it.  Good luck.



Sep 5, 2017, 3:34:00 PM9/5/17
to RaspberryShake

Thanks for the feedback and thanks for the advice on using the IRIS web service to fetch travel times.  I wasn't aware this was available.  Would have been a lot faster journey!



Philip Crotwell

Sep 5, 2017, 4:42:17 PM9/5/17
to RaspberryShake


Glad to hear my code is useful. While using the seisplotjs-waveformplot
directly as you have is likely the easiest, you may wish to use seisplotjs,
which is a umbrella project that pulls in seisplotjs-waveformplot plus lots
of other useful things and so would be easier if you want to do more
advanced things like filtering within your own javascript code.

Also included in this (and available separately) is seisplotjs-filter for
basic waveform filtering, and seisplotjs-traveltime that queries the IRIS
traveltime web service (which internally uses my java travel time
calculator, TauP) as well as seisplotjs-distaz which will do the spherical
distance calculations without a web call and seisplotjs-fdsnevent that
queries a web service for event parameters. There are others as well, so
anything in my github that starts with "seisplotjs-" is (or will be) part
of this. Here are a bunch of links for your clicking pleasure...

Also some of the examples that may be useful are here. This should be the
same as the corresponding github code, just with the dependencies and so

All free for reuse, but under active development so expect missing
documentation, wrong examples and probably lots of changes as I improve it,
:) but I hope it will be useful. The goal is to eventually be able to do
basic seismic data processing in the browser without relying on any
server-side coding.

Comments welcome.


Ben Orchard

Sep 5, 2017, 5:52:03 PM9/5/17
to RaspberryShake
All, Thanks so much for all this code and pointers.

I run my own webserver on the same network as my RaspberryShake and so my end goal is to get live plots/data on my website.
We have spent hours (and hours) working at different libraries to try and get this live plot happening.
Nothing so far.

That said, thanks again to the entire community for where we are so far - I think this sort of community driven exploration is just fantastic.




Sep 11, 2017, 12:49:32 AM9/11/17
to RaspberryShake
 Thanks for your code, Gerard.
I could not get my browserify to work properly, so I tried your bundle.js and it works!!

Now I can have fun configuring a webpage that will display any instrument for any date.



Sep 22, 2017, 12:08:38 PM9/22/17
to RaspberryShake

I am struggling to get this to work - how to I create the sql tables that are required on my website




Sep 22, 2017, 10:34:22 PM9/22/17
to RaspberryShake
Hi Graham

Your ISP will need to support both PHP and MySQL.  You could use some other relational database (eg. Postgres) but the syntax of my code was designed to work with MySQL.

If you have access to both PHP and MySQL, then you could install phpmyadmin.  Depending on how you installed your web server in your local environment, this may already be in your stack.  (I had to install it locally, but my ISP uses cPanel as the web admin tool and this includes phpmyadmin).  In which case you can run the CREATE TABLE sql script which is included in my set of files that I zipped (create-tblshakes.sql).  There is only one table required.

I noticed after writing this code that the function I am using to escape parameters before including in the SQL statements: mysql_escape_string() has been deprecated in later versions of PHP.  This may cause problems depending on your PHP version.  Rather then escaping parameters and parsing into the SQL statement the recommended approach these days is to use PREPARE statements.  I am afraid I am a bit of a dinosaur and haven't managed to update myself (or my code).  I do need to update my code, but I am back at work now from my holidays, and I am not sure when that is likely to happen.

You could also skip the database component all together, and just display the list of events fetched from the FDSN web service, without saving it to the local DB.  The main advantage of saving the events locally was that it was easy to then craft and experiment with a SQL WHERE clause to fetch the records I wanted to display.  I also had in mind that in future I might also store the trace against each event to avoid constant calls to the web service.  However, given you are struggling with making sql work, this may be a good approach.


Tim Grimes

Sep 23, 2017, 6:26:50 PM9/23/17
Thanks you for the script, I was able to incorporate it into my website here

This works great in Chrome but the waveform will not load in IE11. Unfortunately I need to use IE11.

