Rangy serializer cross browser between IE, Webkit and Firefox

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Jeff Baker

Sep 26, 2013, 6:27:13 PM9/26/13
to ra...@googlegroups.com

I have created serialize/deserialize functions for Rangy that gives the same serialization between IE <= 8, IE 9, Webkit (Chrome, Safari, iPhone) and Firefox.  It seems to work in the testing I have done.  The two functions have comments explaining what they do.  You can serialize a range in IE and it should be able to deserialize in Chrome, etc. It has worked so far in multiple pages that I have tested.

It basically counts through all elements on the page or in the rootNode provided and skips the elements that are not compatible between the browsers or that have an emtpy innerHTML.  The incompatible elements are title tags and comment tags and some tags with empty innerHTML.

The serialized range that is returned is seperated by commas and contains this data: startCharacter, endCharacter, startElement, endElement, startTextNode, endTextNode.
So 0,26,333,333,0,0 would be the 0th or 1st character hightlighted to the 26th character highlighted, in the 333 HTML element (not counting incompatible elements) starting and ending in the first text node in the element (or text node 0).

function cb_deserializeRange(serialized, rootNode)
/* cross browser deserializeRange function */
if (!rootNode)
rootNode = document.body;
/* serialized is start, end, startNode, endNode */
var serial_parts = serialized.split(","); // split serialized parts by ,
var range_to_return = rangy.createRange();
var compatible_elements = 0; // Num of compatible elements with all browsers
var startNode, endNode;
var the_tags = "";
var all_elements = rootNode.getElementsByTagName("*");
// Cycle through all elements until startNode element
for (var i=0; i < all_elements.length; i++) 
/* IE includes comment elements (nodeType == 8) but excludes any blank HTML tags except BR??
Webkit & FF excludes comment elements but includes blank or empty HTML tags
Webkit & FF includes the TITLE tag but IE excludes it
if (!all_elements[i].innerHTML.match(/^\s*?$/) && all_elements[i].nodeName.toLowerCase() != "title" && all_elements[i].nodeType != 8)
the_tags += i+":"+all_elements[i].nodeName+". ";
if (compatible_elements == parseInt(serial_parts[2])) // This is the start node we are looking for
startNode = all_elements[i];
if (endNode)
if (compatible_elements == parseInt(serial_parts[3])) // This is the end node we are looking for
endNode = all_elements[i];
if (startNode)
if(startNode && endNode)
startNode = startNode.childNodes[serial_parts[4]]; // set the text node start
endNode = endNode.childNodes[serial_parts[5]]; // set the text node of end
range_to_return.setStart(startNode, parseInt(serial_parts[0]));
range_to_return.setEnd(endNode, parseInt(serial_parts[1]));
return range_to_return;

} // end function cb_deserializeRange(serialized, rootNode)

function cb_serializeRange(range, rootNode)
/* cross browser serializeRange function */
if (!rootNode)
rootNode = document.body;
var startPos = range.startOffset;
var endPos = range.endOffset;
    var startNode = range.startContainer.parentNode; // Element containing start character
var endNode = range.endContainer.parentNode; // Element containing end character
var the_tags = "";
var compatible_elements = 0; // Num of compatible elements with all browsers
var all_elements = rootNode.getElementsByTagName("*");
// Cycle through all elements until startNode element
for (var i=0; i < all_elements.length; i++) 
/* IE includes comment elements (nodeType == 8) but excludes any blank HTML tags except BR??
Webkit & FF excludes comment elements but includes blank or empty HTML tags
Webkit & FF includes the TITLE tag but IE excludes it
if (!all_elements[i].innerHTML.match(/^\s*?$/) && all_elements[i].nodeName.toLowerCase() != "title" && all_elements[i].nodeType != 8)
the_tags += i+":"+all_elements[i].nodeName+". ";
if (all_elements[i] == startNode) // startNode we are looking for 
var startNodePos = compatible_elements;
if (typeof endNodePos != "undefined")
if (all_elements[i] == endNode) // endNode we are looking for
var endNodePos = compatible_elements;
if (typeof startNodePos != "undefined")
// We need to get the correct text node in the parentNode of startNode
for (var i = 0; i < startNode.childNodes.length; i++)
//if(startNode.childNodes[i].nodeType == 3)
if (startNode.childNodes[i] == range.startContainer)
var startTextNode = i;
// We need to get the correct text node in the parentNode of endNode
for (var i = 0; i < endNode.childNodes.length; i++)
//if(endNode.childNodes[i].nodeType == 3)
if (endNode.childNodes[i] == range.endContainer)
var endTextNode = i;
if (typeof startNodePos == "undefined")
startNodePos = endNodePos;
var serialized = parseInt(startPos)+","+parseInt(endPos)+","+parseInt(startNodePos)+","+parseInt(endNodePos)+
return serialized;

} // end function cb_serializeRange(range, rootNode)

Dmitriy Myshkin

Sep 26, 2013, 6:39:35 PM9/26/13
to ra...@googlegroups.com

thanks so much for your replies about the Safari issue. I was trying to implement my own highlighter, it had numerous problems, when I used your highlighter module everything seemed to work OK on iOS Safari. I have a very, very complicated setup, it's a PhoneGap iOS app which wraps an angular.js mobile reader, so there is a lot of stuff going on and hard to debug. Angular does not play well with others!


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