Iframe scrolling issue

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Feb 7, 2012, 1:38:25 PM2/7/12
to raple...@googlegroups.com
I am currently working on a raplet. I use an iframe because I do ajax calls from within the raplet. I have a vertical scrollbar for my iframe as the contents of my raplet can vary in size. But I notice that when the browser window is minimized the raplet framework puts another scrollbar for the div that surrounds my raplet. So, there are 2 vertical scrollbars overlapping each other. Is there a way to get around this?

Also is there a vertical height limit for a raplet? Because the raplet I am developing is for a crm and it displays the contact info, tasks, events, opportunities,etc. So, the raplet needs more real estate.

Martin Kleppmann

Feb 9, 2012, 3:40:22 AM2/9/12
to raple...@googlegroups.com
Hey Sharath,

Thanks for your email. I've added an option with which you can disable
the automatic scrolling: just include a scrollable:false property in
your JSONP response, alongside the html, css and js properties. (Make
sure you reload your Gmail tab so that you have the latest version of
the Rapportive code.) This will also remove the height limit, although
I should warn that if the sidebar gets much taller than your screen,
the user experience suffers.

Is this raplet just for your internal use, or were you planning to get
it added to the official raplets gallery? I ask because we are not
keen on very tall raplets in the gallery; we prefer to break tall
things into several smaller sections, so that the user can zoom in on
the things they are most interested in. Of course, if it's just for
your own use, you can design it in whatever way you want :-)


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