Has anyone gotten this script working in IE11 or know how to fix it?


Sep 24, 2017, 8:44:33 AM9/24/17
to RaspberryShake
Hi Tim

You have a great site with a lot of data.  The site seems to work OK in Microsoft Edge.  However there seems to be a script error in IE11 (Developer Mode > Console) (on my site as well).

SCRIPT438: : Object doesn't support property or method 'endsWith'

I am not in a position to follow this up tonight.  However, dropping that error into google does seem to come up with some hopeful leads.  IE11 is obviously triggering a JS error, so it might be in the seisplotjs-waveformplot library. 

Let us know how you go.



Sep 24, 2017, 9:57:21 AM9/24/17
Hi Tim

Have you got this working on Windows 10

I am having great trouble trying to get this to work - Gerard has been absolutely brilliant with his help but I still cant get it to work
I get the following errors

Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in C:\Tools\wamp64\www\earthquakes\quakes.php on line 60

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in C:\Tools\wamp64\www\earthquakes\quakes.php on line 60

Warning: mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in C:\Tools\wamp64\www\earthquakes\quakes.php on line 117

Notice: Undefined variable: id in C:\Tools\wamp64\www\earthquakes\quakes.php on line 145

Is there any chance you could send me your php files



Philip Crotwell

Sep 24, 2017, 6:56:49 PM9/24/17

I do not use IE, so not sure if this will fix all of your issues, but
I think adding this polyfill will take care of at least the "endsWith"
error. Just add this before any other <script> tags so it executes

<script src=""></script>

More info is here:
and here:
where down at the bottom it says that IE doesn't support this functions.

I will look into how best to include this is seisplotjs when I get a chance.

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Tim Grimes

Sep 27, 2017, 1:45:18 PM9/27/17
to RaspberryShake
Thanks Philip, the polyfill script worked.


Tim Grimes

Oct 9, 2017, 9:39:05 PM10/9/17
to RaspberryShake
I captured my first decent local quake using this script. :)


Oct 9, 2017, 10:22:37 PM10/9/17
to RaspberryShake
Wow.  That is very impressive Tim.


Angel Rodriguez

Oct 10, 2017, 8:33:26 AM10/10/17

That is great.  I clearly remember the day I caught my first quake. 


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On Mon, Oct 9, 2017 at 8:39 PM, Tim Grimes <> wrote:
I captured my first decent local quake using this script. :)

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Tim Grimes

Dec 27, 2017, 2:05:06 PM12/27/17
to RaspberryShake
I noticed the wave form no longer shows in this script.

   Anyone know what changed and how to fix it? 


Dec 27, 2017, 2:51:24 PM12/27/17
to RaspberryShake
the problem seems to be with the Java Script and ''  server
See other thread on fdsnws problems.
So far only direct web access and obspy seem to access the data.

IMO, fix can only come from OSOP


Dec 29, 2017, 1:22:57 AM12/29/17
to RaspberryShake
Tim, I just published my fix on another thread.  It is short so I will repeat it here:

I updated the function createPlotsBySelector() in bundle.js to hardwire the protocol to https.

In my case I changed line 21412 in bundle.js:

var protocol  = 'https:';

(note that if you are building this file via browserfy/npm it may be a different line number)

And everything seemed to work OK.


Tim Grimes

Dec 29, 2017, 7:43:35 AM12/29/17
to RaspberryShake
Thanks, that worked. :)

Alan Pointing

Jan 5, 2018, 4:06:44 PM1/5/18
to RaspberryShake



Being in an intra-plate area, most of the earthquakes I can detect on my Raspberry Shake are regional and teleseismic events, hence a filtered waveform is important to remove cultural noise.


With this in mind, I have modified the code for Gerard’s personal webpage, to show a filtered waveform underneath the raw waveform. The filter uses the code that Philip Crotwell describes in this post.


