iFrames in a Raplet?

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Solomon Bisker

Sep 16, 2011, 2:53:58 PM9/16/11
to Raplet developer discussion list
Hi Rapportive -

We're toying with designs for a raplet, and we were wondering - is it
ok if we use an iframe in our Raplet code that links back to our
servers? Thanks!

Solomon Bisker

Martin Kleppmann

Sep 19, 2011, 2:21:31 PM9/19/11
to raple...@googlegroups.com
Hi Solomon,

Yes, using an iframe is absolutely fine — it's a great way to simplify
things for yourself, because within the iframe you can use regular old
forms and Ajax requests to your servers, without having to worry about
jsonp and tokens.

The main downside of iframes is that you have to choose a fixed width
and height in advance, and they don't easily adapt to content which
varies in size for different contacts. There are hacks to get around
this (by using postMessage to send height change requests from the
iframe to the surrounding window) but it's not entirely

Does that help?


Martin Kleppmann
Co-founder, Rapportive

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