Fwd: [WAW-PSYCHOANALYSIS] Sad news - David Wolitzky, Ph.D.

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rebecca curtis

Apr 29, 2024, 2:22:51 PM4/29/24
to IARPP Membership Listerv, Rapaport-Klein Study Group

Mailing address: 3613 Bayview Rd., Coconut Grove, Fl (US) 3133.  Phone and Facetime are  917-836-1239.  Landline that does not receive texts is 786-616-8947.

I am on a large number of lists that send out large quantities of emails each day, so I MAY MISS YOUR EMAIL.  Email me again or call.
Rebecca Coleman Curtis, Ph.D.
Professor Emerita of Psychology, Adelphi University & Faculty, WA White Institute

Editor (Belonging Through  Psychoanalytic Lens).  New York: Routledge.

Editor (with B. Willock & I. Sapountzis) (2019). On Knowing and Being Known.  New York: Routledge.
Author "Desire, Self, Mind and the Psychotherapies:  Unifying Psychological Science and Psychoanalysis" Jason Aronson   Goethe Award Finalist 2009 William James Award Nominee 
www.adelphi.edu (faculty profiles)

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ernesto Mujica, Ph.D. <e...@psychoanalysistoday.com>
Date: Fri, Apr 26, 2024 at 12:25 AM
Subject: [WAW-PSYCHOANALYSIS] Sad news - David Wolitzky, Ph.D.
To: <WAW-PSYCH...@peach.ease.lsoft.com>

Forwarded message:

From: Rachel Wolitzky
Date: April 25, 2024 at 9:43:46 PM EDT
Subject: Sad news - David Wolitzky

Dearest Family and Friends,

As some of you may already know, after many years of managing cancer and other health challenges, our father David Wolitzky passed away early this morning. He fought hard for so long to have more time with us and we are grateful for every moment. He left the world as peacefully as possible and we are very glad that we and our mother April were able to be with him constantly in his final days, holding his hand til the very end. 

The funeral service will be held this Sunday, April 28th at 10:30am at Riverside Memorial Chapel - 180 W 76th Street, New York, NY 10023.

There will be a livestream from the chapel for those that cannot be there in person. Here is the link: David Wolitzky | Legacy Celebrated 

For those wishing to attend the burial, it will take place immediately following the service at Mount Hope Cemetery - 50 Jackson Ave, Hastings-On-Hudson, NY 10706. After the service, there will be a procession for cars outside Riverside Chapel, or you can meet there.

We will follow up with shiva timing and details.

We know that you will all be with us in spirit even if you are not able to be physically present on Sunday. Please know how much your love and support mean to our family now and always. 

All of our love,

Rachel and Sara 

ps- Please forward this email to anyone you think might like to attend, in our haste we may have missed a few email addresses or not had the correct contact information. 

Ernesto Mujica, Ph.D.
20 West 86th Street
New York, NY   10024
Tel: (212) 721-0369

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