Clip-on mini aero bars: thoughts, recommendations?

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Lin Osborne

Oct 30, 2023, 9:36:15 PM10/30/23
to US Randons
Hi all,

For those who use clip-on mini aero bars ("draft legal", permitted on brevets, etc) on brevets and other road cycling events, what have been your experiences?  I periodically toy with the idea but haven't used them.  My priorities would be ability to adjust height (via riser kit), low(ish) weight, ease of installation/removal, and "doesn't too badly mess with handling/steering." 

If this is worth pursuing, what makes/models should I consider?


Oct 31, 2023, 2:25:00 PM10/31/23
to randon
I used regular Profile Design clipons for PBP this year and throughout the past 2 years.  They're far more comfortable than the UTI legal ones and I find them safer (personally) because you're able to be a bit more stable on them.  Profile design makes good ones with both compatible spacer kits as well as good comfortable arm pads.
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