Pier Review 200k ACP Brevet on 1/21/2023

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Stacy Kline

Jan 22, 2023, 11:16:41 PM1/22/23
to PCH Randos, randon subscribers
Hello PCH Randonneur & RUSA Family!

We had a spectacular showing on Saturday's PCH Randonneurs Pier Review 200k ACP Brevet with 30 cyclists riding out on an extremely chilly morning, with 28 finishers and two DNFs due to major mechanical issues. Randonneurs from as far away as Washington, Alaska, New Jersey, and New York joined this brevet. Special thanks to Greg Kline for designing this lovely and scenic route!

Unbelievably, the weather cooperated in spite of temps in the 30s for the morning, with light winds and a screaming tailwind home from the Queen Mary in Long Beach! The visibility was extraordinary on Saturday, which was fantastic for a ride with mountain and ocean views for its entirety. In addition to Santa Catalina Island, we could also see San Clemente and Santa Barbara Islands, 40 miles offshore!

Check out the photos from the ride here:

Greg and I are so very proud of everyone on this ride. Some cyclists rode super fast, many of them struggled with major mechanical issues, most met someone new to ride with, others were on their first or second 200k, so many wonderful stories!

The Tough Cyclist of the Brevet Award goes to Peg Miller and Pete Eade. Both rode with major mechanicals and neither would quit until their wheels could no longer physically turn, requiring a 1.5 mile walk to a safe place to get a ride home. Major props to you both. Can't wait to see you both rock PBP in 2023! 💪

The Spirit of Randonneuring Award goes to Jeff & Lori Arita with their Roadside Randonneuring Service to assist Peg Miller with repairing her mangled derailleur. The repair lasted until almost the end of the ride. This is what randonneuring is all about, camaraderie and self-sufficiency!

We had one teenager on the route, the amazing Connor Klies flew from Seattle with his pop, Paul Klies, arriving at LAX at 8pm the evening before the ride. Fantastic ride Connor & Paul!

We had several first time randonneurs on the ride, all of whom were unbelievably strong cyclists, coping with major mechanicals or 10 bonus miles due to GPS issues. 🙌

Congrats to our newest randonneurs, I can't believe RUSA IDs are in the 15,000 range now, that's 10,000 more randonneurs than when Greg and I started in 2010! 😮

Please check out the PCH Randonneurs Wool Jersey Order:

Please consider joining us on our PCH Randonneurs 300k ACP ride "C'est Parti" on February 18, 2023. It is another scenic route covering much of the same ground as this route.

Major thanks to our riders for keeping us posted about their ride. They made it easy to ride sweep and keep track of everyone throughout the day!

Allons-y! C'est Parti!

Stacy & Greg Kline
Stacy's Ride Report on Strava: https://www.strava.com/activities/8431446229
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