For example the attached screen shot shows a 6.5 event that can't be identified on the raw waveform, but can be seen on the filtered waveform.


I have uploaded the instructions to update Gerard’s and Philip’s code to the github site:


I am not a programmer, so the modifications might not be very elegant, but it seems to work. Thanks to Gerard and Philip for providing the base code.

Regards, Alan


Branden Christensen

Jan 6, 2018, 7:30:54 AM1/6/18
to RaspberryShake

This is a really stellar contribution. Thank you for sharing it in the public github repo of the raspishake project. 


Branden Christensen
Director, OSOP & Gempa GeoServices
Director, Raspberry Shake project, Social Media: @raspishake

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Jan 9, 2018, 8:01:13 AM1/9/18
to RaspberryShake
Alan I am very impressed, this is great. I look forward to using your contribution to update my code.



Apr 1, 2018, 8:40:45 AM4/1/18
to RaspberryShake

To fetch and display the seismic record I am using the javascript library published on github by Philip Crotwell. (I was quite delighted when I found this library, even more delighted when I got it to work).  (Might be useful to add this to the tools4programmers section of the user guide)

Gerard, you are using a bundle.js, what it included? I assume you have Philip Crotwells particleMotion.js, util.js and Waveformplot.js. but it seem to be much more in the file. What other libraries have you put in?

Have a nice day 
Truls Cronberg


Apr 1, 2018, 9:19:57 AM4/1/18
to RaspberryShake

Is there an official link to get a list of all the online RS stations?


Apr 1, 2018, 12:47:36 PM4/1/18
to RaspberryShake

I find the web programs as Alan, Philip and Gerard has created as very interesting and good. I find many problems with the code, though.

Each time I click on a EQ the bundle.js is reloaded and run. The reloading takes about 2s. The reason is how is how the application finds the what station and time to show. It does this by reloading the bundle.js as is set to automatically find all divs with "class='myseisplot'".

If Gerard in fetchPlot.php could use  "createPlotsBySelector(div.myseisplot)" instead of reloading the bundle.js, the redrawing will be 2s faster. Or if the bundle.js did not contained 22000 rows of could. In other words, by bundling many libraries to one file does in this case make the application slower.  There is no reason to reload all code every time. 

We can increase the speed by about 0.7s more if Philip change how the data information about the station and the time period is found but the seisplot application. As it is now. I has to be save the information in an div. To be able to do that, Gerard has to run a php script saving the information in html and load it to the webpage. That takes about 0.7s.  If Seisplot had  function  like createPlotSeismogram( the information needed) then the need to call fetchPlot.php would not be needed. And actually only javascript would be needed.

Recent significant EQ
To get the list of all significant EQ, Gerards php is importing it from the Internet, saving it in a MySQL database, and then reading back a filtered list. I have made a version where I filtered with out saving it on MySQL. In that way have reduce the time from 0.9s to 0.3s to download index.php and I don't need MySQl at all. My intention is to change the code to javascript. In that way don't need php on the server. If a webpage is ".html" file instead ".php" the page will load at least 10 times faster. But again the problem is to send draw seismograph straight from javascript without not need to save the data via html code.

I have not been able to figure out what really happening when Alan i filtering the graphs. I am just confused with all the different files.

Have a nice day,
Truls Cronberg

Branden Christensen

Apr 1, 2018, 5:46:08 PM4/1/18
to RaspberryShake
Hi Truls:

Buenas noches. 

You could use the station-select FDSNWS feature:


Branden Christensen
Director, OSOP & Gempa GeoServices
Director, Raspberry Shake project, Social Media: @raspishake

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Philip Crotwell

Apr 1, 2018, 6:23:52 PM4/1/18


The plotting via the createPlotsBySelector is a convience, but not particularly efficient. It is better to make use of seisplotjs within your own code to get the events, stations and seismograms you want. A better example might be this that I showed at a recent conference. Not intended to be particularly pretty, but is functional.

I am working on more documentation and better examples which should help.


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